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Fandom Hitman Reborn 18th Family

"You idiot. Leaving me all alone with a bunch of strangers you oh so badly want to fight. Next time, I will knock you out and drag you home." Rea said as Mystica called her about her predicament. She was in her house, enjoying a cup of her earl grey tea when suddenly someone disturbed her peace. Normally, she would kill this person but the person was not physically there.

She sighed and groaned. She stood up and walked to the garage, taking out her car. As she drove to Mystica's location, she was silently thinking ways on how to torture her. After a few minutes, she found Mystica's shivering body inside some sort of shed. Mystica was annoying, but today she wanted her to die. In her hands were five black cats and Rea dangerously growled.

"Mystica, what are you doing with those cats?" She asked, deathly silent.

Mystica snoozed in Rea's car, while she drived, hugging the cats that Mysty met, she went to her dream.

She walked, visibility is poor because of the fog, she saw the forst leader of the gang, Mukuro Rokudo and the tenth's Mist guardian, Chrome Dokuro standing still, an owl hovered above, "The Mist's Vongola Box," Mystica thought, "What is your purpose.'' Mukuro asked, "I do not know..." Mystica replied, then the fog made them impossible to be seen. Mystica opened her eyes, seeing Rea's scary monster look, "These cats are mine,"Mysty said, trying not to shake in terror.

"Oh? Yours huh?" Rea narrowed her eyes, driving in an alley. She stopped the car at an abandoned building. "If you love your cats dearly, get out of my car and walk yourself to your home." Rea glared at her, scoffing. She glared at the cats. 'If it were other cats it would be fine. But black cats? Seriously?' Rea got out of the car and summoned her rapier, smiling insanely.

"Serious about that?" Mystica asked, her eyes pierced like ice spikes, she is serious about the cats, she readied her weapon, getting unto her stance, and mist covered the area, "We are in public, panic may occur, and Vendice people may arrest us, no Varia cloud guradian nor Varia mist guardian," her voice is a terrifying as ever, it has been a long while since she was about to go in an all-out battle, which may happen now.

"CATS ARE CUTE AND RELIABLE!!!"Mystica roared and attacked Reanne, with her cards to play.

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"Idiot." Rea said as she side stepped and quickly picked up the cats. She casually went into the building and placed them down next to a grown cat.

"I saw this cat looking for her kits while I was driving. I wont waste my energy fighting a scum like you." She glared, as she stood up and walked towards the car.

"Get in or you're gonna get sick. Baka."

Mystica was upset, she didn't get the cats, but it was rather better than having them burned alive or disected by her, note about the multiple personas.

She sat on her bed, weaving some mist, "I wonder when will the boss realize about us, I feel rotten, and useless," she thought, "Is it because we are too strong...".

Mystica decided to let the rwin shower her outside, she met Rea but didn't even bother to greet her, as she step outside, she lie on the grass, "I'm too lazy to follow any of your directions or orders, Rea," she said loudly, knowing Rea would follow her and get her inside. The day disappointed her expectations, also the next Vongola Family, "Are they strong enough to just......tch....I wanted to fight, and get information and......".

'What the heck is this girl doing?!' Rea groaned. She wanted to strangle her. She walked over to Mystica and shoved her with her foot. Realizing she wasnt moving anytime soon, she picked her up Fireman's Carry style and threw her inside the car. She started to drive home, halfway there she let out a sneeze. 'Dont tell me I have a cold.' She grumbled to herself, gripping the steering wheel, glaring at Mystica.

'If I do get sick, its all her fault.'

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