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Fandom Hogwarts, The Next Generation

Aiden shrugged still grinning. "Hey, if I was pitying you then I wouldn't smile. I just figured it would be nice to have a friend that wasn't going to make you study." At this point he looked at the Ravenclaw table and mock shuddered. He turned back to her and held his hand out to her. "So, lets try this again. I'm Aiden Riddle, and your name is?" He waited for her to do something.



Faye looked at the boy when he sat down next to her. "I'm not really supposed to be in big crowds." She studied him and thought he looked slightly confused. "Are you okay?" She spoke quietly with her eyes lowered to the ground.

The comment about Ravenclaw made Imogen laugh, although she stopped herself before he sensed that she was easing up to him. She shrugged and rolled her eyes, "I'm already trapped with those smartasses how much worse can it get." Imogen looked at his hand before reluctantly taking it, "Imogen Lov... Just Imogen." She gave a small firm shake to his hand before dropping hers cold to her side. She looked around and found a pillar to lean on. She walked over to it half expecting Aiden to follow her, half hoping he wouldn't. She sat down and leaned her back against it. "If you expect me to be a chatter box and entertain you then your shit out of luck." She said with a sarcastic smile.
Shrugging Aiden followed her. He knew why she didn't say her last name and decided that maybe he could help her a little. He sat down next to her and glance at her sideways. "You really shouldn't be afraid to say your last name. You should say it and then when people judge you by it, just prove them wrong. So what if you're the daughter of one of the oddest Seers of this century. I don't judge you based on that. You should just change their prospective on the name Lovegood. Thats what you can change, you can't change your mother, any more than I could change my grandfather, if I wanted to." He sighed and looked away. "Forgive me, that was... uncalled for."
Karo sat with her companions (she have no such thing as friends) and watched the sorting with a grim excitement. Maybe this time, she thought, there would be some interesting characters in the boring school. Foreigners. She hoped that they behave properly, because she definitely cannot tolerate any more brats. She signed and looked around, and the faces of the students she had to share a school with only proved her more right. Idiots. All of them.
Grandfather?...Tom!...Tom Marvolo Riddle that's where I heard that last name from. Luna said he was the most powerful dark wizard that ever lived. A small grin formed at Imogen's mouth. She looked over at the Aiden, "Oh yeah and how's that working out for you?" She looked away and started at the houses all having their merry feast. "I'm not afraid of my surname," Imogen said softly. Her cold attitude changing to a mellow one, "I just don't want people to judge me before they meet me." She looked at Aiden for some understanding, "I'm sure you must know how that feels. Having people cower away at the sound of your name. I don't know what's worse. Being ignored or being humiliated."

The moment of softness was gone and her cold expression returned. She looked in front of her and felt the sudden weight of the amulet in her pocket. Her fingers ached burned with a desire to touch it.When you are in your room alone, listen and repeat what it says, the guy had said.
Willow was getting bored watching the dueling. Most didn't know complicated spells yet. The only real competition here would more than likely be Drumstrang. As far as she knew they were taught in dark magic as well, which if that was the case would give them a better understanding of other spells. In her free time Willow would look into Dark Arts, learning about it's connection to the standard magic. She heard yelling suddenly, some girl had made a fool of herself up in front of everyone has she was being sorted into one of the many Hogwarts houses. Obnoxious, was Willow's only thought. People like that shouldn't be in places like this.e She got on her broom speeding off to dropped off her baggage in her room. The Headmistress at Salem had conjured forth a small mansion for the students to stay in. Once that was done, and she assured Binx was fine she decided to go back to the castle, to observe some more, eventually looking over the Ravenclaw table, once again seeing that girl.
"In America most people didn't know who Grandfather Tom was. So I didn't get any remarks there. Since I came here though, I've had people go so far as running screaming from me." He frowned at the memory of the shop keeper who had done so. He found it amusing though. "I understand not wanting to be judged before they meet you." He nodded. "I met the famous Harry Potter today on my way to the train. You should have seen his face when he saw me. I though the hair would make it less noticeable but not to him. He looked like he'd seen a ghost, then like he wanted to kill me." Aiden chuckled. He turned to look at her and grabbed her arm to pull her up. "Come on, lets go see the common room."
Imogen caught the girl looking at her while Aiden was talking so she missed about half of what he said. She gave her a nasty look for staring. Has she never been taught it's rude to stare.

Imogen's trance on the girl was broken when Aiden grabbed her arm. She stood up as Aiden he pulled her up, but she waved him off before he took her away. "Give me a sec."

Imogen began to walk towards the black hair girl with a stride of confidence. She didn't know who the girl was, but by the looks of it she wasn't from here. "May I help you?" She was standing only a few feet away from her with her arms crossed over her chest. Imogen was shorter than the girl, but that didn't stop her from confronting her.
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"Anyway" I said getting up and flashing Katrina one last smile "I got quite a few things to organise before everything starts, so I should get going. Cya later" at this I made my way out of the dining halls and up the stairs towards the Gryffindor common room and dorms
Willow had payed no more attention to her, yet now the pink haired girl was walking right up to her. Her stride was obnoxiously and flashily confident. Who was she trying to fool? Willow or the herself? 'May I help you?' She had said, her voice had a tone that grinded Willow's gears the moment she heard it. "Pardon?" Willow asked, her voice flat and monotone. She leaned up against the wall behind her, unphased by this girls attitude. "What could you possibly help me with?" She tilted her head, looking the girl up and down for a second. Her attitude stuck out like a sore thumb, and she couldn't help but think again that this girl simply didn't belong here.
"Well you keep staring, so you must obviously need something." Imogen was ticked off by the girl's nonchalant attitude. As if she was better than her just because she looked older and wasn't from here. She had dealt with girl like her, dark, mysterious, holding themselves higher than everyone else. She detested them. Imogen knew better than to pick a fight on the first day here especially with someone she was sure to be defeated by, but there was something stirring inside her that she needed to let out. "Well what is it?"
Aiden watched Imogen walk up to a girl. He recognized her from Salem, and followed behind Imogen after a minute. When he reached the two he spoke coldly. "play nice with the rest of the schools. I doubt the headmistress wants to see me again so soon after I left." He smirked at his own words. The headmistress hadn't liked him because of Grandfather either.
"If you really must know I couldn't help but notice how much you stand out." She said plainly with a subtle sarcastic tone. "After all you did yell at a talking hat." A small smirk came to her face, in retrospect it was actually rather amusing. Her smile quickly dissipated after moment though, and she stood up a bit straighter, as the boy approached. If he planned to get hostile she would not hesitate. Once he was close enough she recongnized him however, and a the small smile came back. It was no other than Aiden, who had in the past attended Salem with. "So, Hogwarts is where you vanished off to hmm Aiden?"
Imogen's hands tighten up at her sides, had it not been for Aiden standing next to her or the rest of the people in the room, she would have swung her fist at her. Like said before though, Imogen wouldn't have much of a chance against the girl since she hardly had any fighting skills and she was already at a disadvantage physically.

She looked between Aiden and the girl in confusion, Vanished? Why had he been vanished? He just said they didn't know about him where he was from. Imogen stood there quietly while the two American's conversed.

As I sat there talked with a few of my friends I noticed that some of the others were arguing about some thing "ihold on my friends" I told them as I walked towards them. American and english both. "What is it we are all arguing about?" I asked as I came up to the three

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"I told those than needed to know, that I was leaving. I just didn't feel like telling every one. And plus, we both know I didn't do well at Salem. Nobody there really likes snakes." He flicked some of his hair back over his shoulder and looked at Imogen. When the other boy walked up, Aiden stood infront of Imogen slightly. He was always a little protective of those that could understand the whole last name thing. "Arguing? I don't see any arguments coming from me." He smiled charmingly at the other boy.
"I'm not like most of those people." Willow said, her voice becoming flat again the smile once more gone. She then turned to see the other boy who had come up. He must have thought something bad was going on to assume there was an argument. "None from myself either." She told him making a quick glance at the pink haired girl, who's name she still didn't know. She realized was from the school in Brazil. They were an interesting group, very laid back unlike most of the schools. "I was simply wondering why this girl was yelling at the talking hat." She stated.
Imogen pushed Aiden from in front of her. I can take care of myself thank you very much. She looked at the guy who had just joined them. Great another person to deal with. She crossed her arms over her chest again and leaned her weight on her right foot. "And I was wondering if girls in America received proper education on manners. As it turns out, they don't. So my work here is done." Her comment was rudely unnecessary, but Imogen felt the girl's verbal attack stab her deep in the back. With a fake smile and a slight bow, Imogen turned on her heels and began to walk away.

__Avenue Peacelights__

Probably not. Avenue thought in response to her question skipping over her first comment for a second. By now he would have scared off the person. He grinned a little thinking about it. Maybe I've become more sociable.. He then reverted as he figured his niceness was a result of it being the first day. "Uh, Yeah I'm fine. Just a little awkward." He wasn't ever one to sugarcoat even when he was addressing himself. He then sharply drew his attention to her first comment. "Not supposed to be in crowds? What do you mean?" He asked quizzically still avoiding her face to keep her comfortable. Do you have like a medical condition or..? He joked in his mind though this is something he would have probably said aloud any other situation.

Willow didn't think much of the insult, it wasn't clever at all. It was simply an attempt at hiding her true feelings, she made it obvious with how she displayed her attitude. She was thinking about just letting it slide, and letting her walk away as huffy as she was. But for some odd reason Willow felt the need to say something, "Why do you feel the need to do that? And why are you here?" She asked the girl with a certain amount of sincerity.
The words stopped Imogen in her path. She thought about them longer than she wanted to letting her phrase leave footprints on her mind. Why? Because there's only two types of people in this world. The ones who want to hurt you and the ones who already did. Because we're in a world where everyone's on their own. Every man for themselves. Because no one is to trust. Imogen didn't bother answering the girl's question or even turning around to acknowledge her. She simply inhaled and exhaled deeply and continued walking.
Willow watched as she walked away. There were things wrong with that girl, things she wasn't coping well with. Willow was never like this, she faced problems with out difficulty but she realized not everyone was like this. However at the same time, she recognized when someone needed to learn lessons, and this girl had plenty coming her way. "Well, I'm sure I'll see more of her eventually." She stated mostly thinking allowed. She then looked at the boys. "Aiden, you and I already know one another so," she turned to the brazillian boy. "I'm Willow Poe of Salem Witch's Institute." she said introducing herself to him. Though she was sure the moment was already strained from the previous conversation.
Aiden touched Imogen on the shoulder before she went very far and whispered to her. "The password for this month is Pride. You're welcome anytime." He nodded to the other and began to walk to the dungeons.


Faye looked over at the boy, accidentally meeting his eyes. "You could say that things always happen when I'm in a crowd. I'm a Veela, you see. Full blooded, the first in a while to go to school. Besides cousin Fluer of course but she was only partially one...."
I walked passed the group just in time tohear Imogen's comment. I glared at her and walked to the girl that she said it to. "I apologise for my fellow student" I said "I fshe even deserves to be called that. I promise we're not all bad" I flashed her a smile "I'm tobias" I said offering my hand to her.

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