Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Death


[Names:] Scorpius Malfoy and Cassiopeia Malfoy-Parkinson.

[Ages:] Both are 15.

[Year:] 5th year

[Gender:] (Scorpius) Male, (Cassiopeia) Female.

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Human

[House:] Slytherins

[Parents:] Draco and Astoria Malfoy, Cassiopeia was raised by Pansy Parkinson.

[bloodstatus:] Purebloods.

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)





[Personality:] Scorpius doesn't believe in the same ideals his father was forced to believe in but he is quite stubborn when it comes to proving he is right about something. He is quite the bright young wizard and has drastically changed from the stuck up boy he had been to the cool and slightly more relaxed young man he is now. He tries to keep his cool when people try to get him angry or upset.

Cassiopeia is a calm and confident young woman, she is very refined and lady like but she is quite good with hexes. So if you get on her bad side or get her angry she wouldn't be afraid to unleash what she knows. She is excited to go to Hogwarts and learn what she can become a better and smarter witch. She is good at hiding her emotions if she needs too.

[background:] (It doesn't have to super detailed) Scorpius doesn't know that Cassi is his sister, nor does Cassi know that Scorpius is her brother. Pansy had taken Cassi when she was considered a stillborn by the medic witches who were helping Astoria give birth. The Malfoys were devastated to hear that there daughter was stillborn, not knowing that the medic witch who had decided that had been paid off by Pansy who wanted to get back at Draco for leaving her. So she took Cassi and raised her on her own. She had been at Beauxbaton for most of her schooling until she was transferred to Hogwarts due to Beauxbaton being rebuilt. She doesn't know that Pansy isn't her real mother or that she does have an actual family who misses her. Scorpius grew up alone, always asking his parents when he was younger why he didn't have any siblings like his friends, they never answered him because it caused Astoria to get upset and Draco to sigh softly as he had to remember what happened to their daughter.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better)


Ash, 10 inches Dragon Heartstring.


Ash, 12 inches Unicorn Hair.

[Other:] (optional)

Scorpis has a Barn Owl named Edwin,

Cassiopeia has a pretty little tabby named Heather,


Clarissa Avery

[Name:] Clarissa Avery

[Age:] 16

[Year:] 6

[Gender:] Female

[species:] Human

[House:] Slytherin

[Parents:] Balthazar and Veronica Avery

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood

[Appearance:] x x

[Personality:] To put it simply, Clarissa is a bitch, and she's not afraid to let the whole world know. She's selfish, arrogant, and hot-headed. For her, stepping all over those under her is nothing more than a way to amuse herself in her free time. Clarissa has been called cruel, cold-blooded, and all of the demeaning curse words existing under the sun. Nevertheless, she is loyal, cunning, and sly. Clarissa has never gone back on a promise, and is proud of it. She may not have many friends, but the few that she does have are a tight-knit group. Along with that, like a true Slytherin, she has the uncanny ability to deceive with a sweet smile plastered on her face. Although this is all true, these traits don't make her any less human. Clarissa is a hopeless romantic, prone to falling completely heads-over-heels in love with someone very easily.

[background:] Clarissa's family, the Averys, are part of "The Sacred Twenty-Eight", an exclusive group of twenty-eight families who are considered "truly pure-blood". Mingling with the likes of the Malfoys, Lestranges, and Carrows as she grew up, Clarissa didn't even believe muggles existed until she took a visit to their world when she was approximately five years old.

[Wand:] 11.5" of Aspen, with a core of Dragon Heartstring.

[Other:] Her elder brother Landis is a beater for the Wimbourne Wasps professional quidditch team. Clarissa's also a pretty good duelist. She can't stand the sight of cats, but does own an owl named Claude.

As a result of her surroundings and family relations, Clarissa grew up thinking that only wizards with pure blood could truly be considered wizards. As she grew up and attended Hogwarts, Clarissa realized that the quality of one's blood wasn't conducive to being a better person. Even as her outlook expanded, she still felt that many people were 'inferior' to her, and that she shouldn't even waste her time with them. Well known for dating many guys throughout her time at Hogwarts (most of them were Slytherins), Clarissa has a bit of a reputation for becoming easily attached to guys she finds charming. Although she doesn't really excel in academics, and is only a teensy bit above average gradewise, Clarissa is an amazing Quidditch player, and a chaser for the Slytherin team. She has broken a few school records, and plans to play for a professional team once she is out of Hogwarts.
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nynja said:
Clarissa Avery

[Name:] Clarissa Aver

[Age:] 16

[Year:] 6

[Gender:] Female

[species:] Human

[House:] Slytherin

[Parents:] Balthazar and Veronica Avery

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood

[Appearance:] x x

[Personality:] To put it simply, Clarissa is a bitch, and she's not afraid to let the whole world know. She's selfish, arrogant, and hot-headed. For her, stepping all over those under her is nothing more than a way to amuse herself in her free time. Clarissa has been called cruel, cold-blooded, and all of the demeaning curse words existing under the sun. Nevertheless, she is loyal, cunning, and sly. Clarissa has never gone back on a promise, and is proud of it. She may not have many friends, but the few that she does have are a tight-knit group. Along with that, like a true Slytherin, she has the uncanny ability to deceive with a sweet smile plastered on her face. Although this is all true, these traits don't make her any less human. Clarissa is a hopeless romantic, prone to falling completely heads-over-heels in love with someone very easily.

[background:] Clarissa's family, the Averys, are part of "The Sacred Twenty-Eight", an exclusive group of twenty-eight families who are considered "truly pure-blood". Mingling with the likes of the Malfoys, Lestranges, and Carrows as she grew up, Clarissa didn't even believe muggles existed until she took a visit to their world when she was approximately five years old.

[Wand:] 11.5" of Aspen, with a core of Dragon Heartstring.

[Other:] Her elder brother Landis is a beater for the Wimbourne Wasps professional quidditch team.

As a result of her surroundings and family relations, Clarissa grew up thinking that only wizards with pure blood could truly be considered wizards. As she grew up and attended Hogwarts, Clarissa realized that the quality of one's blood wasn't conducive to being a better person. Even as her outlook expanded, she still felt that many people were 'inferior' to her, and that she shouldn't even waste her time with them. Well known for dating many guys throughout her time at Hogwarts (most of them were Slytherins), Clarissa has a bit of a reputation for becoming easily attached to guys she finds charming. Although she doesn't really excel in academics, and is only a teensy bit above average, Clarissa is an amazing Quidditch player, and a chaser for the Slytherin team. She has broken a few school records, and plans to play for a professional team once she is out of Hogwarts.
Accepted! Feel free to jump in


[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Student:
[Names:] Scorpius Malfoy and Cassiopeia Malfoy-Parkinson.

[Ages:] Both are 15.

[Year:] 5th year

[Gender:] (Scorpius) Male, (Cassiopeia) Female.

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Human

[House:] Slytherins

[Parents:] Draco and Astoria Malfoy, Cassiopeia was raised by Pansy Parkinson.

[bloodstatus:] Purebloods.

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)





[Personality:] Scorpius doesn't believe in the same ideals his father was forced to believe in but he is quite stubborn when it comes to proving he is right about something. He is quite the bright young wizard and has drastically changed from the stuck up boy he had been to the cool and slightly more relaxed young man he is now. He tries to keep his cool when people try to get him angry or upset.

Cassiopeia is a calm and confident young woman, she is very refined and lady like but she is quite good with hexes. So if you get on her bad side or get her angry she wouldn't be afraid to unleash what she knows. She is excited to go to Hogwarts and learn what she can become a better and smarter witch. She is good at hiding her emotions if she needs too.

[background:] (It doesn't have to super detailed) Scorpius doesn't know that Cassi is his sister, nor does Cassi know that Scorpius is her brother. Pansy had taken Cassi when she was considered a stillborn by the medic witches who were helping Astoria give birth. The Malfoys were devastated to hear that there daughter was stillborn, not knowing that the medic witch who had decided that had been paid off by Pansy who wanted to get back at Draco for leaving her. So she took Cassi and raised her on her own. She had been at Beauxbaton for most of her schooling until she was transferred to Hogwarts due to Beauxbaton being rebuilt. She doesn't know that Pansy isn't her real mother or that she does have an actual family who misses her. Scorpius grew up alone, always asking his parents when he was younger why he didn't have any siblings like his friends, they never answered him because it caused Astoria to get upset and Draco to sigh softly as he had to remember what happened to their daughter.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better)


Ash, 10 inches Dragon Heartstring.


Ash, 12 inches Unicorn Hair.

[Other:] (optional)

Scorpis has a Barn Owl named Edwin,

Cassiopeia has a pretty little tabby named Heather,


*sigh* I'll let it slide because I have a soft spot for Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy...


[Name:] Aurelia Katherine Lavesk, but she prefers Kat

[Age:] 15

[Year:] 5

[Gender:] Female

[species:] Human, Seer

[House:] Gryffindor

[Parents:] Holly Crimson (deceased) and Alexander Lavesk (divorced)

[bloodstatus:] Muggle-born




Aurelia is generally a very kind, sweet, helpful person. She's the kind of person that everyone likes, but despite the large amount of friends she has, she often feels lonely. She doesn't like to talk about herself much, and has a hard time sharing her thoughts and feelings with other people. She puts everyone else's needs before her own and often forgets to worry about herself.


Aurelia's childhood wasn't anything to brag about. Her earliest memory is of her parents yelling at each other in another room. They were often too busy fighting with each other to pay much attention to Aurelia. She became very independent at a young age. Most people would say she grew up too fast. Aurelia didn't have many friends in school, and the other children would sometimes call her names or insult her. Rather than tell her parents, she learned to conceal her feelings, not wanting to add to their already high level of stress. Her mother and father decided to get a divorce the same year that Aurelia received her Hogwarts letter. When she wasn't at Hogwarts, she would stay with her mother, feeling much closer to her than to her father. During her third year, she received a letter from her father explaining that her mother had gotten into a car accident and that she had died. Since then, Aurelia has been much less cheerful and only rarely talks to people.

[Wand:] 15 inch, Ebony, Thestrel tail-hair

[QUOTE="Seraphina Blair]


[Name:] Aurelia Katherine Lavesk, but she prefers Kat

[Age:] 15

[Year:] 5

[Gender:] Female

[species:] Human, Seer

[House:] Gryffindor

[Parents:] Holly Crimson (deceased) and Alexander Lavesk (divorced)

[bloodstatus:] Muggle-born




Aurelia is generally a very kind, sweet, helpful person. She's the kind of person that everyone likes, but despite the large amount of friends she has, she often feels lonely. She doesn't like to talk about herself much, and has a hard time sharing her thoughts and feelings with other people. She puts everyone else's needs before her own and often forgets to worry about herself.


Aurelia's childhood wasn't anything to brag about. Her earliest memory is of her parents yelling at each other in another room. They were often too busy fighting with each other to pay much attention to Aurelia. She became very independent at a young age. Most people would say she grew up too fast. Aurelia didn't have many friends in school, and the other children would sometimes call her names or insult her. Rather than tell her parents, she learned to conceal her feelings, not wanting to add to their already high level of stress. Her mother and father decided to get a divorce the same year that Aurelia received her Hogwarts letter. When she wasn't at Hogwarts, she would stay with her mother, feeling much closer to her than to her father. During her third year, she received a letter from her father explaining that her mother had gotten into a car accident and that she had died. Since then, Aurelia has been much less cheerful and only rarely talks to people.

[Wand:] 15 inch, Ebony, Thestrel tail-hair


Accepted! We're just entering the Great Hall if you'd like to jump in.

[Name]: Jayson Falco

[Age]: 16

[Year]: 6

[Gender]: Male

[species]: Human

[House]: Gryffindor

[Parents]: Camryn(deceased) and Piper Falco

[bloodstatus]: Half-Blood


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.490360233ff42488a5ca0f0837cd4de0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.490360233ff42488a5ca0f0837cd4de0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[Personality]: Jayson is calm and quiet. He is clever too, but not enough to be in Ravenclaw. Jayson is serious, tending to take humor seriously. He is kind and caring for those who are close to him and will protect them at all costs. Jayson is brave and confident, standing up to those who mean harm to others. He is fierce in battle, persistent on winning. Jayson is somewhat sarcastic also, but never laughs at jokes.

[bio]: Jayson was born to a pure-blood father and a half-blood mother. However, his father died in an accident. Or at least, that was what Jayson had been told. He had one older sibling and two younger siblings. Jayson's belongings were often hand-me-downs from his older brother Eric. His brother Eric then went into war, and also died. Jayson was then presumably the eldest, and was respected by his siblings. When Jayson was 11, he attended Hogwarts, while his younger siblings attended Beauxbatons. During his years at Hogwarts, Jayson was very kind and forgived those who wronged him, but as he matured, Jayson found it hard to forgive those and began to hold grudges.

[Wand]: Willow, 10 and 3/4 inches, Unicorn Hair

[Other]: Jayson has a tabby named Stripes. Jayson is also a Chaser in the Gryffindor Quidditch team.



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Florence "Flossie" Foxglove || Fourteen || Female || 4th Year || Witch || Ravenclaw

Parents: Belinda and Marcus Foxglove

Bloodstatus: Muggleborn


Flossie is very intelligent- obviously- but she cares very little about her grades or learning. She's a little absentminded and easily distracted so she doesn't do very well in school. She doesn't really care what other people think of her and she's a little reckless sometimes. She's constantly in trouble for never finishing anything- class work and homework alike.


Flossie was born in a relatively poor part of Wales, on the 27th of December. She grew up there and has a slight accent. She's attended Hogwarts for four years and learnt little to nothing. She really enjoys finding out about Magic though- she thinks it's amazing. She also loved the idea of magic when she was a child, so Hogwarts was a dream come true for her.

Wand: Yew, Unicorn hair, 9 1/2 inches.​
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[Name:] Vesper Mckenzi Valikom

[Age:] 16

[Year:] 5

[Gender:] female

[species:] Human; animagus in training.

[House:] Gryffindor

[Parents:] Silvia and Jak Valikom

[bloodstatus:] pureblood


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7c86efa5ca7ec2ef53765459811c61c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35745" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7c86efa5ca7ec2ef53765459811c61c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Quiet and a little strange, Vesper finds it hard to fit into the crowd. She enjoys the company of others, but is fine settling with solitude if she has to. Vesper likes to spend her time reading or exploring, but will not put them before her classwork if she has a choice.


Vesper has been apart of an orphanage in London her entire life. Her mother and father disappeared when she was a baby, leaving only a picture and a queer jeweled necklace behind with her. Vesper was bullied a lot when she was younger because of her hair, which is part of the reason she is so quiet.


Ebony, unicorn hair, 11 inches, Reasonably supple.


She has a cat named Jinx

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.fcf694378e9889cb86a6be1867b15004.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.fcf694378e9889cb86a6be1867b15004.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And an owl named Risky

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.3896203b1817dc9634ea7dbc478ed7ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.3896203b1817dc9634ea7dbc478ed7ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lucario said:
[Name]: Jayson Falco

[Age]: 16

[Year]: 6

[Gender]: Male

[species]: Human

[House]: Gryffindor

[Parents]: Camryn(deceased) and Piper Falco

[bloodstatus]: Half-Blood


View attachment 89227

[Personality]: Jayson is calm and quiet. He is clever too, but not enough to be in Ravenclaw. Jayson is serious, tending to take humor seriously. He is kind and caring for those who are close to him and will protect them at all costs. Jayson is brave and confident, standing up to those who mean harm to others. He is fierce in battle, persistent on winning. Jayson is somewhat sarcastic also, but never laughs at jokes.

[bio]: Jayson was a pure-blood father and a half-blood mother. However, his father died in an accident. Or at least, that was what Jayson had been told. He had one older sibling and two younger siblings. Jayson's belongings were often hand-me-downs from his older brother Eric. His brother Eric then went into war, and also died. Jayson was then presumably the eldest, and was respected by his siblings. When Jayson was 11, he attended Hogwarts, while his younger siblings attended Beauxbatons. During his years at Hogwarts, Jayson was very kind and forgived those who wronged him, but as he matured, Jayson found it hard to forgive those and began to hold grudges.

[Wand]: Willow, 10 and 3/4 inches, Unicorn Hair

[Other]: Jayson has a tabby named Stripes. Jayson is also a Chaser in the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]


Florence "Flossie" Foxglove || Age || Female || 4th Year || Witch || Ravenclaw

Parents: Belinda and Marcus Foxglove

Bloodstatus: Muggleborn


Flossie is very intelligent- obviously- but she cares very little about her grades or learning. She's a little absentminded and easily distracted so she doesn't do very well in school. She doesn't really care what other people think of her and she's a little reckless sometimes. She's constantly in trouble for never finishing anything- class work and homework alike.


Flossie was born in a relatively poor part of Wales, on the 27th of December. She grew up there and has a slight accent. She's attended Hogwarts for four years and learnt little to nothing. She really enjoys finding out about Magic though- she thinks it's amazing. She also loved the idea of magic when she was a child, so Hogwarts was a dream come true for her.

Wand: Yew, Unicorn hair, 9 1/2 inches.​

[QUOTE="Koyuki Hana][Name:] Vesper Mckenzi Valikom
[Age:] 16

[Year:] 5

[Gender:] female

[species:] Human; animagus in training.

[House:] Gryffindor

[Parents:] Silvia and Jak Valikom

[bloodstatus:] pureblood


View attachment 89236


Quiet and a little strange, Vesper finds it hard to fit into the crowd. She enjoys the company of others, but is fine settling with solitude if she has to. Vesper likes to spend her time reading or exploring, but will not put them before her classwork if she has a choice.


Vesper has been apart of an orphanage in London her entire life. Her mother and father disappeared when she was a baby, leaving only a picture and a queer jeweled necklace behind with her. Vesper was bullied a lot when she was younger because of her hair, which is part of the reason she is so quiet.


Ebony, unicorn hair, 11 inches, Reasonably supple.


She has a cat named Jinx

View attachment 89251

And an owl named Risky

View attachment 89250

All are accepted, but (@Koyuki Hana ) Typically most 5th years are 15 ect... So did she like get held back or something?
LuckyANDKitty said:
All are accepted, but (@Koyuki Hana ) Typically most 5th years are 15 ect... So did she like get held back or something?
I mean to put 15, but either way is fine.
[QUOTE="Koyuki Hana]I mean to put 15, but either way is fine.

Alright, I was just curious. :)

You can start posting if you like.

I'm no longer enforcing the 3 character rule. You may have as many people as you can handle.


[Name:] Marleen Arnage

[Age:] 16

[Year:] 6th

[Gender:] Female

[species:] Human

[House:] Slytherin

[Parents:] Raiden (divorced) and May Arnage

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood



[Personality:] Marleen is slippery and sly just like the majority of her house members, but she's not all bad. Marley is mischievous and cunning, and known for her hilarious and cruel pranks. She's very disconnected from all things muggle and does not want anything to do with them. She loves Photography, and can't stand her half brother.

[background:] Marleen grew up in a family of every house, but of only purebloods. Because of this she's a lt more self-confident and has been a back and forth member in the group of nasty, wicked Slytherins who torment everyone who isn't a Pureblood like them. But Marleen has had her childhood friends, James and Albus to keep her in order, and try and help her change her ways.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better) -I'll do it at one point-

[Other:] She has a half-brother named Leo.


[Name:] Leo Arnage

[Age:] 17

[Year:] 7

[Gender:] Male

[species:] Human

[House:] Gryffindor

[Parents:] Raiden and Charlotte Arnage

[bloodstatus:] pureblood



[Personality:] Leo is very laid back with a craving for adventure. He likes to wreak a little bit of mayhem, but not recklessly or so much that he gets in trouble constantly like his sister. He's very caring and protective, charming, and fiercely loyal.

[background:] Leo didn't have his father for the first 8 years of his life, but when he was 9 his dad suddenly came back, and his mother welcomed him with a frying pan and lots of words to say. But after just a couple months his father had weaseled his way past his mother's defenses and was suddenly living with them and trying to make up for the time he had lost being away from his son. Leo never knew that his dad had gotten married a year after he was born and had another child —his sister— or that his dad had up and left her just like he had done Leo and his mum. At least Leo hadn't been old enough to remember anything, but he couldn't say the same for his sister. Leo never met his sister until his 2nd year and her 1st year at Hogwarts, and she had hated him instantly. His mother kicked his father out after she found out about Marleen and her mom and Leo had been trying to connect with his half sister ever since.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better) -One day-

[Other:] (optional) He and his sister are in a prickly patch right now
Name: Alexander Zaccardo

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Human/ Registered Animagius

Subject he teaches: Defense against the Dark Arts

Parents: Aqua Black (deceased) and Olivier Zaccardo (deceased)

Blood Status: Pureblood.



Personality: He's very quiet and doesn't talk much unless he must. He is very mysterious and can often be found in his office, the library or outside with a book in his hand. He has gotten quite interested in muggle books since they are quite interesting and hold some truth sometimes.

Background: He attended Drumstrang School of Magic and Wizardry when he was a young lad, he was the top of his class and would have been a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin had he attended Hogwarts. His parents died just over two years ago, but he tries not to dwell on the past and focuses on the future. he is currently looking out for his niece, Bellanna Maria Zaccardo, his brother's daughter.

Wand: Rowan, Thestrel tail hair, 13 inches

Other: He's Bisexual, and this is his Animagius form


Has a pet Owl, named Ángel



Name: Bellanna Zaccardo (Bella)

Age: 16

Year: 6th

Gender: Female

Species: Half Veela (Her mom was part veela)

House: Gryffindor

Parents: Julio Zaccardo (Deceased) and Elizabeth Defleur (Deceased)

Blood Status: Halfblood due to her veela heritage.



Personality: Bella is a very kind and outspoken girl, she isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes is right and has no trouble putting up a fight to show she doesn't mess around. She hates when people over look her just because she's a half-blood when her father came from a long line of purebloods. She is wicked smart and doesn't mind helping out others in need.

Background: Bella's parents had been killed when she was very young so she doesn't remember much of them except the picture she has of them that she got from Alexander, She currently lives with her Uncle in his manor and had attended Beauxbatons School until she wanted to transfer to be at the same school he was at.


Ebony, 14 inches, Mermaid Hair.

Other: she has a pet cat named Crescent

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[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Name: Alexander Zaccardo
Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Human/ Registered Animagius

Subject he teaches: Defense against the Dark Arts

Parents: Aqua Black (deceased) and Olivier Zaccardo (deceased)

Blood Status: Pureblood.



Personality: He's very quiet and doesn't talk much unless he must. He is very mysterious and can often be found in his office, the library or outside with a book in his hand. He has gotten quite interested in muggle books since they are quite interesting and hold some truth sometimes.

Background: He attended Drumstrang School of Magic and Wizardry when he was a young lad, he was the top of his class and would have been a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin had he attended Hogwarts. His parents died just over two years ago, but he tries not to dwell on the past and focuses on the future. he is currently looking out for his niece, Bellanna Maria Zaccardo, his brother's daughter.

Wand: Rowan, Thestrel tail hair, 13 inches

Other: his Animagius form


Has a pet Owl, named Ángel



Name: Bellanna Zaccardo (Bella)

Age: 16

Year: 6th

Gender: Female

Species: Half Veela (Her mom was part veela)

House: Gryffindor

Parents: Julio Zaccardo (Deceased) and Elizabeth Defleur (Deceased)

Blood Status: Halfblood due to her veela heritage.



Personality: Bella is a very kind and outspoken girl, she isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes is right and has no trouble putting up a fight to show she doesn't mess around. She hates when people over look her just because she's a half-blood when her father came from a long line of purebloods. She is wicked smart and doesn't mind helping out others in need.

Background: Bella's parents had been killed when she was very young so she doesn't remember much of them except the picture she has of them that she got from Alexander, She currently lives with her Uncle in his manor and had attended Beauxbatons School until she wanted to transfer to be at the same school he was at.


Ebony, 14 inches, Mermaid Hair.

Other: she has a pet cat named Crescent




Bree Willows || Twelve || Second year || Female || Witch || Hufflepuff

Parents: Eren and Georgina Willows

Bloodstatus: Halfblood

Personality: Bree is a bubbly, happy girl that is definitely worthy of Hufflepuff. She's always smiling, always giggling, always chattering away. She's kind but not exactly generous. She doesn't like to share anything that belongs to her. She's also easily exhausted and always seems to be sleepy. She often falls asleep in classes.

Background: Bree was always excited to go to Hogwarts. She heard loads about it from her father, whilst she was growing up. Her first year at Hogwarts went rather smoothly, aside from her very low grades. Her low grades are somewhat a sore subject between her family; her mother thinks that grades don't matter, as long as Bree is happy. Her father thinks she should work harder and improve them. Bree doesn't know what to think.

Wand: 11 1/2 inches. Willow. Phoenix feather.​
[Name:] Rachel Abend

[Age:] 16

[Year:] 6th

[Gender:] Female

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Human

[House:] Hufflepuff

[Parents:] Isabelle and Reynard Abend

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Rachel is very shy and very quiet, she doesn't talk much but also loves to lend a helping hand or help others who need her help. She tries her best to help those who are down by putting a smile on their face or going out of her way to get them something to brighten up there day despite not being able to help herself.

[background:] (It doesn't have to super detailed) Always been a bit odd and shy, it didn't help that she had to get glasses when she was younger which made her big doe eyes seem larger and more like a goldfish, she gets bullied and picked on quite often by Slytherins but hasn't told her parents or her brother.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better)

Willow, 14 inches, Unicorn Hair.

[Other:] (optional)

[Name:] Alaric Abend

[Age:] 17, turning 18 soon.

[Year:] Goes to Durmstrang but in 7th year.

[Gender:] Male

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) A rare half breed which are often only male, known as Drackens. They, like Veelas, have mates, but when they come into there inheritance, they sprout large dragon wings which can spand over 40 to 60 ft depending on the male. The scales also range between pearly white to pitch black. They get very protective of their mate and will know when there mate is happy, sad, or upset. His wings only come out when he's angry or his mate is threatened.

[House:] Would be Slytherin, is transferring after the tournament.

[Parents:] Isabelle and Reynard Abend.

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Alaric is a very strong and independent kind of character. He doesn't take anybody's bullcrap and isn't afraid to show them that he doesn't mess around. He can be sweet and caring thought, and the only people who have seen that are his sister and his mum.

[background:] (It doesn't have to super detailed) He came into his heritage around two years ago and is currently still looking for his mate. He absolutely adores his sister and would do anything to protect her. He won't be to happy when he finds out that his sister is being picked on and bullied for the way she looks.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better)

Blackthorn, 12 inches, Phoenix Feather

[Other:] (optional)

[QUOTE="Soul OMU][Name:] Rachel Abend
[Age:] 16

[Year:] 6th

[Gender:] Female

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Human

[House:] Hufflepuff

[Parents:] Isabelle and Reynard Abend

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Rachel is very shy and very quiet, she doesn't talk much but also loves to lend a helping hand or help others who need her help. She tries her best to help those who are down by putting a smile on their face or going out of her way to get them something to brighten up there day despite not being able to help herself.

[background:] (It doesn't have to super detailed) Always been a bit odd and shy, it didn't help that she had to get glasses when she was younger which made her big doe eyes seem larger and more like a goldfish, she gets bullied and picked on quite often by Slytherins but hasn't told her parents or her brother.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better)

Willow, 14 inches, Unicorn Hair.

[Other:] (optional)

[Name:] Alaric Abend

[Age:] 17, turning 18 soon.

[Year:] Goes to Durmstrang but in 7th year.

[Gender:] Male

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) A rare half breed which are often only male, known as Drackens. They, like Veelas, have mates, but when they come into there inheritance, they sprout large dragon wings which can spand over 40 to 60 ft depending on the male. The scales also range between pearly white to pitch black. They get very protective of their mate and will know when there mate is happy, sad, or upset. His wings only come out when he's angry or his mate is threatened.

[House:] Would be Slytherin, is transferring after the tournament.

[Parents:] Isabelle and Reynard Abend.

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Alaric is a very strong and independent kind of character. He doesn't take anybody's bullcrap and isn't afraid to show them that he doesn't mess around. He can be sweet and caring thought, and the only people who have seen that are his sister and his mum.

[background:] (It doesn't have to super detailed) He came into his heritage around two years ago and is currently still looking for his mate. He absolutely adores his sister and would do anything to protect her. He won't be to happy when he finds out that his sister is being picked on and bullied for the way she looks.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better)

Blackthorn, 12 inches, Phoenix Feather

[Other:] (optional)


A Ccepted
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]


Bree Willows || Twelve || Second year || Female || Witch || Hufflepuff

Parents: Eren and Georgina Willows

Bloodstatus: Halfblood

Personality: Bree is a bubbly, happy girl that is definitely worthy of Hufflepuff. She's always smiling, always giggling, always chattering away. She's kind but not exactly generous. She doesn't like to share anything that belongs to her. She's also easily exhausted and always seems to be sleepy. She often falls asleep in classes.

Background: Bree was always excited to go to Hogwarts. She heard loads about it from her father, whilst she was growing up. Her first year at Hogwarts went rather smoothly, aside from her very low grades. Her low grades are somewhat a sore subject between her family; her mother thinks that grades don't matter, as long as Bree is happy. Her father thinks she should work harder and improve them. Bree doesn't know what to think.

Wand: 11 1/2 inches. Willow. Phoenix feather.​

Accepted. She's adorable

Piers Scrimgeour

[Age:] 36

[Gender:] Male

[species:] Human

[Head of:] Gryffindor

[subject:] Transfiguration

[Parents:] Rufus and Lavender Scrimgeour

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood

[Appearance:] x x

[Personality:] Quite the daredevil, Piers has never been one to sit around and do nothing while everyone else is out having fun. Rather, he's extremely energetic, and likes to have a good laugh (even if it's at the expense of other people). He picks on his students a lot, but only for fun, and enjoys getting to know new people. Piers knows how to get shy people to open themselves up more, and simply despises those who think that they can bullshit their way through school, or people who bully others for fun.

[background:] Son of now deceased, former Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour, who was killed by Voldemort many years ago,
[Wand:] 12" of English Oak, with a core of Demiguise hair.

[Other:] He often has schoolgirls fauning over his looks, even though he's twice their age.
is starting his first year at Hogwarts as the transfigurations teacher. He was a member of the Ministry of Magic for the past 16 years, then resigned to teach at his alma mater. Good friends with George and Fred Weasley, who were in the same year as him, Piers was once a troublemaker during his time at Hogwarts, but has now straightened himself out. After many failed relationships, Piers feels that unless he finds the one, the coupled life just isn't really for him.
nynja said:
Piers Scrimgeour

[Age:] 36

[Gender:] Male

[species:] Human

[Head of:] Gryffindor

[subject:] Transfiguration

[Parents:] Rufus and Lavender Scrimgeour

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood

[Appearance:] x x

[Personality:] Quite the daredevil, Piers has never been one to sit around and do nothing while everyone else is out having fun. Rather, he's extremely energetic, and likes to have a good laugh (even if it's at the expense of other people). He picks on his students a lot, but only for fun, and enjoys getting to know new people. Piers knows how to get shy people to open themselves up more, and simply despises those who think that they can bullshit their way through school, or people who bully others for fun.

[background:] Son of now deceased, former Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour, who was killed by Voldemort many years ago,
[Wand:] 12" of English Oak, with a core of Demiguise hair.

[Other:] He often has schoolgirls fauning over his looks, even though he's twice their age.
is starting his first year at Hogwarts as the transfigurations teacher. He was a member of the Ministry of Magic for the past 16 years, then resigned to teach at his alma mater. Good friends with George and Fred Weasley, who were in the same year as him, Piers was once a troublemaker during his time at Hogwarts, but has now straightened himself out. After many failed relationships, Piers feels that unless he finds the one, the coupled life just isn't really for him.



Avril Cassandra Bellerose




5th year at Beauxbatons






Delphine Gwenaelle (Veela) and Ethan Bellerose (Wizard)


Half-blood (I suppose that's how it works when your mother is a Veela?)


Avril is a very shy, quiet individual. She enjoys being around people, but she doesn't talk much. She gets a lot of unwanted attention due to her being Half-Veela.

Avril is, above all else, kind, and is always willing to help someone in need. She is surprisingly intelligent and has always been at the top of her classes.


Avril's mother was a Veela named Delphine. Avril never got to meet her, as Delphine left her with her father, Ethan, when she was a baby. Ethan often chastised himself for falling in love with her looks before he'd even spoken to her. Avril's father was a very kind man, but somewhat poor. He worked all the time to make the money necessary to pay for everything he and Avril needed, which meant that he was rarely at home, and Avril didn't get to seem him much, so they were never very close. Avril has always had a hard time keeping her Veela 'charms' under control. She always has boys (and sometimes girls) chasing after her.

[Wand:] Rosewood, Phoenix feather, 13 inches

[Other:] Avril has a bit of a stutter when she speaks.​
[Name:] Avery Burrs Sorries

[Age:] 16 years old

[Year:] 5th

[Gender:] Female

[Crush:] None

[boyfriend/Girlfriend:] No One

[sexuality:] Pansexual

[species:] Human

[House:] Gryffindor

[Favorite Class:] Defense Against The Dark Arts

[Patronus:] Tiger

[Pet:] Michonne, the Kneazle

[Parents:] Unknown Witch and Muggle Father

[bloodstatus:] Halfblood


[Personality:] Avery has a badmouth and is overall, a tom boy. She hates being flirting with, advances, and just romance advances in general. She is harsh, with a sharp tongue but she is really sweet with her friends. She can have a bad mouth but she loves her friends with all of her heart. Avery doesn' trust instantly and it's hard to get onto her friends list; she knows how to fight and sometimes gets in bad moods where she'll provoke fights. Avery is not a girly girl, and nothing about her is girly.

[background:] Avery's father was killed when she was five and she's been passed around her stiff, rude family like a diseased animal that no one wanted, until she was seven and her older brother, that had disappeared after the accident, finally found her. After that she lived with him until she was 11, when she got her acceptance letter into Hogwarts.

[Wand:] Oak Wood, Dragon Heart String, 14 inches

[Other:] Avery loves getting muggle tattoos, and is covered in them.

[Name:] Ashton Slover Silver

[Age:] 16 years old

[Year:] 5th

[Gender:] Male

[Crush:] None

[boyfriend/Girlfriend:] None

[sexuality:] Pansexual

[species:] Human

[House:] Slytherian

[Favorite Class:] Defense Against The Dark Arts

[Patronus:] Dragon

[Pet:] None

[Parents:] Descendant of Death Eather Father and Muggle Mother

[bloodstatus:] Halfblood


[Personality:] Ashton is a jerk, he's arrogant, pushy and a bully. He gets what he wants, one way or another, and is very cruel to others. In reality, it's not his fault, he had to grow up this way or he would get beaten. Ash is incredibly good at fist fighting, as well as gifted with spells, he is rude, mean, short tempered and ignorant. It takes a lot to become friends with him, but once you do, he's really not a bad guy

[background:] Ashton is surrounded by older brothers, and his father only let the strongest eat, so his life was growing up fighting his siblings to survive. He was forced into being the way he is, otherwise his family, besides his mother, would beat him. Ashton, although the youngest, was a very good fighter, although when young, he had many beatings, he grew stronger and became the strongest out of his brothers.

[Wand:] Spruce Wood, Dragon Heart String, 16 inches

[Other:] He is often taunted by Slytherians for being a Halfblood

[Name:] Diamond Ilis Ever

[Age:] 15 years old

[Year:] 4th year

[Gender:] Female

[Crush:] None

[boyfriend] None

[sexuality:] Straight

[species:] Metamorphmagus

[House:] Ravenclaw

[Favorite Class:] Herbology

[Patronus:] Unicorn

[Pet:] Sirius, the Kneazle

[Parents:] Vaguely related to the Black Family from her Father and Muggle Mother

[bloodstatus:] Halfblood


[1st Normal Appearence]

[Actual Appearence]

[2nd Normal Appearence]

[Personality:] Diamond is dorky and kind but has a bad mouth sometimes, she's not afraid to take a hit and is really dense. She's quiet with strangers but gets funner and louder as you get to know her, she tends to be a little absent minded but fun to be around. She tends to forget easily and day dreams constantly, she lazy at times but other times she works hard.

[background:] Diamond grew up with her father, as her muggle mother was very young when she gave birth, although she met her mother once, very young, her mother didn't want her family to know that she had a 'halfblood' daughter. When she was 11, and got her letter to Hogwarts, her father were thrilled and spared no expense in getting the best of the best for his daughter. As an ex wand maker, he created, for her, the last wand ever made by him.

[Wand:] Her dad was an ex wand maker, and created a beautiful wand for her, it is made of Crystal, it's core is Thestral tail hair and it's length is fourteen inches.

[Other:] Metamorphmagus


[Name:] Spencer Arnold Masks

[Age:] 27 years ago

[Gender:] Male

[Crush:] None

[boyfriend/Girlfriend:] Nope

[sexuality:] Demisexual (Mainly leans towards guys)

[species:] Werewolf

[Head of:] Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Muggles

[bloodstatus:] Muggle Born

[Patronus:] Lion


[Personality:] Spencer is extremely quiet with almost anyone, he'll treat you like an enemy and is super distant with all. Spencer doesn't take offense easily and he secretly enjoys breaking the rules. This boy likes being normal, he doesn't like to stand out and lets other's make his choices; he is never lazy or a procrastinator. Spencer is a cleanaholic, workaholic and a terribly horrible insomniac, he doesn't like being blunt and sugar coats a bit and is never honest about his feelings; he virtually blends into the background.

[background:] Spencer was bitten when he was eight, his parents believed it was just a dog bite and had it treated but on the full moon, he killed his parents when he was werewolf. When he turned human the next morning, he grieved hard, he killed his parents and he was a monster. Spencer distanced himself from people, he hid in an abandoned farmhouse where he lived, locking himself in during a full moon. One night, when he was in werewolf form, two kids, twelve, like him, they entered the barn to see if the rumors were true about a dog being trapped in here. The werewolf killed them before, now free from the barn, he ran into the woods killing ten other people. Spencer was horrified at himself and ran for a long time until he found a cave far from humans and lives there. He lived there for a long time, until he magically got his letter to Hogwarts, although he never was put into it, he accepted. He was a the smartest student there and was eventually invited to be a teacher at Hogwarts.

[Wand:] Its made of silver with Unicorn hair core and it's twelve inches.

[Favorite House:] Ravenclaw

[Least Favorite House:] Slytherian

[Other:] He is wellknown for being a werewolf and his scars are self inflicted.

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