• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


  • mood


Birdie needed the best quills. Only the best for Birdie! And some of those tiny ink cauldron things or whatever you called them that the ink goes in. Or maybe some self inking quills will be nice. But, Birdie just needed some quills that will last a long time and she’ll be alright.

Fae wandered down the quiet aisles of the shop, looking at the many quills and inking cauldrons, seeing if anything caught faer interest. Birdie began to pick out a few quills and a couple of tiny ink cauldron things. She was getting ready to pay for her things and then leave Scrivenshaft’s to head someplace else.

Someone bumped into Birdie (accidentally of course), and it caused faer to nearly drop the quills and tiny ink cauldrons from faer arms. The Ravenclaw was quick to hold on to what fae had picked out before turning around to say that it was alright and no worries to whoever had accidentally bumped into faer.

The Ravenclaw was quick to clear her throat and she did a soft smile towards Scarlett, “that’s alright, Scarlett! It’s nice to see you.” Birdie greeted faer fellow Ravenclaw in a warm tone. So they’re both looking quills or inking cauldrons or whatever else Scrivenshaft’s sells.

It’s nice to bump into a friend at Hogsmeade! “Thanks, your outfit is pretty cute too.” Birdie complimented Scarlett’s outfit. They’re both complimenting each other’s outfits.

Well, Birdie has been planning to ask Scarlett to the Yule Ball, and now that the ball is a week away, now is faer chance to do so. You got this Birdie, you’re clever and strong and brave. Not as brave as the Gryffindor house but you got this! Now ask Scarlett out to the Yule Ball as just a friend. Yeah, the two of them could go to the Yule Ball together as friends. Just friends and nothing more. It doesn’t have to be people going to the ball as dates.


“Hey Scarlett there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Yeah. She’s gonna do it right here in Scrivenshaft’s. The quill shop. And Birdie doesn’t have a bouquet of flowers or a cute card or anything like that to give to Scarlett. But those aren’t necessary of course. Birdie’s heart and stomach were doing flips inside of her as she was trying her best to think of the right words to say. No nervousness, only bravery.

Now ask Scarlett to the Yule Ball.

“Will you go to the Yule Ball with me? Well, will you accompany me to the Yule Ball?” There we go! Fae did it! That wasn’t so bad after all. Now Birdie just has to wait patiently for Scarlett’s response.

Just patiently waiting.

pity party

melanie martinez

♡coded by uxie♡

Suit Gif.gif
Kanen King
The air was hot and still, the smell of smoke staining the inside of Kanen's nostrils. A fire raged at the end of the room, casting long shadows down the main hall of the King family estate. The high ceiling disappeared into darkness above, making the decorated walls seem like they were reaching up into the heavens, though this was far from heaven. Kanen was on his hands and knees, palms pressed down into the marble floors with such intensity that Kanen though they might actually break.

"Get up boy." A voice said from the darkness behind him.

Kanen tried to scream in frustration, but he found he could neither speak nor breath. He sat, choking on his own silence. The fire at the end of the room seemed to envelop him, drowning out not just the noise, but Kanen's sense of being. He silently begged the flames to consume him. To burn away the pieces he hated. More than that, he wanted the flames to burn away everything.

"Get. Up."
The voice was harsher now.

Kanen's mind thundered. Slowly, Kanen tried to pick himself up from the marble tile, only for his arms to give out, his upper body falling forward and head crashing against the cool stone. The pain in his head radiated throughout the rest of his body, making his toes curl and his teeth grind. His body refused to obey. Laying on the ground, Kanen slowly curled into a tight ball, clutching his knees to his chest while all the while still struggling to breath. He couldn't catch his breath. What he could manage was short and shallow, panicked.

"Is this how a King behaves? Weak? Pathetic?" The voice spat, dripping with malice.

Kanen's father came to stand over him, looking down at Kanen with what could only be described as disgust. The older man reached into his sleeve and retrieved his , holding it lazily so it looked like he might drop it.

"No son of mine."

The floor collapsed out from under Kanen and he fell into inky nothingness, black tendrils of shadow embracing him.


Kanen snapped awake, shooting up in his bed and clutching his chest. He gasped for breath, eyes wide with panic and quickly darting around the room. Just a dream. He was relieved to find he was alone on the room, a small comfort to soothe the aching hole in his chest. Then suddenly rage. Kanen lashed out, reaching for a picture frame that sat beside his bed and whipping it against the wall across the room. Kanen stood, raising his hands up to hold his head. He tensed like he was going to rip his own hair out, standing there for a moment before letting out a long sigh. Kanen sat back down onto his bed, and for a long time he just stared at the floor between his feet.


When Kanen finally emerged into the hallways of Hogwarts, he was an image of perfection. Not a hair on his head out of place, tailored clothes holding his body just tight enough. He came out looking like a King. Despite appearances, Kanen was eager to leave Hogwarts for the day and go to Hogsmeade, if for nothing else than to get a change of scenery. He walked down the hallways of the school dripping with arrogant confidence, flashing practiced smiles at anyone remotely good looking, and scoffing at the undesirables that shot him dirty looks.

The cold air outside felt refreshing, and before he knew it Kanen found himself in Hogsmeade, browsing whatever shops caught his eye and in search of something tasty to fill his stomach. His chest still felt hollow though. As if someone had plucked out his heart and left an empty vacuum behind. Kanen hoped he could just fill the void with butterbeer.​

Scarlett G







  • home (filler tab)


can i love?

Scarlett smiled sheepishly when she got complimented back with a soft flush to her cheeks moving a strand of her ginger locks behind her ear with a breath. “ Thank you…It is lovely to see you too.” She replied softly. Yes just a soft tone around the other. Looking back at where she stumbled from albeit trying to reach a quill before looking back at Birdie. She looked down at her own less fashionable choices before glancing back up at her.

Yeah it was a comfy choice in clothes. Her clothing usually was super comfy and soft. That was her go too. She silently rocked back and forth on her feet with a soft humm trying to keep herself busy not too sure what else to say in that moment. Before Scarlett finally heard the other girl speak again. Listening to the other quietly for a moment. Glad the shop was quiet so her hearing aids could pick up things without any static or backgroup nose. Her cheeks flushing warmly at the question before she heard the other part. She fumbled her fingers together for a moment. It was probably just a friend thing right? Just going as friends. Nothing further right? She took a breath to calm herself and keep her insides from fluttering too much. Collecting herself.

Yes no reason to get too excited. Just friends doing friend things! She gave a nod of her head with a small smile. " Yes!! Oh uhm- hehe- Oh course! Birdie! I will happily go-uhm attend the Yule Ball with you!" She stammered softly. Ah yes-babble why don’t you Scarlett. Keep your cool please! She's just asking as friends….friends!! No need to over think it. She let out a breath shuffling her bag more onto her shoulder trying to regain her composure again.

It was really nice to be asked though….Even if it was just friends. Scarlett didn’t know if anyone would even look at her beyond friend vibes anyhow! But she was excited nonetheless for the Yule Ball now. She honestly didn’t even think about the Yule Ball earlier more than happily to just sit in her dorm room and read a book. But now she had a reason to get dressed up and perhaps maybe even catch the eye of a certain Ravenclaw whom just asked her to the Ball. She wasn’t as great at the whole fashion and beauty thing but she would certainly try her best to impress! Impress her! OH boy she was a little nervous and excited!!! Ahh! This would certainly be an interesting evening !

Would she be able to even look decent enough for the ball. She hadn’t a clue. But try her mighty best she would! She gave a smile. Birdie literally could have asked anyone but yet had chosen Scarlett….SO maybe there was a chance…..

♡coded by uxie♡

campbell malkin

charms ✧ slytherin alumnus

♡coded by uxie♡

Campbell Malkin doesn't remember the day his mum died.

He was twenty-one and probably sat somewhere at a bar, sipping dry scotch when the news came.

Eines had always been sick, but it wasn't her illness that killed her. It was heartbreak, Campbell's father said. She couldn't stand to fuckin' lookit you. Of course, Campbell can barely recall that day. He barely even remembers his mother most of the time. She was just a ghost of a woman who used to sit on the couch and stand around in the back garden.

He remembers the parts after, though. Being shoved into a stuffy black button-up for the funeral and too many unfamiliar people in their living room. His dad disappeared for days at work while his eighty-something year old grandmother looked after him. No one being able to look Campbell in the eye because what does an adult even say to a kid when something like that happens? Not knowing when his dad was going to come home because no one could bring themselves to tell him the terrible thing that everyone put off saying for so long. Then, when he finally found out. His dad, suddenly gone. Everything irreversibly changed. Everything had changed long before that.

The specifics of the situation aren't relevant. But he can draw a distinction for a lot of things in his life. It's just the binary of one thing and then another. The there and the gone. The not-happened and the happened. It still bothers Campbell how stark that difference is, how easily he can draw the line in hindsight. One day where things are the same that they have always been and the next day where they're not. Even if it feels gradual at the time it never really is.

It's the same as footsteps thunder out the main doors of Hogwarts, students eagerly arush to Hogsmeade Square for the annual school trip. Tittering in the doorway of his office, Malkin had spent the better half of his morning avoiding grading papers and taking in last-minute field trip slips (of which the professors had culminated a precariously teetering mountain of paper in the break room). Campbell just doesn't know it yet. One day he'll look back and will be able to point to this day and draw the line. Say, this is where it all started. But now, at this moment, it's insignificant.

Winter at Hogwarts was a sight for sore eyes. Most people wouldn't understand the simplicity of the first December snow, the soggy leaves floating in puddles, dragging out the crackling space heater that you should've thrown out years ago. It was a time for coziness and spiked apple cider, and those pumpkin martini drinks with the cinnamon sugar rim –

Campbell hummed at the thought of it.

He was one of those crazy people who didn't mind getting up at the ass crack of dawn. Watching the sunrise with a cup of coffee in her hands was one of life's greatest pleasures. And beside that mug was a tin of half-eaten crisps and the half-finished bottle of Smirnoff he somehow didn't down last night. Not many realized just how beneficial a shot of vodka was in the morning, but Campbell Malkin did. He'd pat himself on the back if one hand wasn't holding the Smirnoff and the other grasped an old shot glass.

His office is small, but decent, located just third to all the other doors lined in his hallway. He liked it because the silence wasn't deafening, and he got to keep his little Christmas tree up all year round, and there wasn't anyone to criticize any of his life choices.

His morning had been brisk, but somewhat productive. He enjoyed starting off the week with two shots in the morning, not just one, before pulling on the only jacket he had left the night before hanging from the back of his desk chair- a hideous brown tweed in dire need of dry cleaning. For now, it would suffice, at least long enough for Campbell to get some fresh air.

Black soles squeak against linoleum as Campbell strolled through the near-empty halls of Hogwarts, not far from the string of students leading out the front doors. A raucous cheer goes up into the air, biting warmth against the bitter cold. He can't help but grin at the sight of it, after all, wasn't he once this young and lively? A writhing, weakly laugh follows. Look at him, already reliving a life he hasn't yet lived. Whatever poor echo of memory he has for this school makes him long to pad out the door right behind the students, wrap his old alumni scarf around his neck and rejoice. Its irony isn't lost on him, tightening his jaw and staring straight ahead. Something serpentine and viridescent coils in his gut as he ducks out of the swinging main doors. Christ, he needs a cigarette.

Nervous hands dip into his pockets, drawing a lighter and a package of menthols. His movements are mechanical, the product of years spent smoking under the Quidditch bleachers. The warmth illuminates his face, a dancing flame among a sea of white, only to flicker out the moment he heard footsteps. A red lipstick grin and the clink of heels was all Campbell needed to break out into a smile of his own.

"Eleanora," he mused, turning on his heel to meet her gaze. His cigarette would have to wait. "You're looking gorgeous, as always." There was no pinning the gleam in Campbell's eyes as he straightened up, the package of menthols seamlessly slipping into his pockets. "Same as I always am, peachy." He had a sneaking suspicion that Eleanora had more just casual conversation in mind, and his premonition proved true as the brunette asked him to pretty please walk to Hogsmeade with her. Maybe it's the two shots of Smirnoff coursing though his system, or his inexplainable urge to get out and do something, whatever it is- Campbell finds himself extending an arm for Eleanora to grab onto. "You know what? I'd be delighted," he decides. "Shall we?"


attire: probably underdressed tags: MalfoysSecret MalfoysSecret location: his office -> the school yard
interactions: eleanora vika


Orion Vega

  • mood

    adhd goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

"Caffeine time!!!"

Orion mused to himself as He ran down from the school to Hogsmeade. Happily skipping as He left the Hufflepuff common room after changing his outfit like 20 times. Before eventually deciding on a warm striped sweater and black shorts with tights and some boots with one of those snazzy fun belts. Cute and Warm! Probably one of the weirder things in his wardrobe but He was still exploring and finding his style. Yess…All the experimenting with it. Especially to find something that He felt suited him the most yes. “Now, where to find the caffeine!” Orion murmured to himself before recalling of several places in Hogsmeade as He finally walked into the village.

Slowing down to a halt to try and locate any one of the places. Orion really didn’t need caffeine. He had enough energy by himself but alas He still wanted it. He wasn’t really staying in place either as his feet where constantly moving as His eyes scanned around. Before He spotted something…..Well someone in particular! “OH MY GOODNESS KANAN!” He shouted as he spotted the older Slytherin. Running over towards him as his boots crunched under the pillow of snow on the ground. Waving both hands. like a maniac. Luckily his face already flushed from the cold air outside semi disguised the flush that deepened on his face when He spotted him.

I mean look at the man!

His lips curled into an even bigger smile as He ran towards the much taller Slytherin before moving to hug him tightly leaning his face into the other’s arm slightly before glancing up at him. Beaming happily up at him. “ HOW ARE YOU TODAY?” He asked softly making no intention of letting go from the hug. Icey grey eyes peering up at the other from his curly black hair with the platinum blonde showing underneath. He grinned softly. Before shaking his head and clearing his through before blinking slowly and tried to regain the composure and less than chaotic persona, He tried to show off instead of his normal hyperactive full of energy self. “Apologies…..I got a little carried away! Where are you headed in Hogsmeade? I was planning on trying to get some coffee or something of the like if You would like to join me? Hmm? Please?” He asked almost in a begging manner at the last question as He tried his best not to bounce in place as He waited for Kanan to answer. Smiling softly as He waited.

Long eyelashes fluttering a tiny bit as He peered up at the handsome 7th year. Yeah, It was no secret that Orion had a crush on him. It was actually quite painfully obvious to anybody around. He finally moved to let go from the hug and shoved his hands into the pockets of his shorts. Humming lightly as He waited for the other to respond to the question. Trying to be patient. But the 6th year Hufflepuff possessed very little patience sometimes. He definitely could have it….As it was a core value of his house but alas not always.

He was itching to go run off to find the beverage to drink. But He would definitely be more than thrilled if Kanan would join him. He was mildly aware of the upcoming Yule Ball…..But he knew it would be foolish to ask someone like Kanan to go to that with him. Orion highly doubted that Kanan didn’t have a date of some sort already anyways. C’mon look at the guy! He stopped humming. “ Yeah….really itching to get my hands on a hot beverage….” He mumbled outloud still attempting to patiently awate the other’s response to his question.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡
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Hogsmeade Quill's Store



Gryffindor Prefect

The day trip was going to be a long one, so it was best to have a list of what he would want from Hogsmeade. First to come was the necessities list: A winter hoodie and new gloves from Gladrags Wizardwear, new Quiddich gloves from Dervish and Banges, and Parchment paper and Ink from Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop. For leisure purposes his agenda was: Honeydukes for some sweets, Magical Menagerie for some tips on what to give Hugstari since he was under the weather lately, and to top everything off a quick stop at Zonko's Joke Shop to see what he could prank Leo with. As he made the list Robyn fell asleep only to wake up within minutes of leaving. Shit, he thought to himself. Standing up Robyn felt sharp pain on his upper back due to being hunched over a desk for hours, sleeping. It wasn't his plan to fall asleep, but he had mountains of homework that needed to be completed. Last minute he decided to make the list, but that seemed to be his last straw before passing out. Speeding over to his closet he tossed on the typical Gryffindor clothing wear. Looking in the mirror Robyn did what he could to fix the messy hair strands sticking out and up from the rest of his hair. It'll have to do... Robyn wanted to look presentable, but there was no way he would make it to their meetup spot in time if he continued trying to fix the way he looked.

Throwing on the thick black coat with red hem and adding some earmuffs for warmth, Robyn ran down the halls of Hogwartz to meet everyone at the rondevous point. He slapped his right cheek because there was still a hand and pencil imprint that outlined his cheek in red which, if noticed, would be extremely embarassing. As he made it to the front Robyn stopped to catch his breath before proceeding with the group to Hogsmeade.

With the Yule ball approaching he had one thing in mind, and one thing only. Leo wasn't the best when he gave advice on how to ask someone out to the ball, so he had to go with what his gut guided him to do. Not only that, but he hadn't completed the last piece of homework due to making the list for the short trip. The only person he could be dissapointed in was himself, so he made a mental note to work on that once they got back.

As the groups were approaching Hogsmeade Robyn felt the full force of the crispy air on his face. Any hint of sweat was frozen, and as he exhaled puffs of cold air left his lips to dissipate into nothing. Rubbing his hands together to create warmth Robyn scanned the crowd of 3rd through 7th years looking for Leo. His friend was average in size, so there was no way he'd be able to find Leo without yelling out to him. That thought alone sounded ridiculous, so it was best to start getting what he planned to buy in the village.

First stop was Gladrags Wizardwear which seemed to be less packed with people then Honeydukes. Giving a small smile to himself Robyn was content with his planned schedule of places to stop at. His guess was that the leisure shops on his list were going to be the most busy once they arrived, and less busy as the day went on once people were short on time. Taking out his list Robyn was checking to make sure he only had 2 items he was looking for, and then made his way to the shop as the snow crunched under him with each step. Walking in, he browsed around for a moment before finding what he needed, and only purchased those items. It was always best to only get what he came for so he doesn't spend all his time in one place. Next shop was Dervish and Banges where he needed new Quiddich gloves. The ones he had used for a while ripped in a game, and playing with ripped gloves was dangerous. As he looked around the shop seemed to be quirky, but once again he only stayed for a bit before continuing on. They only had so long to stay in Hogsmeade and he was going to make the most of his trip.

Pulling his list back out Robyn nodded to himself as he was doing good on time, and money. He saved most of his money for events like this. The items he needed were decently priced, but for stationary and quiddich supplies they did cost more to replace. Not only that but he was going to spend more on honeydukes if his possible date was going to say yes. Let's just say, Robyn was frugal when it came to purchasing items.

Making his way to the next stop Robyn spotted Scarlett walking into the Quill Shop. Yess, he celebrated quietly. Hastly booking it to the shop he walked in and quickly scoped out where she was. Stay calm Rob...Stay calm, He thought to himself. Robyn decided to grab the items he needed first instead of approaching Scarlett. For one, he needed to catch his breath as he got so excited he hurried over, and second he was preparing what to say. Robyn rehersed his question time and time again in the mirror so he wouldn't stumble on any words, but somehow when the moment was right in front of him those same words were getting stuck. He just had to be himself, and hopefully things would work out.

As he mustered up the courage to speak to scarlett in a corner of the shop, she had bumped into someone else. He was trying to remeber what the persons name was, but before he could find out the world stopped spinning for a good minute. He clearly heard the question the person asked Scarlett. And, following that question he had heard her answer. Not that he had many interactions with her, and she probably didn't remember him from any specific event to even consider him aquaintances. But, over time he had watched her, noticed her, and had seen the way she tries to talk to people. Robyn has tried to do the same, but he's chalked it up to being busy, or something else comes up that prevents him from talking to her. This time, he had said to himself, I'll definately talk to her. But this time didn't happen, and with that he burst out of the Quill Store. Only he was to blame for not being able to engange in 1 conversation with the person he was interested in.

As he bolted form the store Robyn slammed into someone...

nine lives



  • mood

    no crying, only energy

Otto swallowed hard; okay he’s not going to cry in public. Even if it’s happy tears. Otto doesn’t really like having a whole bunch of eyes staring at him. And yes, that includes the Yule Ball. Nevermind that for now. Both had dorky smiles on their faces. Albion is right; it’s not him unless he’s being absolutely cheesy. And Otto wasn’t complaining about the cheesiness. “You’re right. I find your cheesiness to be quite charming.” Otto hummed sweetly.

The prefect giggled at the Gryffindor’s response to being called handsome. Classic Albion. Now that they were done here, it was time for them to pay for the sweets and leave. “Of course you’ll need my help looking your best! Knowing you, you’ll get ready in a rush!” Otto calmly exclaimed but in a cheerful way of course.

So back to the second surprise. Otto didn’t want to be patient and wait. That’s so boring. And waiting patiently is hard to do for someone who has endless amounts of hyperactive energy like Otto.

“I can’t wait though. Waiting is hard and boring.” Otto was quick to complain; Otto had a hard time with waiting and being kept in suspense. Otter wanted to see the surprise now! The Slytherin was rocking on otters heels now that Albion was carrying the sweets, staring up at Albion with those puppy dog eyes. Yes. Those puppy dog eyes will work! The puppy dog eyes look will never fail. Yes, good Albion was giving him something!

Multi-colored roses! So sweet of Albion! Okay, no crying. No crying over the beautiful roses. “Albi you really are a dork.” Otto was repeating otters earlier statement of the other male being a dork. But it’s true, though! Otto was being spoiled with sweets and roses and being asked to the Yule Ball. Otter just hoped that otter could get a great birthday present for Albi. Otto blinked a few times before otter looked up at Albi with a small smile, “they’re lovely. I love them.” The animagus spoke, following after the Gryffindor so they could leave the sweets shop. Otto took notice of the fact that Albion was holding the door open for otter.

A gentleman! Albion is such a thoughtful gentleman. “Thank you my dear Albi.” Otto responded, otters statement immediately being followed by a giggle. Don’t mind these two, they’re just being wholesome, cheesy, and dorky boyfriends. With that, Otto was exiting Honeyduke’s and going back out into the cold.

Now, off to Brews and Stews they go! “Come on Albi! I want to get the best pastries and coffee!” Otto was eager to look for the café.


Billie Eilish

♡coded by uxie♡


Gryffindor Keeper

Albion K


overly excited


school uniform


location here



tags here


“ I am glad you find it charming” He whispered to Otto warmly. The puppy dog eyes the other gave at times always did make him cave once He handed over the flowers.

He was relieved that the other had said yes and seemed to have fondness for everything that He had planned for the ask. He was still beaming with pride of being called handsome. Yes Albion was quite aware of his handsomeness but hearing it especially from Otto was music to his ears. “ I rush to get ready when I am excited” He replied softly knowing the other was meaning it in a nice way. He rushed to get ready practically every day. It wasn’t the greatest habit, but everyone has flaws right?

That was definitely one of Albion’s flaws but he made the carelessly dressed look work for sure! “ But I will appreciate any help from you my sugar cube” He replied warmly once more leaning to give the other a smooch on the cheek as He paid and opened the door for him to let Otto have the day to be pampered in a way.

Holding the sweets for otter in the bag in one arm as He held open the door waiting for Otto so they could quickly get to the next destination as quick as they possibly could. After He had paid for the sweets that is. Happy that Otto enjoyed the flowers. He was pleased to have made otter’s day that way. He chuckled at being called a dork once again with a wink. “ I am your dork for sure!” He repeated softly with a nod. Holding the door until they both were out of Honeyduke’s.

“ I am so glad you like them!” He replied with a smile. “ Wasn’t sure which you liked the best so I get a multi-colored one” He nodded. Moving to use his free arm to wrap around the other to pull Otto closer with a grin. Too keep them both warm and well to keep his boyfriend close. A cheesy smile definitely across his lips. “ You deserve the world Otto” He replied softly with a giggle. “ But yes lets’ go get something warm to drink” He agreed.

As the two wholesome boys went off to locate Stews and Brews! To continue the cheesy lovey day!

♡coded by uxie♡
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Lucian Finette
in rp

Lucian had not had any plans for the day. Spending most of the morning grading paper and working on lesson plans for the next few lessons. Yes a productive professor, they were. Hogsmeade wasn’t that appealing to them as the weather was cold and it wasn’t something that He tolerated much of. Yes, Lucian despised cold weather. Being from Australia where things didn’t get nearly as cold as in Britain was partially the reason and He just didn’t like the feeling of the weather. Letting out a soft humm as they finally finished all the professor duties for the day. Lucian slowly rose from the uncomfortable chair as He stretched a bit with a yawn. Grabbing his wand off his deck and putting it in his coat pocket before making his way from the Ancient Runes classroom/office to the Kitchens.

It was something Lucian tended to do often as He quite enjoyed baking and cooking and as He was poliete to the house-elves they often let him do it when the students were on outings or asleep. He has a few recipies that Their mother had sent them that Lucian really wanted to bake today. Baking! Yes Baking! A nice unstressful hobby when you knew what you were doing for sure. Lucian did know what they were doing on sure. Finally making their way into the kitchen politely greeting the house-elves before pulling out the wand and charming all the ingredients, that He needed onto the counter as He went to grab one of the aprons that He had stashed in the kitchen. They grabbed one that said. ‘Bakers gonna bake’. A very punny apron but Lucian got a slight kick out of it. They did have quite the sense of humour.

One the apron was fully on and tied. He moved to brush his fluffy curly brown hair behind his ears. Not wanting to get any flour in it. Nope that would not do one bit! Not one to get messy in the kitchen. They grabbed the rolling pin and placed it right beside as they gathered the bowl and ingredients and started making a classic chocolate chip cookie recipe. Although the presence of a heart shaped cookie cutter maybe hinted they could be a little more special than just a normal cookie right ? Who knows! Only Lucian truly did and He wasn’t saying anything. Stirring the dough for awhile before finally spreading it out on the counter with a sprinkle of flour, They started rolling out the dough and then used the cookie cutter to cut out the little heart shapes. Before placing them on a baking sheet and baking them at just the right temperature. As He used to the time to start to clean up the counter for the next few recipies.

Lucian was on a roll today. The kitchen already smelling wonderful!

( open to anyone)
coded by natasha.

Suit Gif.gif
Kanen King
Kanen had been meandering from one little shop to the next, not really looking for anything in particular, but just browsing for browsing's sake. Aside from snacks, he rarely bought things from Hogsmeade though. Most of his possessions sent directly to him by his family, who claimed Hogsmeade was not nearly distinguished enough to to warrant his patronage. In fact, his parents probably wouldn't have even approved of him being there. Kanen however, did not like the idea of being confined to Hogwart's walls all day. At least in Hogsmeade, he could momentarily forget about his academics or the social standings. A momentary recess from responsibility. Kanen had thought he was doing a pretty good job of just blending in with the other wandering shoppers, but apparently not.

Kanen heard Orion coming long before he saw him. "OH MY GOODNESS, KANEN." Orion's voice shattered Kanen's tranquility. Kanen internally sighed. Its not that he disliked Orion in any way, quite the opposite. Orion was always pleasant to be around, and Kanen got the feeling that the Hufflepuff practically worshipped the ground he walked on, but he was a little much. Kanen was generally fairly reserved, which made Orion's puppy-like behavior somewhat amusing at some time, but equally tiresome.

Orion might as well have just tried tackling Kanen, running up and hugging him like that. Kanen hated hugs. Like he really, really hated hugs. He'd started fights with people for less. A bump in the hallway was enough to make Kanen blow his top someday, but he had given up on trying to convince Orion he didn't like the hugs. He tolerated them now with what could most accurately be described as disinterest. The physical touch itself wasn't what bothered Kanen. Kanen just didn't like the idea of hugs. It was just like shaking hands, a boring greeting, except hugs from Orion always seemed to leave his shirt a little more ruffled than Kanen like. What was the point?

When Orion finally let Kanen go, Kanen took a moment to fix his shirt. He took his time with it too, almost making a show of it. He knew Orion was eager for an answer, or rather, eager to have Kanen's attention. Kanen was nothing if not manipulative, and Orion may as well have been putty. When he was satisfied with his shirt, Kanen looked down at Orion, humming and practically buzzing with energy. "Well, aren't we just excited today, Huffle-fluff. Are you always so eager to see me, or is it just a coffee you want?" Kanen teased, with a tone that could almost have hinted at something more. Almost. Kanen wanted Orion to squirm.

"Don't answer that." Kanen followed up with, "I don't know if my frail little heart could handle hearing you prefer coffee to my company." Kanen sometimes felt a little bit bad about being so manipulative, but at a certain level it only felt natural. This is exactly what Orion wanted, wasn't it? To think he had a chance with the older Slytherin. Besides, there was no guarantees Orion would prefer Kanen to just be himself. He had been a King for so long Kanen didn't know where his family ended and he began.

Kanen lazily slung an arm around Orion's shoulders, which was easy considering their height difference. "Well, lead the way, before you try and break my heart again." Kanen spoke, saying the second half softer, like it was meant for Orion alone. Ok, yeah, Kanen was starting to feel bad.

MalfoysSecret MalfoysSecret

Elliot Wittiker

  • mood

    taking things one moment at a time

" Ugh.....Hate this weather......"
Elliot grumbled with a sigh.
As He trudged through the snowy landscape of Hogsmeade. Trying to keep a level-headed upbeat attitude even though, He absolutely despised cold weather especially snow. That was probably the only thing He truly hated was secrets and lies and other things his family stood for. But now wasn’t the time or place to go on a tangent about that. He pulled his blazer around himself tighter, wishing the house elves had packed more weather appropriate clothing for the cold winters at Hogwarts. But nope they only packed extra clothing that his parents pre-approved.’ A son of a proper family must look the part ‘His parents would say. Yeah…. Yeah….Be proper show them what a Wittiker really is and all that jargon.

Elliot hated it. He hated the things his family stood for. But He did love his parents and He did not hate everything about them. Just not how they presented themselves to wizarding society. Sometimes being a Pureblood was more trouble than it was worth! Letting out a breath that showed as a puff of smoke with how cold the air was around. He looked up at the sky blinking away the droplets of snow that fell onto his far. He moved his hand to wipe it off grimacing a bit at the feeling of the cold snow against his skin. Yuck! Not a big fan of the feeling of cold either. “C’mon Elliot let’s go head to the tea shop to get something warm “ He mumbled to himself. Yeah, sometimes the Slytherin talked aloud to himself. Nothing to see here. Nope nothing.

He finally turned on his heel to head in the correct direction of Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop. Yes, The British guy liked tea. It was cold…. The beverage was warm. Nothing more to see here. Just good ole classic British things. He shoved his hands into his pants pockets trying to keep more as His sun-kissed blonde hair blew in the wind slightly. His face only grew more into a scowl. He wasn’t a big fan of his shoulder length hair getting messed up so the sooner, He got a move on it the better! He decided to pick up the pace to book it towards the Tea Shop. As He started briskly walking towards the shop just barely making it in front of the Quill shop before some bloke ran into him.

Luckily being on the Quidditch team meant Elliot had backed a little muscle so He didn’t topple over or even budge much. “ Hey! Watch where you are going!” He grumbled. His face in a grumpy appearance. As He stepped back a bit brushing himself off. Ah, Yes How Slytherin of you Elliot. He let out a breath, again the smoky puff leaving his lips before finally glancing at the other before him. Looking the younger boy up and down. Instantly, He did feel bad for yelling at him. But alas reputations tended to proceed him so it wasn’t like an apologizes word most likely work in this situation. “ Sorry…..Didn’t see you” He still added at the end. Shivering a bit from the cold weather. Yes, He still wouldn’t rather book it too the Tea Shop. But Elliot was not rude like his parents.

He had to prove he was different.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡
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Orion Vega

  • mood

    flustered and happy

" I am always eager and happy to see you handsome!!!"
He told the other softly rocking back and forth on his heels. Orion couldn't help as His eyes at all too enjoyed watching Kanen fix his shirt just moments earlier. Biting his lip lightly. His cheek warming just slightly. Flushing the palest bit of pink. He listened to him softly moving his hands out of his pockets before fumbling his fingers lightly at the other’s words. The tone, cadence, all of that stuff the older Slytherin did always seemed to place him in a trance. Letting out a breath as He smiled at the other a little brighter. Letting out a soft Humm as He shook his head softly. “Mhmm as much as I do like coffee……I do like your attention more….” He whispered just barely loud enough for the others to hear. Trying to keep his composure to the best of ability. He pouted when the other said not to answer what He asked. Orion was confused on why He asked a question if He wanted no answer. He tilted his head a bit confused. His mind whirling in slight confusion, many thoughts about how nice Kanen looked with a happy little grin across his lips.

Orion couldn’t help his pouting. Why ask if not want answer. He kept thinking to himself. That made him a little bit confused but his confusion and sadness instantly left him mind as He looked back up at Kanen again. Letting go of his lower lip before looking up at him. Fluttering his eyelashes once more as He peered up at him through his curls. “You look nice today Kanen….Like always” He added albeit a little sheepishly towards the other. Yes, a small compliment from the Hufflepuff but He truly meant every word of it. Struggling to stand still and keep the calm composure and less hyper persona, He managed to keep around most folks except Kanen and a few friends. He let out a breath, the cold air making it appear as a puff of smoke. As He mindless searched Kanen’s handsome face for any inkling of what the other could possibly be thinking off. Yes…. Orion was a bit confused…..A bit intrigued but none the less flustered.

He could feel his pulse quicken a bit with the other’s tone of voice, but He tried to keep breathing to keep what little of the composure He still had. He had been told time and time again that the other was a bad influence and other silly stuff like that like. But the curly haired boy couldn’t see past the rose colored glasses , He had for the handsome Slytherin. He truly was enamored by the other. His cheeks only flushing a bit more. He had so much to say but the other literally told him not to answer so He decided it was best not to speak in that moment. Stepping a bit closer to the other out of habit. He absolutely wouldn’t prefer coffee to Kanen that was for sure. Yes…..In that moment He would like both! But if He had to choose but the Slytherin would always win for sure. Orion’s affection for the Slytherin was absolutely no secret.

He probably would still really like Kanen without his mannerism derived from his family. It was probably not gonna be much changed if He got to know a different side to him that would be for sure.

Orion couldn’t help but blush deeply when Kanen draped his arm around Orion’s much slimmer shoulders as He appeared up at him with a nod. “Yes! Of Course!” He squeaked. He didn’t want to make the Slytherin sad! That would not do one bit! His eyes practically shining in joy with getting to be that close with Kanen. Who was kidding! He was absolutely estastic to be that close to Kanen. As He leaned in a bit to take in the other’s scent. Whoah…..He even smelled nice too. Orion was albeit a bit more flustered just from that now. Hs lips curling up into a goofy little smile as He finally lead the way to one of the many coffee shops in Hogsmeade. Humming softly as He lead the way to get the coffee. A happy tune leaving his lips.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡
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  • mood


Somnus is definitely okay, Asher decided. He’s just cold and sleepy that’s all! That must be it. Well, maybe not cold and sleepy but he's okay! And Somnus apologized for suddenly speaking in French and saying that it happens sometimes. Understandable. Asher’s not mad or anything. Just confused and wanting a French to English dictionary or something. That’s all. But Somnus is okay and they can forget about what had just happened. “That’s alright.” Was all that Asher had hummed.

Okay, it’s going to be forgotten about soon. Troublemaking time. That’s the only thing on Asher’s mind right now — cause as much trouble as they could. With the help of Cass and Somnus, of course.

There’s so many pranks that Asher wants to pull today. But the trio should definitely start with something mundane like a snowball fight and then progress to more devilish pranks. If they get caught then they’re so dead. The professors are already tired of their shenanigans. Well, mostly Asher and Cass. Somnus just gets dragged into their prank pulling. But enough thinking, it’s time to act! Let the pranking commence.

“Of course, Cass. We'll be pulling a lot of pranks today so you can take the pranking supplies out again later.” Asher nodded their head. The pranking supplies will definitely be used today. Hehe troublemaking is so much fun. They had the whole day ahead of them and plenty of time.

Yes, a snowball fight shall soon commence! Unexpecting passersby won’t see the snowballs coming! “Snowball fight first, something more devilish later.” Asher decided with a mischievous smirk on their lips. It’s not a Hogsmeade trip unless there’s a huge snowball fight going on! Are they even going to get in trouble for causing a snowball fight? It’s just harmless fun. Oh well. Asher is used to getting detention.

“He’s definitely okay.” Asher reassured Cass which was followed with a small shrug of their shoulders. Asher bent down to scoop up some snow, feeling how cold the snow was against his bare fingers.

The Gryffindor troublemaker began to pack the snow tightly, forming a snowball. The first of many that he’s going to make. The icy cold feeling against his fingers was worth it. This is going to be so fun, Asher couldn’t wait to get the snowball fight started.

As they were doing this, snow was fluttering onto their hair. Asher was unaware of this; all of their attention being on packing the snow together. But he noticed that someone was touching his hair. Well, running fingers through his hair.


Somnus just brushed his fingers through his hair. He’s touching his hair. The hair he spends so much time styling and making sure it looks nice. Somnus are you good? You okay? The Gryffindor was quick to swallow and clear his throat, thinking of what to say. “That’s alright. Thanks for getting the snow out.” That’s all Asher could think of to say. He’s not mad or anything.

Asher could feel Cass looking at both of them. Surely she had seen the act of Somnus brushing his fingers through Asher’s hair to get rid of the snow that had fluttered onto the well combed hair. Well this is kind of awkward isn’t it? What is there to say?

“What’s up, Cass?”

A great question to break the awkward silence!

my understandings

of mice and men

♡coded by uxie♡

Wonderful….What was supposed to be a quiet outing in Hogsmeade has turned into one awkward situation after another. Poor Somnus….The guy can’t seem to get a break together. Luckily it probably couldn’t have gone better than what happened really in the scheme of things. Not many folks would have just brushed all that off and moved on as if nothing had happened. That did confuse Somnus a bit but like Asher had been doing. He decided to just leave it as is too. Yeah, totally normal to brush off awkward mumbling around your crush especially when he do it in a whole other language. Haha yeah.....Crushes make you do some very silly and stupid things sometimes right? At least, He hadn't like confessed anything yet right. Nope that would have been a disaster but it did not happen so thank goodness! Crushes were a silly things and Somnus was pretty sure that other's have had less than great things happen too right? It couldn't be only him right?! He would have to talk about it with someone one day but yeah not drop any names......That wouldn't be good either.

But He hadn’t planned in any shape or form on being grabbed by the hand and dragged into whatever trouble those two had planned. Not that He truly minded seeing what they got up too. He just wasn’t as much of a troublemaker as the pair was. Nope, not in the slightest. He just occasionally got dragged into it. A snowball fight was doable…. Kids all of the world did those anyhow…..All in good fun right? All in the name of Fun! He just really hoped they didn't do anything that would cause him to get into Detention too. That definitely wasn't his vibe.....Yeah fun light-hearted pranks sure! The more professor angering ones , He wasn't the biggest fan off. But was He a snitch to the professors nah........ But that is enough musing about the day thus far! As awkward as things have been so far , The day could only get better correct?

That is what the Slytherin hoped at least!

Was He okay though? That was an excellent question........Sort of okay and Sort of still reeling from all the hand holding and blathering as He took a breath to try and calm himself down. Yeah hehe still awkward times right!!!! So uhm yeah! Moving on! Somnus awkwardly stood for a moment deciding probably in his best interest that a half open shirt was probably not the best move with an uncoming snow ball fight. Uhm yeah cold snow on his skin – eww gross! He took a moment to silent button the entire shirt with much reluctance. It was definitely a vibe but now not the most smart outfit choice. At least a professor wasn’t the reason, He had too right!!!

Yeah a good thing for sure !

But all was calm and less awkward until the whole absentminded thing of brushing snow out of Asher’s hair yeah…Probably not the best move there buddy……Why him? He gave a quick nod at the other’s response deciding not to say another word about it. His cheeks flushing light- though it could have been from the cold. That is what He had least hoped they would think yeah. Nope not flustered here just cold…..Yeah! He gulped for a moment before reaching down himself to start attempting to make a snow ball. The cold snow against his hands made him shiver lightly before attempting to form the snowball biting his lip trying to concentrate on that instead of how he probably just made things more awkward with the Slytherin. Somnus was assuming at this point that Asher probably thought he was odd or strange……..But that was just an assumption. He really didn’t know.

Grimacing from the cold as He continued to struggle to form a snowball in his hands. Cold hands was no fun and He already knew He had terrible aim so probably just pass it too one of them or something just trying to focus on the snowball but occasionally couldn’t help but glance over at the other when he thought maybe, He wasn’t looking.

Hopefully the rest of the Hogsmeade trip would go on without an hitch! No more awkwardness hopefully.



  • filler tab!


Calmed Dowm


Outside of Quill's Store



Gryffindor Prefect

Even though his emotions were through the roof Robyn felt bad for slamming into someone. The force could have knocked them to the ground, but on seeing who he hit it made sense they were still standing. Robyn had heard of Elliot Wittiker multiple times, and had went against him in Quidditch more times than he could count. As a fellow chaser Robyn noticed Elliot was a good chaser himself, but somehow his teammate...what was his name? King, maybe...? Would cause fouls in the game due to cat and mouse situations that had nothing to do with the game. It was strange to Robyn and his teammates, but whatever happened in the Slytherin household stayed there.

He heard Elliot get angry, which was completely understandable considering, and was about to apologize until he had said something else in a less angry manner. The change in character almost instantly was something to take note of as he had never given a second thought to the Slytherin student before. He rarely interacted with Elliot in class or otherwise. In Quidditch, good sportsmanship was given towards both teams before and after the matches, but they were simple handshakes and short interactions. That only gave both of them little time to interact with a few words so as not to cause hard feelings. As a prefect he was in charge of making sure the students were following rules, but Elliot never seemed to get caught doing anything. Not that they remembered each kid they caught, but he probably would have remembered Elliot in the batch.

Not only that, but the Wittiker family was a well known name in the pure blood world. Their line spans from royalty, so the rumor goes. The Reingold Library has history of their existence, and a few books do mention both friendships and enemies alike towards their house. Robyn was usually looking for something pertaining to his homework, so he never looked into what the Reingolds thought of the Wittikers over the centuries.

Besides all of that, the boy before him was an interesting case. Not that all of the Slytherins were the same, but most seemed to be cookie cutter in their actions. Elliot pulling back was significant for sure.

"I didn't mean to bump into you," Robyn said in a dry tone. "I was...distracted."

He turned to the Quill shop, and huffed at how frustrating the situation was. However, it wasn't anyone's fault, especially Elliots. Turning back to Elliot he noticed that the Slytherin was shivering with cold. Since he didn't have a reason to go to Honeydukes, and at this point preferred not to go there Robyn had an idea. Clearing his throat he fixed the dry tone he had. "An apology may not mean anything to you, so how about I get something for you from Madam Puddifoot’s," He paused to let the idea linger in the air for a moment, and then continued. "As a token of my apology."

Though he was from an opposing house Robyn hoped this was a good decision, for the both of them.

nine lives

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Suit Gif.gif
Kanen King
Kanen was acutely aware of Orion practically melting into the palm of his hands. "Well aren't you sweet." Kanen replied cooly to Orion's compliments. As the two walked, Kanen not-so-subtly checked out other students among the throng of Slytherins, Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws that had essentially taken over Hogsmeade for the day. Like the toxic snake he was, Kanen wanted Orion to be well aware of the fact Kanen had options. It simply wouldn't do to let Orion get too comfortable. He would spin Orion along long enough to make sure that he had the smaller boy's full, undivided attention, just to go a week without speaking to Orion, like the love-bombing-bastard he was.

Kanen let his gaze linger on a blonde Slytherin walking the opposite direction, not bothering to look down at Orion when he spoke. "So, plans for the Yule Ball? Going to take one of the other Hufflepuffs, maybe some Ravenclaw fellow?" Kanen asked. He had intentionally suggested students from houses that weren't his own, like he was casually making it clear Slytherins, or at least this Slytherin, was already off the table. He was teasing Orion, like waving a treat in a dog's face only to rip it away at the last moment.

Kanen was like an actor playing a role, only he had played this role for years now. Despite appearances, he was hardly present. His mind wandered from one topic to the next. First the weather and how the cold air lightly stung his cheeks and the tips of his ears, then an attractive Gryffindor that smiled at him as she walked past. Orion, and their conversation were running like a background program on a computer. Orion was kind and nice-looking enough, but at the end of the day Kanen considered himself wildly out of Orion's league. He was a Hufflepuff for god sake, and furthermore, Kanen had yet to get any confirmation of Orion's blood status. He never cared enough to ask.

No, Kanen (more so Kanen's family) had a firm list of requirements that would need to be met by any prospective spouse, with "Pure Blood" and "Wealth" right at the top. Aside from short flings and 'situationships,' Kanen had never approached anything resembling a real relationship and as far as Kanen was concerned, Orion certainly would not be the one the break that streak.

But Orion didn't need to know that.

Orion served his purpose. Kanen could appreciate Orion around, practically groveling for his attention. It stroked his ego and only served to reinforce the feelings of superiority that had been instilled in him since birth. A King should have subjects, should they not?

MalfoysSecret MalfoysSecret

cedar hayes







  • home (filler tab)



Properly holding hands was a dream come true, quite literally. And it did put a bit of a bounce in their step, almost showing how happy they were physically like a dog being petted and called a good boy. It really was simple to make Cedar happy, or sad, being easily distracted that is and it’s hard for them to be subtle about it too. Lovesick eyes, always looking at Clarissa when they are in the room, body always near or pointed at her. Even if you didn’t know the two, it was obvious, and to top it off, a goofy but cheerful smile.

“Thank you, Cedar”

“I’m just glad you’re with me.”

Something about the softness in her voice filled them with joy as they were clearly staring with love-struck eyes, taking a deep breath and squeezing the other’s hand, to let her know that, they were here with them. They nodded at their response and then the sudden decline of Cedar's big plan to treat this almost like a date brought the others back to reality, blinking a few times before laughing and shaking their head.

“Oh no no no! Please, let me treat you this once! I have plenty trust me!”
That was a bit of a stretch but, it was part of the plan, they had to convince them somehow.
“Say, how about this, today, you let me treat you, and next time you can treat me. Sound fair enough?”

It was a desperate attempt as Cedar carefully, and rather skillfully led the two through the shop, as a food lover like Cedar pretty much knew Honeydukes like the back of their hand, and headed straight for where all the licorice was as they spoke. Maybe those quiche skills were useful outside of the game after all, Cedar was very fast and nimble on the broom, many suspecting they could be the next seeker once the previous ones graduated, and really, that was Cedar’s plan.

Stopping in front of the walls, perfectly decorated with various sweets and treats Cedar reached up to grab some red licorice that was just barely out of reach for the 5’4 Gryffindor. Yet determined to get it down by themselves, from their jacket, Cedar whipped out their wand almost instantly. While They weren’t really good at the more academic parts of school, once they picked up a spell it's almost natural for them, having grown up in an area with some magic so it really was a part of them to some extent.

“Accio Red Licorice!”
They said softly, waving their wand up before realizing the mistake and a huge pile of red licorice coming crashing down on them. Again, with her quick reflexes, they Brought their arm up to shield Clarissa, pulling her even closer, practically hugging each other as the candy fell onto them, a panicked look on their face as they looked around as people stopped and looked at them, and Cedar quickly shoved their wand into their jacket giving a nervous panicky laugh and a small hand wave.

“My bad! Sorry, I’ll clean it up!”
They said, a store worker loving completely done as they just witnessed a singular 3rd-year student ruin something so fast before looking to Clarissa their sheepish smile on their face still and worry as, well, they had to let go of the other’s hand, bending down to quickly pick up the candy that fell.

“S-sorry Clarissa. Really didn’t think that one through,”
they said, their arms filled with red licorice quickly. So much for the plan to go smoothly. This could only be foreshadowing of Cedar not being as smooth as they wanted. Even they were smart enough to realize that.

♡coded by uxie♡

Clarissa smiled at the words. “I am happy to be here with you too “ She whispered softly trying to keep a brave face. She was still shy and was trying to put herself out there to make sure that this outing went great. Flushing a bit more at the squeeze of her hand. She glanced over at them with a nod. Squeezing Cedar’s hand softly in response. She let out a breath before finally nodding once Cedar had explained things.

She felt a little embarrassed for certain. “Oh……Okay! Yes! That’s fine!” She mumbled just loud enough for them to hear as She shuffled her feet a bit nervously. She was trying to do her best to not be a shy little thing on the outing and was doing her darn best! “ I truly appreciate the kind gesture Cedar” She murmured to them. She trusted the other enough to give in on that a little bit. Plus treating Cedar another time did sound nice! She was all for that! Giving a nod of acknowledgement as well in case her voice was too quiet to hear in that moment. She never knew! She was a very shy soul after all! Even though she was a Ravenclaw! She still had social anxiety. Made things harder but Clarissa managed.

Following the other with a small hum as Clarissa glanced around the shop as Cedar confidently seemed to lead them through the store. She was breathing her little breathing exercises to calm her nerves being the nervous gal that she was. Tapping her free hand’s fingers into her sweater trying to count in her hand to temper her nerves. She did not want to have a panic attack with Cedar from a simple visit to Honeydukes. That wouldn’t be good at all! No panicking over a crowd please! A simple nice outing this would be yeah! Right? It would be yeah! Besides Cedar was here! Cedar wouldn’t let anything bad happen right? Cedar was nice and kind! Yeah!

She closed her eyes for a moment and before She knew it Cedar had her standing in front of a big wall of candy. When she opened her eyes, she blinked for a moment in awe. “W-Wow….” She whispered just loud enough for the other to hear. She was in quiet disbelief of how much candy was in that store. Clarissa was only a little bit shorter than Cedar only being about 5’2. But The Ravenclaw would have tried to find a clerk for help. Glancing over at the 4th year, as she raised a brow. At Cedar pulling out the wand.

Clarissa’s eyes widened when a sea of red licorice came falling down on her. A soft squeak of fear escaping her lips thankful for Cedar’s attempt at shielding her as she ducked down trying to avoid getting hit in the face. Her face going red when She got pulled super close to the other glancing over at them before glancing at the crowd around them as she froze. Oh no! People staring at her. She just sat there in shock until the crowd dispersed. Trying her best not to panic in that moment.

She let out a breath as the people finally left and wasn’t staring at them. As she let out a breath as fumbled her fingers together once Cedar had let go of her hand. She didn’t want them to let go but she understood. More focused on not freaking out in that moment. Pulling out her wand and whispering a clean up charm to help before putting her wand away. Despite being quiet….She was quite good at spells! She gave a soft smile once she had calmed down raisng a hand and waving it in dismissal of the other’s apology. “ Not to worry! We all have our moments where things don’t go as planned” She tried to reassured quietly.

Many students had messed up spells before after all! She was just being kind and polite. “M-Maybe i-if you want…. We can just quickly get the candy now before we overstay our welcome and then go get a bite hmm?” She suggested softy. Yes…A nice quiet place to eat. Sounded nice honestly! An opportunity to just sit and chat with Cedar as friends!!! A nice little chat. Maybe learn something new about them! Yeah! Sounds lovely!

( Cedar , 606 606 )



  • filler tab!

Professor Vika

Eleanora beamed happily when He gave her the compliment. “Why thank you kind Sir!” She chuckled with a nod. Yes. The compliment was fueling her ego a bit. Even just from a good friend it was easy to fuel it honestly. Nonetheless waiting patiently for his answer, nodding to when He spoke of how she was. Never much of a casual conversationalist anyhow! Unless it was gossip! She could casual chat about gossip anytime. Though she did not partake much in it as she was used too! Being a professor and head of house after all! She had to keep a certain level of professionalism or at least try too! She was absolutely delighted when He agreed happily to go with her to Hogsmeade. “ How wonderful!” She chirped with a nod. Happily taking his arm. “ A gentleman as always” She mused softly. Her playful flirting quickly adding itself back into the conversation. She wasn’t meaning anything by it other than it just being playful banter anyhow.

Just kinda the way she was!

The only thing for certain was she definitely wasn’t as flirty as she was in her youth!

She let her gaze peer up at the snowy sky for a brief moment letting out a content sigh. She never minded the appearance of snow! Just not the chilly air that came with it! And Europe was always so cold this time of year. Being from a much warmer place had it’s disadvantages even though she had not lived in Florida since she was three. She was always not as used to the cold as perhaps some of the other staff. Finally turning her gave back to his. “ I will never will get used to the cold, I don’t think” She laughed for a moment. Trying to keep the mood of the conversation and outing light and fun!

“ Do you have any preference on where you would like to head first? People watching? Grabbing a bite hmm?” Eleanora asked with a tilt to her head. She wouldn’t mind either first. It would be interesting to just find a good place to sit and just see what the students were up too on their outing. She wouldn’t mind keeping an eye out although she wasn’t a chaperone for the trip. Her motherly instincts always peeping through for the students after all. Looking up at him as She patiently awaited his response. But still continuing to gab on about the different things they could do at Hogsmeade. What can she say? She was eager to have someone to chat with after all! Always a nice thing! “We could also go to any of the eateries at Hogsmeade as well. I am happy to eat anytime! I think a nice hot beverage during this cold weather might warm us up hmm?” She suggested with a nod. Though she’d probably get something else to drink too. She deserved a nice treat after all! Everyone does every once in awhile after all!

“ We shall! Care to lead the way or Should I?” She offered politely finally answering that part of the question to hopefully give him a chance to speak before she absolutely took over the conversation! Which was highly a possibility! Eleanora liked to gab after all! She did! Always being happy to chat with students and staff alike after all! She smoothed her cloak out from being ruffled by the chilly wind and continued to smile. A pleasant mood , She was in like always. “Whichever if you preference to start is okay with me truly!” She added in not to try to lead him to either choice, Happy to let him come to the decision on his home. “ I think this will prove to be an interesting outing for sure!” She added. It always seemed to be after all! You never truly know what is going to happen!

coded by Sugarnaut

Orion Vega

  • mood

    sad face

“ Mhmm…”

Orion replied with a soft hum walking alongside him softly. Glancing over at him on occasion softly frowning when He saw what the other was up too. Orion was well aware that his fondness of the other was probably aways just gonna be that fondness. But with how Kanen was on occasion it did confuse him quite a bit on that front too. He wasn’t too sure and He wasn’t going to spend hours trying to figure that out. Just enjoying the moments that He had Kanen’s attention! Clearing his throat a bit trying to hopefully obtain the attention that He craved.

Trying his best to not focus on the other’s wandering eyes choosing to pretend like it was not happening even though it did pull at his heart a bit. He blinked slowly at the question looking straight forward as they headed to the café with a shake of his head. “ Yule Ball plans?.........” He asked a bit breathlessly. “ Uh nope....Not really…….You?.” He simply answered with a tiny question at the end for Kanen. He wasn’t really the type to do the asking himself anyhow…..wasn’t really his style. The Hufflepuff was honestly trying to not talk too much on that subject anyway. Hogsmeade was a time to have fun! Not wallow in the obvious thinking of Kanen probably already had plans and probably was taking someone way better or something of the sort. And yeah…..it hurts…….. Orion secretly hoped that He wasn’t so perhaps He could at least get a little attention at the dance……….

He did have a rather cute outfit planned after all! Maybe it would be enough to even slightly get the Slytherin’s attention. That would honestly be enough for Orion. But he was trying to not get himself too into that train of thought at the moment. Only trying to focus on the present. He had Kanen’s attention now after all. Even if Kanen’s eyes wandered away at times. So maybe a cute outfit wasn’t just enough……Okay……Noted! But the Hufflepuff was trying to remain positive in that moment. Positive mindset yay! Positive thinking was a good thing! You can try to do many things just by positivity after all!Orion was trying his best to stay positive after all in that moment. Shuffling his feet a bit as they walked with a small sigh. His earlier bounciness totally calmed down at this point. Maybe trying to be calm and collected around Kanen was key? Maybe? Just Maybe!? Orion had to at least try after all!

Orion was completely unaware of the things that Kanen’s family would require and would not first either of the two top things. Being a Muggleborn and all. Something He kept to himself. It wasn’t that He wasn’t happy to be so……It was more something He just never discussed or talked about. He honestly didn’t’ think it was very interesting of a topic to talk about! Wizarding politics always seemed to go in one ear and out the other with him anyhow! “Almost there!” He pipped to Kanen as the café was in sight. Yay! Almost caffeine time! Woo! Orion was super excited to finally get his coffee after all! Yummy! Hot beverage that contains caffeine!

He only humbly hoped to at least get a little more attention sometime soon! Yes don’t get him wrong….He was overjoyed with what he had received thus far! Ecstatic really! But a bit more didn’t hurt right? Was he wrong from wanting attention from the guy , that he found attractive? Nope nothing wrong with that here! Nothing at all.

But He could only hope right!

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡

Quinn Firhold







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Wait a Minute!

Quinn had a quick and brief convo with Thomas once the niffler was returned yet they had things to do and would say goodbye swiftly, waving slightly as they continued onward to pick up some things they ordered. Being the herbologist, basically the local plant mom, it was their job to help make centerpieces and make floral decorations for the yule ball coming up, and it was approaching fast meaning, they were getting supplies to start putting things together.

On top of that, they had also ordered some other things as well, reaching the nation where they met a close friend who was there to deliver the large crates of supplies, the two talked for a moment before Quinn waved their wand and their crates began to float.

“Again, thank you so much. I can always rely on you,”
they said, with a smile and a wave goodbye as they whistled, beginning to walk back to the castle, their crates following behind them.

A few moments passed as silently, an owl landed on Quinn’s shoulder, she smiled as she pulled out from her pocket a small piece of parchment and a pen before writing down a quick message and then gave it to the owl.

“To Lucien, find him.”
They said softly, holding their arm up as the owl hopped from her shoulder to her forearm, and with a gently lift up, the owl went off into the air towards the castle to deliver the message that would read

Good day, Lucien,

I have received some supplies for the Yule ball. If you have time I would like to discuss some ideas. I also got in some herbs and edible flowers you might like for baking. I will be at the castle shortly in my office.

Quinn F.

With the message sent, they continued their steady pace back up to the castle, only ducking into one other shop to buy some more ink and parchment since they were running down, adding it to one of their boxes floating behind them. As well as that, they would be stopped by other people around, mostly asking her questions about winter plants and such as well as just saying hello in general.

To say the least, it was a long walk back to the castle even more so back to their office, the boxes floating soon gently set down, the enchanted quill from before still scribbling away, and Quinn waved their wand and the crates once more, taking off their cloke and tossed it onto their desk chair, flowers, vases, and various glass wears floating out of the crates onto numerous tables they had set up in their office, mostly as spaces for students to work really, but today, it was for planning. While they had some flowers in the greenhouse, it wasn’t nearly enough to decorate a whole ballroom, so they had to order a lot more, and thankfully with a simple enchantment, they would stay fresh for long enough. If anything, the hardest part was actually putting the floral arrangements together. Yet Quinn loved nothing more than a challenge.

♡coded by uxie♡

Elliot Wittiker

  • mood

    taking things one moment at a time

Elliot simply at this point just brushed himself off. Trying to keep himself moving in the cold. He was not really dressed for the weather. He wasn’t allowed to pack his own items so of course the staff back home only packed attire that was Mom and Dad approved. He absolutely hated it! He didn’t really have many opinions of the same vein as his family most of the time. But he did not vocalize his difference of opinion. It was better to fight back with that by avoiding house stereotypes and blood status ones too! Just because He was a pureblood did not make him better or simply big-headed. Nah the Slytherin was quite the opposite. He’d prefer to play fair. But that was hard to did with Quidditch when your over competitive teammate made it impossible for him to do anything. Family rivalries or something!

Elliot simply waved the other off not being rude just wanting to say He need not explain. “Don’t worry about it……In the past now” He mused softly. Yes, an eloquent answer that shouldn’t cause any spats right! Yeah! Good!

What happened…. Happened. Nothing He could do to change it. He took a moment to adjust his blazer and brush the snow off it. Tucking a stray hair behind his ear. Watching the other curious but was raised not to pry into other people’s business. That was how He was raised! Other things too but that was not the most pertinent thing at this time. Taking a moment to readjust his appearance once again. Boy did He need to owl home for a heavier coat or something. And He really wanted to get the hot tea at this point! He did! A cup of tea would warm him up from the inside out and was truly the only thing He came out here for! He had no intention of asking anyone to the Yule Ball anyways. He doubted anyone would ever be interested in him anyhow.

His family probably had an arranged marriage planned anyhow for when he graduated from Hogwarts the following School Year! He would just go to the Yule Ball alone and attempt to enjoy himself. Parties were not totally his favorite thing but He’d at least try you know! Trying is good right?

Yes! Good!

Elliot had no qualms about the whole house rivalry thing anyways. On the Quidditch pitch was one thing but outside the pitch nope! A student was a student! At least in this Slytherin’s opinion. He blinked slowly at the other’s question. He was already heading to the Tea shop anyway……. So He guessed it wouldn’t hurt. Besides anything to distract him from the chronic migraines He suffered from due to being a Seer. Not all of them were become of his abilities but some did! He wasn’t too well verses on other wizarding families as His parents really only dictated their own history to their family. A proud pureblood family they were. Elliot was just his own person and knew that if He had a choice in who He wanted to end up with! The blood status or house wouldn’t matter to him. It was what was on the inside that counted right?!

After giving a moment of silent contemplation. He gave a simple nod. “ I was already heading their when we ran into one another so that would be alright! Thanks……Anything to get warm from this blistering chill!” He chuckled softly with a shrug.

Elliot was quite friendly when people got to know him and this other fellow didn’t seem like being friendly too would be a problem so ! Elliot let his guard down just a little!

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡

Cassiopeia B







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can i love?

Cassiopeia was busy making sure all the fit back into her purse with a small hum. Her only agenda today was cause some mischief with her bestie after all! She could have perused the shops but again she is only a 5th year so she had plenty of time to do that! She wasn’t worried. She was constantly rocking back and forth too so she would not get cold. It was definitely troublemaking time! No question about that! She even planned on continuing the trouble until she graduated heh yes! She would continue doing so to leave her legacy on the school!

Cass had so many ideas on how to cause mischief out today. She was eager to know what Asher had in mind too! They were both such good at pranking it was soo good! That is why they are besties after all! She didn’t mind the addition of Somnus either, even if she wasn’t entirely sure what to think of him yet. She didn’t really have friends other than Asher so she wasn’t the most social person! A good prank is good! But socializing is hard! But Cassiopeia was trying her best! But yesss…Pranking time for sure now! Time to annoy students and professors alike! She honestly didn’t care if they got in trouble either as it wasn’t like she hadn’t been in detention before. “ Well of course! I am sure everything will be used today I am sure!” She agreed with a humm.

Cassiopeia was more than eager to start a snowball fit as She moved to sit down on the ground braving the cold to start forming snow balls With a happy humm. “ Yes sounds perfect Asher!” She nodded. It was all harmless pranks after all! Maybe some stained clothing would be the worst outcome but that is what troublemakers are for after all! Hehe! Yeah! She was fairly amused at how the snow ball fight could cause some mayhem right?!
She gave a nod in response when Answer spoke. “ Alright” She mused softly glancing between the two forming as many snowballs as she could before getting the brilliant idea to use a spell to form the snowballs. Yes magic! No more cold hands for the moment. Much better! She hummed in delight when she was done. Shaking some of the snow out of her hair. Eww now snow on her hair please. Her hair flipping through colors once more. She was still learning how to completely control her abilities after all! One day though that would change! She was absolutely sure of it! Just may take some experimenting! Or something!

Being a metamorphmagus was so cool anyhow! Well at least Cass felt cool! The troublemaker Gryffindor and her fellow trouble making Gryffindor were so cool! The Slytherin was fine too….She hadn’t fully formed an opinion anyhow as She was a year younger than both of them. And that was okay! She still was great at pranks too!

Cassiopeia had finally gotten up as she had made a good number of snowballs for the moment. Hehe yess! This girlie was prepared! She was! She looks cute, felt mischievous and was about to cause some trouble! What could be better than that after all! Cass wasn’t sure what could top that anyhow! She was in a good mood! Hmm! Nice! She hummed softly brushing the snow off her clothes before glancing over to see what the other two must be up too! Before witnessing the whole act of Somnus brushing snow out of Asher’s hair. She was albeit a bit in shock! She was in shock! She blinked slowly for a few minutes trying to fully register what just happened! Just What?! Cass wasn’t expecting this!!!! She wasn’t okay!!!

She just kept looking between the two really confused. This was very awkward okay?! What the Godric did she just witness?! What! The Gryffindor girlie was oh so confused okay! She was super duper confused!

Was their something going on that these two weren’t telling her!

C’mon you gotta tell your bestie things!!!

“ What’s up?! What in Godric’s name is happening here?! Bloody nargles! Is their something going on you need to tell me bestie?!” Cass started rambling really confused. Yeah she was confused and curious and wanted to know what was going on!!!

“ Tell me!” She sighed softly as she picked up a snowball and just threw it towards a tree hoping to hit it too try and practice her aim a bit. She had so many questions and was super antsy to prank okay! But her aim wasn't quite that good and it hit another student who was unfortunately walking by. Although Cass wasn't exactly paying attention so she did not notice yet. Till she turned her head and saw before she couldn't help laughing a little. C'mon it's a little funny.......

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:


  • mood


The puppy dog eyes never fail. Otto and his puppy dog eyes look win again! The prefect was content that the look was what made Albion finally hand over the multicolored roses. Pretty roses. One hand held onto the bag of sweets that Albi had paid for and the other was holding the roses close to otter.

Well, Otto finds Albion very charming in general. Albion is very charming and Otto loves that. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you with the Yule Ball. I’ll make sure you look your best!” The pine marten promised with a small giggle. Now they’re leaving Honeyduke’s for the café.

“Well, they’re all very pretty.” Otto commented casually, giving Albi a brief smile. Otto will make sure to take good care of these roses! “And I’ll take good care of them.” Otto was quick to add. Hopefully the roses will stay alive for a long time.

Of course Otto deserves the world! “I know I do.” Otter spoke with a cheeky smile on otters lips. Otto is being spoiled and pampered today and otter is absolutely loving it. Otter deserves the world. And all the sweets. “You’re really spoiling me today.” Otto giggled.

Otto seemed to have forgotten how cold it was outside thanks to being inside the sweets shop that provided warmth for so long. The cold was nipping at his fingers, turning them pink once again. Snow crunched under otters sneakers as the two were leaving the sweets shop in favor of going to the café — the warm, cozy café. Otto couldn’t wait to get something sweet and warm to drink. But Albi was warm against him so he was happy to lean up against his boyfriend for warmth against the chill.

Today is a good day. Otto knows it.

If Otto wasn’t leaning up against Albi for warmth, otter would have definitely bolted and make a bee line for the café. But otter was content where otter was currently at. Though it didn’t even take long to reach Brews and Stews.

Brews and Stews was warm as expected; offering warm drinks and freshly warm baked pastries as well as a small fire going in the fireplace. Besides Honeyduke’s, Otto could stay here all day sipping on coffee and warming up by the fire. Coffee with caramel and chocolate syrup, peppermints, and whipped cream. Otto’s sweet tooth is definitely showing.

“Is there anywhere you need to go after this? Do you need new Quidditch stuff?” Otto inquired.


Billie Eilish

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cedar hayes







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Cedar never claimed to be the most smooth person in the world and time and time again, it has simply just been proven over and over. Truly they did mean well it was just the lack of forethought, candy floating out of their arms back up to their shelf, seeing Clarissa's wand out for a brief moment, and making sure to keep at least one of the packages of red licorius. They closed their eyes, listening to the soft and quiet voice of Clarissa, taking a deep breath, and smiled brightly as their eyes opened.

"Yeah, I can go buy this really quick. Then we can go to the Three-broomsticks, it's just across the way,"
They said, easily able to brush off on their initial mistake. They looked down at Clarissa's hand, hesitating for a moment, shaking their head, and quickly ducked away in the crowded shop, disappearing for a moment to buy the candy, only temporarily leaving Clarissa alone for a minute or two.

Sure they were told otherwise but it was too busy at the counter to drag Clarissa into it, even after the initial mishap Cedar had caused, and just as quickly they had disappeared, Cedar simply poped back up next to Clarissa, a small bag with the bright pink and green of HOneydukes logo on it that clearly had other candy it in that the original thing they grabbed.

"Alright let's go, this way! This place is really good!"
They said, taking the Ravenclaw's hand and guiding the other out of the store similar to how they guided them through it.

It was a swift walk over to the three-broom sticks as Cedar had said, it was just across the street. Stepping outside the warm candy store was met with a blast of cold air to the face, Cedar was simply glad they had taken Clarissa's hand to keep at least one of her own hands warm. Cedar looked both ways before stepping out into the street, only a step ahead of Clarissa to make sure first of all, it was icey, and to make sure there was a clear path.

"Oh yeah also, I bought some other stuff we could try together from Honeydukes if you want, I got some chocolate frogs, pepper imps, oh and Bertie botts every flavor beans! Some are super gross but the good ones are SO good!"
With that quick statement, Cedar had brought them across the street and stepped inside the three-broom sticks, able to shake off some of the cold air. It was still quite busy, then again it was the big putting for the students but it was warm and the fresh smell of food would fill Cedar's nose, warming them up from the inside out as they looked over to Clarissa.
"You can pick our seats if you want!"

It was almost time for the big game plan. This was something Cedar had to be building up the courage and the right wording for. They were a nervous wreck at the initial thought, even going as far to ask her fellow Gryffindor quidditch team some advice, which so far has surprisingly not been super helpful, but better than whatever Cedar could have expected in reality. Now they were only about the same level of nervousness as they would be before the first quidditch match of the year, which is to say, still a lot. Now all that there was to do was wait for the right time to ask Clarissa to go to the yule ball with them, at some point. This only brought to Cedar's attention that they totally forgot to ask the team about when they would know is a good time to even ask. They were so focused on making sure they even asked properly more than anything (being a less than elegant individual) that the when never occurred. Maybe it was also like quidditch when you just, know, like when to throw the quaffle.

♡coded by uxie♡

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