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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Nimue Imogen Agreste

General Gemini
It's the next generation!! Woohoo!! Here's what's happened, Neville became the herbology teacher, Mcgonagall became the new headmistress. A new villain and group of villains is needed, no matter the age, but preferably not toddlers or children. It can even be a teenager, just over 15 please. The houses are the same, but there is now a new common room to add to the old ones. Due to how many slytherins were so easily willing to turn Harry in, the headmistress thought it would be better if there was a way all the houses could get to know eachother better. This common room is available to any house, but can detect and notify ill intentions, so beware. You can choose to be an oc or one of the actual children of the main characters. You can also be related to them even if you are an oc.
QuendalynNym said:
How do I bump for views? And what does that mean? Sorry new to site not to rp.
You just write in main and it'll move your rp thread forward. Everyone just says bump or bump for views
(@Frisky @Smoaki @Play On Words @Fioreo @MuffinRPs @Garnet)

Platform 9 3/4

Albus Severus Potter

"Look! There he is!"

"Harry Potter!"

"Mr. Potter! Mr. Potter! Sir, will you sign this book for my daughter? She just adores you."

"Mr. Potter..."

As the Potter family approached the barrier leading to Platform 9 3/4, they were swarmed by press from the Daily Prophet and fans who were eager to speak to the Boy-Who-Lived, a tall man with glasses, jet black hair that was always messy and almond-shaped eyes the color of the killing curse. The Savior of the Wizarding World who had ended the Second Wizarding World when he was just seventeen was a household name within the magical community. While Harry James Potter attempted to answer questions and try to get the press to back off so he could escort his children through to the Hogwarts Express, a young boy was left within the background while the rest of his family soaked up the adorations of being related to the famous Potter-Black Lord. It didn't help that his mother was a professional Quidditch Player for the Holyhead Harpies either and the wife of the Boy-Who-Lived. While his older brother, James Sirius Potter, Heir to Potter, Black and recently Peverell thanks to his father discovering that he was related to one of the three brothers from The Tale of Three Brothers, soaked up the praise and adoration and his sister Lily Luna Potter just went with the flow, the middle child hated the fame and legacy that came with being a member of House Potter. It was a legacy that the boy hadn't wanted and found hard to live up too. Often, he felt that he would never measure up to his parents' expectations.

"Albus come on," said Ginny Weasley as she pulled her middle so forward so the family could pose for a picture, the scarlet haired woman not even noticing the sullen look on her middle child's face as cameras flashed before the family. They finally managed to shake off the reporters and James went through the barrier on his own, next went Ginny Potter nee Weasley with Lily and lastly Harry and Albus went through. As they stood on Platform 9 3/4, Albus saw crowds of people standing there and saying goodbye to their parents, older students going off to greet their friends and no doubt find compartments of their own,

They were greeted by the Weasleys, Ron Weasley and Hermione Weasley nee Granger, the other two-thirds of the 'Golden Trio' and the "Heroes of Hogwarts" as they were called by fans. Ron Weasley was an Auror like his father while Hermione Weasley was worked in the Ministry of Magic as the Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, probably as a result of her being married to Ron Weasley. With them were their two children, Hugo and Rose Weasley. Hugo would be starting his first year with Lily while Rose would be starting her first year along with Albus. He saw his dad nod to a blond haired man standing down with a red haired woman and a blond haired boy but his father didn't greet the man at all. Albus wondered who he was but his answer was given when he saw Uncle Ron glare at the other adult and hiss "Malfoy," in a nasty tone. He had a slight breakdown, for once showing his innocence, at his fear of going into Slytherin, prompting a talk from his father about he would be proud of Albus no matter what and that the Sorting Hat would grant his request to be in Gryffindor if that is what he wanted. But looking at his uncle and aunt, it was obvious they didn't agree. Little did they know that Harry would have gone into Slytherin if he hadn't tricked the Hat into letting him in Gryffindor like his deceased parents. Albus nodded, was hugged by his father and mother and boarded the Hogwarts Express before making his way to find a compartment.

Autumn Thatcher

On the Muggle side of the platform that led to Platform 9 3/4 an eleven-year-old girl had just reached the area where the Platform was supposed to be but couldn't find the entrance. She was looking up at a brick wall, Platform 9 on one side and Platform 10 on the other side. There was no sign for Platform 9 3/4 but it should be somewhere between Platforms 9 and 10. Or was this really all a cruel joke? Someone ran by her, knocking her into the wall...only to find herself sprawled on the ground and looking up at a scarlet engine and a clock overhead that said 10:45 AM. Her trunk and cat carrier with her tabby cat Jinx lay sprawled on the ground next to her, the trunk opening on impact with the stone platform. "Oh no," Autumn Thatcher said as she rushed to pick up her things.
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Peter Thomas-Finnigan

The Thomas-Finnigan family walked through Kings Cross Station. Peter was excited to see his friends after the summer but for the youngest member of the family, Piper, it would be her first time at Hogwarts. She was lucky to have her brother with her.

They arrived at Platform 9 and 10.

"So, how does this work?" She said to her family.

"Well, you run at the wall and you'll break through to the other side." Peter said

"It's scary, we know sweetie," their Dad, Dean, said.

"Don't worry," their Pops, Seamus, said with his Irish, "You'll get used to it,"

Peter and Seamus went first followed by Piper and Dean. They were then on the platform. Piper gasped, "I know sis."

"I need to get the blueprints of this train,"

Peter giggled, "You and your architecture,"

They walked further down the Platform where they could see Harry Potter, a good family friend and the boy who lived, and his family trying to avoid the Press.

"You think that after these years they would leave them be," Peter mumbled

They made it to a door onto the train, "So this is it. Our children are all grown up," Dean said.

"I'm gonna miss not having children in the house," Seamus frowned, "But I'm happy. Students at our old school. You'll do great."

"Now. Rules. You should follow the school rules unless something evil attacks the school. Owl us regularly; Peter you have Penny, Piper you have Perry. Don't fight other students and for Merlin's sake don't blow up another classroom or you'll get a howler. I'm talking to you, son."

Peter had blown up two classrooms in the past and he was lucky that no one was hurt. It was lucky he would explode another and he hadn't been expelled yet.

"Enjoy yerselves," Seamus said, "We love you."

"We love you too," They said, getting on the train. "Bye,"


The pair sat in a compartment. Peter spoke first, "People will find out we have two Dads this year."

"You didn't tell people," She said angrily.

"What was I supposed to say? Hi I'm Peter Thomas-Finnigan and Thomas isn't my middle name. It's actually my surname and I'm actually adopted by two gay men. Because that's easy to put into a conversation isn't it?" He yelled.

"Well so-rry. I didn't know you were so sensitive about it considering you're gay."

"Yeah that's the problem. Slytherins would constantly pick on me saying two gay guys adopted a gay son. Like that wouldn't make me hate myself."

Piper sighed, "Sorry."

"It's fine. Miss Ravenclaw."

"Stop calling me that."

"It's true. You'll be a Ravenclaw. It's fairly obvious."

"I don't care what I am,"

"Whatever Miss Ravenclaw,"
"Lot of Muggle born riffraff in Hogwarts, nowadays," Lorita's mother muttered under her breath, sighing as she glanced around the platform 9 3/4. "Honestly... I remember when this place had integrity. I knew we should've sent you to Beauxbatons, dear... Is it too late into your education to change?"

"Mum, seriously, don't talk like that," Lorita mumbled, agonised, looking around the platform. "I should get going, want to get a carriage, don't I? I guess I'll see you...?" Her voice tailed off- her mother was already walking off after giving her a quick, split second hug and graceful wave. The teenager blinked, but, used to it by now, sighed and raised an eyebrow, picking up her luggage. On her way to the train, however, she caught sight of a young girl scrambling to gather her dropped belongings up, and her kindly nature demanded she help.

So, naturally, she smiled warmly at the stranger. "Hey, need a hand?" She offered, and obligingly helped her gather up her things and held them out to this person, head slightly tilted. "Here ya go! Be careful, huh? Sometimes things get a little rowdy round here."
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Autumn Thatcher

Autumn looked up as someone held out her belongings to her. She had righted her trunk, Jinx hissing in displeasure from where his carrier lay on the ground, the cat having been thrown to the side. She took her belongings from the other girl and put them back into her trunk. "Thank you," she said before running to get the cat carrier. "Sorry Jinx."


Looking at the girl who had helped her, Autumn saw by the stranger's tallness that she was older than her though was unsure of the year. It was obvious the girl was in her teen years but that was all that the first-year Muggleborn could tell. When she had finished packing her trunk with the help of the stranger who had graciously helped gather up her spilled belongings, though a couple of ink pots couldn't be saved as they had shattered on impact, she closed her trunk and locked it "Someone crashed into me on the other side of the...wall?" she trailed off into a question as she looked at the brick wall before her and walked forward to put a hand on it, only to find it was solid. "I didn't know how to find the platform." @Frisky

Albus Severus Potter

Albus made his way along the train before finding a compartment near the front of the second carriage. Looking through the window, he saw that nobody was in it and opened the door, pulling his trunk with his ferret's cage strapped on top. Setting the cage on an empty seat, he closed the door and heaved his trunk into the luggage rack above. Then he went to lock the door and dropped the blind on the window before plopping down next to the ferret's cage. "On our way to Hogwarts Duke," said Albus to the ferret who chittered in response. "Maybe I can actually get out of my father's shadow."
"No worries!" Lorita assured her, beaming- then smiled fondly at the girl's cat, Jinx, having always had a soft spot for animals. Probably wasn't smart to let John out at the moment, then- cat might eat him on the spot.

She blinked at the girl- then it clicked. "Oh, you're new, of course! Sorry, I totally spaced. Probably a Muggle too, right? That's why you don't know." Lorita guessed. Not that she really cared. Her mother would care very much, she supposed, but... That wasn't her. So she tilted her head at the first year. "Hey, you're okay, right? Not hurt...?"

"Welp, you found it, at least! Look, that's Hogwarts Express," she grinned, pointing, then- "Oh, probably should've said- I'm Lorita! Lolly. Whatever! I'm in my fourth year, so if you need help, a friend, whatever, I'm always around." She told the girl cheerfully.
Kaitlin Marie Lovegood


She walked casually through the post onto Platform 9 3/4 with her mum, looking down into the cage that was required of her to bring her cat Lily with her.

"Now Lily, you be a nice kitten to all the others, alright?" she said to the cat, her dreamily-sounding voice a dead give away to her heritage, not that she minded. She smiled up at her mum as they stopped right in front of the train that would take her to her new school.

"Now remember Katie-" her mother began, being interrupted not rudely by her daughter.

"Don't let the words of others get to you. And don't let the nargles near, they'll ruin your pretty mind. I'm going to miss you mum," Kaitlin finished for her mother. She and her mother smiled at each other for a moment. Luna, her mother, embraced her daughter and kissed her on the head, brushing at her messy braid.

"I'll miss you too my little lightning bug."

Kaitlin watched her mother step back a step and climbed aboard the train, looking around for an open cabin. It was going to be her fifth year, and she was admittedly excited. She noticed a locked and darkened cabin and walked past, noting the faces around her. She found an open cabin with only two girls inside and stood in the doorway.

"Pardon me, do you mind if I join you?" she asked kindly, hearing a small mew of distress from her kitten behind her.

"I guess so," one of the girl's said, looking her head to toe before gesturing to the seats across from her.

Lilac Amelia Montreale


She and her friend Madison had already seated themselves inside of the train. They were chatting casually, uninterrupted until Looney Lovegood asked to sit with them. She said yes, figuring the girl was better than some, being that she was a pureblooded witch, but instantly regretted it. What would people say when they saw her sitting with one of the Loonies? The three of them sat in silence for a while, Looney pulling her kitten from its cage and letting it sit on her lap, purring slightly.

"What a cute kitten," Madison commented after a while of awkward silence.

(someone should come in and sit with them, because this'll be interesting
xD )
Frisky said:
"No worries!" Lorita assured her, beaming- then smiled fondly at the girl's cat, Jinx, having always had a soft spot for animals. Probably wasn't smart to let John out at the moment, then- cat might eat him on the spot.
She blinked at the girl- then it clicked. "Oh, you're new, of course! Sorry, I totally spaced. Probably a Muggle too, right? That's why you don't know." Lorita guessed. Not that she really cared. Her mother would care very much, she supposed, but... That wasn't her. So she tilted her head at the first year. "Hey, you're okay, right? Not hurt...?"

"Welp, you found it, at least! Look, that's Hogwarts Express," she grinned, pointing, then- "Oh, probably should've said- I'm Lorita! Lolly. Whatever! I'm in my fourth year, so if you need help, a friend, whatever, I'm always around." She told the girl cheerfully.

Autumn Thatcher

"I don't think so," said Autumn. She patted her pockets before seeing her pill bottle a short distance from her. Running after it, she picked it up and held it up to examine the number of pills. The cap hadn't busted off so that was good. The word 'Muggle' was foreign to her until she realized that the girl meant her blood status. "Uh...yeah," she said, quickly opening her trunk and shoving the pill bottle into it, hoping the other hadn't noticed. Shutting her trunk for the second time, she took a moment to look at the scarlet steam engine before her. Her parents still hadn't believed it when the Professor Longbottom had tried speaking to her parents about Autumn being magical.

"Autumn Thatcher and my kitty Jinx," she said before dragging her trunk to the train, seeing it was now 10:50 AM. "What's Hogwarts like?" she asked. @Frisky

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