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Fandom Hitman Reborn 18th Family

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
It's been sometime since the tenth Vongola Boss Tsuna Sawada was in charge. Now a new boss has been chosen but there's a problem he doesn't have his guardians yet. But who would be his guardians who would be his Rain one that washes away everything. His Storm one that fiercely blows away everything. His Mist one that cannot be captured. His Thunder one that harshly strikes everything. His Sun one that illuminates the sky. And of course His Cloud one that cannot be caught and goes its own way. Well it's time to go on a search for them with a Dying Will Flame that burns bright with passion the 18th Vongola boss Kazuichi Senji goes on a quest for his guardians. Little does he know that not everyone wants him to be boss and they'll do whatever it takes to make sure he and his guardians don't succeed.
Vito sat down and looked around the city, taking out his book and studying closely to read some information on his first target to bring to justice. His target was Rico Emmanuel, a drug racketeer and pimp for the local mafia. It was known as the Vongola family. He was around here somewhere, and Vito was gonna take him down. He took a comb from his jacket and brushed his hair a bit. "Alright..." He looked up. "Let's go..."
Kogarasu was awoken from his sleep by the gentle voice of his mother. "Koga oh Koga wake up sweetie." Kogarasu opened his eyes to see his mother's foot high in the air, ready for a heel drop. Reflex kicked in and he rolled out of the way of danger he heard the sound of his bed splitting in two pieces of wood flew around his room. He turned to defend himself but there was no need, his mother held up a list of names. Taking it he stared at the paper scratching his head. "What's this?" His mother smiled. "A list left for you by the 17th boss." Kogarasu's eyes lit up with excitement. "You mean these are my guardians!" He knew one name on the list next storm it said Al. "Oh good someone I know." His mother nodded. "And as for your mist he has already received his ring from the former mist the others you'll have to find and....convince." She looked up going on about how proud she was when she looked back Kogarasu was out of the house already calling Al. "Yo Al get ready we got to go get the rest of the family that's right it's TIME!!!" (Sorry for the long post)
It was already past eight o'clock and that meant one thing to Aimi, she was late. She had recently began taking a cooking class, but this morning she slept in. Aimi ran on the sidewalk through the main area of the city with two large platters in each hand, passing by people out and about. She reached a bench occupied by some guy brushing his hair and in a moment of weakness tripped over own feet. Both platters fell from her hand as she land face first on to the sidewalk.
Raven was already in her Capoeira class, since she loves to do her breakdancing martial arts with her teacher. But after she was done with her Capoeira class, she left to go to get a hamburger and some french fries at Burger King. Since Raven wanted to go eat something there, because her Capoeira class ended up making her hungry again. But as Raven was walking towards Burger King, she ended up seeing Aimi on the ground. However since Raven didn't care about the well-being of others, she just left poor Aimi there. Since helping Aimi up was a waste of time. Raven entered Burger King, and started to eat her hamburger and french fries after she ordered them.

'That stupid girl on the ground is a clumsy idiot.' thought Raven, who was almost done eating her hamburger and french fries.


( I am having fun with being a jerk to you guys btw. )
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It had been boring recently. Kei tugged at the ends of her favorite dress and stared at the puppies in the window. Oh how she wanted one—but her mom would never let her get one! That sucked! She sighed, putting her hands up behind her head and turning away from it. What else could she do? The arena was only open at night and Kei didn't have enough money to go to another city and wander around until someone decided to pick a fight with her. She sighed heavily, walking down the street. Something needed to happen and it needed to happen now. She crossed the street, just in time to see a girl crash into the sidewalk. Eyes wide, Kei looked down at the food. "Yo! Subarashī!" She knelt down, not even caring that half of it was on the ground. Her gaze then caught on the girl laying on the ground and the man on the bench that hadn't moved to help her. "Oh, damn." Despite herself and the food sitting right there, Kei moved to help the girl up. "Hey, are you okay?"
Vito looked at the girl and took her hand. "Sorry, girl." He said to her and helped her back her up. "I didn't mean to get in your way." He brushed the dirt off of her shoulders. "Are you okay?" He went over and picked up her pots and pans. "A culinary type, huh?" He looked and smiled. "Now I must be going...sorry I can't help clean them or something!" He walked away to find this man... Rico...
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Kazuichi sent the voice message to Al and kept running. He looked at the list of names one stuck out to him Kei. He had heard this name before but he couldn't remember then he stopped snapping his fingers. "Oh yeah that Smiling Devil girl that fights a lot!" He thought about having someone like that in his family. "Now where to find her?" He saw three people he ran over to one girl tapping her shoulder. "Hey you know where to find the Smiling Devil?"

Aimi's face turned completely red at the man that helped her up. If she could, she would have turned into mush. But her dreams of him staying with her were dashed when he walked way, not even telling his name. Aimi placed both of her hands on her cheeks and giggled to herself. Suddenly she felt someone tap her shoulder, turning Aimi was faced with another boy. He asked her something but she didn't hear a word, instead turning even more red then before. Without notice, Aimi attempted to latch on to the guy.
It was like nobody noticed her. Was it because she was short? She wasn't that short! Only, like 5'1" that was tall enough! She could ride some rides at the amusement park! She watched the older man brush by them to leave and Kei frowned. Two of her least favorite things were frowning and being unnoticed. "Hey, I'm here too, yanno!" Kei yelped at the girl just as another boy showed up, asking about her. Her fingers twitched at the nickname and she smiled, all previous anger gone. She turned, facing him just as the blonde-haired girl tried to latch onto him. Brushing her white-ish hair behind her ear, she said, "Who wants to know?" Did he want a fight? Because Kei would certainly give him one.

@Nenma Takashi @TurtlePower
Kogarasu didn't know what he was thinking when he saw the girl lung at him. But what he does know is bad habits are hard to break, his reflexes kicked in and he kicked his foot up while stepping back the girl's face inches from the bottom of his shoe. He realized what he had done and put his foot down. "Sorry about that you just came at me, I didn't hurt ya did I?" He asked worried but that would have to wait because the other girl asked him why he wanted the info. "Oh I hear she's tough so I was looking for a fight." That was a lie but he couldn't go around yelling he was a mafia boss now could he?
Honestly, Kyou wished that he had stayed inside. There were quite a lot of people around and he didn't like that, it made feel uneasy and awkward. Even though he was sat perched up on his appartments roof he was still getting off looks from the people on the ground. Kyou didn't care all that much, after all he was minding his own business and thought it was rude of them to stare at him. There were times were he wanted to blurt out, "What the hell are you looking at?!" But he just didn't have it in him. With a sigh he proceeded to scan the ground below. Sitting on the rooftop as if it was a normal occurrence which really, it wasn't.


(An awful post on my behalf, but it's just some shoddy introduction to get me rolling in the IC :3 my posts won't be that short in future, either)
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Al Vinci

Good ol Al, he's just standing there, he's in a graveyard, all alone, in front of an old friend. He does know what day is today, it's the day that the last Don will step down from his stripe, and a new boss step on. He has everything prepared, his favorite Lupara is fully loaded. He had served the last Don for a year or two ever since he received the ring from his cousin. The 17th Don Vongola was a great leader and a man of respect. But everyone has their time and a new boss is necessary. This next Boss, Kogarasu, Alexandro knows him for a while when the old boss named his successor. He is quite young but a strong and potential man.

- Hello cousin... - He speaks in Italian, tenderly.

*Ring ring*

Suddenly, his phone rings, it's from Kogarasu, sound like the new Boss has finally made his move and he need Al assistance. Al understands the situation, as he plans to finish his affair here in this graveyard.

- I'm here to pay respect for you for the last time, before I go and do my first job with our new Boss.

He gives out a smile.

- This new Boss, Kogarasu, he is a good guy, I know he is going to be a good boss someday you know... You don't have to worry about the future.

He says, as he takes out two glasses and pour it with Italian whine. One for himself, one's on his cousin's tombstone. When they were young, they used to drink whine together many times. Alexandro takes a sip, then he continues.

- Good huh ? It's from Rome, our home.

He takes another sip of whine.

- I promised you on your deathbed, that I would always be faithful to the Vongola Family. And I will. You don't have to worry no more, you just rest, leave everything to me.

Then Al finishes his drink, he is going to say goodbye.

- Bye cousin. See you another time.

Al finishes his visit to his cousin, the man that brought him to the Vongola family. Everything he said with his cousin were all Italian. He wishes to stay longer, but while the boss go around, he can't just standing in one place. As he say his goodbye, Al Vinci rushes to his Boss.
Vito walked around the backstreets, looking for Rico on whatever dark and seedy corner he might reside in. He had to find him before this trail ran cold, he looked at his book once more and nodded to himself. He was at the local bar this time of day, looking for some prospects out on the streets before he went to the back to tell his goons who to capture. "Vongola scum..." He muttered to himself.
Aimi glanced between the guy and the other girl, confused as to why they were wanting to fight each other. She must have missed something. Though, one thing for sure was that the guy was far more flexible then even Aimi. She moved back and crouched down to pick up the platters, but kept her eyes on the two.
"Looking for a fight?" Kei's bright purple eyes sparkled at his words. The prospect of a fight with someone who could hold himself back at the last minute? That meant he had training. Kei smirked. "Well look no further, friend!" Kei strikes a pose, "Because it is I! Takasugi Kei! The Smiling Devil!"

Of course, yelling and striking awkward poses in the middle of a sidewalk during a semi-busy time of day was sure to draw stares, it seemed that Kei had no problem with that, nor did she have a problem with the fact that she was yelling at 8 in the morning. "Ready? Start!" She gave him no time to object as she dash forward, aiming a kick towards his lower abdomen. The thing about Kei was, she always came in fast and hot. She hated slow, drawn out fights.
'Why can't anyone just ask. Hey you ready to fight. No they have to attack me without warning guess that's what all of mom's random sparing times were for.' He thought to himself as in what seemed like seconds, the girl had struck a pose proclaimed herself the Smiling Devil and went for a kick. "That won't work against me." Kogarasu brought his leg up kicking the girl's leg to block the attack. If she wasn't ready she would spin around as well.

Their kicks met in a stalemate. Kei had been expecting a counterattack of some sort, especially with the way he had kicked up at the other girl, it was clear that his preferences were kicks. Well wasn't that something? Kei's preference was using her fists. She moved back, recoiling from the force of his kick. She smiled, this seemed like it would be fun. Kei eyed the boy for a moment before she ran forward once more, this time a punch directed at him. If he was going to use kicks then she was going to throw punches.

@Nenma Takashi
Kogarasu clicked his tongue he couldn't tell how tough this girl was. From her title and word around town she wasn't a pushover but that was when faced with everyday street punks. He didn't know if he could go all out, so he had to hold back so he wouldn't hospitalize his future Guardian. He kicked his foot up to knock her punch off course then spun on his heel aiming another kick for her shoulder blade.
At the moment, it seemed almost stalemate. Kei couldn't get a hit in and neither could he. Just who was this guy? Surely he'd heard of her reputation. Kei ducked, dropping quicker than her opponent would think she could, in order to dodge the kick to her shoulder blade. She punched upwards, aiming to strike him in the back of the knee. In that moment, it became clear: he was holding back. The thought irked Kei. She didn't get to where she was by having her opponents hold back. For now, she wouldn't say anything, but inwardly, she sighed. Was she really going to have to prove herself to some loser on the street?
Kogarasu nodded his head as she manged to dodge his attack, this meant she had some skill. 'Now let's see if how good my Guardian of Sun really is!' He thought to himself, he brought his leg up so her punch would miss his leg. Then inhaled and exhaled bringing his foot down with 90% of his power going for a heeldrop to her head.

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"Oof!" Kei allowed the wind to be knocked from her lungs as she dropped to the ground completely, rolling out of the way on the heavy heel drop. Getting hit--let alone kicked in the head was probably the worst thing and Kei didn't want it to happen to her if she could do something about it. She didn't stay down on the ground, feinting for a punch to the face with her right fist, but really, was going for the chest with a sharp left jab.

@Nenma Takashi
Again Kogarasu was impressed by Kei's skills. 'The 17th really knows how to pick em!' He blocked his face but was instead hit in the chest. Making him stumble back but you one does not simply get beaten when they know Devil style Tae Kwon Do. He kicked his foot up aiming for Kei's chin making it seem he was just falling.

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