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Fandom History Should Stay History

Felipe smiled and took his grandson into his arms hugginh him tight "How many steaks?" He asked happily kissing Val's cheek

Max frowned calling 911 and explaining everything before she tried CPR to help him get air in his lungs
“Uhh, lets go for three, I’m sure this one will go for seconds.” She mumbled looking back at EZ. They were by no means fixed but they were trying to be a family for James at the very least.

angel eventually blacked out and lay still, the medics arriving a few minutes later and moving max out the way so they could take over. “Ma’am what happened?” One asked her while they worked to find a way to get him breathing
Max stepped back and shook.her head some "I dont know! He fell asleep and he had a breathing treatment on!" She explained

EZ chuckled some and gave a smile "You're probably right." He said smiling as James held on tight to his Abuelo.
Val smiled some while EZ headed to the back to check up on some maintenance for Felipe and she took James into her arms. “How have you been?” She asked him.

they worked for a long while on him, about to call it when they finally got something back from him and took him straight to the hospital, running test after test with him before finally allowing max back to see him once he’d woken up again
Felipe shrugged some "Fine I guess, how is he?" He asked motioning to James and EZ as well going behind the counter to get some steaks

Max rushed in having dropped the girls off with Letty before hand and holding his hand tight "What happened?" She asked the doctor
She set James sown when he wriggled to go follow his dad. “He’s doing okay, his arm is still sore from breaking it but he’s still barely talking... we’re worried but we’re managing with him. As for ez.... we’re working through it, he’s back home now at least.” She mumbled smiling a little.

angel frowned leaning back and watching herwhile he held her hand tight. ‘His lungs aren’t giving out on him. There’s been too much scar tissue build up for them to keep working and they’re slowly failing him. We can keep you comfortable and give you a prescription for steroids to keep you going longer but other than that.... not much besides a new set of em. And unfortunately due to your financial status you’d be listed as very low priority.’ He explained to tjem whike angel gripped her hand tighter.
Max frowned and whimpered quietly before she started to cry holding his hand tight while the doctor left. She didnt want to loose him but it was seeming more likely now.

Felipe nodded some and gave a small sigh "He'll get better its just gotta take some time." He said quietly wrapping the steaks up for them "How are you doing? Feeling any better?"
“At least you won’t have CPS on your ass about me being a criminal.” He hoarsed out, squeezing her hand again just trying to pull her closer.

val frowned and shrugged. “When my little boy is doing better, then I will be better.” She saidsoftly looking toward where they’d both gone to.
Max layed next to him and frowned more shaking her head some "Dont talk like that." She muttered kissing his cheek gently

EZ came out of the back with James and smiled some at Val "He had to use the restroom." He murmured to her
Angel frowned some and squeezed her hand back just resting his head on her shoulder, “I love you.” He mumbled to her, closing his eyes and just keeping close to her.

Val yawned some and nodded making him stand with then now and not picking him up. “No James you can stand baby, mommy can’t carry you everywhere.” She told him softly, taking the steaks from Felipe and thanked him while EZ paid his dad before they headed to the car, getting James in his car seat but waited patiently while EZ took a phone call, frowning at his expression some seeing the floor drain from his face
Max held him close and kissed the top of his head repeatedly "I love you too babe." She whisperer

EZ heard his phone go off flashing Coco's number across the screen. He frowned as he listened to Coco say his brother was in the hospital again and felt his stomach hit the floor when he said 'Max said they couldnt find a heartbeat'
Val frowned watching him get back in the car finally looking shaky. “Hey, hey what’s wrong?” She asked quietly and stopped him from turning the car on at first.

angel grunted a little and just tried to relax as much as possible. “Can you... I think... the old man should know.... I can’t.... talk on... the phone.” He muttered still keeping his eyes shut
Max nodded some and kissed his cheek "I'll call him." She said quietly "Just take it easy okay?"

EZ frowned some and stared at the steering wheel still in shock "Coco said my brother is in the hospital again....he might be dead...I don't know."
She frowned and gently nudged him to get out, swapping places with him and started the car up, driving them down to the hospital and letting him go in to find out what was going on while she sat with James in the car for the moment.

he just nodded and lay back some, focusing on taking breaths one at a time, frowning when he heard movement and opened his eyes again a little seeing EZ there. “Hey.”
Max saw EZ come in and quickly went over hugging him tight before she explained what had happened. She then left the room to call their father.

EZ sat next to his brother shaking his head some sighing heavily "We gotta find a way to get you a transplant." He muttered
He frowned some watching him. “Yeah. Fat chance.” He grunted some. “Can you... bring... Mari down?” He asked him. He knew it was a little bad but he didn’t care about seeing Gracie. He was more concerned about seeing Mari.

Felipe frowned answering the phone “good afternoon, how are you doing max?”
Max gave a heavy sigh and sat in the hall rubbing her eyes some "Hey Felipe....Angel..he is back in the hospital. His lungs are failing and the only way to save him is by a transplant. Its unlikely that we'll get one, he wants to see you."

EZ frowned some and gave a heavy sigh "I'm not sure thats a good idea man...but I'll try alright?" He murmured glancing at Max in the hall "How is she taking it?"
He frowned watching her and frowned. “Not good.... found me... not ... breathing.” He groaned, rolling onto his side and leaning over the edge of the bed dry heaving and frowning some

Felipe took a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll come down shortly.” He assured her and sighed some.
EZ shook his head and sighed heavily pressing the call button as he started heaving

Max gave a small sigh and nodded "Okay thank you." She said quietly before hanging up
Angel groaned as max came back in the room followed immediately by a few nurses who were trying to get him settled back down, but he was starting to panic again so they had decided the best course of action was to put him under sedation again and put him on a ventilator just staring at max scared out of his mind and reached for her hand, trying to take in every detail of her face in case he didn’t wake up.

Carmen looked up when EZ came and knocked on the car window. “Hey, what’s going on with him?” She asked him, stepping out of the car momentarily so she didn’t upset James.
Max looked at him and let a few tears fall as she squeezed his hand gently trying to stay calm as she looked at the nurses.

EZ left and knocked on the door sighing heavily "I don't think he is gonna make it through the night....Im gonna talk with Max to possibly bring Mari...he wanted to see her." He explained
He frowned wanting desperately to talk to her but the words weren’t coming out at all and he lay back as they assured max they would be back within the hour to get him on the ventilator but they needed the right nurse to be available first, just upping everything for him for now to try and keep him comfortable while he stared at her still.

Carmen frowned hugging him tightly. “Alright uh... let me drop off James with Bishop, he trusts him, and I’ll come back down alright? I won’t get in the way but I’m here if you need me okay?” She murmured, kissing his cheek.
Max nodded softly and gave a heavy sigh turning to look at him and smiled wide "Hey handsome. Its gonna be alright I promise." She said softly looking at EZ as he came back in

EZ nodded and gave a heavy sigh going back inside and sitting down judt as Angel started to fall asleep "He wants to see Mari, just let her come see him even if its brief."
Felipe showed up shortly after max had left to go get Mari and he sat down watching his firstborn with a pained expression. “How bad is it?” He asked looking at EZ.
EZ shook his head some taking a deep breath "They don't think he'll make it the night...his lungs keep collapsing and he doesnt have the insurance or money to get higher up on the transplant list."

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