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Algernon had loose his grip just a bit when Nico made the comment as He drug him along to Hogsmeade. “ Sorry! I sometimes don’t realize my own strength” He replied apologetically glancing back at the other as they walked towards the small village. His long legs made his strides rather fast and quick and the Hufflepuff wasn’t really known for being a slow walker in the slightest but He reduced his pace just a bit to not accidentally hurt Nico. Kindness did go along way anyhow!

He shook his head a bit. “ Nah haven’t eaten yet either…..Spent the morning studying before coming to find you” He replied softly. His own deep blue gaze moving to go meet Nico’s. “ Hopefully we can make the day better right?” He pipped up cheerfully with his big grin. Finally fully releasing his grip on his wrist. Giving a other a bit of space as He stepped back but didn't keep moving in place due to the cold and his endless abundance of energy.

Before the pair started moving again towards the shops and restaurants. His dirty blonde curls practically bouncing with every step that He made. Taking a breath as the cold air made it stream out in front of his face. He nodded at Nico's suggestion. Algernon wasn't the biggest fan of tea or anything but the thought of a warm beverage sounded good right now.

" Yeah let's go grab some hot tea" He replied still cheerfully. His teeth chattering a bit in the chilly weather. His cheeks and nose a bit red from the cold weather. " Also get out of the cold" He replied as He began to lead the way to the very pink building. Checking behind him every so often to see if Nico was following. The snowy ground crunching under his shoes shaking them off every so often since they were his nicer shoes.

Finally making it too the door and opening it for the other. " After you!" He offered kindly.



  • filler tab!

scroll me!

some details !

some details !

Prof Thomas Hallowfield

Care of Magical Creatures

Thomas had been outside making sure all the magical creatures in the barn for his classes were well-feed and warm in this cold weather. The older male was bundled up tightly due to the cold weather layered heavily. He could here his dearly missed wife’s voice in his head telling him to please bundle up and stay warm. Which was exactly his plan for the day. He needed to go by Hogsmeade station as well to pick up some of the supplies He had delivered as well.The winter being as cold as it was, the former magizoologist wanted to make sure all the creatures big and small had everything they could need. Also being the Head of Hufflepuff made him have even more responsibilities that He had to take care of too. But his house seemed to cause the least amount of headaches which He was forever grateful for.

When He finally had every critter settled, fed and nice and warm. He glanced around trying to find where his beloved Niffler, Carl was. “ Carl where are you?” He called out looking everywhere for the fuzzle little dark critter. The niffler was already outside the barn, holding the professor’s keys with a smug grin. “ Don’t you dare!” He warned sternly.
The niffler simply turned around and shoved the keys into it’s pouch before running off towards Hogsmeade. “ Get back here Carl!” He yelled out running off after the Niffler just barely behind it. Trudging through the snow and icy ground.

It didn’t take too long before reaching the quaint little town and The niffler decided to run off towards the first shiny thing it saw. He apologized profusely as He weaved in and out of people as He was chasing down his niffler. The mischievous critter was quite the chore today.Thomas finally spotted it picking up some coins it had found on the ground. He put a finger up to his lips to have everyone be quiet as He crept up behind the creature. It turning it’s head just in time to notice the dark haired man as It ran off once more.

He let out a sigh. “ Come on Carl! Give me my keys!” He called out after the Niffler chasing it through the small village. The critter just barely out of reach as He chased in around in circles through Hogsmeade. Hoping someone could come and help him soon corner the tricky little critter. He loved that niffler dearly but today was not the day to steal his keys.
“ Anyone have anything shiny they can throw to distract him for a second?!” He called out hopeful. He wasn’t as young as some of the other professors so He was a little exhausted already.

( open to anyone)

♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡
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  • mood

    happy crying in the club

Yeah, it’s very cold. Extremely chilly. Otto’s fingers were already turning pink thanks to the chilly air. He only liked the cold weather because he could wear oversized sweaters. Otto only hummed in response to Albion as he just wanted to get inside the warmth of the sweets shop. Snowflakes had fluttered onto his fluffy hair, he had been reminded that it had been snowing when Albion brushed snow out of his hair.

And now he had ditched his boyfriend in favor of sweets.

Otto temporarily wondered what Albion was going to be doing whilst he was picking out what he wanted. He knew Albion didn’t have that much of a sweet tooth. Maybe Albion will find some sweets that he’ll like! But for now, the Slytherin prefect was preoccupied with wandering down the aisles; he has a habit of wandering around and getting lost. Otto would love to get lost in Honeyduke’s and spend all day there eating sweets and just enjoying the sugary aroma and the cozy warmth of the shop.

The animagus picked out a few more sweets, holding them in his arms to keep them from spilling all over the floor. No, Otto can never have too many sweets; he’s got a big sweet tooth after all! Otto paused for a moment to take a look at the mice pops, the aisle was empty save for otter though otter could hear footsteps approaching otter. It was Albi. “Mhm. You should get some sweets too, you know.” Otto commented before going back to browsing.

Otter heard Albion call otter by that nickname again. Albion wanted to ask otter something.


Albion must have to ask Otto something important if he’s distracting Otto from picking out sweets! Otto let out a small hum, expecting Albion to go ahead and say what he needed to say, but it was silent. The prefect turned his head to look at his boyfriend, wondering what was up.

Haha, what are you doing there Albi? What’s with the flower crown? One of Otto’s eyebrows raised as he looked up at Albion expectantly.

Albi is… asking otter to the Yule Ball. Okay, otter wasn’t expecting that. But hey, otter’s definitely not complaining. In fact, Otto’s happy! Otto’s lips curled up into a smile, and for a moment the pine marten was speechless and unsure of what to say. Well, obviously otter’s going to say yes but otter is just trying to find the right words.

It took a moment for otter to realize that otters eyes were wet. Oh, otter’s about to cry. Key word is about to. Whoops. His eyes are swimming with happy tears.

Otto reached to take the flower crown with otters free hand, and otter grinned. Albi had made a flower crown for otter! Albi is so sweet. Otto was always making flower crowns for the both of them and Albi had made one for otter! “Albi you dork,” Otto laughed a little, bringing otters arm up to dab at otters eyes with the sleeve of the warm sweater. Otto shouldn’t be crying right now, maybe in private yeah but not here.

The prefect managed to get the flower crown on his head with his free hand and he sheepishly grinned. “Of course I’ll go to the Yule Ball with you.” Otto accepted, resisting the urge to kiss Albion right then and there in the sweets shop. Plus, Otto’s arms are full of sweets and Otto didn’t want to drop them. “Is this why you’re dressed all fancy?” Otto inquired. If he had a mirror he could see how the flower crown looked on him.

No crying right now even if it is just happy tears.


Billie Eilish

♡coded by uxie♡


Gryffindor Keeper

Albion K


overly excited


school uniform


location here



tags here


Albion gave small shrug about finding some more sweets. Maybe He would once He got an answer to the ask. He was so nervous about the other’s answer that He hadn’t been doing much but following Otto around Honeydukes. Waiting for the right opportunity to ask him. Occasionally wandering away to check something and make sure they were not bothering anyone else.

“ Maybe I will” He replied softly before having asked the whole thing He had planned out. He still had one more surprise in store for after but He’d wait until Otto answered him. That was the most nerve wrecking part for certain!

The wait for an answer. Boy it was making him sweat….just a bit.

His cheeks flushed red when Otto finally took the the flower crown with a smile. A wash of relief rushing over the Gryffindor. His own eyes welling up with tears as well. He knew He didn’t have to ask Otto to the ball but He wanted too. Dating or not that is what He wanted and so He did it. That is what his Otto deserved , only the best after all!

The flower crown wasn’t as well made as the ones that Otto usually makes but Albion tried his best to weave flowers that reminding him of otter into it. That was the most dedication He had ever put into a gesture before well except maybe the first time that He asked Otto out. But this was something he wanted to make sure He could put his all into! It had too be meaningful and perfect!

He gave a chuckle when the other finally replied his smile only growing wider and wider as Otto spoke. “ I may be a dork Otto but I am your dork” He teased softly moving to hug the Slytherin happily being mindful of all the sweets otter was holding. “ And no one elses”

“ I am so glad…..I know I didn’t have to ask but I wanted too…….You mean the world to me Otto” He replied softly moving to give the other a small kiss on the forehead. “ Would you like some help carrying the treats?” He asked stepping back and offering out his arms to help the other carrying some. “ But yeah I dressed up for this “ He replied with a nod. “ It was a special occasion so I felt it was a must to attempt to look my best right ?” He replied giving his boyfriend one last kiss on the cheek. “ You look as adorable as ever” He replied with warmth in his voice.

If Otto let him take some of the sweets, He would and is holding them for him now. “ Mhm and also I have one more surprise for you while we are here too. But I will wait till your hands are free” He chuckled softly. “ I also will pay for you here “ He replied not giving the change for otter to argue. Giving a soft wink.

“ Only the best for you today and perhaps maybe while I am here I will pick up some pumpkin pasties"

♡coded by uxie♡

Vlad Ivanov


The day of the Hogsmeade trip…………..

Vladimir would have looked forward to it normally but with the bitter cold weather outside , He wasn’t quite looking forward too it. Most students would be wearing alternative attire to their uniforms and such but Vladimir had really only packed a few non uniform items mainly for the ball coming up. He had decided to try and bring as many of his herpetology books as He could instead. He was mostly focused on the ophiology side of the books. Or study of snakes in more lay mans terms.

Yes snakes……….What more do you expect from the Slytherin boy right? Being a parseltongue and all , having a pet snake and even his patronus being one. Snakes were the Russian wizard’s whole life pretty much. He had an odd facisnation with them and his own snake, Kiko was practically his only friend. He pretty much brought her around his neck everywhere with him.

Well when He could get away with it that is!.

Deciding to put on his white button up shirt and black slacks and thrown on his house cloak before placing the Mexican black king snake around his neck and then added his scarf just enough to keep him and his cold blooded companion warm enough in the snowy atmosphere. He was happy to head back any time the weather was too much for her.

Letting out a sigh, He left the dungeons that were the Slytherin dorms and common rooms to head up into the hallways of the grand school before Finally making his way down towards Hogsmeade. “ Let’s find a warm building to hang out in “ He purred in parseltongue to his beloved snake.

Yes He is a little bit quirky and other students probably think He is strange for talking with his snake. But he can understand her which is different. Well to Vlad it at least was…….

Trudging through the snow making sure to hold Kiko properly to keep the reptile warm. “ Almost there girl” He whispered to the snake in English before seeing the Three Broomsticks in sight before pushing the heavy door open and walking inside once He made it too the entrance. Taking out his wand from the cloak to charm away the snow off him and Kiko. Moving to take the scarf off and Her off of his neck to wrap her warmly in the scarf. “ Here you are dear Kiko” He whispered happily to his beloved snake before finding a place to sit down and placed her on the table with him.

Settling into the booth with a breath. Glancing around to see whom was around in the tavern esque place. Noticing a student downing Butterbeer like it was water. He blinked slowly before glancing at the snake. “ Such a strange kid to be drinking that much of the beverage” He told her with a chuckle before ordering a plan and simple pumpkin juice for himself. Nothing fancy but it was one of the few offerings that He liked with his pallete. Only thing he missed about home for sure. His mother’s homecooked meals.


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♡coded by uxie♡
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  • mood


Birdie is pretty neutral when it comes to the Hogsmeade trip. Usually fae'll go if fae finds that fae's out of quills or in need of more school supplies. Today, Birdie was hoping that she could just stay in the warm castle and not go to Hogsmeade today and just relax. Unfortunately, it looks like Birdie is going to be needing to go to Hogsmeade today. She's out of quills so it's a trip to Scrivenshaft's today. Birdie was still in bed, enjoying the warmth for a little longer before fae would have to brave the cold to head to Scrivenshaft's. The Ravenclaw has never been a fan of this bitterly cold weather but she knew that the shops in Hogsmeade would be warm. The seeker sat up and slid out of bed, finally deciding to get ready for her trip to Hogsmeade.

Birdie got ready, getting dressed in some stylish yet warm and comfortable clothes, taking a look in the mirror so she could nitpick at her hair and at her outfit. One that was done, Birdie felt like fae was ready enough to head out.

"Come on Banana." The Ravenclaw spoke to faer ball python who was wrapped around faer lower arm. Fae just couldn't leave Banana behind while fae went to Hogsmeade! The two were now off to Hogsmeade. Birdie made her way through the dorms and Ravenclaw Common Room to exit the castle. She wondered what Otto was up to right now - probably with otters Gryffindor boyfriend at Honeyduke's knowing how her brother is. Fae should meet up with otter sometime.

Snow crunched under faer feet as fae was heading off to find Scrivenshaft's.

It's too cold for her liking. She'll have to hurry up and get what she needed if she wanted to hurry back to the warm castle. "Alright, the quill shop." She murmured softly to herself as she made her way to Hogsmeade. She might stop by The Three Broomsticks to warm up by the fire before heading back to Hogwarts, though, but that could wait until later. For now, she needed to get what she needed. There's the quill shop. Time to hurry now so Birdie can warm up at The Three Broomsticks unless someone decided to meet up with faer and drag faer somewhere else.

The bell rang as Birdie opened the door.

Okay, Birdie needs to get the best quills and hope they last. She should stop chewing on the feathers of the quills if she wants them to last a long time. Scrivenshaft's was quiet, nice and quiet. Birdie shook some snow out of her hair before deciding to go ahead and browse through the many quills the shop had to offer. The store wasn't particularly warm, but it wasn't freezing cold either; just more of a comfortable lukewarm.

pity party

melanie martinez

♡coded by uxie♡

Leo Kettleburn


Leo was downing butter beers like it was nothing. By the time he finished his fourth butter beer, the bar tender didn’t even bother asking him whether or not he’d wanted a refill- he’d just sigh, shake his head, and fill up the glass again. Leo was probably on butter beer six or seven when a Slytherin walked into The Three Broomsticks tavern. Leo of course, didn’t notice nor care since he was busy indulging himself with butter beer gluttonously.

The Gryffindor seeker boy was starting to slow down now as he reached his eighth butter beer. He was beginning to feel a bit sick to his stomach. Maybe this wasn’t the greatest idea- maybe he had celebrated a little too hard…. He then suddenly over heard somebody muttering about him, referencing his drinking. Leo furrowed his brow and turned around to the source of the quiet voice he had heard call him strange. He raised his eyebrows as he saw it was a Slytherin from Hogwarts. Also interesting to note was the fact that there was a snake wrapped up in a scarf on the boy’s table.

Leo could’ve sworn he’d seen this Slytherin fellow before. Wasn’t that the weird Slytherin kid a year above him who was obsessed with snakes for some reason? Yes, it was “the weird snake kid,” or at least a bit odd to Leo, who found the fascination with snakes to be strange.
“Hey!” said Leo, almost in drunken fashion, turning around to face the boy with the snake. “I’m not strange! Just treating myself to some butter beer after a long semester at Hogwarts, that’s all!” he said defensively. “Why, what’s really strange here is that you’ve brought a bloody snake to The Three Broomsticks!” said Leo. “Say, what’s the deal with that anyways? Bringing a snake to Hogsmeade?” he asked.

(Interacting with Vladimir Prongs Prongs )

Scarlett G







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can i love?

Cold weather……

The one thing Scarlett hated as much as Spiders……

Scarlett had spent the entire morning all bundled up in bed with a good book, her wand illuminating the pages as she hummed softly taking care to not bend any pages smoothing them out with the utmost care when she turned the pages. The red haired Ravenclaw girl never had any plans for Hogsmeade anyway. Her books seemed to be her only friends.

Not that that was entirely a bad thing……

She didn’t mind. But alas it does get kind of boring and Her goal for this year as to at least try to make a friend, perhaps even more. But at this point in that year, She was starting to become doubtful. Putting her bookmark in her book and placing it on the table beside her bed. She slowly pulled herself out of the warm blankets and slowly moved to get her feet onto the ground. Pulling her long red hair back into a ponytail before finally putting in her hearing aids.

Slowly putting on a top, sweater, pants and some boots and grabbing her canvas shopping bag with a small sigh. “You got this Scarlett worst comes to worst you can just go to library” She told herself wanting to pep talk herself up. Before finally making her way towards the bitter cold outdoors to make her way to Hogsmeade. Taking a breath as she left the warmth of the castle. She felt a bit odd not having a book with her but she didn’t want to carry a book into this cold to possibly get ruined or worse. Like I said that was her only friends for the moment.

Such a pity too since Scarlett was delightful when you could get passed her nerdy overly Ravenclaw tendencies. But maybe one day that would change.

You never know!

She was also aware of the Yule Ball coming up having a dress and stuff for it picked out ahead of time. Though she was quite doubtful about going anyhow. Seeing a bunch of couple together being happy wasn’t something she was keen on seeing. Though she deep down loved romance and that stuff. But would never admit to it…….Once She finally made the long trek to Hogsmeade, She took a deep breath before heading to go find the nearest bench to sit on and people watch. Hugging her knees to her chest to try and keep as warm as possible. Wanting to just see what the other students were up too about it.

( open to anyone )

♡coded by uxie♡

Ruby Estella


Ruby was the least bit excited about the Hogsmeade trip that day. The ginger haired girl wasn’t looking forward to potentially having to interact with others during that time. The recent unfortunate news made her a bit more wary of others at the moment. She loved seeing other’s smile and all but She wasn’t in any mood to have a ton of questions from the other students about why she seemed so sad.

It was exactly the reason that Ruby had stayed in the Hufflepuff common room instead of going out to Hogsmeade that everyone else. She would head out there later when students started heading back in. Less people the better. She was all cutely dressed up in a green and white dress and some brown heels. Cottage core cutie am I right?Her ginger hair tied into a long braid behind her back. Her blue-green eyes softly filled a tiny bit with tears that she had been trying to hold back. Her favorite blanket from her dorm wrapped around herself as she cuddled into it like a burrito with a soft sigh. She knew it wasn’t best to keep trying to push away others, but she was wanting to be alone right now. Though she wouldn’t mind maybe one or two people, whom would allow her to vent about this. Or even just ty to attempt to distract her. She still was trying her best to be her cheerful happy go lucky self but on days like today it was hard.

She bit her lower lip softly as she was rocking back and forth in her seat on the couch trying to keep herself occupied. Yes, she was a bit bored. Having an entire room to herself now wasn’t something she was used to in the slightest. But it was better than dealing with overly chatty fellow Hufflepuffs. Ruby ended up flopping back onto the couch throwing the blanket on top of herself as she sighed and brought her knees to her chest. “ Maybe I could just get something to eat and come right back.....” She mumbled to herself as she hugged her knees under the blanket.

( open to anyone: feel free to cheer her up or drag her to Hogsmeade)


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cedar hayes







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Being said they looked nice gave Cedar a bit more confidence in their look and had a cheeky smile plastered on their face.
“Thanks! My dad’s old shirt,”
they said, taking extra care to listen to Clarissa as she was quieter than most. Even then, she had such a pretty voice, pretty and easy to listen to. Though often times when the ravenclaw girl was explaining things, they would get lost in the beautiful sound than retaining any information.

Hearing that the plans, as rough as they were, sounded okay, Cedar beamed like a proud child who had just gotten their first A on a test in a subject they were struggling with. Things might just go as planned, that being said, there was no real plan except one. Ask about the Yule ball. It was the end goal but they were not sure how to get to the point quite yet. Yet any meaningful thought process was thrown out the window as the small squeak came out of Clarissa and she grabbed on Cedar. The other stiffened up and nearly completely frozen and couldn’t help but think Cosmo was only here to cause chaos between the two. Of course, Cedar talked to their corgi about their recent development of feelings towards Clarissa but didn’t think Cosmo would also do something about it. Whether or not they were happy for the help or a bit sheepishly angry didn’t matter as they were here now.

they replied back breathlessly, unsure what to do but knew they had to think fast.

Be cool, be cool, BE COOL
their thoughts ran, feeling the hands off her shoulder. Unsure of the thought process, Cedar decided to link arms with Clarissa, and sheepish smile so the two were now side by side.

“He can be, but not as precious as you,”
they said, their face that was just lightly dusted with pink burning up to a cherry tomato color.

“I-I MEAN uh well, I just, you’re super helpful and um kind and just yeahhh…”
They fumbled for their words as their voice trailed off and began to lead the two onwards toward Hogsmeade, walking a bit faster than usual due to their nerves. Occasionally, the familiar loud barking of Cosmo would echo through the halls, as if he was leading the two the right way, not that it was needed.

Wasn’t even this nervous at my first quidditch match! This better be worth it, maybe I should get advice from one of the others on the team…I don’t know how to be cool infront of someone so pretty…

The two looked like a flustered mess but Cedar was sure to try and walk with confidence, head held high as the two stepped outside into the cold and chilly weather, causing a shiver to run down their spine as they weren’t really wearing the warmest clothing, but god damn they looked cool.

“Blimey! It’s bloody cold out here!”
They swore softly, unintentionally pulling Clarissa closer for warmth. They weren’t wearing light clothing but it also wasn’t clothing for the winter, maybe a cool fall day at best. They were too focused on trying to look good for Clarissa rather than being warm.
“Let’s go! It’ll be much warmer in Honeydukes,”
they said with a slight shiver in their voice and kept up a slight fast-walk pace towards Hogsmeade, more specifically, Honeydukes.

♡coded by uxie♡

Quinn Firhold







  • home (filler tab)


Wait a Minute!

Early morning in their office. Quinn was never one to let time be wasted. Grading papers for classes with an enchanted quill, having students run in to turn in their slips for Hogsmeade last second, and as well as lesson planning for the next few weeks. She was always a busy body, and efficient at it too, leaving the quill to scribble away before getting up and throwing on a thick dark black cloak over her outfit, a simply velvety blue dress with big sleeves, on the upper arms and corset waist with silver sparks that seem to move and shine like stars in the night sky. Quinn was happy at her job. She truly was and loved to do what she loved, helping students. Being the head of the house was also very rewarding. With most of her work done now, she got up and would go check on the greenhouse for a bit before heading to Hogsmeade to pick up some supplies she had delivered.

It wasn’t a very close check just a quick walk around before they would stride back out and made their way to Hogsmeade. She would give smiles to students passing by, her cape slightly billowing behind her. Things were going just fine for herself before she heard the sound of a rather familiar professor when she reached Hogsmeade and saw a black flash of something furry pass her. Knowing what create it was, she sighed heavily, knowing that it would be much easier to cast a simple spell.

“Anyone have anything shiny they can throw to distract him for a second?!”

Quickly and fluidly, Quinn pulled out her wand, as the sound of coins would first catch the familiar face of the niffler, a pile of coins in the ground in the middle of the street that to draw in the creature and Quinn no longer to be seen. She was studious enough to know that the niffle couldn’t resist shiny things. As it approached and began to shove the coins away quickly. Quinn flick of her wand Carl would be shocked as they started to float in the air, a simple levioso spelled as Quinn would be casually walking towards it from the crowd she was hiding in.

“Carl, causing trouble for dear Thomas again? You really mustn’t do that,”
she said, shaking heard head but smiling at the annoying but still rather cute creature. It really didn’t cause her much trouble, and Quinn was glad that her unusual knack of casting nonverbal spells came so naturally to her and could help when trying to be sneaky, which wasn't often. She quickly grabbed the squirming niffler and looked around before spotting the slightly tired-looking Professor Hallowfield

“Good day Thomas! I believe this one got out of your hands again.”
Quinn revealed the squirming niffler in her arms. Quinn was the type of person to try and solve problems with magic and usually was always able to. Of course, there are times that can stump her but, Quinn does not like to mention that very often.

♡coded by uxie♡


  • mood


If it wasn’t for the fact that the Hogsmeade trip takes place in December, Phoebe might actually enjoy going to Hogsmeade. But there’s always The Three Broomsticks where there’s a warm, roaring fire going in the fireplace. Which is why Phoebe is going to Hogsmeade, just for the fireplace and a warm beverage. That’s it. No shopping, no browsing for Quidditch supplies, just going to The Three Broomsticks to hang out for a while. That’s all. They’re just going to get a warm beverage to fight the chill and relax by the roaring fire. Perfect.

The Hufflepuff slid out of bed to get ready for the cold venture to Hogsmeade. But first, Phoebe had to tend to the many plants she had brought into the dorm before she could leave. Once the plants were watered and taken care of, Phoebe proceeded to get ready, putting on warm clothes to fight the chilly air that was going on outside. A warm sweater and jeans and winter boots and fluffy gloves.

Holly likes to tag along with Phoebe sometimes and the Hogsmeade trip is no exception. The rat was curled up in Phoebe’s sweater pocket for comfort and warmth for the trip. With Holly snugly in their sweater pocket, Phoebe was off to Hogsmeade for some warmth and butterbeer. Butterbeer did sound really nice right now.

Snow crunched under their feet as they briskly walked to The Three Broomsticks, anxious to get there before they froze from how cold it was. Seriously, it’s so cold. It would be better if maybe the Hogsmeade trip was in October or something. Snow fluttered onto her hair and onto her sweater as she looked at the various shops in Hogsmeade. No shopping, she’s just here for The Three Broomsticks and that’s all.

There it is!

Phoebe was greeted with warmth when she stepped inside The Three Broomsticks; and apparently, she isn’t the only one who decided to come here either. The Hufflepuff made their way to the table that was the closest to the fireplace and she decided to take a seat. Holly peeked her head out of Phoebe’s sweater pocket.

pity party

melanie martinez

♡coded by uxie♡

Clarissa gave a nod at Cedar’s comment. “It looks nice on you” She commented softly giving a soft smile. Trying to keep herself calm so the words would come out of her mouth easier. Speaking was not an easy task for her around most people, but she had many folks who were kind enough to work on it with her. And Cedar was so patient with her……. That was a blessing.

She was entirely unaware of any plans Cedar had for the outing as She was just happy to go with a friend. It was nice to not have to go around the village by yourself especially if she got overwhelmed for certain!! Clarissa was bright red in her face when her gaze finally met with Cedar’s as she relaxed the grip on Cedar’s shoulders a bit. Not wanting to hurt the other. Giving a sheepish nervous smile. “ H-Hi” she parroted right back quietly. Blinking slowly trying to keep her cool as well as she was moved beside them with their arms linked. She blinked slowly moving her other hand to hold onto Cedar’s arm with a sheepish smile as the pair finally went on their way to Hogsmeade.

With the Corgi running ahead of course.

Clarissa continued to walked alongside Cedar with a soft humm leaving her lips still quiet but she felt safe enough around them. Trying to keep up with the brisk pace the other had started. Her own cheeks had gone a vibrant red at that comment. ‘Precious? Me?’ She thought for a moment before hearing the other babble on. She couldn’t help but giggle softly. “Thank you for the compliment” She whispered with a bigger smile coming across her lips.

It was definitely nice to receive a compliment......

Clarissa was blushing very brightly and had a little bit of a skip in her step now. “ Uhm……I- think you are pretty precious too” She added softly looking away for a moment trying to calm down her beating heart. With a breath she glanced over at Cedar. Cedar always looked cool to her and lately maybe even adorable. She was shivering a bit in the cold.

“ It is a rather chilly day….” She mused before letting out another squeak as She was tugged closer by the other looking up towards them. Her eyelashes fluttering in surprise. Biting inside her mouth softly as she just stared up at them before giving a nod speedwalking with them to Honeydukes. Moving one of her hands to gently grasp onto the other’s hand.

( Cedar , 606 606 )



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  • mood


Listen, Asher doesn’t understand an ounce of French so he has no idea what Somnus is saying and he doesn’t know why Somnus switched languages all of a sudden. And it’s weird that Somnus immediately switched to speaking French as soon as he had grabbed his hand. Is Somnus okay? Asher is extremely confused right now.

“Somnus, man, are you good? You okay?” Asher asked with an arch of both eyebrows. The cold must be getting to the Slytherin. Yes, that must be it. What is Somnus saying? Asher has absolutely no clue right now — one day he’ll get a French to English book from the library. But not right now. It’s troublemaking time. And Asher had a babbling Somnus in tow with him. Seriously, what is this man saying? So confused right now. They’ll have to figure that out later of course.

They had to meet up with Cass and commence the chaos. They had all day to stir up trouble but Asher wanted to cause trouble now.

“Friend’s name is Somnus.” Asher told Cass with a cheeky smile on their lips.

The Gryffindor's chest swelled with pride at Cass complimenting his outfit. The trio are so stylish. Stylish friends.

“A snowball fight?” Asher inquired with a mischievous grin at the thought of throwing a bunch of snowballs at unexpecting passerbys. Snowball fights and pranks will surely shut all that lovey dovey shit up. Cassiopeia always came prepared when it came to pranking.

It was Cassiopeia’s turn to be confused about what Somnus is babbling about. Okay, so both Gryffindors don’t understand what the Slytherin is saying.

Asher bit their lower lip in between their teeth. Somnus is probably okay; it's just that both he and Cass had no clue what the Slytherin was saying right now. “I think he’s fine, it’s just that I don’t know what he’s saying.” Asher responded with a small shrug of the shoulders. Somnus is definitely fine. Right now, the trio should just focus on stirring up some trouble in Hogsmeade.

“Let’s start with a snowball fight, yeah?” Asher suggested. It was just a simple suggestion as he was up for anything as long as it caused mayhem. The Gryffindor hadn’t put on any gloves; gloves would’ve ruined his style! So obviously they would be feeling the cold of the snow should he scoop some snow up and mold it into a snowball. His outfit wasn’t even warm enough to ward off the chill but he wouldn’t dare complain.

A snowball fight sounded so good right now.

my understandings

of mice and men

♡coded by uxie♡

Somnus was albeit a bit of a mess right now……….

The hand holding from the boy that He was crushing on plus the outfit that Asher was wearing as a combination was just the start of the spiral of babbling in French. Yes, it was his native language, but He rarely ever used it in Hogwarts. But ever since the crush had blossomed lately it was harder for him to keep his normally calm demeanor……. Plenty of times where it hadn’t been entirely calm but no matter it was harder to not just act a fool with all these little things that just kind of added to the lack of composure.

Plenty of folks acted foolish around the people they liked anyhow! Taking a breath at the other’s question before nodding quickly trying to reassure the other that He was doing fine. Yep, totally fine…Hanging in there……Not freaking out internally over holding hands. Nope not at all. Nothing of that sort is going on here! Nope! Just normal feelings. Giving a thumbs up with his free hand trying to not blabber in French anymore if He could help it. But who knows how long that would last…...

‘You can do this…. Keep your cool…...No more babbling’ He thought to himself as He watched Asher and Cassiopeia have their conversations. Looking the opposite direction as He was taking breaths trying to calm himself. ‘Don’t want to look like a fool in front of both of them, right?! The less people aware of this the better……’ He was thinking to himself before finally feeling like He had um had some sort of control over it. Before finally turning to look back at the two friends. Deciding to opt out of saying anything at the moment just giving a awkward nod as He heard Asher mention his name. The flush on his face only growing brighter before He looked down at the ground again as He breathed once more trying to will his face to calm down. Although that was a lost cause.

Before finally looking back up, biting the inside of his lip trying to stay as quiet. He was just listening to the conversation between the two Gryffindors. Now great…...They both thought something was wrong with him! He took a silent breath before finally speaking. (In English this time). “S-Sorry sometimes that happens” He replied softly deciding to just leave it there. No need to try to come up with some excuse on it. Yeah, just brush it off right like it was nothing. “I’m fine….” He mentioned finally leaving it at just that. Taking a moment to watch both quietly. Totally pretending like He just didn’t have babbled profusely for the last few minutes.

In his mind though those French words kept repeating itself. A lot

Looking up at the snowy sky briefly for a moment. Before moving to look back at both…. Well honestly mostly just at Asher. Before noticing a bit of snow in the other’s hair absentmindedly reaching over with his unoccupied hand to brush some of the snow out of his hair before realizing what He did. Eyes growing wide before moving his hand away. “ I-I am sorry…You had snow on your head and I……” He stammered trying to figure out how to explain that off. Not entirely sure about how to explain that without it sounding creepy or weird.

Searching in the other’s eyes hoping it didn’t totally mess things up. Accidentally threading his fingers tighter with the other’s out of nerves.



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Cassiopeia B







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can i love?

Cassiopeia took notice of the cheeky grin and raised an eyebrow lightly. “Mhmm okay…...Gotcha” She replied softly looking between the two curiously. Not knowing fully what was possibly going on so she just shrugged it off for the moment. A soft hum leaving her lips, as she stepped back a bit to give them ample space.

She wasn’t the biggest fan of ultra closeness anyway but that was more it gave her plenty of room for pranking anyhow. Watching the boys in front of her silently for a moment before glancing over at Asher again when He mentioned the snowball fight. Giving a nod of approval. “Yes! Exactly that” She agreed with a nod. Not quite as fun as using her metamorphmagus abilities but she would relent on that for now. Although that was probably for the best as She was kind of still learning how to fully control them anyhow.

Her hair easily shifting back to platinum blonde without even the slightest movement. Not feeling the blue anymore. The Gryffindor bent down to pick up the contents of her purse of all the pranking supplies she had dumped out and shoved them one by one back into her purse. Throwing it back over her shoulder before standing up again. “I can take them out again if need be” She replied with a wink. Nobody else needed to know a lot of the probably against school rules supplies that she carried with her.

A mischievous grin came across her lips too before she was all confused by the foreign language. Alright cool neither Gryffindor student knew French got it.

She shrugged softly. “ Well as long as He is okay….” She replied before watching them curiously. Leaning against the wall of the shack softly. Kicking the snow a bit. Twirling her wand in her manicured fingers with a small humm. The 5th year may have been a bit younger than the two boys in front of her but that did not matter to her in the slightest. She was brainy enough to have good prank suggestions sometimes.

Pranking was her way of life after all!

Pushing herself back off of the wall as she brushed off the sprinkling of snow off her outfit. “Anyways yeah! Let’s start a snowball fight yeah!” She replied, moving to take her wand to cast a few spells to create some snowballs without having to touch the dastardly cold snow before her. Even though spell casting outside of class was frowned upon.

The Metamorphmagus didn’t really care! If it would help do it without making her hands cold, than bloody hell she would do it!!“Always can do something a bit more devilish later anyways “ She teased with a wink to her bestie. Giving him a curious look wondering what if anything was happening.

But that train of thought soon vanished at she witness the most curious happening of Somnus brushing the snow out of Asher’s hair. Her eyes widening at that as she looked between the two.

Wait what?!

Cass was entirely confused but yet intrigued. As she watched them in silence.

Boy did she have questions!!!!

♡coded by uxie♡

Scarlett G







  • home (filler tab)


can i love?

After a long time of people watching, Scarlett finally let go of her knees and slowly got up from the bench that she sat on. Stretching a bit and shivering from the cold. “I should have just stayed inside…” She mumbled the library would have been warmer for sure than being outdoors in Hogsmeade. Brushing off any snow that got onto her not warm enough attire before she slowly pushed herself up. Her breath being shown in the cold air due to the chill in the air. She had gotten quite bored of watching others move about the village.

She pulled her cardigan around herself tighter as She looked around to see which direction that she could go in that she could at least stock up on things. Slowly moving her gaze to look at every store in sight before finally spotting Scrivenshaft’s the quill shop. The Ravenclaw could always stock up on supplies for school. Wanting to save her nice jelly pens for her own personal journal. She really liked to write poetry occasionally in her free time. Moving a stray hair to tuck behind her ear. She finally started the trek towards the Quill Shop. Humming softly as she walked. The dense snow on the ground crunching under her boots as she carefully stepped till she made it up to the shop.

Letting out a breath as she shifted her canvas bag up onto her shoulder and rubbed her hands together to hopefully warm them up before finally opening the door to the shop. The chime of the bell unexpected and spooking the red-head a tiny bit as she jumped a bit before finally walking inside the shop. Letting out a sigh of relief when the shop was warmer than outdoor. As she moved to walk around the shop looking around to see what she could come across in the shop. “ Definitely get some black ink at least….” She replied softly to herself as she stood on her tip toes trying to reach for the ink on the high above her head shelf. Before loosing her balance and stumbling back a bit before crashing into something or someone.

“ Oh Merlin! I am so sorry!” She apologized turning around holding her hands up before immediately recognizing who it was. Giving a sheepish smile as her cheeks flushed just barely . Scarlett was super embarrassed to crash into Birdie her only friend. “ I am so so sorry Birdie!” She repeated softly moving to awkwardly fumble her fingers together.

Ah yes what a wonderful way to bump into a friend at Hogsmeade!

Literally bumping into them.

She stood silently for a moment still very embarrassed as she twisted back and forth in her place trying to not embarrass herself further in that moment. Nope that was the furthest thing she wanted to do ! “ Um You look nice!.....Very pretty”

♡coded by uxie♡

Vlad Ivanov


Vladimir had settled into the booth making sure Kiko was warm and comfy as the black snake had curled up in the green and silver scarf with a happy hiss. Having a smile come across his lips briefly from the most beautiful sound that Kiko made. Get your mind out the gutter it was a happy snake noise is all. Nothing else.

Smoothing out his white shirt briefly before He heard a loud fumbling speech from the Gryffindor across the way. Letting out a sigh. Shaking his head moving to turn to face the other with a shake of his head. “ Drinking that much Butterbeer can’t be healthy” He replied at first. Peering at the other throw his dark curls blinking slowly. His smile instantaneously turned into a frown. “Her name is Kiko and She is a very well behaved snake thank you! It’s not strange…. She is a most wonderful conversationalist and a great companion” He huffed moving to cross his arms before He scooped up Kiko into his arms and held his beloved Mexican black king snake close. Leaning down to whisper reassuringly to the snake. Who just curled up in response.

Moving his head back to glare at the Gryffindor. “Look now you’re offending her!” He scoffed. Caring more about how his snake felt than his own feelings. “Call me whatever you bloody want but leave my snake out of it “ He replied slowly moving to wrap Kiko back around his neck and put the scarf back on trying to protect her just in case that boy had a temper or something. He hadn’t really paid much attention to the other students around him anyway. Snakes were better than people for him!

His accent getting thicker as He spoke just adding to the very off-putting vibe that He tends to put off. “Excuse me for being concerned about the amount of junk you were drinking. Especially since health is important” He replied keeping his tone calm. Happily picking up his juice when it finally arrived taking a sip of it, carefully watching the other.




tag tag tag


tag tag tag


tag tag tag

♡coded by uxie♡

Leo Kettleburn


Leo was about to come back with something mean perhaps but stopped himself, instead just frowning and remaining quiet as he reflected upon the Slytherin’s words. Maybe the boy was right- it was terribly unhealthy to drink that much butter beer. He looked back at the other as he was glared at, apparently having offended his snake. Leo didn’t even know you could offend a snake! Leo wasn’t interested in making enemies though or starting fights. Besides, he had a very important question to ask a very special friend of his later on- that was if he could find where she was first.

The Gryffindor sighed and shook his head, pushing away his half empty glass of butter beer.
“I suppose you’re right, lad. It’s not really good for my conditioning to be having that much butter beer,” he said, begrudgingly agreeing with the other. He watched as the Slytherin received his pumpkin juice and took a sip. “And besides, Greengrass would kill me if she saw how much I was drinking right now,” he chuckled, rolling his eyes at the thought of the flying professor scolding him for ruining himself like this.

“And I didn’t mean to offend your snake mate- hell I didn’t even know snakes could get offended.” said Leo. “She’s quite the interesting creature. Can’t say I’ve ever been much into snakes though. As long as she’s not a spider I’m ok with it,” he said, having an irrational fear of spiders. Leo felt a bit sick to his stomach anyways so he figured now was a good time to stop drinking so much butter beer. “Listen, I appreciate your concern. I’ll get out of you and your snake’s hair for now. I’ve got to go find someone,” he told Vladimir. And with that, Leo thanked the bar keeper, gave a little wave goodbye to Vladimir, and got up from his seat, leaving The Three Broomsticks without even catching the Slytherin boy’s name. He now was focused on setting out to find Cassiopeia. He had a very important question to ask her.


  • mood

    hims happy

Otto was happy that Albion had asked otter to the Yule Ball. Sure, they're dating but being asked still made a warm, fuzzy feeling creep up into otters chest. A happy feeling.

They’re both on the verge of crying right now. Seriously, Otto wanted to cry right now because otter’s just so… happy. But the two of them could do later perhaps. Right now, the animagus was giggling at Albi confirming that he is indeed Otto’s dork. “I know you are.” Otter mumbled softly, pressing otters face into the crook of Albi’s arm and shoulder. Warm. Otto blinked away the unshed tears, not wanting people around the two of them to notice that both were tearing up. After a little bit, Otto lifted otters head up, eyes fluttering to look at Albi.

“You’re cheesy.” Otto laughed a little, but Otto knew that Albi meant it. “In a good way of course, I know I mean the world to you.” The Slytherin hummed sweetly. The kiss on the forehead made otter melt; otter’s such a sucker for affection. The prefect’s cheeks turned a light pink with a blush at being called adorable as ever. Albion has such a lovely way with words. “You’re as handsome as ever.” Otto said in response with a cheesy smile on his lips. The prefect was expecting them to go ahead and pay now and then leave to go to Brews and Stews, but Albion spoke once more. "You better be looking your best when the Yule Ball rolls around too." Otto reminded.

Another surprise? Wow, Albion sure is spoiling Otto today! Not that Otto’s complaining, he loves the attention and getting gifts. Albion is so sweet. Only the best for Otto! The prefect could feel his lips twitch up into a small smile, “Another surprise and you’re going to keep me in suspense about it?” Otto feigned a dramatic gasp. The suspense is too much! Otto wasn’t sure if otter could wait. “Oh, I can’t wait.” Otto spoke, hoping that the next surprise would come soon. “If you’re waiting until my hands are free then I’ll let you carry the sweets.” Yes, that’s a great idea!

Speaking of surprises, Albion’s birthday was coming up in two days. Albi hadn’t said anything about it but Otto remembered. It’s Otto’s turn to surprise his boyfriend! But how? Otto would have to get Albion a birthday present soon. But what? Well, Otto supposed that it could wait for now. For now, they should be off to Brews and Stews and Otto wants to know what the other surprise is!

“Can I have my other surprise now please?” Otto asked, eyes fluttering to look up at Albion. Now that Albion was helping Otto with carrying the sweets, then surely Otto can get his next surprise now!


Billie Eilish

♡coded by uxie♡
Albion Kinghorn


Albion was definitely trying to hold back his tears as best as he could sniffling a bit.

Trying to keep his cool.

No need to cry in public!


He leaned down to nuzzle his forehead against Otto’s hair softly breathing in the other’s scent happily for a moment. Smiling goofily still. Albion was still reeling in the fact that Otto had said yes. No matter if they were dating or not. It was still a bit deal for him. He adored Otto with all of his being.

He grinned happily with the other’s smile. “ I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t cheesy hmm?” He teased softly. His own cheeks flushing when He was called handsome. Puffing up his chest in pride. “ Thank you sugar cube” He cooed softly with a wink. He was very aware that He was Handsome but hearing the other say it made it so much better. “ I am so glad you think so” He cooed happily in return before moving slightly getting some pumpkin pastries for himself as well. “ I promise that I will look my best for the Yule Ball too……I may need your help though?” He replied softly.

He grinned happily when Otto was pleading for the other surprise with a small wink. “ Sugar cube…..Be patient….I will get you the surprise in a moment” He replied happily holding some of the sweets for Otto. Before moving to hand Otto some multi-colored roses that He had hidden inside his inner jacket pocket with a cheesy grin. “ Here you are Otto” He replied before moving to take out his wallet and pay for everything for both of them as He helped Otto put the sweets into a bag for Otto. The roses were charmed also to last a long time as well.

“ Hope you like them” He replied softly. Holding open the door as They headed out towards the next stop on their outing. Making sure to hold doors for otter. Albion wanted to be a gentleman after all! “ After you my dear Otto” He replied sweetly.

He hadn’t mentioned his own birthday honestly because it was so far back into mind at the moment. Having spent so much time preparing to ask Otto to the Yule Ball. He honestly would appreciate anything Otto did for his birthday anyhow. He was just happy to spend time with his boyfriend in any capacity. Even if it was just being together. Quality time was most important for Albion.

mood: x | location x | tags: x

Gryffindor Keeper !


  • mood


Honestly, Indigo wasn’t anticipating having some company join them on the way to Hogsmeade. So when someone called out their name which was followed by footsteps, Indigo turned their head to see who it was. Oh, it’s Alethea! The potions professor! Someone to talk to! Indigo beamed a small smile as a greeting towards the fellow professor.

“Alethea,” Indigo spoke pleasantly before continuing, “of course I’m in high spirits. It’s the Hogsmeade trip after all!” The flying instructor piped up cheerfully. Yeah, she’s in high spirits though she usually is with her bubbly, outgoing personality. It was also pleasant to notice that Alethea was not questioning her choice of outfit for the trip. After all, the cold never bothers Indigo. Time for some small talk! “How are you?” Indigo inquired politely, doing their best to make some polite small talk on the way to Hogsmeade. “They have me chaperoning students this year, but I don’t mind it at all! The cold air is really refreshing. Please feel free to tag along with me!”

The flying instructor was already rambling. But can you blame her? They’ve got an extremely energetic and bubbly personality. “So, how has Potions class been?” Indigo inquired out of pure curiosity. If small talk is going to happen then maybe they can talk about their respective classes! “Flying class has been great! I can’t wait for the next Quidditch match! Getting first years to not be scared of flying is a task though.” Indigo continued to ramble.

Hopefully Alethea didn’t mind Indigo being talkative!

pity party

melanie martinez

♡coded by uxie♡

cedar hayes







  • home (filler tab)



Cedar was glad that the bright red face could be played off as being cold to anyone else as it was embarrassing to be well, flustered. Thinking before they speak wasn’t always great and It really showed at times. Sure what they said about Clarissa was true but, it didn’t NEED to be said like that. At this point, it was now just trying to either, ignore it or play it off. Anyone smooth and good with words probably could play it off and whether or not Cedar could pull it off was, questionable, at the very least.

Yet it was met with a compliment as well. If their face wasn’t already bight read then it sure would be as now. Clarissa was precious. Cute, quiet, soft, smart too. Cedar would have never thought of themselves as precious, never in a billion years.

Precious? Confident sure, loud absolutely….maybe…no no, don’t get ahead of yourself.
They thought, for a moment that maybe, MAYBE Clarissa was giving off the same vibes as Cedar thought but, of course, the little ounce of logic in Cedar would throw it aside. Clarissa was just nice! Nice and just met Cedar at the level they were at, which was, pretty low.

“Oh, thanks!”
Cedar at this point was truly at a loss for words, wanting to fill in the emptiness with words but was far too flustered to even think, not that they did that much.

Cedar shivered slightly, their breath foggy as they breathed out, glad Clarissa was smarter to wear a bit warmer clothing, seeing Honeydukes in the distance but nearly tripped once the other grabbed their hands.

So soft, and warm…
they thought, gently grabbing the other hand back and glanced down at their now entertained hands, determined to convince themselves that this is what friends do when they are cold. Cedar's own hand would be a bit rough, calloused from all of the quidditch and flying practice compared to Clarissa’s but warm nonetheless in the others.

Thankfully with Cedar's nervous fast pace, Honeydukes only got closer and closer, allowing them to distract themself with the thought of sweets and things to eat and maybe even share with Clarissa! When they reached the doors, with their free hand, Cedar would go to open it, the warmth of the shop blasting the two in their faces as well as the sweet aroma of the shop. They would let the other walk in ahead of them and follow quickly behind, mostly since they didn’t really want to let the other hands go, and hoping to keep holding hands for as long as possible, that wasn’t too awkward for friends at least.

“Finally, Honeydukes! It always smells so good! What kind of sweets do you like?”
They would ask, looking at the other with a big smile, and the redness of their face from the cold began to soften up now that they were inside. Cedar typically was scattered-brained and would be all over the sho[ but with Clarissa here, Cedar just wanted to be near her, closer to her.

“Get whatever you want! I’ll buy it for you. My treat.”
This was a good first plan. Over the summer, Cedar had to do many chores and odd jobs for some quick cash, and while it was mostly for Cedar to indulge themselves, they were dead set on treating Clarissa all day, after all, what they heard that it was right and proper for one to treat the other person.

♡coded by uxie♡

Clarissa gave a nod at the response of the other with a happy hum. Move than pleased to give Cedar a compliment especially calling them precious. Cause Cedar was precious…At least to Clarissa. Giving a small smile in return with a nod. Yes, She was being nice but truly she had meant the compliment with her entire heart and soul. Yes! Being nice was something she was known for but She truly didn’t say anything she never meant. So yup, She meant everything she said to Cedar. Her own cheeks flushed brightly from the cold and well being flustered from being that close to the Gryffindor, She had developed a crush on. It was a little like a book though. Developing feelings for a kid you helped tutor. Though they were only a year apart so it wasn’t like too big of an age gap anyhow. “ Of course….” She whispered to them softly.

Trying her best not to shiver from the cold with a breath. Carefully holding onto the other’s hand with intertwined fingers. Her soft delicate fingers meshed with Cedar’s more calloused fingers . Very different their hobbies where but that didn’t matter. She had a quiet admiration for Cedar’s quidditch playing…..They were so brave to be up on a broom for that long with all those crazy things zooming everywhere. She didn’t exactly have a really a clue how Quidditch worked. Clarissa just knew it could be dangerous and loud and all that stuff. Which was enough for her to stay usually far away from the matches. But if Cedar asked of course She would attend.

She smiled a bit wider as they held hands a bit more properly that time. Yes….It was nice. Just as nice as she imagined. The rougher texture of the other’s hand didn’t bother her at all. Following the other towards the candy shop, Honeydukes as she tried to keep up with Cedar’s pace. The other’s pace was definitely faster than she was used too. But her long legs helped her keep up with them as best as She could. She glanced around at the other shops as she walked before glancing over at Cedar as they finally made the brisk walk up to the door of Honeydukes. Looking up at the super colorful outside of the star. Her eyes slightly widening as she then remembered it was a popular spot…..It could be loud and overwhelming in the shop.

She let out an audible sigh before glancing over at her companion with a sheepish smile. Ah yes….She had Cedar with her. Cedar wouldn’t take her someone that would completely be too much for her. That she at least know. So she took a breath and started to relax a bit before walking inside and smiling as Cedar was beside her again. “ Thank you Cedar…” She whispered. Giving the other a small smile. Yes….This would be alright. Cedar was here.

She blinked slowly when the Cedar as the question….What sweets do you like?. Clarissa blinked slowly before glancing over at them. “ Mhmm well I do tend to like red licorice “ She whispered to them softly. She liked plently of other sweets too but she could have taken days to list them all with how soft and slow she can speak sometimes. Gripping onto the other’s hand softly a bit nervous glancing around with how many others were in the store as She shuffled over a bit towards Cedar. Glancing at them giving a nervous smile. She blinked slowly at the other’s statement with a shake of her head. “ Oh no! I can’t let you spend your galleons on me…” She whispered nervously not wanting to take advantage of Cedar’s kindness. “ I can get myself no worries!” She tried to reassure. Not understanding that the other was just trying to be proper and kind! That was just how Clarissa was sometimes. She could be a little dense and nervous but she was trying her best. But if Cedar explained the intentions of treating another. She would relent.

( Cedar , 606 606 )



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Professor Vika

Eleanora was finishing up paperwork in her office with a soft sigh. Trying to get all the Head of House work done for the day so she could just relax the rest of the day! She adored her lions but sometimes all the paperwork she had to do due to various mischief and stuff of the like made her head spin. Although She had her fair share of trouble as a student as well…..well more than her fair share actually. But she didn’t want to live in the past. She had grown and matured as a person a ton. She wouldn’t have been able to be the head of the house if she hadn’t show that she could be responsible anyways. Yes…She was a mature lioness now. She did have a lioness patronus after all. Her pride in her house and alma mater was very strong.

She probably cheered the loudest for them at the Quidditch games compared to most of the other staff. What can She say? Again, she is a proud Mama Lion. The proudest! She had a lot of pride in her house. She had finally finished the paperwork with a happy hum and took out her wand to charm everything into the right places and folders before looking around at her office in the astronomy tower. Ah yes, her other love! Astronomy! The subject she taught. Don’t over think the fact of the astronomy professor is the Head of Gryffindor. It isn’t all that deep really. Eleanora just really loved the stars and charting them. She truly did!

But all of this wasn’t relevant for the moment. She got up from her desk and tucked her wand into her dark blue starry themed skirt pocket. Yes, she seemed to really run with the star aesthetic for herself. She was quirky like that. A white turtleneck top and a star themed necklace. Blue dangly earrings and blue heels. Heels aren’t probably the best thing to wear for the outing to Hogsmeade but she knew she could handle walking in heels for a long time. Mama Lion had to look her best after all!

She stopped for a second as She tied up her hair into a ponytail with a cute star clip and hummed softly as she refreshed her red lipstick. Had to always wear something red after all! She felt ready to head out as she grabbed her wool dark blue cloak and wrapped it around herself and closed the clasp and brushed and smoothed it out before humming happily. Before turning into her Animagus form , A raven and flew out of the tower and flew back into a window in the school on the bottom floor. Nodding at students as she made her way towards the entrance to the school. Eleanora was in a good mood today! She usually was! But today she was definitely in a good mood!

She finally made her way to the door and walked outside. Her lips curled into a big smile when she saw a good friend of hers. “Mr. Campbell!” She called out seeing the fellow professor standing at the door with a happy wave. Her tone albeit it a little flirty. But she tended to be around the staff she had good banter around anyway. As a student, She was a bit worse as a flirt….But she’s chilled out now for the most part. “ How are you doing my good sir on this day!” She chirped happily. Even with all her years in Europe. She still held on to her American Accent. But that was okay with her. She adjusted her cloak trying to make sure she was put together. Must look your best if you are trying to keep someone’s attention, yes?

She smiled brightly moving to walk closer to him with a nod. “ I am just heading out to Hogsmeade myself to get a bite to eat and people watch. If you’d like to join me? Pretty please?” She practically begged him and batted her eyelashes. She wouldn’t mind going alone. But it wouldn’t be nearly as fun if she had company. Patiently waiting for the other’s answer.

coded by Sugarnaut
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