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Fandom Hitman Reborn 18th Family

Not expecting the kick to her chin due to the surprise that her jab actually connected, Kei recoiled after being hit, her hand flying to her chin to check for blood satisfied that there was none, but knowing she'd probably get a bruise there later, she put her hands back up quickly, trying not to leave herself open just in case he wasn't really falling. They'd have to finish this soon, it was only a matter of time before someone started screaming--

"You delinquents stop that! I'm calling the cops!" ...And there it was. Kei sighed.

"C'mon, boy, let's finish this before the police arrive." Kei cracked her neck, smirking at him before she charged, this time using a straight punch towards his chest.

@Nenma Takashi
Cops? Not good Kogarasu had to end this fast or else he'd make a bad impression on the 17th and other members of the family. So he crossed his fingers and sighed. "Sorry about this!" He apologized to Kei before sidestepping her attack, then following his dodge with a spinning back kick to her stomach with everything he had. If she didn't block she'd be out of it, if she did the recoil would knock the wind out of her.

Vito looked around and sighed as he heard the scream and walked nearby. He had to help whatever dispute was going on as a cop, even if it meant abandoning the mission at hand. He walked back and threw his collapsible baton at her head in order for her to stop. "You kids... knock it off!" He told them. "If you wanna fight, settle it with words or in a ring, but right now you're being a public disturbance."
After Raven was done eating at Burger King; she left to go back home, since the mansion was near Koga and Kei's fight. However once Raven arrived to the street that her house was at, she ended up seeing a fight. '*Sign* I don't have time for this.' thought Raven, as she walked into the battle and easily dodged every single one of their attacks. She then entered her house after Koga and Kei got in her way, because Raven just wanted to play on her electric guitar. "Hello Shadow." said Raven, as she petted her black cat. Since Shadow always keep her company when her parents aren't home.
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While she hadn't been expecting him to side-step her attack, Kei's eyes narrowed, as she dropped her hands to guard her stomach. From the recoil, the wind was knocked out of her and she skidded back a few steps. This boy was a lot tougher than she had originally thought. She moved to come after him again but was stopped by something hard hitting her in the head. "Ow!" Kei clutched her head, frowning at the older man. "Hey, he started it! Why don't you hit him?" She accused the boy, pointing a finger at him.

She glared at the man, then at the boy before a smile broke out across her face. "Well I guess I'll just have to fight you some other time." Sure, she was a delinquent, but her mother would have her ass if she got in trouble with the law again. "We'll settle this later, next time don't just come up to people and demand fights in the middle of a crowded street, kid."

@Nenma Takashi @gogojojo331
Kogarasu didn't want her to leave he was so close. "Hey wait come with me!" He held out his hand. "I've got to tell you something I think you'd like to hear!" Without waiting for a response he grabbed her hand and ran, looking back at the cop who had told them to stop. 'A baton hmm I remember reading something about a baton. Meh must be nothing.' He took the girl to an allyway way then smiled. "So what if I told you I knew a way you could fight without getting in trouble, and they would be really strong people to!"

Just as Kei made to leave, the boy grabbed her. Inwardly, she frowned as he continued to drag her away from the cop. She turned, looking back at him before sticking out her tongue at him. They stopped in a small alley and Kei looked around, "You're not some kind of pervert, are you?" She asked just as he explained himself. "A way to fight strong people? Without getting in trouble? There's no such thing." She scoffed at the idea.

@Nenma Takashi
"I don't care who started it, I just want it to be over." He went over and picked up his baton. He also noted that girl who had doged here way through them was the same cooking girl from before. He watched them as they walked ans decided that since Rico was not going anywhere soon, and this kid was mumbling about some kind of a fighting ring? Something that may be linked to the Vongolas, or at least, find some leads. He kept his distance, enough to heat, but not be seen.
Kogarasu chuckled. "Oh yeah there is, check it out I'm part of the Vongola. Not just that I'm the next boss, and as the next boss I have to gather my Guardians or top ranks. Your one of those guardians, join me and you'll be able to fight tons of strong people without getting in trouble." He pulled out the list of names pointing to her name. "See here's your name the others are, Al, Raven, Aimi, Kyou, and Vito. I know Al he's already join we find the others and I promise you you'll fight as much as you want. Besides I think we both know I would've won our fight if that guy hadn't stepped in."

Kei blinked. It took her a moment before she coughed. Within another moment, she began laughing, bracing herself against the wall. "The Vongola? Doesn't that mean, like, clam or something? " It did--Kei only knew that because there was a particular snack her mother loved--and it was imported straight from Italy. It was called something like 'Vongola Snack Cakes' and it had a pretty little design on the front and her mother oft told her they were clam cakes. It was gross. "You own the company that makes the clam cakes?"

"I'm getting off track... Look, guy. You can write my name down on a piece of paper and make up all the lies you want, dude, but that doesn't mean I'm going to join you. Besides," She punched him lightly on the arm, "You don't look like much of a boss to me." She turned, "When I see you again, we can fight! Until then!"

@Nenma Takashi
Kogarasu was ticked off first she joked about the Vongola name, then she had the gull to tell him he didn't look like a boss. His scary face thag made him friendless wasn't boss material!? He wasn't letting this end here, he blocked her path by kicking the pathway out blocking it with his leg. "So your not gonna deny what I said about me being stronger. Plus why wait when we can fight here unless your scarred in that case run along. My Family doesn't need any cowards in it."

He raised his eyebrow. He's...of the Vongola? He looked at them a bit, and Decided not to arrest them just yet. A) Because she walked away, and B) How crazy would he be if he believed that this young boy was the head of a mafia and dragged him into the precinct? He needed some true evidence. Maybe the boy was not the head, but a servant of Rico, and even that would be strange. The mafia was really not know for recruiting children since the old days... And for some reason, The vongolas wanted him? Why? Surely, they must get the point that he doesn't wanna be a part of this syndicate. He decided to follow this boy for a bit more.

Meanwhile, Rico came around the corner and bumped into Kei. Rico was a tall man of Hispanic origin, with stubble and slicked back hair. He had a spider web on his neck, which was covered up bu his business casual clothes, as if to show some class. "Watch where you're going, ya brat!" He told her, and grabbed her hand. "As a matter of fact, I think you ruined my suit... I think you should pay for it, like a good girl.." He sneered, and moved his coat as to show he was carrying a gun. "Come on, get it quick, or don't cha know who I am?"


Near the beginning of the fight, Aimi ran off. She wasn't interested in watching a fight break out and also she was already running late for her cooking class. But in class Aimi couldn't get the thought of the people she ran into on the street, especially the guys. She felt her face heat up as she thought about how handsome they were. Something about them was rather weird but also intriguing.
"A fight isn't decided until the last Punch is thrown, dumbass. Even I know that." Sure, he may have been winning in the beginning but there was no telling whether or not Kei could've gotten the upper hand. Side-stepping his leg, Kei only made it a few paces before she was knocked to the ground. Now her favorite dress was dirty. Strike one.

"All this testosterone is not good for my skin." A rare frown—which seemed to be becoming more common in the presence of this boy—took over Kei's face. "I'm no coward, but why should I believe you? I've never seen or heard of you before, boy. And you, I don't know who you think you are, talking to me like this when you bumped into me." Strike two.

She ripped her hand from his grip and took a step back. "Flash your gun, I don't care." Whether or not she had a plan or was just inherently stupid had yet to be shown, but one thing was clear: The Smiling Devil was not happy. And this made it strike three.
"I am of the Vongola Family!" Rico shouted as he pulled out his gun. "We Vongolas are bona fide killers!" Rico wondered why this girl was not flinching. He was sure everyone in the town knew of the Vongola mob... Of course he was not in it, but still... Well, one murder wouldn't matter, in fact it would benifit him and increase his renown in the area. Kill her, and no one would have the stones to challenge him. "So I'll ask ya again! Gimme your money. Or ya brain splatters this floor!"
"Vongola family funny I don't remember you?" Kogarasu spoke up kicking his foot up knocking the gun out of the man's hand. "Hi I'm Kogarasu if your Vongola then you must know I'm the new boss right?" He had a smile on his face but anyone could see the anger he hid behind it. He patted the man's shoulder laughing. "Yeah us Vongola don't mess around right? Especially with trash that would mess with one of my future guardians."

@KrissKrass @gogojojo331
Rico laughed hard, and smacked the kid with his gun. "Funny jokes kid!" He then took his gun near the boys head. "Scram." This kid could be the most stupidest little brat he'd seen. His finger was on th trigger. Vito gritted his teeth whilst watching from the shadows. One wrong move and both these kids were dead.
Now he was threatening her? If he hadn't knocked her down, Kei would've laughed like the boy next to her, but he knocked her down. "Alright 'boss'." Kei turned to look at him. "I'll play your game. Stand there and don't do anything. I got this." Kei turned back to the man, "And after I kick your ass, I'm gonna take your money." Kei's fists were clenched tightly, just short of drawing blood. "And then I'm gonna fight you again!"

@Nenma Takashi @gogojojo331
He looked and took out a switchblade and smiled. "Okay then!" He charged at her, ready to try and overpower her with sheer strength. He looked about 20 years her senior, so it was gonna a pice of cake!
Raven was piss off when she ended up hearing the fight from her room. 'Okay, there is it! I am literally going to beat up those idiots if they don't stop this meaningless fight right now.' thought Raven, as she walked out of her balcony to see the idiots fighting Rico there. She also grabbed her death scythe, since Raven was going to stop this fight once and for all. Raven literally jump off the balcony, and landed on Rico by smashing the handle of her death scythe onto his back. Since she wanted Rico to be unconscious from this, and also break his back.

@Nenma Takashi @KrissKrass @gogojojo331

( Don't mess with Raven. )
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With a loud thud, Rico hit the ground. The last thing he uttered was a faint groan of pain. Vito was a bit shocked at that girl displayed that sheer strength. He then wondered if she should be arrested for having a weapon, but decided it was justified as an act of semi defense.
"Hey!" Kei yelped at the girl, "This was my fight and you just come in here taking over?! That's not cool!" Kei was pissed. First, she didn't even get to finish her fight then when she was going to get another one, someone came in and wrecked it. "Do you know him? Are you friends with this boy?" She jerked her thumb in the boy's direction, "Because it seems like in the, maybe ten minutes I've known him everything's been pissing me off!"

@Nenma Takashi @Blackrose7
"You guys were being very annoying, since I can literally hear everything from my balcony. Also I don't give a fuck if it was your fight or not, since not only do I want this freaking criminal to leave my street. But you two are also very annoying, since both of you got in my way twice." said Raven, since they did got in her way by not being able to focus on playing her electric guitar properly, and preventing her from being able to go home.

"I don't know who this idiot is, nor do I care about being his stupid friend." said Raven, as she then looked at Vito. Since she noticed the tazer and collapsible baton on his belt. "You are pretty pathetic for a police officer, since the criminal was right in front of your face. Now if you excuse me, I am going to leave this stupid conversation. Since I hate being in stupid crowds like this."

Raven left Kei, Koga, and Vito with the death scythe hanging over her shoulder, because they are a waste of time to deal with.

@Nenma Takashi @KrissKrass @gogojojo331
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Mystica is enjoying a cup of McFloat in Mcdonald's, people seemed to be quiet, more likely because of the presence of friend my who kept staring at people in very scary way, "Reanne," Mystica called, sipping her McFloat.

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"Hm." Reanne acknowledged, sipping her coffee. She was glaring at anyone who dared come near, including Mystica. Although she didn't beat her to a pulp, she was still annoyed about the persistency of this girl.


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