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Hogwarts Will Always Be Home (BiancoangelloXShuPhoenix)

Imelda cheered along with everyone else, trying to decide whether she found Krum's performance impressive or not. She stared at the egg wondering what exactly they were to do with it once they caught it. It was beautiful and she wished she had it. She cheered even louder when Cedric beat his Swedish Short Snout, waving a hogwarts banner she had enchanted so that the badger and lion were dueling.
"I think it's Potter who's up next... that will be interesting.." He says as if he knew Harry would fail horribly. "I hear his dragon is the worst of them all too. Look here he comes"


Imelda got to her feet, cheering deafeningly for Harry to beat the Horntail. She knew via Hagrid that the Hungarian Horntail was by far the most deadly, especially when protecting it's young. It didn't look as though Harry would make it at several points and an anxious look spread across Imelda's pleasant features several times, changing to pure relief when he finally succeeded. "Go Harry!" She yelled, jumping up and down on the spot and waving her banner.
As Angello sees Harry fly away with his broom he frowns "hey isnt that illegal?" He watches surprised as the dragon frees himself and flies after him. "Well... that's not good..." Suddenly they are lost from site and Angello wanders what is going and if he is ever coming back.
Imelda didn't say anything, nor did anyone else until Harry reappeared, swooping down and catching the egg to deafening cheers. Without thinking Imelda turned and hugged Angello. "He didn't die!" She exclaimed, ecstatic.
Angello stays stiff as a trees bark as Imelda hugs him and even blushes to a certain point. "Ehem.. yeah... I'm sure Gryffindor will have a party in the common room tonight..." He looks at the egg he is holding with the strange design on top wandering what kind of clue it is supposed to be. "I really wonder what the next task will be... You know i've heard that in past tri wizards competition they have used people close to the contenders. Apparently the tasks have no limits..."
Imelda let go of him and picked up her banner again, waving it emphatically. "How do you know so much about it?" She asked over the roar of the crowd.
"Well... you know I have an affinity for books. It's in the history of magic" He says looking back at her with a smile like she should know this of him already." I think they will be emptying the stadium soon. Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have much to celebrate. Stay away from Potter while the competition goes on. Just an advice" He says smiling. Angello was thinking about how nothing seemed out of order after the obvious fact that Harry should never had been competing in the Tri wizard event.
Imelda smiled as she filed out of the stadium with the others. "I can't promise you I won't hang around with Harry. He is my friend after all, but I suppose I'll watch my back." With that she ran over to Ron and Hermione to talk about the task. The second task wouldn't be until after Christmas so there was a while to go.
Angello smiles as he sees her walk away thinking that hes proud that he finally made a friend. He goes back to his dorm to study on his book and finds about a particular thing Grindelwald was working on, flight without the need of a broomstick. His eyes widen as this was the biggest thing his book had taught him. Apparently Grindelwald didn't master it but had some good hints about it. Angello knew that in the next days he would be working on this himself.
For the next few days, all anyone was talking about was the next Triwizard task and the upcoming Yule ball and who they were going to take. the third years and under simply complained that they couldn't go to the ball at all. Imelda spent most of her time outside of classes turning down invites to the ball from various admirers. She liked being a well liked student, but at times it was simply irritating.
Angello notices Imelda in the distance turning down invitation and shyly approaches you "h-hey Imelda... I see you are doing well in the social department" referring to the several people waiting to speak to her. Are you excited for the next task? Have you heard anything about it? As a Slytherin im afraid im not very well informed on such events since no one in my house is participating
Imelda seemed glad of an excuse to dismiss Seamus Finnigan and Cormac McLaggen who were hovering near her. "Hi Angello, let's go talk somewhere else.." She politely dismissed herself from the conversation and gestured for Angello to follow her to the library to talk.
Virgil smiled as he followed you gladly "Need to pick some books?" He said with a glad tone hoping that he could help her out in finding what she needed. He spots Harry in a table far away with Neville Longbottom, he wonders why he is even there. "Ummm so... have you heard anything from Harry? You seem a little stressed... are you ok?
Imelda glanced over at Harry and then at the shelf of books, "well, I do need to find a book about goblin rebellions, but what's more important is that Harry figured out the next task. When I asked what it was he couldn't tell me of course, so then I worked my charm on Cedric Diggory and got him to tell me. It's something to do with the Great Lake and merpeople." She spoke in a hushed tone and ignored his last question about her wellbeing.
"Oh there's a section on old Daily Prophet newspaper that mention them a lot. Maybe that could help you!" He said glad that he actually had an answer for her. "wait... did you say merpeople?!" He said as his look widen surprised.
"Yes, merpeople. I didn't even know there were merpeople in the great lake, but apparently so. Perhaps he has to defeat them or something." she speculated.
It seemed too suspicious for Angello. A normal person had no chance underwater against merpeople. How would they use their wand properly and effectively? He decided to let it go "Hey Imelda... I never asked... what profession will you follow after Hogwarts..?"
Imelda looked up from the book she had found on goblin rebellions of the seventeenth century and spoke with absolute certainty. "I want to be an auror. I'm getting the grades for it. I hope I can keep it up next year in our O.W.Ls." She then looked at him with her head tilted to one side slightly and a curious expression. "What do you want to do?"
Angello looks at the table thinking that even he had not given it much thought. "I... don't really know..." His only interest was in becoming the next magnificent wizard and innovate magic as it is. "I just want to become the best wizard there is... I don't think there is a profession for that though.."
Imelda smiled a warm smile and nudged him playfully, "Well with all the reading you do, I'm pretty sure you can be a great wizard. Perhaps you could get a prestigious job at the ministry? It's hard to do unless you're Percy Weasley who just sucks up to the staff, but I bet you could do it." She encouraged, which was the most natural thing for her to do as she was always naturally encouraging.
"I don't know if the ministry would be happy with someone like me..." He said judging himself for his father's past sins "I already told you how my father used to be in Grindelwald's army. He has been in close watch of the ministry specially since all the strange things that have happened around Hogwarts started. They are afraid he might turn evil again since he has a bit of a political power." His voice can be felt a bit heavy with fear as he speaks about his father.
Imelda frowned slightly and folded her arms. "Angello, if they could let an ex death eater run a school I'm sure you could work for the ministry. Besides, Lucius Malfoy works there, need I say more?"
"And that is an example of the ministrys mistakes... Lucius malfoy seriously? " then the bells rang. "Hey i gotta go back to the dorms and do some homework. Its almost time for the second task and the ball. I dont which one has me more excited.." He said sarcastly because of the ball

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