Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Death


Lore Hoarder
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. No Mary or Gary Sues
  2. Animagus and Metamorphagus are allowed but I will only allow a couple.
  3. You do not have to play a 2nd Generation character. It's optional.
  4. You may have up to 4 characters. 3 students and a teacher.

The playable 2nd Generation kids for 1st year are:


Bill & Fleur~

Louis (17)

Fred & Angelina~

Fred II (16)

Roxanne (13)

Percy & Audrey~

Molly II (17)

Lucy (13)

Ron & Hermione~

Rose (15)

Hugo (13)


Harry & Ginny~

James (16)

Albus (15)

Lily (13)


Draco & Astoria~

Scorpious (15)


Rolf & Luna~


Lysander (16)

Lorcan (16)

Character Sheets






[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,)





[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[background:] (It doesn't have to super detailed)

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better)

[Other:] (optional)





[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,)

[Head of:] (If they are, what house are they over? Head of Gryffindor, Slytherin ect...)



[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[background:] (It doesn't have to super detailed)

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better)

[Other:] (optional)
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[Name:] Rebecca Ross

[Age:] 15

[Year:] 5th

[Gender:] Female

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Human

[House:] Slytherin

[Parents:] Theodore and Katherine Ross

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Rebecca is quite kind and sweet, but she's rather ambitious and wants to prove herself, to who? I think to herself and to her brother that not all snakes are bad. She tries not to act like her snake brethern but often gets the cold shoulder from the other houses when she tries to branch out and help others, except Garrett who doesn't mind she's a snake. She rather spunky and tends to be bursting with energy and loves making friends.

[background:] Because Rebecca is the younger sibling, she is compared to her brother on many occasions by her aunts and uncles. She absolutely hates it and constantly tells Garrett who, tries to make her feel better about herself and that she will prove herself and be just as good as him, if not better. She is glad to have Garrett as a brother but wishes their parents were home more often then not since it's usually just the two of them for Christmas. She was also sent away to Beauxbatons Academy for Girls for the past few years after getting into trouble with Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter but has come back for the 5th year at Hogwarts.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better) Oak, 12 inches, Dragon Heartstring

[Other:] (optional) Has a Great Grey Owl which she called Twilight.



[Name:] Garrett Ross

[Age:] 17

[Year:] 7th

[Gender:] Male

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Human

[House:] Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Theodore and Katherine Ross

[bloodstatus:] Pure-blood

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Garrett is a rather nice kid and doesn't mind helping anyone who needs it. But if he finds out that someone is using him, he just frowns and gets kinda scary since he has vast knowledge over all kinds of spells and could easily kick someone's butt if he needs too. He adores his younger sister and is glad that she decided to go to Hogwarts instead of Beauxbatons just like he decided he wanted to go to Hogwarts instead of Dumstrang. He's kind, caring and helpful to those in need and is smart, cunning and intelligent.

[background:] Garrett is one of the only Ross kids to have surpassed the expectations of his family. He is currently the smartest kid in his year and is always looking out for his sister so she doesn't get corrupted early by the other Snakes that he knows aren't good at all due to the change in the House. He hopes that he can make his father proud even if he isn't in Slytherin like Rebecca but he doesn't let that stop him.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better) Oak, 13 1/2 inches, Unicorn Hair.

[Other:] (optional) He is on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team as a Chaser.



[Name:] Alissa Morgans

[Age:] 17

[Year:] 7th

[Gender:] Female

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Half Veela

[House:] Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Jasper and Emilié Morgans

[bloodstatus:] Half-Blood.

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Alissa is a very shy and soft spoken girl, she doesn't speak much and often shys away from people she's never met before. She's friends with Garrett and knows Rebecca from having visited during the holidays one year. She is quite kind and often doesn't ask much for in return since she never really needs more then what she has. She is a lot more open now and isn't afraid to express herself and state her opinion.

[background:] Alissa is an only child, she doesn't really ask for much except that her friends trust her and often don't question her when they know she's right. Her first year was spent in Beauxbatons due to her mother's wishes but she wanted nothing to do with them so her mother allowed her to change to Hogwarts the following year, so long as she remembered to act like a lady. She has become close friends with Rebecca and has been writing to her since she's been gone.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better) Ivy, 13 and 1/2 inches, Unicorn hair.

[Other:] (optional) Has a Siamese Cat named Trouble.

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Name:] Alice addams

[Age:] 15

[Year:] fourth

[Gender:] male

[species:] half vampire

[House:] Slytherin

[Parents:] morticia and gomez addams

[bloodstatus:] purblood


Alice stands at 5'4 with a slim build. He has black ankle lengtg hair as dark as the night sky and wide ruby red eyes framed by long black eyelashes. His skin is pale like porcelain and his bow shaped lips the color of freshly spilled blood hides his sharper then normal canines. He's very androgynous and often is confused for a girl.


Alice is very calm and patient. Even when angry he keeps his cool. He doesn't frighten easily and is very quirky. He is smart and sophisticated but loves to play games. He doesn't like the same things as normal kids and has a dark sense of humor.

[background:] He had a normal life. He was taught potions and anything you can learn without a wand from a young age alongside etiquettes and dancing. His family stayed natural through the war and lived in america so the war didn't affect them. They recently moved to england so he may go to Hogwarts as the first Addams in three generations.

[Wand:] (add in moment)

[Other:] He crossdresses
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[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Student:
[Name:] Rebecca Ross

[Age:] 15

[Year:] 5th

[Gender:] Female

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Human

[House:] Slytherin

[Parents:] Theodore and Katherine Ross

[bloodstatus:] Pureblood

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Rebecca is quite kind and sweet, but she's rather ambitious and wants to prove herself, to who? I think to herself and to her brother that not all snakes are bad. She tries not to act like her snake brethern but often gets the cold shoulder from the other houses when she tries to branch out and help others, except Garrett who doesn't mind she's a snake. She rather spunky and tends to be bursting with energy and loves making friends.

[background:] Because Rebecca is the younger sibling, she is compared to her brother on many occasions by her aunts and uncles. She absolutely hates it and constantly tells Garrett who, tries to make her feel better about herself and that she will prove herself and be just as good as him, if not better. She is glad to have Garrett as a brother but wishes their parents were home more often then not since it's usually just the two of them for Christmas. She was also sent away to Beauxbatons Academy for Girls for the past few years after getting into trouble with Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter but has come back for the 5th year at Hogwarts.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better) Oak, 12 inches, Dragon Heartstring

[Other:] (optional) Has a Great Grey Owl which she called Twilight.



[Name:] Garrett Ross

[Age:] 17

[Year:] 7th

[Gender:] Male

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Human

[House:] Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Theodore and Katherine Ross

[bloodstatus:] Pure-blood

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Garrett is a rather nice kid and doesn't mind helping anyone who needs it. But if he finds out that someone is using him, he just frowns and gets kinda scary since he has vast knowledge over all kinds of spells and could easily kick someone's butt if he needs too. He adores his younger sister and is glad that she decided to go to Hogwarts instead of Beauxbatons just like he decided he wanted to go to Hogwarts instead of Dumstrang. He's kind, caring and helpful to those in need and is smart, cunning and intelligent.

[background:] Garrett is one of the only Ross kids to have surpassed the expectations of his family. He is currently the smartest kid in his year and is always looking out for his sister so she doesn't get corrupted early by the other Snakes that he knows aren't good at all due to the change in the House. He hopes that he can make his father proud even if he isn't in Slytherin like Rebecca but he doesn't let that stop him.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better) Oak, 13 1/2 inches, Unicorn Hair.

[Other:] (optional) He is on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team as a Chaser.



[Name:] Alissa Morgans

[Age:] 16

[Year:] 6th

[Gender:] Female

[species:] (Human, werewolf, half-veela, etc.,) Half Veela

[House:] Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Jasper and Emilié Morgans

[bloodstatus:] Half-Blood.

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)


[Personality:] Alissa is a very shy and soft spoken girl, she doesn't speak much and often shys away from people she's never met before. She's friends with Garrett and knows Rebecca from having visited during the holidays one year. She is quite kind and often doesn't ask much for in return since she never really needs more then what she has. She is a lot more open now and isn't afraid to express herself and state her opinion.

[background:] Alissa is an only child, she doesn't really ask for much except that her friends trust her and often don't question her when they know she's right. Her first year was spent in Beauxbatons due to her mother's wishes but she wanted nothing to do with them so her mother allowed her to change to Hogwarts the following year, so long as she remembered to act like a lady. She has become close friends with Rebecca and has been writing to her since she's been gone.

[Wand:] (I suggest looking at the Pottermore wiki entries on wand woods, cores, and etc., for this, but remember it's only a suggestion to get to know your character better) Ivy, 13 and 1/2 inches, Unicorn hair.

[Other:] (optional) Has a Siamese Cat named Trouble.


All accepted. I think I'm going to play Albus again as one of my characters.
[Name:] Mortimer Magius

[Age:] 16

[Year:] 6

[Gender:] Male

[species:] Human

[House:]Gryffindor (Head Boy)

[Parents:] Jackson and Elizebeth Magius

[bloodstatus:] pure blood (Big whoop, wanna fight about it?)


EXTRA NEED TO KNOW!!! He is missing his left arm and it has been replaced with a bronze prosthetic.

[Personality:] Shy and nervous around those he doesn't know, but once he gets to know someone he is a lot happier and warms up to them nicely

[background:] He lost his arm due to a potion accident. His father was an experimental potion maker and the same accident that he lost his arm in, killed his father. (SO yeah he sees thestrals.


ABout 14 1/2 inches. Oak root and made with hippogriff tail hair

[Other:] He wants to be a wand maker

[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery][Name:] Mortimer Magius
[Age:] 16

[Year:] 6

[Gender:] Male

[species:] Human

[House:]Gryffindor (Head Boy)

[Parents:] Jackson and Elizebeth Magius

[bloodstatus:] pure blood (Big whoop, wanna fight about it?)


EXTRA NEED TO KNOW!!! He is missing his left arm and it has been replaced with a bronze prosthetic.

[Personality:] Shy and nervous around those he doesn't know, but once he gets to know someone he is a lot happier and warms up to them nicely

[background:] He lost his arm due to a potion accident. His father was an experimental potion maker and the same accident that he lost his arm in, killed his father. (SO yeah he sees thestrals.


ABout 14 1/2 inches. Oak root and made with hippogriff tail hair

[Other:] He wants to be a wand maker

I was just about to start a HP RP and then I founf two. I think this one will be a lot better than the other one for me.

When do we start?

Oh and the photo of the wand is one of the ones I made.
[Name:] Opal Campo

[Age:] 15

[Year:] 5th

[Gender:] Female

[species:] Human/Metamorphagus

[House:] Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Magnum and Alexus Campo

[bloodstatus:] Half-blood

[Appearance:] (Written descriptions are allowed)

[Personality:] Opal is a bit peculiar, and quite a goof at times. She's the type to turn a serious situation into a really bad humored joke, but she can be relied on to be a friend and be serious when needed.

[background:] Opal was always the odd one out when it came to be involved with other kids, and was the last one to be picked for games. Her mother is a muggle, and doesn't really understand magic or the point of it. She never lets Opal or her father use it around the house because she feels it just a way of cheating and getting out of your responsibilities. Opal had a younger brother, but he drowned one day while they were swimming in the lake near their house, and Opal has never gotten over it

[Wand:] (I'll fill this in a minute)

[Other:] She has a love/hate relationship with the majority of her classmates

She likes to change her hair and eye color a lot and sometimes makes herself look like this:

Would you guys like to make unused 2nd Generation characters NPCs?
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[Name:] Albus Potter

[Age:] 15

[Year:] 5th

[Gender:] Male

[species:] Human/Animagus (black fox unregistered)

[House:] Slytherin

[Parents:] Harry and Ginny Potter

[bloodstatus:] In between Halfblood and Pureblood


[Personality:] Albus is a tad awkward, and socially inept, but he is finally breaking out of his shell, and leaving that version of himself behind. He's a Quidditch enthusiast and is terrible at hiding his emotions.

[background:] When Albus was younger he always felt the pressure of not living up to the expectations of the people who knew or had met his father, or turning out rotten from being in Slytherin. But now he's finally becoming his own person, and making his own legacy. Thankfully with his many family members learning right alongside him it has become a lot easier to get through each school year.

[Wand:] (fix in it minute)

[Other:] Albus' animagus form-


[Name:] Clemmence Fletcher

[Age:] 16

[Year:] 6th

[Gender:] Male

[species:] Human

[House:] Hufflepuff

[Parents:] Grace and Andrew Fletcher

[bloodstatus:] Muggleborn


[Personality:] A lot more chipper than most teens his age, the only way to describe Clemmence is bubbly. He's really happy-go-lucky, and optimistic, preferring to look on the bright side of things. Even though he gets teased by some people for being a muggleborn and not knowing the first thing about magic, he doesn't let it get to him.

[background:] Growing up in a magical world with no one to share it with has always been a struggle for Clemmence, especially when it comes to doing things with his parents. Clemmence is always careful not to bring up things about the Wizarding World because whenever he does his family never knows how to respond and then a rift is driven between them for the rest of the day making things awkward and tense

[Wand:] (In a bit)

[Other:] (optional) He's a dork who loves music
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Lysander (16)

Lorcan (16)

[Year:] 6

[Gender:] Lysander: Male Lorcan: Female

[species:] human

[House:] both Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Luna and Rolf

[bloodstatus:] Pure


[Personality:] Lysander is like his mother. He loves anything weird and often believes in things that aren't real, or at least in what others say isn't real. Lorcan on the other hand, well she loves all the fantastic beast. Both are really smart and spend a lot of time with each other and love to socialize with others

[background:] N/A

[Wand:] Lysander


Dark Cherry at 11 inches made with unicorn hair



Blonde wood at 12 inches has mermaid hair

[Other:] None yet

I couldn'r resist
[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery][Name:]
Lysander (16)

Lorcan (16)

[Year:] 6

[Gender:] Lysander: Male Lorcan: Female

[species:] human

[House:] both Ravenclaw

[Parents:] Luna and Rolf

[bloodstatus:] Pure


[Personality:] Lysander is like his mother. He loves anything weird and often believes in things that aren't real, or at least in what others say isn't real. Lorcan on the other hand, well she loves all the fantastic beast. Both are really smart and spend a lot of time with each other and love to socialize with others

[background:] N/A

[Wand:] Lysander


Dark Cherry at 11 inches made with unicorn hair



Blonde wood at 12 inches has mermaid hair

[Other:] None yet

I couldn'r resist

Accepted! I'm glad I'm not the only one who pictured Lorcan as a girl even though they said they were twin boys.

Would you guys like to start?

Accepted but most of the characters are 6th and 7th years

[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Name:] Alice addams
[Age:] 11

[Year:] first

[Gender:] male

[species:] half vampire

[House:] Slytherin

[Parents:] morticia and gomez addams

[bloodstatus:] purblood


Alice stands at 4'8 with a slim build. He has black ankle lengtg hair as dark as the night sky and wide ruby red eyes framed by long black eyelashes. His skin is pale like porcelain and his bow shaped lips the color of freshly spilled blood hides his sharper then normal canines. He's very androgynous and often is confused for a girl.


Alice is very calm and patient. Even when angry he keeps his cool. He doesn't frighten easily and is very quirky. He is smart and sophisticated but loves to play games. He doesn't like the same things as normal kids and has a dark sense of humor.

[background:] He had a normal life. He was taught potions and anything you can learn without a wand from a young age alongside etiquettes and dancing. His family stayed natural through the war and lived in america so the war didn't affect them. They recently moved to england so he may go to Hogwarts as the first Addams in three generations.

[Wand:] (add in moment)

[Other:] He crossdresses

Lucky I have an important question... I know you said no mary sues but if i come up with a good story then maybe if it's okay? Because i was planning on making Scorpius a sister... named Cassiopeia...

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