Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]


Six Thousand Club
I wanted to make a more romantic story if thats okay with all. You can be anything you want just dont be like asudge monster or something you dont have to like who your paired up with you (your character) can like anyone but they have to like someone. Now this school is for the rich or the smart.(payed for by parents or scholarship). These students were brought here because they need romance in there lives. They are paired up at the beginning of the year based on how well there names work. Its basically random after that. I will make a chara sheet please do not just jump in I have low tolerence for trolling even if this is an rp site there are trolls everywhere ive seen it happen. Anyways bros if I'm not online to accept you just wait so I can set it up for your chara. Nothing too drastically detail. when things come to ya know ($3x) anyways, have fun be romantic and dont worry about being too terably literate and have fun guys~.
Angel was sitting on the bus. She didn't want to impose on her busy parents and make her driver her to school but her teddy bears and suitcases took up the back half of the bus. Angel hugged her smaller teddy bear hoping nobody would try and hurt her. She jolted almost banging her head on the seat in front of her as the bus driver made a sharp stop. There was a young boy there her got on the bus with just a suitcase. He sat in the front then did a small wave and a moving van began following the bus az it moved. He wanted to separate himself from the annoying drive. Angel realized who thus boy was it was that boy from the Kokoro family. Her bears began whispering and some laughed. Angel just hid her face on one of the bears.
Nixie pulled her backpack off her back as she looked for a place to sit. The bus sure was crowded, she thought to herself, giggling slightly as she accidentally bumped into someone, apologising hastily and settling in one of the only empty spaces on the bus. She looked across to see a girl with soft pink coloured hair on the seat behind her. 'Hi!' She said cheerily, looking at all the bags. 'Why didn't you just put it under the bus?' She asked, tilting her head at the girl, a friendly smile on her face. She caught sight of one of the stuffed animals and made a saft 'awwww' sound. 'He's so cute, what's his name?' She asked cheerfully.


Yrechaz boarded the bus with some begrudgingness. He was unused to being around so many people. Looking at the other students with some annoyance he settled up the front with the blond guy. 'Would you mind scooting over?' He asked in a bored tone. He was friendly enough, but he just didn't know how to communicate with people very well. Everyone else was rowdy, and he didn't feel like encouraging the headache that was beginning to make itself known.
Klaine and Sig walked along the hard pavement road. Sigfried held a torn-up raggedy back that only had one strap left. He held it swung across his shoulder, the zipper hanging loose and a few books on the verge of falling. Klaine had a dark shoulder bag that thumped agaibst her leg every time she walked. "Geez, Siggy.. You have to get that fixed," Klaine said without emotion. She slammed against her brother on the side, fully knocking out several books from his so-called backpack. "Shut it," he hissed, bending over and picked them up, stuffing them back where they once were," And quiet calling me Siggy. It's immature and stupid!" Sigfried glared at his sister, who was holding back a snicker. She chuckled," You're the immature and stupid one in out relationship. Besides, I was born first~" Sigfried grumbled," We're twins, Klaine, no one's older than the other!" Klaine shrugged, a smirk of triumph on her face," Still, I'm older by a few minutes," Sig sighed again, muttering sonething under his breath.

The twins looked over, seeing the bus close in. "C'mon, Siggy! Let's catch a shortcut!" Klaine squealed and dragged her brother over to the bus, slamming him violently on a seat directly across from Angel. Sigfried sat uncomfortably, rubbing his wrist where his sister had death-clutched him.
Angel blushed looking up, "his name is Hug... " she said softly not making eye contact. Angel began tearing up she felt stupid for not putting her bags under the bus but couldn't part with her things and would rather her bears carry it, "I'm s-sorry" she said nervously. She looked at the girl, "I'm Angel... F-Fidorium... What's your name? If you don't mind me asking" she said softly.

Hitori shrugged and moved over, "go ahead bro" he said then put in headphones, "to believe half the bus is teddy bears" he mumbled looking at Angel who quickly jolted. Hitori looked away he wasn't trying to be mean he was just astonished at the bears.
Klaine looked at Angel," Oy, calm down. No one's mad at 'cha!" She said, crossing her arms over her chest. Her brother simply sat quietly, huddled close to the seat. He absolutely hated talking to anyone he doesn't know. Sigfried looked away digging his nails tightly into the fabric of the chair. Klaine, blinked politely, smiling," They're cute," she said, trying to cheer the poor girl up.
Nixie could see she'd upset the girl and hastily apologised. 'No, no it's fine, I was just wondering. Please don't cry!' She exclaimed. 'I'm Nixie, Nixie Vanderbelt.' She looked up as two other kids practically barrelled onto the bus and into a seat near them. 'Look, more company.' She said, trying to cheer this strange emotional girl up. 'I love your bears. Is that your gift? To make them live?' She asked, smiling at her, swirling a strand of her vibrant blue hair around her finger. She looked over at the silent guy. 'You okay?' She asked, leaning across her seat.


Yrechaz laughed slightly. 'It could be a million other things and still not surprise me.' He commented simply before turning his attention to the pair that had practically charged onto the overcrowded bus. 'Looks like we won't be short of excitement this year.' He murmured. Already he could see that he was one of the eldest here and that irritated him a lot. He wasn't one for hanging out with people younger than himself.
Hitori chuckled, "as long as they don't kill anyone I think everything's ganna be fine....." he said then looked out the Window at the scenery and sighed he already knew this was going to be miserable for him.

Angel smiled, "thank you" she said with her soft tone then nodded at Nixie. Angel then looked at the boy, "if your scared this will help you be brave" she said forming a teddy bear in his lap. It was a dark blue and had closed eyes with a happy smile. "d-does anybody else want one?" she asked blushing slightly.
Nixie made a cooing sound at the sight of the bear. 'Ooooh he's adorable. Can I have one?' She asked, eyes glowing happily. She smiled at Angel and then concentrated on the palm of her hand, holding the other over her palm for a moment. As she lifted it ice began to form and when she removed it completely it could be seen that it was a little ice bear. It looked almost like crystal, the way the light played on the angles. 'There!' She announced with a proud smile, offering it to Angel. 'Here, it won't melt.'


'I highly doubt this lot are able to do anything in the way of killing. What are they, a group of giggling girls and a moody kid?' He sighed, stretching his long legs out and folding his arms behind his head. 'I sure hope you can do something more interesting than making a bunch of teddy bears.'
"I can learn how to use any wepon like a pro in a matter of seconds..." Hitori said, "and you?" he asked.

Angel blushed and took the ice bear her teddy bear stood up on the seat and held onto the ice bear. Angel wiggled her nose and made a cute pink bear with a graceful red bow on its back. The bear bowed for Nixie and then jumped onto her seat and sat down.
Klaine smiled," What a nice gift~" she said, nudging her brother to say something. Sigfried looked up from his huddle, holding up the teddy bear in one hand. He raised an eyebrow, staring blankly at the stuffed animal," Thanks..." He said monotonely. Sigfried held the bear and put it inside his backpack, zipping it up. Sigfried still had gloomy eyes, but now sat up straight instead of slouching over. Klaine blinked at the usher silence her brother had made, then gasped," Oh! We haven't introduced ourselves yet!" Klaine said, resting her fingers on her chest," I'm Klaine Boulevard. That potato is my --younger-- twin brother, Siggy~!" She pointed toward the boy next to her. Sig looked up, glaring intently,then looked at Angel and Nixie," It's Sigfried. NOT Sig and ESPECIALLY NOT Siggy!" He hissed toward Klaine. She simply rolled her eyes," You're probably wondering out gifts," she said, a little overexcited," I can change my limbs into practically anything that shoots," Klaine lifted her right hand, and it automatically shifted into an enormous sleek black cannon. Flicking her wrist, the cannon switched back to her bormal hand, with a bright blue flash of light. With a slight giggle, Klaine added her sibling," Sigfried over there can manipulate his... blood," she laughed half-heartedly then glanced over," Go ahead, show them,"

Sigfried groaned. He hated it when he uses his power without reason. Especially when he was told," Whatever..." He grumbled and unwrapped some of the many bandages that covered his body. This one on the underside of his arm. Underneath, was a wild flurry of cuts and scrapes, mostly dry, but slightly gruesome to the innocent. "....Supaiku...." He said in a very small whisper. The term 'supaiku' means 'spike', which is exactly what did. The blood on his arm spiked up rapidly, to form a large mass of needle-looking red spikes scattered on his limb. After a few minutes, the spikes died down and reverted back into liquid blood, though there was now an even bigger mass of red on him. Silent, Sigfried wrapoed the bandages around his arm again, not giving off any emotion whatsoever.
Angel jolted hiding a bit,"won't you die if you lose too much blood?!"she asked feeling a bit faint,"o-other then that doesn't it hurt and is it only your blood"she said nervously then covered her mouth. Angel thought she said too much,"heh"Hitori said smirking. Angel formed a teddy bear around her and she hid inside as it leaned over to the window sitting up. A big bear with a now on it head stood up,"what a jerk! She's shy you know! Like a little baby she's curious and shy! You don't need to taint her for caring"the bear said and a messy doll looked up it was creepy because it was the first thing she had ever created. The doll had one black eye and a bonnet with a messy dress and shoes. The doll sat between the boys with a knife in its hand,"don't be mean"the doll said then got off the seat and walked back to Angel and into a suite case. Everything got quiet."she wasn't supposed to come out..."a bear whispered."Angel doesn't want to look like a bad person for giving a doll life"another added then all the bears became life-less looking and stift.
Nixie's eyes widened at this display of the abilities. 'I uh... I'm gonna sit over here...' She said in a softer, quieter voice, sliding across the seat away from them. This was a little too creepy for her. While she had thought the talking bears cute before, now they were just creepy and she decided the girl used them to hide behind way too much. She looked out the window, touching the glass and seeing the ice coat the glass, crystalising it on the inside and setting a frosty air in the inside of the bus.


Yrechaz raised an eyebrow at the display that caused such a ruckus at the end of the bus. 'They do realise they're meant to keep a low profile, right?' He muttered before realising Hitori had asked him a question. 'I'm ashamed to say my gift is as useful as that girl with the stuffed animals. I cause images to come to life. It can be useful sometimes though.' He just shrugged.
Sigfried blinked, a little mire in depth than uninterested," Ahm... Apologies if I had upset you," Sigfried spoke, raising a hand as if to help her feel better," and no, I can only use my own blood, not anyone else's. That would be stealing." He said, and looked away," ...and-and only sometimes it hurts. It's okay. I...I'm fine with it..." Klaine groaned at her brother," Geez, Siggy, no one wants to hear about your lame sadistic tendencies!" Klaine looked up at the big bear that had risen up, and kept her arms crossed,"...And who's this? Another friend of yours I presume?"
The bear disappeared and Angel noticed that Nicie had moved away and looked down sadly feeling the sadness of already losing a friend. The bear was on the floor now,"yeah... It is"She said then pulled the bear to a seat and set it up,"mommy should've drove me"Angel whispered the bear didn't move but Angel nodded and walked away then looked at the twins,"if it hurts maybe you shouldn't do it so much... Maybe you should just use it in emergency situations"she said smiling happily. Angel looke at the bear that Nixie had left in her hurry and sighed then looked at Klaine,"I bet you never get messed with"she said smiling.

Hitori blinked,"her power is just really creepy to me now... I think it's be stupid to take a bear that can talk to her without saying anything out loud"he said warning Sigfried. Angel jolted and looked down ready to be pelted with a bear like she once was. Hitori blinked then looked at Nixie then back at Yrechaz,"so how does that work exactly?"he asked.
Esther sat on the bus in the seat behind her brother. Kael was sleeping with his headphones on, as usual. he spent too much time up at night putting together violin peices, and not enough time sleeping. Esther on the other hand, had been studying. she always had extremely good grades, and she wanted to keep it that way. she held a tiny pale hand out palm up and a swirl of aurora color appeared, materializing into a translucent blue bird. the image faded after a moment and Esther looked out the window. Kael stirred in his sleep and his eyes fluttered open. i fell asleep again? well thats awsome. he ran his hand through his messy hair, and shrugged.
Nixie rested her head against the glass, closing her eyes. 'I want to go home..' She whispered to no one in particular. She wrapped her arms around her ribs, hugging herself as the ice disappeared. She just wanted to be with her family again. But there was no going back. she knew that. She hated it, but she knew it. It wasn't going to be the same anymore. She was going to boarding school. Her parents weren't there. Her baby brother wasn't either. she tried so hard to be cheerful all the time but she just couldn't do it anymore.


Yrechaz shrugged. 'I dunno. I guess I just wish it into being or something. No clue really.' He groaned, stretching his leg out as a spasm of pain caused it to cramp up. It had been doing that since the accident. 'I hope this ride doesnt take too long. i'm sick of sitting.'
Hitori shrugged,"shouldn't be long it's my first year here so I don't know"he said then the bus went over a pothole and everyone was flung into the air and there was a sharp turn to the left making everyone on the right fall off then a turn to the right making the people on the floor roll and the people on the left fall out of there seats. The bus then came to a sharp stop. Angel jolted with all the moving she landed on Yrechaz's back and Hittori had Nixie on his back. Angel jolted quickly getting off then held out her hand to help him up. Hitori groaned,"get off!"he yelled.
Kael yawned, stretching. he turned around and looked at his little sister, "Hey Es, why did you bother studying if we havent even started school yet." he looked at the small girl with curiousity. she looked up at him with a sarcastic expression, "because im a nerd." she scoffed. Kael just grinned, "why are you always like that? youre nice to everyone else." he flicked his wrist and a small daisy appeared. before Kael could say anything, Esther interupted, "yeah, i know. Daisy, flower of innocence for you innocent little sister." she took the flower and shoved it in her bag. "i study because im curious. besides, you know i was studying illusions. its not like..." she shuddered, "math" all of a sudden the bus lurched and Esther was thrown to the floor. Kael managed to hang onto the seat, but Esther landed right in the aisle of the bus.
Sigfried hissed and Klaine did an angry squral as the bus hurtled them this way and that. When they arrived, they both stumbled up, Sigfried helping his sister get on her toes. "Terrible, terrible, bus driver..." Klaine said to whoever was driving. She held her stomach, and her bag had been thrown to the other side of the bus. Klaine wobbly went over to get it, stumbling and almost tripping over her own feet. Sigfried sighed and held her arm without a word. As she went to fetch her bag, Klaine mumbled," Stupid stomach..." Spitting at her weak heal at her tummy. The twins walked out, Sigfried leading Klaine, in an obvious upset mood because of the ruckus driving.
Kael slipped out of his seat and went to help Esther. "you ok?" he asked, extending a hand. Esther scowled, "i can help my self thank you." she got up, dusting off her dress. she grabbed her bag, took a breath and tried to keep a relaxed expression as she got off the bus. a stampede of students followed, and as Esther tried to get out of the way she was once again knocked over, landing on the concrete with a thud. she cringed as she cut her hand on the pavement. Kael, stuck behind the stampede, watched from the window. he put his hand to his forehead in frustration. "her luck is so bad even a black cat dancing under a ladder in a pile of broken glass and spilled salt couldnt make it worse."
Nixie yelled as she was flung across the bus, landing on some blond kid's back. 'Oh my god.. I'm so sorry!' She exclaimed, managing to untangle herself from Hitori, blushing furiously. 'I don't even know what happened.. I'm really really sorry.' She apologised again, flashing him a nervous smile and offering her hand in a peace offering. 'I'm Nixie, the girl who apparently gets flung halfway across a bus to totally humiliate herself.' Her tone was light but her cheeks were still scarlet.


Yrechaz eyed Angel a moment before accepting her help up. 'You alright?' He asked in a gentler, warmer tone than he had used when scoffing at the behaviour earlier. He didn't like seeing others get hurt and in truth, she looked mortified. Seeing this he quickly grabbed a pen and scribbled a minature version of the large bear she had hidden behind on the back of the seat in front of him, touching it lightly with a hand and drawing his hand back, pulling the bear with it. He presented it to her with a smile. 'They're not as good as yours, but what can you expect from a drawing?' He asked as he held the very real looking bear out to her.

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