• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom ๐‡๐จ๐ ๐ฐ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ฌ: ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐’๐ญ๐ฎ๐๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ฌ



falling for youโ„ข
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


    created by social

โ… .





coded by social (inspo cred. mortemdocs)

*NOTE: Be mindful of keeping things balanced. I will not accept an all-female cast. Sorry!
Full Name.
Nicknames. If applicable
Age. 17-18
Species. If not human
Role. If using/replacing canon character

Blood Status.
Wand. Accepted cores include: Phoenix Feather (uncommon), Dragon Heartstring (common), Unicorn Hair (common), Veela Hair (rare), Troll Whisker (rare). All wand woods must be CANON woods.
Pet. Optional. Accepted pets include: Cats, owls, small birds, toads, and rodents
Club(s). Optional. (Available Clubs: Magical Creatures, Potions, Dueling, Quidditch, Slug Club, Charms, Nosy Niffler (Student Newspaper), Astronomy, Choir)
Affiliation(s). Optional. All affiliation with the Order will be unofficial for students as they are technically not publically active, nor recruiting. Death Eaters can have active members but that means successfully hiding the dark mark. Unofficial Death Eaters are accepted as well.

Appearance Description. You can opt out of this and simply fill out the information listed below!
Distinguishing Features.
Face Claim. Realistic only! No deceased face claims, please

Personality. Can be written in paragraph form OR can be listed out as vices/virtues (4+ each).


Backstory. Can be written out in paragraph form or bullet points. Must cover childhood to the present day.
Miscellaneous. Any extra information you'd like to add! Not required!

โ€ข What's your favorite trolley snack?
โ€ข Who will win the Quidditch Cup this year?
โ€ข What house throws the best parties? "
โ€ข Who is your favorite professor?
โ€ข What is your favorite class?
โ€ข What is your favorite holiday?
โ€ข What do you think about the upcoming war?
โ€ข Do you believe in the Chosen One?
โ€ข What are your thoughts on blood purity?
โ€ข What do you think about Death Eaters?
โ€ข What are your opinions on the Dark Lord?


*Note: You can either play a canon character or replace them! I may also make exceptions for aging up certain characters that were in younger years in the books! There is a limit of 3 canon characters per user! Please contact me if you have any questions*
Gryffindor Canon Characters.
โ€ข Lavender Brown
โ€ข Seamus Finnigan
โ€ข Ronald Weasley
โ€ข Hermione Granger
โ€ข Neville Longbottom
โ€ข Parvati Patil
โ€ข Dean Thomas

Hufflepuff Canon Characters.
โ€ข Hannah Abbott
โ€ข Susan Bones
โ€ข Justin Finch-Fletchley
โ€ข Wayne Hopkins
โ€ข Megan Jones
โ€ข Ernst Macmillian

Ravenclaw Canon Characters.
โ€ข Terry Boot
โ€ข Mandy Brocklehurst
โ€ข Michael Corner
โ€ข Anthony Goldstein
โ€ข Sue Li
โ€ข Padma Patil
โ€ข Lisa Turpin

Slytherin Canon Characters.
โ€ข Millicent Bulstrode
โ€ข Vincent Crabbe
โ€ข Tracey Davis
โ€ข Gregory Goyle
โ€ข Daphne Greengrass
โ€ข Draco Malfoy
โ€ข Theodore Nott
โ€ข Pansy Parkinson
โ€ข Blaise Zabini

Non-human Characters.
*note: this will include metamorphmagi and animagi. all these roles are registered with the school so they can keep track of them. this does not mean they have to disclose it to other students unless they want to. concerning animagi, their forms will correspond with their patronus as that is a reflection of the witch or wizard's soul/emotions. those who have werewolf traits will not turn into a werewolf but will experience side effects from their condition. if you have questions feel free to ask.
โ€ข Werewolf Traits โ€” 0/2
โ€ข Half-Veela โ€” 1/2
โ€ข Half-Giant โ€” 0/1
โ€ข Part-Vampireโ€” 0/1
โ€ข Half-Elfโ€” 0/2
โ€ข Metamorphmagus โ€” 0/2
โ€ข Animagus โ€” 2/3
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    • Erwin Greenwood
      NAME. Erwin Silas Greenwood
      NICKNAMES. The Chosen One
      AGE. Seventeen
      BIRTHDAY. August 29th
      GENDER. Cis. male
      PRONOUNS. He/him
      SEXUALITY. Unlabled
      BIRTHPLACE. Cornwall, England at the Greenwood summer cottage
      ROLE. The Chosen One

      HEIGHT. 5'8"
      HAIR. Brown
      EYES. Hazel
      MODIFICATIONS. None currently
      DISTINGUISHING FEATURES. Soft features, thin lips, curly hair, crooked smile, puppy-like eyes, birthmark on his shoulder
      SCARS. He has a very large scar that originates on his chest over his heart and extends down his left arm and left side of his torso. It is thin in appearance and branches out across his skin in a unique fashion. To many, it looks like it was caused by a spell
      FACE CLAIM. Lucas Zumann

      DESCRIPTION. Soft short curls and a crooked smile, Erwin easily fits in with the ranks of Hufflepuff, the gentle look to his eyes putting even the most restless at ease. Often noted for being incredibly unremarkable, and generally blends in like anyone else in the school. He does his best to appear tidy and well looked after, always keeping his hair untangled and his face free of evidence of lack of sleep. His features are very soft and more rounded than many of the boys at Hogwarts, allowing him to appear generally more approachable. His bangs are always at the cusp of being too long, threatening to fall in front of his warm brown eyes if he isn't careful. His eyebrows are normally knitted together in thought, causing deep lines to form every time he furrows them. Though plagued with the entire weight of prophecy, his eyes hold a quiet flame of life and warmth, an unexpected trait for someone approaching doom. Stray freckles can be noted across his face and down his neck, generally stopping there except for a few stragglers on his arms. The most noticeable thing about him would be the very peculiar and large scarring that covers the left side of his body. Starting at his chest, right over his heart, thin pale scars splinter across his flesh, extending down his left arm and the left side of his body, stopping at his left hip. To anyone familiar with curses, this is easily identified as the work of a powerful curse meant to kill the one it hits. When it comes to fashion, he is the most comfortable in Muggle clothes but he still enjoys wearing wizard fashion from time to time.

    โ… .





    coded by social (inspo cred. mortemdocs)
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z berg

NAME: Danielle Lynn Monroe
D.O.B: August 20th
AGE: 17 years old
GENDER: Cis-Female (She/Her)

HAIR: Black
EYES: Brown
MODS. Ear Piercings
SCARS. One on her right forearm from a quidditch accident
NOTABLE FEATURES: Full lips, defined jaw, small nose
FACECLAIM: Whitney Peak

HOUSE. Hufflepuff
BOGGART. Her parents being hit by the killing curse
WAND. Cedar | Unicorn Core | 10.5in | Whippy
PET. Black cat named Sunday, a dog named Cheddar at home
CLUBS. Quidditch (Chaser), Dueling
PATRONUS. Fox Terrier
AFFILIATION. Order of the Phoenix

PERSONALITY: At first, one might be surprised that Dani is indeed a Hufflepuff. She can be quite bold and brave, setting to do what she wants when she wants it. She doesnโ€™t sugarcoat her words and will say what she means, which can be harsh for some people. She is extremely competitive and can be a sore loser, though this manifests though sulking rather than complaining. She feels quite deeply, which means she can be quick to react to perceived insults or slights.

However, at her core, there is a deep-seated loyalty to the ones she holds dear and a strong sense of justice. She would do anything for her loved ones and has a very strong moral code that she abides by. She detests the idea of blood purity, as she has a muggle mother. She is hard working and will put in maximum effort into accomplishing her goals, though she isnโ€™t one to brag about her accomplishments, though she will appreciate recognition when it is given to her.


Flying, competition, pastries, autumn, soup, tea, going to the cinema, morning walks, ghost stories, ballpoint pens


Quill and ink, losing, bad hair days, humidity, bland food, blood purity, people touching her hair, potions, being late, essays


Losing people she cares about, not being able to move her body freely, bugs


Quidditch, going on walks, collecting cool rocks

Malcolm Monroe, a Quidditch columnist for the Daily Prophet, never expected to marry a muggle, or even spend any significant time with one. It wasnโ€™t that he was prejudiced against them, but he really just didnโ€™t know much about them. He was a half-blood, yes, but there hadnโ€™t been any muggles in his family in two generations. But, when he met Natasha, a law student, everything changed. It was a chance meeting on a busy London street. She wanted to know the time and then they just kept talking.

Malcolm was hesitant about the relationship, it was so hard keeping such a significant part of his life secret, but he couldnโ€™t bring himself to call it quits. And thankfully he didnโ€™t. The pair married two and a half years later and thatโ€™s when he revealed his true nature as a wizard. Natasha took the news well and theyโ€™ve been happy together since. They welcomed their only child, Danielle, two years later. They moved to Malcolmโ€™s hometown of Aberdeen, Scotland to raise Dani.

Daniโ€™s childhood involved a mix of both magic and mundane. She went to muggle primary school, but her father took her along with him to cheer on quidditch matches (their favorite team was the Montrose Magpies). Dani appreciated having a connection to both worlds and was shocked when she learned of the view on muggles and blood purity in the Wizarding

It was when one of her fatherโ€™s colleagues commented on Malcolmโ€™s choice to marry a muggle. He kept his composure as Dani was in his presence, but it did lead to a long discussion about blood purity. Around the same time, she was learning about how muggles viewed race in their world. These uncomfortable truths showed her that neither world was above the other. From then on, her beliefs in equality were cemented in her heart.

When she finally went off to Hogwarts, she was sorted into Hufflepuff, the same house her father had been in. A lover of quidditch from practically her birth, she tried out for her house team at the first opportunity, securing herself a spot as a chaser.

While her grades are fair, she much prefers practical lessons to academics, as she believes they are the most useful in learning magic. It is also why she loves Dueling Club. Itโ€™s a way for her to apply and hone her magical skills. However, she also finds the club useful as the threat of war looms over the Wizarding World. She is very aware of the real possibility that she will have to defend herself or fight another. As graduation grows closer, Dani is preparing to enter a world very different than the one she imagined when she started at Hogwarts.

โ€ข What's your favorite trolley snack?
โ€œProbably Pumpkin Pasties.โ€

โ€ข Who will win the Quidditch Cup this year?
โ€œHufflepuff if I have any say in the matter. Weโ€™ve got a good team this year.โ€

โ€ข What house throws the best parties?
โ€œGryffindor really knows how to celebrate, but I think us Hufflepuffs are a close second.โ€

โ€ข Who is your favorite professor?
โ€œProfessor Lupin was definitely the best out of them all, but if you mean current professors, Iโ€™d say McGonagall is up there too.โ€

โ€ข What is your favorite class?
โ€œDefense Against the Dark Arts when the professor is good, but aside from that, maybe Charms since it has its fun moments.โ€

โ€ข What is your favorite holiday?
โ€œIโ€™ve always loved Halloween, but I love that I get to go home and be with my family for Christmas.โ€

โ€ข What do you think about the upcoming war?
โ€œIโ€™d be lying if I said I wasnโ€™t terrified. I donโ€™t think anything can stop it at this point. But, if it means getting rid of Voldemort, then I feel it is worth it.โ€

โ€ข Do you believe in the Chosen One?
โ€œI do. Iโ€™m behind anyone who can help put a stop to Voldemort.โ€

โ€ข What are your thoughts on blood purity?
โ€œThe concept is archaic and disgusting and anyone who believes in it is a delusional idiot.โ€

โ€ข What do you think about Death Eaters?
โ€œTheyโ€™re the delusional idiots who put their faith in a megalomaniac murderer. Itโ€™s cowardly that they hide behind those masks.โ€

โ€ข What are your opinions on the Dark Lord?
โ€œHe needs to die. Itโ€™s far simpler to say that than to do it, but itโ€™s what I believe.

Malcolm Monroe | Father | 49 | Alive
Malcolm and Dani are very close. They both share a deep love for Quidditch and Malcolm often brought Dani along to games he was covering for The Daily Prophet. Their favorite team is the Montrose Magpies.

Natasha Monroe | Mother | 46 | Alive
Dani is also extremely close with her mother. Dani feels very protective of her as tensions surrounding blood purity have heightened. She is very proud of her connection to the muggle world through her mother.

Pinterest Board
Clothing Style


danielle monroe.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.แƒฆ
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Gymnopรฉdie No.1


Astrantia Whitethorn




Astrantia Whitethorn


Ash, Asty, or Whitethorn


17 years old



blood status




Full Name: Astrantia Rue Whitethorn
Nicknames: Ash, Asty, or Whitethorn
Age: 17 years old
Birthday: July 15th
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual

House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: Pureblood
Boggart: Her uncle, Rhodes Whitethorn
Wand: Ash wood, phoenix feather core, 11 inches and 3/4, and slightly yielding
Pet: She has a flame point cat named Kai
Club(s): Quidditch (seeker), Prefect, and Astronomy
Affiliation(s): The Order of the Pheonix

Height: 5'4
Hair: Long, curly, crazy, and is somewhere between a true blond and a strawberry blond. She has red strands hidden within its golden depths.
Eyes: Piercing blue
Modifications: She has a few ear piercings on both ears, but nothing more.
Distinguishing Features: People are usually very drawn to her eyes, as if they are warm with welcome, they feel inclined to smile. However, if they are cold with disdain, people are known to be intimidated and want to look away. Their piercingness unnerve her.
Scars: She has a large one cutting from her left cheek and up through her eyebrow.
Face Claim: Imogen Poots

Personality: Astrantia is a Neville type of Gryffindor. She is usually quiet, and often forgotten about. But she is incredibly kind, and goes out of her way to help others in need. She is especially loyal to her friends and family. She is incredibly clever, and witty. A dagger in the dark of sorts on both wit and cleverness. She's a quiet bookworm who people tend to find extremely funny once they get to know her. She is also incredibly smart and capable and works very hard to make good grades and be in the top of her classes, or at least rival for them. She unintentionally puts on a front as people tend to underestimate her quite easily and overlook her, thinking she's not easy to approach, and she naturally tends to keep to herself. She always puts others before herself though and often gets hurt for it. She's a daydreamer, and loves to whisper about the stars to her friends in astronomy club. But she is still a Gryffindor and competitive and mouthy when she wants to be, and is extremely fortunate to be on the Quidditch team. (Preferably Seeker, but Keeper if not.)

Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, stargazing, botany, and listening to music
Likes: Books, food, art, plants, spending time with her friends, reading along the Black Lake, playing quidditch, and stargazing in the astronomy tour even after curfew.
Dislikes: Above all else, ignorance. And, those who belittle and are awful towards others just because they can. She has stepped in front of lots of students being bullied in the past, no matter their age or house. She usually finds herself dealing with the consequences though which has left her getting detention many times for altercations.
Fears: Letting her siblings down, but most importantly, she is afraid of her abusive uncle she primarily is forced to live with for unspecified reasons. She tends to not go home during holidays, and/or meet her older siblings for Christmas only at their houses or at Hogsmeade.

โ€ข What's your favorite trolley snack? "
Chocolate frogs!"
โ€ข Who will win the Quidditch Cup this year? "Gryffindor, duh? I hope to help lead our team to victory this year for sure. It would be a bitter sweet end to my time here at Hogwarts."
โ€ข What house throws the best parties? "I'm not too prideful to say Slytherin throws some amazing parties. But every house has its charm. Slytherin throws some of the best house parties that the whole school goes too, Gryffindor rivals them for sure but especially on game days, Hufflepuff is usually cozy and fun with boardgames and laughter and great food and drink, and Ravenclaw is the same as Hufflepuff but they usually like to pull out the games that cause internal conflict amongst players which causes intense debates, it makes for great company and conversation. I think they enjoy the chaos while also stating why they're right. I like to switch up which house I'm visiting depending on my mood."
โ€ข Who is your favorite professor? "Professor McGonagall has been the most wonderful mentor throughout all my years here. As a Gryffindor alumni, I think she recognized my potential and eagerness to strive for greatness within this house and has let me embrace my failures and grow from them time and time again with her support. I hope to stay in contact with her after graduation, I've come to think of her as a dear friend."
โ€ข What is your favorite class? "Astrology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Herbology"
โ€ข What is your favorite holiday? "Halloween!"
โ€ข What do you think about the upcoming war? "I can only do my part in bettering myself, and looking out for others. I can only do my best. Nothing more, nothing less."
โ€ข Do you believe in the Chosen One? "I'm not sure if I believe in him being the "Chosen One" which makes him seem like something untouchable. He's a person. A kid my age with an unfortunate and unbearable weight I hope he has a support system for. And I hope he'd call me a friend, because I will help protect a person in need, but also hope to be that person to lean on even for just a little while just to be himself at the end of the day."
โ€ข What are your thoughts on blood purity? "Most of my friends are Half-bloods or Muggleborns. Coming from a Pureblood house I was always made very aware of my privilege in that sense, and it disgusts me. No one should be treated less for being born the way they are, or born into the family, or the circumstances they are. It has nothing to do with them still being a wonderful person. I feel similarly about the elves and lots of other magical creatures. The wizarding world can be cruel."
โ€ข What do you think about Death Eaters? "I'd say most are truly evil people at their core, but I think they are fighting for that they truly believe is the right thing to do. They are the good guys in their eyes. It pains me to see them hurt themselves and hurt others in the name of their "justice". I also think many are misguided, or once again, born into unfortunate circumstances and were given no choice. I'm not blind or foolish to believe some students here may be forced to pick the morally wrong side in the war. I would hope that they would find the courage to do what is right, but that is between them and their conscious, and their soul. I have always had unyielding morals, and no one can convince me that targeting a teenage boy and to commit genocide in the name of blood purity is the morally right thing to do. It's a crime against the wizarding world and humanity and all of its living creatures as we know it, and I'm happy to stand at the front lines to defend it."
โ€ข What are your opinions on the Dark Lord? "He can f*** right off. Everything I've already said, and then some with some more colorful vocabulary. However, I will not speak them at this time. Professor Snape in particular and I have a love hate relationship as a teacher and student, as I tend to cuss in his class when I get something wrong and while I'm avidly trying hard to learn and will eventually learn, he always catches me at the wrong times. He's given me detention so many times for foul language use in his classroom...."



Astrantia comes from a prominent wizarding household. They are well known across the globe, as family members have reached far in wide in all forms of careers and leadership roles. There is no one house that is known to them, so every child that walks through a wizarding school is a grand toss up on where they might be placed. The family believes in letting the heart speak through the hat.

She has two siblings, Iris who is seven years older than her, and Calix who is twelve years older than her. Iris is married and lives elsewhere, and Calix is married with two children who also lives elsewhere. They send letters to each other often but the age gap and life gets in the way a lot.

When Astrantia was six, she and her parents got into a carriage accident on the way to visit Iris at Hogwarts. It resulted in her parents fatal death, and the wicked scar that now is a permanent reminder of that day across Astrantia's face. With both of her siblings being much older than her but not old enough to take her in, it was arranged that Astrantia and Iris would begin living with their Uncle Rhodes. He is a widow with a stern face, a stern demeanor, a cold and empty house, and a stern, cold, and rotten personality. Without too many specifics, he began abusing young Astrantia emotionally and physically for many years. She became the "house elf" for him, and took many beatings as a result of his wicked personality. Her siblings remained unaware, and even now, Astrantia is unable to share that with them until she's finally out of Hogwarts and can move far, far away. She does not go home during the holidays and has questionable behavior as a result of longtime abuse every now and again. A simple pat on the back might make her flinch.

So far, nobody knows the depth of her struggles. She hides it extremely well.



โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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the lonely son.




  • 01.



    anthony goldstein






    seventeen (16th of january)



    cis male (he/him)





    blood status.



    atypical trait.







    pine, 11 inches, dragon heartstring



    just short of five foot ten inches


    - he has a slender, clean shaved face with a prominent jawline and roman nose.
    - his greenish-grey eyes can often be quite piercing and steely in their gaze, but sometimes look tired and strained. he has floppy brown hair that he keeps fairly short, but would probably grow to shoulder length if he knew his father would approve.
    - his skin has an olive undertone, and he tans easily in the summers; his body is slim and not particularly defined.


    sebastian croft

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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the golden boy.




  • 01.



    justin finch-fletchley



    finch, finchy



    seventeen (30th of june)



    cis male (he/him)





    blood status.



    atypical trait.







    apple, 12 inches, unicorn hair



    6 foot


    - in his childhood he quite rounded features, but as he's gotten closer to adulthood, his face has became more defined; his eyes are fairly deep-set, but are a bright blue in colour. he gets light facial hair that he doesn't allow to grow.
    - his hair is blonde, it used to be almost platinum blonde when he was a toddler. he keeps it fairly short and neat.
    - when he first came to hogwarts, he considered himself a little chubby, but puberty has made him taller and the weight has dispersed. he's not muscular, but he's not slim either - his arms are fairly defined but his stomach has stayed soft.


    william moseley

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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  • scroll


    people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    isaac asimov

    black cat


    full name

    sora lee




    october 27th


    cis female




    bisexual & biromantic


    south korean/english



    blood status




    who is she?

    I Monster




    176 cm (5'9")


    hoyeon jung


    A tall, slender woman who is cold and elegant in her demeanour. Sora retains a distinctly feline quality even in her human form; a combination of her sinuous movement and her angular facial features, normally accompanied by an expression which somehow appears both deeply judgemental and totally apathetic to everyone around her. Deep brown eyes watch keenly from under fans of dark lashes. Jet black hair falls past her shoulders in loose waves, often worn straightened. Shorter layers around her face frame her high cheekbones. When not in uniform, she'll be seen wearing casual, form-fitting muggle clothing in black, grey, and blue tones. Sora chooses to adorn herself with simple, silver jewelry without gemstones.

    animagus form

    A small black cat with gleaming yellow eyes and the same unimpressed expression. There's a thin scar in the shape of a line behind her left ear where no fur grows, resembling the scar which Sora has in the same position on the back of her neck in her human form. Sora doesn't take this form regularly, a consequence of the fact that she's a beginner animagus and will occasionally encounter difficulties when attempting to transform back to human.



    Simmering underneath Sora's impassive surface is a keen mind and razor-sharp wit, often bubbling over into sarcastic quips and cutting remarks targeted at anyone she perceives as being of lesser intelligence... which is, well, everyone. Sora has indeed distinguished herself as a student possessing extraordinary intellect, as a highly observant and analytical thinker with the ability to identify patterns and make connections where others see none. However, such brilliance does not come without its costs. Chief among them is chronic boredom, which can only be kept at bay by a constant influx of new knowledge, experiences, and stimuli. The feeling she gets when she meets someone who can rival her wits can only be described as a high. Beyond this, her other features include an utter lack of regard for authority and social norms, which tends to cause her more trouble than it does good.

    Sora is certainly an acquired taste, but those able to stomach her sarcasm, dry humour, and brutal honesty will discover an unexpectedly loyal and protective friend. For Sora, friends are few and far between, as she's not the type to surround herself with people just for the sake of it. As a result, what close relationships she does have are extremely meaningful to her. She makes for a thoughtful friend who can be surprisingly affectionate when she feels comfortable. Those who get especially close may even uncover the truth behind her narcissism: that it's borne out of an insecure need to emphasise her intelligence because she believes it's her only redeemable quality.


    astronomy, wizard chess, thrifting, reading, yoga, sneaking around the castle at night


    competition, antique stores, strong tea, dark humour, parties, all-nighters, people-watching


    group assignments, repetitive sounds, early mornings, smudged ink, bland food, small talk, stupid questions


    fixed routine, feeling inadequate, being inconsequential


    The Logician (INTP)


    The Investigator (5)


    Chaotic Neutral


    What's your favourite trolley snack?
    Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. You can't get sick of the flavour if it's different every time.

    Who will win the Quidditch Cup this year?
    I don't know, I can't remember the last time I've watched a Quidditch match all the way through. All they're good for is the opportunity to go wandering around restricted areas while everyone is distracted outside. Filch, if you see this... no you didn't.

    Which house throws the best parties?
    Slytherin. All night in a dungeon getting insulted by attractive people? Don't threaten me with a good time.

    Who is your favourite professor?
    In all seriousness, Professor McGonagall is the coolest person I've ever met. She's everything I want to be when I'm 200 years old. Honourable mention goes to Professor Snape for being my personal style icon.

    What is your favourite class?
    I find them all interesting, except for Divination which is a load of rubbish. Though, I will say that Arithmancy is underrated.

    What is your favourite holiday?
    April Fool's Day can get pretty interesting at Ravenclaw. Some of the pranks are wonderfully elaborate.

    What do you think about the upcoming war?
    Mostly, I'm worried for my parents. My father's an Auror and my mother's muggleborn โ€“ which are both terrible things to be right now. I know that nobody is ever completely safe in a war, but the Death Eaters already tried their bloody hardest to kill them the first time! I'm not certain they can be so lucky the second time around...

    Do you believe in the Chosen One?
    He doesn't seem all that remarkable to me, except in his resemblance to a helpless puppy. You-Know-Who seems to be threatened by him, though, otherwise he wouldn't be making such a tremendous effort to kill the poor sap.

    What are your thoughts on blood purity?
    I think the entire distinction is ridiculous. I've met plenty of purebloods here and they don't seem any less idiotic than anyone else.

    What do you think about Death Eaters?
    If they had things their way my grandparents would be removed from the face of the earth. Can't say I'm a fan of their ideology.

    What are your opinions on the Dark Lord?
    Haven't had the pleasure of meeting him. Would like to keep it that way.




    Mother | Hana Lee (nรฉe Cho) | February 14, 1946 โ€“ Present

    An altruistic muggleborn witch, raised in London by two doctors who had always wanted a large family but sadly couldnโ€™t give Hana any siblings due to fertility issues. She was heavily sheltered and doted on until the age of 11, when an owl flying through the window of their family home with her Hogwarts acceptance letter nearly gave her parents a heart attack at the breakfast table. At Hogwarts, she was sorted into Gryffindor and discovered an aptitude for healing magic.

    After completing her schooling, Hana went on to work as a Healer at St. Mungoโ€™s Hospital. It was there, in 1969, that she met Junsu, a novice Auror who came stumbling into the ER after a mission to apprehend a group of Dark wizards went wrong. They were instantly taken with each other, marking the beginning of a whirlwind romance that resulted in them getting engaged within less than a year of knowing one another.

    The pair unfortunately wouldnโ€™t even have the chance to get around to the wedding planning before the outbreak of the First Wizarding War in 1970. With Death Eaters pushing radical purist ideology, it was decided that it was unsafe for Hana to continue working at the hospital. Hana, along with a number of other muggleborn Healers, was moved to a flat in Westminster under Ministry protection, which functioned as a safehouse for Aurors injured in the war to receive treatment and recover.

    Junsu was among the ranks fighting against the Death Eaters on behalf of the Ministry, meaning that Hana would often go for periods of weeks, if not months, without seeing or hearing from him. Still, she was unwavering in her love for him, and the two decided to go ahead with their marriage. In a discreet ceremony held at the safehouse in 1976, they exchanged their vows with a small crowd of Aurors and muggleborns-in-hiding in attendance.

    Father | Junsu Lee | April 11, 1944 โ€“ Present

    Another Hogwarts alumnus hailing from Gryffindor, Junsu is a brilliant and courageous wizard from a well-off half-blood family. Though initially more concerned with charming girls and collecting Quidditch trophies, he became considerably more serious in his final years at Hogwarts after deciding he wanted nothing more than to become an Auror. Entering adulthood, Junsu committed himself fully to his Auror training, which would simultaneously become one of the most challenging and fulfilling points of his life. A befitting description of him at this point was a man married to his work; so meeting Hana and falling hopelessly in love right before the start of a devastating decade-long war was certainly not part of the plan.

    Like most to come out on the other side, Junsu looks back on the First Wizarding War as the darkest point in his life. As an Auror for the Ministry of Magic, he fought on the frontlines alongside members of the Order of the Phoenix, witnessing firsthand the brutal deaths of many who he called his friends. Even so, he never once considered running from it, knowing that the horrors which would face his loved ones would be even greater if the Dark Lord were to prevail.

    Not long after his marriage in 1976, he was part of a terrible battle which would claim the lives of most of the Aurors in his group, and saw him returned to Hanaโ€™s safehouse in a coma. He woke up a few weeks later, but with severe lapses in his memory. Although this took him out of commission for the rest of the war, it meant that he was reunited with his wife, who was gradually able to help him physically recover and regain his memories. Coming as a surprise to the both of them, the couple welcomed twin boys in May of 1978, followed about a year and a half later by Sora.

    Brothers | Taemin & Taewon Lee | May 1, 1978 โ€“ Present

    It is as if Soraโ€™s parents had each imprinted part of their souls on one of the twins. Taewon takes after their mother, with an honourable and altruistic disposition well-suited to his role as a prefect. Taemin is more like their father, a chivalrous boy with some serious talent as a Chaser. Both had the courage and strong moral compass which their parents shared. No sooner had the Sorting Hat brushed the hairs on their head than it had declared them Gryffindors.

    Because the First Wizarding War ended only three years after their birth, they have no recollection of it and had a fairly normal upbringing. Both of their parents returned to work after the end of the war; with Junsu returning to the Ministry and Hana reinstated in her role at St. Mungoโ€™s Hospital. Taemin and Taewon attended Hogwarts and did an excellent job of living up to the upstanding reputation of their parents, both going on to pursue further education to become an Auror and a Healer, respectively.


    Alongside her human and feline forms, Sora additionally takes on the shape of a black sheep within a family otherwise composed of right-minded Gryffindors. A child too independent and curious for her own good, she was in fact so quiet in comparison to her brothers that there were several instances where her parents lost her in the busy streets of London after sheโ€™d slipped away to explore on her own โ€“ though her father now jokes that it made him the best in his office at tracking spells. Her parents did try their best to engage with her interests, and she certainly suffered no lack of love, but she still couldnโ€™t help feeling a certain disconnect from them that didnโ€™t seem to exist between them and her brothers; a sense of โ€˜othernessโ€™ in her own home. As such, she was grateful for the opportunity to go to Hogwarts and spread her wings a little more.

    Given the Lee family track record at Hogwarts, when her sunny, sociable twin brothers were succeeded the following academic year by the stormcloud that is Sora, to say that the teaching staff were thrown for a loop would be an understatement. Whereas her brothers would speak animatedly at the dinner table about the flashy spells theyโ€™d learned in D.A.D.A. or the thrill of Duelling Club, Soraโ€™s schooling nurtured in her an appreciation for the more understated, yet scientific, forms of magic: the theory-based learning of Transfiguration, the delicate and precise measurements needed for Potions, and the beautifully complex numerology charts in Arithmancy.

    Yet despite Soraโ€™s undeniable aptitude for the subjects where others normally struggled, she was far from the model student. Finding the school curriculum too constraining for her talents, she would often jump ahead in her textbooks and attempt to perform spells which were well beyond her year level without supervision; attempts which often (quite literally) exploded in her face. This, combined with her penchant for getting caught sneaking around school grounds past curfew, meant that she spent a lot of time in detention.

    Seeing potential in her, but also very concerned that Sora would come up with some clever idea which would get herself killed โ€“ or worse, expelled โ€“ if left to her own devices, when Sora was in her fourth year Professor Flitwick suggested that the girl approach Professor McGonagall with the prospect of allowing her to take private Animagus transfiguration lessons. Sora jumped at the opportunity, and with the lengthy and complicated process of becoming an Animagus taking up most of her free time she had considerably less opportunities to get herself in trouble. To this day, she credits Professor McGonagall for the fact that she didnโ€™t accidentally blow off a limb when she was younger. By the end of her sixth year, Sora completed her training and was able to transform into her Animagus form.

    In her seventh and final year at Hogwarts, Sora has calmed down somewhat, now understanding that attempting spells above her paygrade is probably a bad idea. Though, some might argue that enabling her to transform into an inconspicuous feline form at will has only encouraged her behaviour of sneaking around in places she shouldnโ€™t beโ€ฆ




    wanted relationships

    golden retriever

    You know I couldn't resist making this character without going for the golden retriever + black cat trope! A kindhearted/dorky character she just can't help but begrudgingly start to adore, though she won't admit it to herself at first.

    academic rival

    An arch nemesis, if you will. Perhaps someone who's good at the same things as her and/or matches her snark. Acts like she hates them but secretly respects them and lives for the competition. Preferably someone from a different House, for that added bit of competitiveness.

    twin flame

    Her closest friend (lord knows she needs one). Someone who she's gotten along with since day one at Hogwarts, who matches her energy and who she can be 100% herself with.

    anything else!

    All the above are just first suggestions I could come up with off the top of my head! I'd of course be open to any and all manner of plotting : ).




    a plain gravestone bearing her name, with no epitaph or flowers.


    sycamore wood, unicorn hair core, 12", rigid.


    domestic shorthair cat.


    slug club, potions, astronomy.


    none (for now).


    quill ink, old furniture, and evening air after a thunderstorm. if someone were to like her, they would smell earl grey tea, fresh parchment, and tuberose perfume.

    dream job

    an unspeakable at the ministry's department of mysteries.

    โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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the adventure seeker.




  • 01.



    pranav patil



    pran, navi



    seventeen (11th of august)



    cis male (he/him)





    blood status.



    atypical trait.







    chestnut, 12 1/2 inches, phoenix feather



    five foot eleven inches


    - he has...


    ishaan khatter

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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    full name
    Serafina Whitlock



    december 18th

    cis woman



    blood status

    herself, in a straightjacket

    black walnut wood with a veela hair core, 11 ยฝ in and hard flexibility

    a black rat named Merlin VI. She's had five others, all with the same name, but she only had them to practice spells and potions on, so none of them lasted more than a few months. Though she's taken a liking to Merlin VI, so she's been taking it easy on him.

    potions + astronomy

    rattlesnake, though she's never been able to cast one

    death eaters, though not officially

    Daniela Lalita

coded by reveriee.
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Pandora (Last name TBD)



โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


/* --- base code --- */

ยฉ akeno.

โ”€โ€ƒ*โ€ƒ โ€บโ€ƒโฉ‡โฉ‡:โฉ‡โฉ‡โ€ƒ;โ€ƒโ€ƒโ”€

FULL NAME. enzo agosti
AGE. eighteen (18)
BIRTHDAY. october 13th
GENDER. male
PRONOUNS. he/him
SEXUALITY. bisexual
HOUSE. slytherin
BLOOD. pure blood
WAND. snakewood, 11" veela hair
CLUBS. astronomy, quidditch (chaser), potions
PET. black owl (named kris)
BOGGART: a giant demeantor


DESCRIPTION. enzo's demeanor is a cunning blend of arrogance and exclusivity that adds a unique edge to his sharp personality, making people keenly aware of his presence. he stands tall at 192cm towering over others, drawing attention wherever he goes. there's an undeniable air of confidence and pride that radiates from him, creating a magnetic yet intimidating aura that commands respect and wariness in equal measure.

do not be fooled by his lean figure, wearing clothings that is just a size too big, many don't realize that once they get on his wrong nerves, hell awaits them within just a flick of his slender wrist.

even though enzo's intense glare and intimidating aura send shivers down people's spines, they just can't help but stare a little longer at his flawless features. he's the kind of guy you'd expect to find on magazine covers - tall, slim, and with a face that could easily make anyone swoon. and he certainly is well aware of his good looks. without any hesistation, he'll bat his eyelashes and charm his way into getting what he wants.

HAIR. his hair is often dyed different colors, it is currently a dark chestnut brown that looks nearly identical to black when he's in the dark. the strands possess a velvety smoothness and are artfully curled into a synthetic perm, which results in a cascade of silky, flowing locks that exude an air of refinement.

BODY MODS. a toungue piercing and two other ear piercings on each ears. also has
snake on his back

FACE CLAIM. marc schulze

โ”€ coffee, midnight jogs, rowdy places, parties, pastries && sweets.


โ”€ messiness, spilled inks, slow walkers, bad liars, incompetent people.


โ”€ messing with people who are visibly annoyed, sneaking around, potions. playing quidditch, collecting books & never reading them.


โ”€ failure , especially at what he does best, not being useful to anyone , being the worst at anything.


enzo agosti is not a good person. he's far from the nicest boy you'll meet, most realizes that after their first meeting with him. the moment they glance at him, they're met with a judgemental glare, unimpressed and standoffish. and if his icy stare wasn't enough to deter you, then a few minutes of conversation with him certainly would. his words are laced with snide remarks, prideful tones, bitter undertones, and overall just reek of sheer narcissism.

while enzo was indeed full of himself, it wasn't without reason. he didn't just boast about his skills; he was actually talented and a perfectionist for everything he does. from his impressive academic achievements to his remarkable athletic abilities, he had every right to be proud of his accomplishments.

which are all the reasons why people just can't resist falling under the spell of enzo's magnetic allure, captivated by his charming presence, sharp mind, and unwavering self-assurance. whether it's his charismatic way of drawing people in or his captivating self-confidence, he has a knack for making others fall for his charms. there's an undeniable pull to his presence, a smoothness in his interactions that keeps people intrigued and fascinated, making it hard to escape his hold once they're wrapped around his finger.

despite his petty, unforgiving, and mean tendencies, there's one thing about enzo that remains steadfast - his sense of achievements. once he sets his mind to it, regardless of who he's working with, whether it's someone he loathes or just the biggest pain in the ass on campus, he's willing to set aside his differences if it means attaining success. whether it takes, he'll do it. as far as he's concerned, his goals are more important than anything in the world.


with a cheeky tilt to his head, enzo asks , a hint of tease in his voice,
โ› are you about to offer me some? โœ
he then answers
โ› i like chocolate frogs , or cauldron cake. โœ

โ› my house, obviously โœ
he rolls his eyes, as if it's a common knowledge,
โ› i'm on the team, there's no way we are going to lose. i'll beat everyone in quidditch, just like in everything else. โœ

โ› again , my house. the slitherins. we have all the best people, music, food, everything is on top too. โœ
grinning to himself, enzo points to his house crest
โ› bring whoever that says otherwise, and i'll show them what the best time of their life really looks like. โœ

โ› professor mcgonagall. she knows what she's doing. โœ
he pauses, as if mulling over his thoughts.
โ› she's one hell of a woman too. โœ

โ› potions, of course. โœ
his lips thins out to a tight smile. he crosses his legs, seemingly reluctant to provide further elaboration on why it's his favorite subject.

โ› does it really matter? โœ
a hint of a sneer seems to be appearing on his lips.
โ› i'll do what is assigned to me; otherwise, i don't hold this at the highest regard, my relatives will be perfectly fine, no need for another self-absorbed hero. โœ

โ› well, some people are born weaker than others. people should start accepting that fact , i'm not sure why it's such a big deal. โœ
a perplexed glaze in his eyes as he muses,
โ› isnt that right? โœ

a quiet sigh
โ› i don't care. โœ
his tone turns just a slight bit sharp
โ› he doesn't seem all that special. well, if he can't do his job properly than people should really consider renaming their beloved chosen one. โœ

โ› well, i get their way of thinking, certainly. โœ
a quiet grin is seen on his face,
โ› i would have been a part of them, but a minus point was that i was not a fan of the whole genocide thing. โœ
he chuckles sarcastically.

โ› he's none of my business. haven't met him, probably never will. โœ
huffing out a tired sigh, he continues,
โ› besides, none of his actions directly affected me, so it doesn't really matter at all. โœ


if life were determined by a roll of dice, enzo would have scored the highest possible number. his family, a beacon of illustrious heritage, wove an intricate tapestry of influence and grandeur, unfurling a path of golden opportunity and boundless privilege before him. ever since birth, he was cradled and spoilt endlessly. after all, he was the only son of his parents.

there was never any competition to him, whether it was academics, or it was for his parents love. hislife unfolded as if woven from threads of celestial favor, with everything one might desire laid effortlessly within his grasp. whether it was the connections, the money, or even the looks, enzo had it all.

but is such a life truly desirable? when all that one could ever wish for is laid effortlessly before them, and the need to strive is no longer needed, can one truly enjoy the essence of existence?

perhaps enzo was destined to become the archetype of privilegeโ€”a figure of snobbish arrogance and self-importance, much like the other children of affluence who surrounded him. yet, contrary to the expected trajectory, he finds himself grappling with an unexpected emptiness. insteadof the inflated ego and condescension that typically characterize those of his stature, enzo is haunted by a pervasive sense of boredom, a relentless void that saturates his emotions and leaves no room for joy or passion.

as enzo stepped into the storied halls of hogwarts, all of his previous passions of being the best was gone. though he managed to maintain decent grades, he did so effortlessly, barely escaping repeated classes due to his lack of motivation. it seemed as if the fire within him had been extinguished, leaving a void in its place.

despite having the capability to effortlessly excel in tasks and easily attain top marks, enzo never put in the effort required to do so. he would breeze through assignments and exams with minimal effort, seemingly content with just getting by. while his laid-back approach allowed him to maintain good grades, it was frustrating for those observing from the sidelines
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the home bird.




  • 01.



    rhiannon jones



    rhian, pigeon, pige



    seventeen (3rd of march)



    cis female (she/her)



    biromantic, bisexual


    blood status.



    atypical trait.

    animagus (pigeon)






    hazel, 9 inches, unicorn hair



    five foot four inches


    - she has a rounded face with rounded features, and notably full lips.
    - her brown eyes are large and expressive, sometimes framed with reading glasses. she has long blonde curls that can get quite unruly.
    - the older she has gotten, the more she has filled into her adult body; she has wide hips, she does not have a flat stomach - she often wears clothing that covers up rather than extenuates her figure as she is about as self-conscious as a teenage girl can get.


    carrie hope fletcher

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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  • I read the rules before I break them.
    Pavan Patil
coded by natasha.
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Gymnopรฉdie No.1


Arcturus Malfoy




Arcturus Malfoy


Arc, Arcy, Malfoy


17 years old



blood status




Full Name: Arcturus Orion Malfoy
Nicknames: Arc, Arcy, Malfoy
Age: 17 years old
Birthday: June 5th
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role: Draco Malfoy replacement

House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Pureblood
Boggart: A werewolf
Wand: Hawthorn wood, unicorn hair core, 10 inches, and reasonably springy
Pet: He has a niffler named Snitch
Club(s): Quidditch (I can't remember what's open so tentative seeker), Dueling Club, and secretly helps write for the Nosy Niffler
Affiliation(s): Death Eater (allegedly), but secretly a double agent for The Order of the Pheonix (unofficially)

Height: 5'11
Hair: Cleanly cut white-blond hair, with enough length on the top he can usually style it. It can be quite wispy and curls a little in humid weather.
Eyes: Piercing blue
Modifications: He has the dark mark hidden on his left forearm (allegedly)
Distinguishing Features: People are usually very drawn to his eyes, as their piercingness unnerve others.
Scars: He has a perfectly smooth body. He is regularly administered wounds from his father, but then magic is used to erase them. Over and over and over again.
Face Claim: Otto Seppalainen

Personality: Arcturus is relatively reserved, keeping to himself, or a few close pureblood friends. He has been known to have a temper, and has gotten into both verbal and physical altercations with other students over the years. He has a sharp gaze, and an even sharper tongue. He's not pleasant to be around, and the only reason why he has friends at all, is because of his status. He's moody, he's broody, and treats others unkindly. He acts as though he has no kind bone in his body and is only ever looking out for himself. And in theory? He is. It is his persona. He has been recruited by Dumbledore and Snape in secret to be Snape's protรฉgรฉ - a double agent for The Order. Arcturus acts the textbook example of everybody he should be, a blood purist zealot who's side is clear in the war. He is cruel. He is wicked. In reality, he hates everything about his family, his blood status, his life, and himself above all else. He secretly tries to look out for those he can, but can never reveal his true self and true personality. He'll either die in the war first betraying his own family and 'friends' first, or he will survive and eventually be able to reveal his true self. One day.

Hobbies: Listening to music, belittling others, winning, having both verbal, magical, physical, or sport matches against others
Likes: Reading, writing, and drawing
Dislikes: He's a very picky eater so a lot of foods, his family, his father, everything. He dislikes everything, starting with himself.
Fears: He mastered his facade of this cruel person so much his boggart appears as a werewolf, and he is truly terrified of them. But the real answer is Voldemort, and his father.

โ€ข What's your favorite trolley snack?
"Caramel cobwebs. I don't get them often."
โ€ข Who will win the Quidditch Cup this year? "Slytherin. Next?"
โ€ข What house throws the best parties? "Slytherin. Next?"
โ€ข Who is your favorite professor? "Professor Snape. He's a Slytherin, and has been a wonderful mentor and family friend. Next?"
โ€ข What is your favorite class? "Defense Against the Dark Arts. I want to be prepared to deflect and harm anybody standing in my way. I will be the last one standing."
โ€ข What is your favorite holiday? "Why are you asking me so many questions again? Buzz off."
โ€ข What do you think about the upcoming war? "You're still here? Stop asking stupid questions you already know the answer to."
โ€ข Do you believe in the Chosen One? "No. He's a hopeful fool that will die if my father has any say in it."
โ€ข What are your thoughts on blood purity? "Shove off, mudblood."
โ€ข What do you think about Death Eaters? "Shove off before I make you. Quit asking stupid questions you already know the answer to."
โ€ข What are your opinions on the Dark Lord? "............."



Arcturus comes from a very long, very prestigious family. Everybody knows his family. Everybody thinks they know him. They feel entitled to him, his family sway, his family money, and grovel at his feet. It suffocates him to the point he's endlessly drowning and sometimes wonders if it'd be easier if he was already dead besides face the upcoming war. The reality is he knows he needs to be brave enough to face it, to face his own fears. He will not let the world fall into the same darkness he's been living in his entire life, not if he'll have a say in it.

His father in particular has been molding him, torturing him with the unforgivable curses, physically torturing him, burning him, cutting him, starving him, making him go through unimaginable pain in hopes to shape him to be the most perfect and unstoppable soldier they could possibly have on the front lines beside Voldemort. He has been forced to submit into a life of anguish to become something he's not. Arcturus has fought with himself every day, and eventually decided he deserved better. And he would make it better. Starting with becoming everything he's not meant to be. He's clawing at his chains to not be a hero, but to still make a difference for someone else to not suffer like he has. Starting with eradicating every single person that has hurt him for their own self purposes, for their own agenda of genocide.

Starting with his father, and starting with Voldemort himself. He's vowed to not bend and bow. He will not yield. He will not break. He hopes to leave this world reshaping it into something better. And in the meantime, he has to bide his time, and play his part. Ever the dutiful, perfect, Death Eater's son.



โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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reyna hawthorne

# gryffindor

# jenna ortega

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

  • I will never turn my back on people who need me.
    Reyna Hawthorne
coded by natasha.
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Seraphina Song.




  • 01.



    seraphina song/song ji-won









    female (she/her)






    november 3rd








    dark brown




    Seraphina is an enchanting young witch with a look that commands attention. Her dark brown eyes reflect her curiosity and intelligence. An observant and perceptive person, who always has some edge to her.

    She carries herself with confidence and poise, Seraphina stands out among her peers, not only for her captivating appearance but also for her remarkable mind.


    jang yeeun

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


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