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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

|| Cecil Alexander Riddle - Sixth Year - Slytherin ||

Cecil sat in silence as the raven flew from the common room. Power... Never had it been anything he cared much for. But the way that Destarus had said Cecil could use that power... No. He closed his eyes and shook the thoughts from his head. No. He couldn't and he wouldn't... What would Fraser say if he did?

|| Fraser Cian "Fray" Riddle - Sixth Year - Hufflepuff ||

It was the strangest feeling because for once, Fray thought that perhaps he was alone on this. He and is twin, he wasn't positive they were on the same page. Endless talks and he and Cecil had agreed that if it came to it, they would refuse recruitment. However Cecil seemed so sure, and Fray... He had his doubts. All the bullying, the cruel words from the world around him... It would all end with that power.

"Aguamenti!" He was dragged from his thoghts as suddenly water poured down over him, and he went rigid, eyes closed as wet hair fell in his eyes. He heard laughing as he moved his wet strangs, glaring up at the boys above him.

"Funny," Fray growled, standing up and storming out of the Hufflepuff common room, flicking water from his robes and fingertips, echoing laughter following him. Oh, he'd say yes... If this would end.

What happened next was a blur. Pain, a burst of laughter once more, and then it was all gone. All but the pain, and he remained there on the ground, unsure what had happened. It was minutes before another student found him, more minutes until a decent student found him and got the nurse.

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|| Cecil Alexander Riddle - Sixth Year - Slytherin ||

Cecil sat by his brother's bedside, head rested on his shoulder despite him being unconscious. He sniffed, wiping again at his red eyes. There was an investigation happening to find out who had done this, but everyone by now had heard the cause of Fraser's collapse; the Cruciatus curse. No need for any damn investigation, thought Cecil angrily to himself. He knew who did this.

He stood suddenly, storming out of the infirmary and going out into the courtyard, entirely dark aside from starlight and the dim glow of a light post. He glared around at the sky, breaths heavy.
"Alright you stupid bird! Show yourself!"

He circled, searching for any sign of the Raven. This was Cecil's fault, he should have been watching his brother, should have protected him.
"Tell me what you want!"

He felt tears welling up in his eyes again, and as he searched for Destarus he fell onto his knees, body shaking with tears.
"I'll do anything you want, just... Don't... Don't hurt him anymore."

Raven suddenly appeared behind him. "Anything, says you?" He chuckled and began walking around him. "See my example, imagine, if that happened again, and you would have joined me. You could have killed me, stopped me from torturing you're brother. Hm?" He stopped in front of him and Terrence flew in and landed on his shoulder. He leaned down a bit to his height, "See my point?"
Jórik Aríelsson He looked up to the man just as he was ready to start playing his Cello again, "I don't want anything with her... She's the one who came into the Ravenclaw tower with the intent on murder..." he stood up and sighed before placing his Cello back in its case, "I guess I'm just not going to be getting a break tonight am I..." He stood after placing his Cello away and walked over and fell onto his bed and gave a long, deep sigh, "If you have the same intentions as her, please let me know so I can go stay in another common room and actually get a break..."

((On mobile so my replies will be less pretty for now :P ))

Cecil ||

Cecil remained where he was as the Raven spoke, teeth grit together. As the man finished Cecil stood, wand suddenly in hand and aimed at the other man's chest threateningly. He held his gaze, an angry and hurt look to the Slytherin's eyes.

"How about I kill you now?" But yet his hand shook ever so slightly, betraying him, showing his fear and his reluctance. He wasn't a killer, that was the gist of it.
Raven looked down and smirked. "Well? Come on, kill me! Or, can't you? You are powerless to kill the person who tortured you're brother. As you see, my point is proven." He slapped his wand from his hands and flew away as his animagus.


Followed the strange boy named riddle and the creepy bird. Only to watch the bird become a man and fly off.

Green eyes watched from the shadows ever since she noticed the two in her common room.

"He's somewhat right you know."

She said softly.​


Cecil || Cecil whirled around, tears reflecting in his eyes as he glared at who had just spoken. He shook his head, finding his wand and picking it up with rushed movements. He pushed past the girl- Marsha, something like that- and began walking back inside.

"You don't know what you're talking about," he said with a choked voice, wiping at his cheeks with his sleeve as he went.

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Marcy followed silently.

"Of course. I have a twin in a different house, understand not being able to protect them...

The difference is, I wouldn't let someone get away with hurting my twin."

She chuckled lowly once without humor.

"He's right. You lack the strength. If I killed your brother would you kill me?"

She taunted.​


Cecil || Cecil whirled around, the tip of his wand touching the girl's throat, fire in his eyes. "Worse," he said, voice almost a growl. "If you so much as touch my brother... Your twin's the one who can pay the price."

He jabbed his wand into her neck roughly before turning away, stalking off again, putting his wand up his sleeve where he typically kept it. "Who the hell are you anyways?"

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Marcy grinned, her green eyes shining like emerald Gems

"Marcelle, Marcelle Black."

she beamed, setting off after the moody slytherine

"You sir, can feel free to call me Marcy. don't take it for granted though."

she luaghed. easily catching up to his long strides with her own. she was 5"11 after all.​

Raven landed and switched out of his animagus in front of his cave throne. He did a twirl, his long cloak flowing. He danced up to his throne overlooking the conference table and sat. He began chuckling, getting louder, and louder. It burst into a hysterical laugh as the bats in the cave wen scurrying around.

|| Cecil Alexander Riddle - Sixth Year - Slytherin ||

"Yeah. A real pleasure," said Cecil, or more so grumbled Cecil. He was clearly annoyed by the presence of this girl and wished she'd disappear to anywhere else she so desired. Hell, as one example. "Seen you around before. Haven't cared to say anything to you."

Cecil knew that Marcelle was from his house, but he didn't care. He hated the Slytherins for the most part and felt no remorse about it. Though now that he was thinking more about it, he sort of did know this girl. She was the girl twin who Cecil had been fascinated by during their Sorting, as her twin brother was put in a different house just as Fraser had been... Ravenclaw, if he could remember right.
"So what, you with them? In on all their dark shit?"

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Marcy shrugged a light teasing smirk tugging at her lips.

"i dont believe in "Dark" and "light" i'm "grey" of sorts. the bad cant exist without the good and vise versa. But.." she grinned, her Italian accent thickening slightly.

"I like to think of myself as...Chaotically neutral."

she hummed pushing her wavy hair behind her ear. showing a signet ring on her pinky finger.

it was engraved with the stupid phrase of her house, 'Tourjes Pur' But on the inside was the Italian phrase; ' Sei la stella del mio cielo : ypu are the star of my sky' It was a gift from her her Aunt Cassiopeia. It belonged to her Father, and he gave it to her mother with added engraving on the inside.

it was the closest thing she had to her mother and father besides her own twin.

(( @QuendalynNym I have Fraser open. He's unconscious but I can make him wake up.))

|| Cecil Alexander Riddle - Sixth Year - Slytherin ||

Cecil rolled his eyes, scoffing. This girl was something of a spectacle, he'd give her that much.
"That's quite possibly the most Slytherin thing I've ever heard," he said with a dull amusement as they walked the corridors. He was making his way back to the Infirmary... He was told Fraser may not wake up for up to a few days but... He felt bad not being at his side nonetheless.

"Did you want something? I've things to do," said Cecil to the fifth year, suddenly seeming tired and worn.

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Marcy smirked.

"I'm sorry what house are you in again?"

she teased, her good mood from fighting earlier keeping her afloat.

she shoved her gloved hands deep into the folds of her robes and hummed fr a bit as they made their way to the infirmary.

glancing at him out the corner of her eyes, her smile drooped a bit.

"oh come now he'll be ok, don't get all sad and boring on me. think of the revenge side! i'll even help you."

she offered, the teasing smile back on her lips. though her words rang true. she sympathized somewhat. she couldn't imagine how she'd cope if her twin were ever to get hurt.​


Cecil Alexander Riddle - Sixth Year - Slytherin || Fraser Cian "Fray" Riddle - Sixth Year - Hufflepuff

Cecil laughed when Marcy spoke, but it wasn't a laugh filled with humour. More like one filled with a sort of spite.
"If you're thinking of revenge, you have the wrong Riddle," he said. It was just a simple truth that while Cecil came off darker and more willing, Fraser had always been that brother. Sometimes Cecil wondered if the hat had messed up, if he got their houses switched up.

He was going to ask the girl what she meant by revenge anyways as the emtered the Infirmary, though something stopped him as it caught his eye. He ran over to his brother's bed, looking him over. His eyes were open.

"I... Can't see," said Fraser, first thing. Cecil wanted to cry. "They said it's how my head hit the ground, also that I should be able to see again but they don't know when..."

Cecil swallowed, brushing his brother's hair back. But Fray wasn't done talking.
"Okay, I heard someone else walking. Who are you?"

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Marcy peered down at the apparently blind boy with morbid curiosity.

"I'm Marcelle Black."

She mummered, waving her hand slowly over his eyes.

"Wow that dick really did a number on you." She whistled.

Them quite unceremoniously, she plopped onto the bed.

"Like your hair. " she said off handedly .​

Jórik Aríelsson He stood up and towered over the male, quite literally as he placed the tip of his wand under the males chin, "Do not attempt to control me... If you do you will find yourself in worse a scenario than you started in." he lowered his wand and stormed past him and out of the common room before walking to the dining hall to see if he could find any left overs

Raven walked down the street of Diagon Alley and went to the nearest Daily Prophet vendor. The murders were already on the paper, and in a fantastical moving picture. He chuckled and bought the paper. He gave it to Terrence, who flew it to the Ravenclaw Common room. Oh, things were going well for him, he chuckled as he walked behind a building and disappeared.
BlackSwan said:


Marcy peered down at the apparently blind boy with morbid curiosity.

"I'm Marcelle Black."

She mummered, waving her hand slowly over his eyes.

"Wow that dick really did a number on you." She whistled.

Them quite unceremoniously, she plopped onto the bed.

"Like your hair. " she said off handedly .​


Cecil Alexander Riddle - Sixth Year - Slytherin || Fraser Cian "Fray Riddle - Sixth Year - Hufflepuff

Fraser laughed a little at the girl, sitting up slightly against the headboard.
"I'd say I like yours but... Can't really see it." He chuckled, looking towards where he thought Marcelle was. "I'm Fraser Riddle. Or Fray. You friends with Cecil?"

said Cecil, glancing over at her. Fraser laughed and winked at the girl.

"It's alright, you can be my friend," he said.

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