Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Death

AWarriorcat said:
[Name:] Avery Burrs Sorries
[Age:] 16 years old

[Year:] 5th

[Gender:] Female

[Crush:] None

[boyfriend/Girlfriend:] No One

[sexuality:] Pansexual

[species:] Human

[House:] Gryffindor

[Favorite Class:] Defense Against The Dark Arts

[Patronus:] Tiger

[Pet:] Michonne, the Kneazle

[Parents:] Unknown Witch and Muggle Father

[bloodstatus:] Halfblood


[Personality:] Avery has a badmouth and is overall, a tom boy. She hates being flirting with, advances, and just romance advances in general. She is harsh, with a sharp tongue but she is really sweet with her friends. She can have a bad mouth but she loves her friends with all of her heart. Avery doesn' trust instantly and it's hard to get onto her friends list; she knows how to fight and sometimes gets in bad moods where she'll provoke fights. Avery is not a girly girl, and nothing about her is girly.

[background:] Avery's father was killed when she was five and she's been passed around her stiff, rude family like a diseased animal that no one wanted, until she was seven and her older brother, that had disappeared after the accident, finally found her. After that she lived with him until she was 11, when she got her acceptance letter into Hogwarts.

[Wand:] Oak Wood, Dragon Heart String, 14 inches

[Other:] Avery loves getting muggle tattoos, and is covered in them.

[Name:] Ashton Slover Silver

[Age:] 16 years old

[Year:] 5th

[Gender:] Male

[Crush:] None

[boyfriend/Girlfriend:] None

[sexuality:] Pansexual

[species:] Human

[House:] Slytherian

[Favorite Class:] Defense Against The Dark Arts

[Patronus:] Dragon

[Pet:] None

[Parents:] Descendant of Death Eather Father and Muggle Mother

[bloodstatus:] Halfblood


[Personality:] Ashton is a jerk, he's arrogant, pushy and a bully. He gets what he wants, one way or another, and is very cruel to others. In reality, it's not his fault, he had to grow up this way or he would get beaten. Ash is incredibly good at fist fighting, as well as gifted with spells, he is rude, mean, short tempered and ignorant. It takes a lot to become friends with him, but once you do, he's really not a bad guy

[background:] Ashton is surrounded by older brothers, and his father only let the strongest eat, so his life was growing up fighting his siblings to survive. He was forced into being the way he is, otherwise his family, besides his mother, would beat him. Ashton, although the youngest, was a very good fighter, although when young, he had many beatings, he grew stronger and became the strongest out of his brothers.

[Wand:] Spruce Wood, Dragon Heart String, 16 inches

[Other:] He is often taunted by Slytherians for being a Halfblood

[Name:] Diamond Ilis Ever

[Age:] 15 years old

[Year:] 4th year

[Gender:] Female

[Crush:] None

[boyfriend] None

[sexuality:] Straight

[species:] Metamorphmagus

[House:] Ravenclaw

[Favorite Class:] Herbology

[Patronus:] Unicorn

[Pet:] Sirius, the Kneazle

[Parents:] Vaguely related to the Black Family from her Father and Muggle Mother

[bloodstatus:] Halfblood


[1st Normal Appearence]

[Actual Appearence]

[2nd Normal Appearence]

[Personality:] Diamond is dorky and kind but has a bad mouth sometimes, she's not afraid to take a hit and is really dense. She's quiet with strangers but gets funner and louder as you get to know her, she tends to be a little absent minded but fun to be around. She tends to forget easily and day dreams constantly, she lazy at times but other times she works hard.

[background:] Diamond grew up with her father, as her muggle mother was very young when she gave birth, although she met her mother once, very young, her mother didn't want her family to know that she had a 'halfblood' daughter. When she was 11, and got her letter to Hogwarts, her father were thrilled and spared no expense in getting the best of the best for his daughter. As an ex wand maker, he created, for her, the last wand ever made by him.

[Wand:] Her dad was an ex wand maker, and created a beautiful wand for her, it is made of Crystal, it's core is Thestral tail hair and it's length is fourteen inches.

[Other:] Metamorphmagus


[Name:] Spencer Arnold Masks

[Age:] 27 years ago

[Gender:] Male

[Crush:] None

[boyfriend/Girlfriend:] Nope

[sexuality:] Demisexual (Mainly leans towards guys)

[species:] Werewolf

[Head of:] Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Muggles

[bloodstatus:] Muggle Born

[Patronus:] Lion


[Personality:] Spencer is extremely quiet with almost anyone, he'll treat you like an enemy and is super distant with all. Spencer doesn't take offense easily and he secretly enjoys breaking the rules. This boy likes being normal, he doesn't like to stand out and lets other's make his choices; he is never lazy or a procrastinator. Spencer is a cleanaholic, workaholic and a terribly horrible insomniac, he doesn't like being blunt and sugar coats a bit and is never honest about his feelings; he virtually blends into the background.

[background:] Spencer was bitten when he was eight, his parents believed it was just a dog bite and had it treated but on the full moon, he killed his parents when he was werewolf. When he turned human the next morning, he grieved hard, he killed his parents and he was a monster. Spencer distanced himself from people, he hid in an abandoned farmhouse where he lived, locking himself in during a full moon. One night, when he was in werewolf form, two kids, twelve, like him, they entered the barn to see if the rumors were true about a dog being trapped in here. The werewolf killed them before, now free from the barn, he ran into the woods killing ten other people. Spencer was horrified at himself and ran for a long time until he found a cave far from humans and lives there. He lived there for a long time, until he magically got his letter to Hogwarts, although he never was put into it, he accepted. He was a the smartest student there and was eventually invited to be a teacher at Hogwarts.

[Wand:] Its made of silver with Unicorn hair core and it's twelve inches.

[Favorite House:] Ravenclaw

[Least Favorite House:] Slytherian

[Other:] He is wellknown for being a werewolf and his scars are self inflicted.
Accepted, but what class does Spencer teach?


[QUOTE="Seraphina Blair]



Avril Cassandra Bellerose




5th year at Beauxbatons






Delphine Gwenaelle (Veela) and Ethan Bellerose (Wizard)


Half-blood (I suppose that's how it works when your mother is a Veela?)


Avril is a very shy, quiet individual. She enjoys being around people, but she doesn't talk much. She gets a lot of unwanted attention due to her being Half-Veela.

Avril is, above all else, kind, and is always willing to help someone in need. She is surprisingly intelligent and has always been at the top of her classes.


Avril's mother was a Veela named Delphine. Avril never got to meet her, as Delphine left her with her father, Ethan, when she was a baby. Ethan often chastised himself for falling in love with her looks before he'd even spoken to her. Avril's father was a very kind man, but somewhat poor. He worked all the time to make the money necessary to pay for everything he and Avril needed, which meant that he was rarely at home, and Avril didn't get to seem him much, so they were never very close. Avril has always had a hard time keeping her Veela 'charms' under control. She always has boys (and sometimes girls) chasing after her.

[Wand:] Rosewood, Phoenix feather, 13 inches

[Other:] Avril has a bit of a stutter when she speaks.​

:D thank you very muc. Although I cant post atm, how can I jump in? (i can oost in a bit) Can I have a recap as well?
(She needs to know still what Spencer teaches. DADA is taken and so is transfiguration. And the tri wizard tournament is happening and the champions were chosen.)

[Name:] August Nephritis

[Age:] 31

[Gender:] Female

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Half Giantess

[Head of:] Slytherin

[Class:] Potions

[Parents:] Agusta and Beckendorf Nephritis

[bloodstatus:] Half-blood

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Not your idealistic woman to keep around for company; August is as cold and out of sync with the world as she is physically allowed to be. She's quite distant with students and even more so with the other teachers. She had much rather be teaching DADA with her strange advanced knowledge on the subject, that she speaks of to no one but the headmistress, but the spot was already taken and she loathes Alexander Zaccardo dreadfully for that. She's a quick-witted woman who appears whenever you need her, but don't want her, and is never around when you need her and want her.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better) *I'm so lazy*

[Other:] (optional) She has an Crow named Link who follows kids around and reports to her just like Mrs. Norris

She is also talented at Transfirguration and transfigures herself into birds at times to scope out suspicious subjects of interest.
:D Alright, so I can start? <x< Are there any spots on the Quidditch teams (Slytherin, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw?)
AWarriorcat said:
:D Alright, so I can start? <x< Are there any spots on the Quidditch teams (Slytherin, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw?)
It's in the overview
[Name:] Cerys (pronouced keh-ris) Matlock

[Age:] 16

[Year:] Fifth

[Gender:] Female

[species:] Human (Witch)

[House:] Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Penelope Whittle (muggle) and Roland Matlock (pure-blooded wizard)

[bloodstatus:] Half-blood


[Personality:] When you first meet Cerys she seems to be reserved and fidgety, but once she gets used to you, you find that she's bubbly and excitable and may not act her age. She has a wide-eyed curiosity even for the most seemingly insignificant things. Cerys tends to be a bit zealous in her endeavors and strives to be the best that she possibly can be. She loves to read and can be moody when interrupted while she is. She tries to be really honest, especially with her feelings, unless she feels what she say may cause someone harm, mentally or physically, or just make someone uncomfortable.

[background:] Cerys is the love child of Penelope Whittle and Roland Matlock. Penelope being a muggle was scorned and looked down upon by Roland's pure-blooded parents. They were not blind to what their son was getting up to- they knew that he was fraternizing with her. When Penelope was almost due to give birth to Cerys, she was run over by Roland's mother- almost killing her, and Cerys, in that very moment. Penelope was rushed to a nearby hospital where she went into labor and died giving birth. Roland's mother said that it was an accident, that she hadn't seen the young women, but Roland did not believe her. Taking his child, he left his parents home and moved to Nettlebed. There, he raised Cerys immersed in the world of magic. Having grown up without a mother did not cause Cerys to ever feel like she was missing out on something. Her father's love has always been enough for her.

[Wand:] 12 1/4 inch alder wood wand with unicorn core- is slightly springy.

[Other:] She has an owl named Lyra. She tends to be a bit grumpy and noisy.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Wand.JPG.9c6df8cf930ac38dd7ae2f3025d9c4d5.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Wand.JPG.9c6df8cf930ac38dd7ae2f3025d9c4d5.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="To Never Love][Name:] Cerys (pronouced ker-is) Matlock
[Age:] 16

[Year:] Fifth

[Gender:] Female

[species:] Human

[House:] Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Penelope Whittle (muggle) and Roland Matlock (pure-blood wizard)

[bloodstatus:] Half-blood


[Personality:] Cerys tends to be a bit zealous in her endeavors and strives to be the best that she possibly can be. She loves to read and can be a bit moody when interrupted while she is. For the most part, she's honest unless she feels what she say may cause someone harm, mentally or physically. Occasionally, Cerys is reserved around people she's unfamiliar with, but tries to push down her unease and get to know people.

[background:] Cerys is the love child of Penelope Whittle and Roland Matlock. Penelope being a muggle was scorned and looked down upon by Roland's pure-blooded parents. They were not blind to what their son was getting up to- they knew that he was fraternizing with her. When Penelope was almost due to give birth to Cerys, she was run over by Roland's mother- almost killing her, and Cerys, in that very moment. Penelope was rushed to a nearby hospital where she went into labor and died giving birth. Roland's mother said that it was an accident, that she hadn't seen the young women, but Roland did not believe her. Taking his child, he left his parents home and moved to Nettlebed. There, he raised Cerys immersed in the world of magic. Having grown up without a mother did not cause Cerys to ever feel like she was missing out on something. Her father's love has always been enough for her.

[Wand:] 12 1/4 inch alder wood wand with unicorn core- is slightly springy.

[Other:] She has an owl named Lyra. She tends to be a bit grumpy and noisy.

LuckyANDKitty said:
  1. No Mary or Gary Sues
  2. Animagus and Metamorphagus are allowed but I will only allow a couple.
  3. You do not have to play a 2nd Generation character. It's optional.
  4. You may have up to 4 characters. 3 students and a teacher.

The playable 2nd Generation kids for 1st year are:


Bill & Fleur~

Louis (17)

Fred & Angelina~

Fred II (16)

Roxanne (13)

Percy & Audrey~

Molly II (17)

Lucy (13)

Ron & Hermione~

Rose (15)

Hugo (13)


Harry & Ginny~

James (16)

Albus (15)

Lily (13)


Draco & Astoria~

Scorpious (15)


Rolf & Luna~


Lysander (16)

Lorcan (16)

Character Sheets


[Name:] Katie Phoenix

[Age:] 15

[Year:] 4

[Gender:] female

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) werewolf

[House:] Ravenclaw


[Parents:] phil phoenix and lucy smith

[bloodstatus:] half blood (wizard father muggle mother

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed) short brown hair 5'2 brown eyes

[Personality:] seen by others as a bit weird but is smart and creative and outgoing but also impulsive anxious and although in ravenclaw she dosnent get the best grades because she has a habbit of procrastination

[background:] (It doesn't have to super detailed)

though her father is a brewer of potions katie grew up in a muggle town due to her mother being a muggle because of this shes familiar with muggle technology. she was a curious girl and at the age of two she wandered across the street when the parents were tending to her baby sister and she doesn't remeber anything after that except that she found herself in st mundals and had became a werewolf her family kept this secret but then moved away to the nearest wizard village in whichher father works to protect defenseless muggles just in case luckily because her father brewed potions for a living she always had a suply of wolfsbane ready and exntaly got used to the transformations when she entered her first year she was a hatstall the hat considerd all the houses for her but eliminted hufflpuff due to her lack of patcantices and also slyverin becuse katie didnt want to be one after back and forth thinking by the hat for around a minute and in the end chose ravenclaw the headmaster was awere of her condition so she went to the shreeking shack once a month which sadly for her did not exlude her from homework and her first year became misrible becuse people thought something was up with her disapering once a month but being a werewolf never crossed there minds , at least in her knowege but she soon made friends in her second year when anthor ravenclaw in her year came back from holiday and was acting stange and she saw her tranform on the way from her dorm to the sheriking shack and relized she was bitten over break but didnt know becuse of the memory charm that had been but on her. in her third year her dad managed to find a old time turner that wasnt destroyed at the ministry and she used this to turn back time after her tranformation and was now able to not stranly disapear from class beuse of this she became more confident and soon became close friends with rose wesley and albus potter as with some other students

[Wand:] phoinix feather 11 inches

[Other:] (optional)

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