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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Runakei said:
@Garnet if you are not familiar with Harry Potter I'll try to help, In the school of Hogwarts, each house has its own private house that typically never permits anyone from any other house to enter. However, technically, while the Dining Room has separate tables for each house, the houses are welcome to commune with each other in the Dining Room.
Thanks for explaining the dining room, I forgot about that.
First of all, thank you Quen for clarifying

Second of all, I am familiar with Harry Potter. I just got confused about what Quen said in the main about common rooms

'the headmistress thought it would be better if there was a way all the houses could get to know eachother better. This common room is available to any house, but can detect and notify ill intentions, so beware.'

Thanks anyway.
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@Runakei character is in our compartment and bought Albus some pumpkin pastries and chocolate frogs as well as himself a pumpkin juice. @QuendalynNym

Umm...there was an incident with a student and her boggart. The girl had to tie a blindfold around her face to keep herself from being paralyzed as her boggart is a fire breathing basilisk.
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eclipsehowls said:
@Runakei character is in our compartment and bought Albus some pumpkin pastries and chocolate frogs as well as himself a pumpkin juice. @QuendalynNym
Umm...there was an incident with a student and her boggart. The girl had to tie a blindfold around her face to keep herself from being paralyzed as her boggart is a fire breathing basilisk.
we still on the train?

eclipsehowls said:
@Runakei character is in our compartment and bought Albus some pumpkin pastries and chocolate frogs as well as himself a pumpkin juice. @QuendalynNym
Umm...there was an incident with a student and her boggart. The girl had to tie a blindfold around her face to keep herself from being paralyzed as her boggart is a fire breathing basilisk.
we still on the train?
Sorry, a little lost as to what is going on between the students. Hence the short post.
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@Loki Odinson Albus decided to leave the Great Hall and make his way to Slytherin House in the dungeons to escape the taunts of his housemates and feed his pet ferret. Marcello Black ran into Albus in the Great Hall as the older boy was lost in his thoughts. This caused Albus to fall on the floor and his housemates and the school body to start laughing and saying stuff about Albus. Albus told Marcello that he needed to watch where he was going if he was going to be in a school and was helped up, only for Marcello to hex Albus as he passed the 5th year Ravenclaw with a silent hex that would cause Albus to fall whenever he tried to walk. Despite this, Albus made his way to the Great Hall doors and was going to go to the Dungeons and try to find a way into the Slytherin House to go to sleep.

Marcelle followed Albus out of the Great Hall to ask if he was crying. Jorvik (another Ravenclaw) stood up and spoke to the student body since the teachers didn't do anything about it, telling them this kind of division is what nearly destroyed Hogwarts before leaving the Great Hall as well to check on the first year Slytherin. Jorvik offered to teach Albus how to duel, accusing Marcelle of turning Albus into her personal slave while she was at Hogwarts and Marcello threatened Albus (I think) after casting the silent hex on Albus, though Albus did not hear the hex. Marcelle canceled the hex on Albus, allowing him to properly walk again as the two older students got into a fight in the Entrance Hall. Marcelle then cast a stinging hex at Jorvik who countered with the shield spell, then cast the tooth growing hex at Marcelle. Marcelle countered herself with a non-verbal Transfiguration spell before turning and casting a non-verbal stunner at Albus but then your character (Anubis) came out into the Entrance Hall and cast shield charms around the three students, the stunner bouncing harmlessly off of the shield around Albus that Anubis had erected.
Thank you very much.

And sorry for not being around to post lately as well. Things just got hectic and I didn't want to cut in halfway in case I am interrupting any essential interactions or something.

(I sincerely think someone should RP as other teachers because I don't think they would have simply allowed everything to play out. But then again, I have a plan in mind to use this incident for my next DADA lesson ^^)

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