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accept meeeeeeeeeee please 
another drawing :3<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be013ee8b_myimagescanned.jpg.a9d8e045604733731dfa45b5295635e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be013ee8b_myimagescanned.jpg.a9d8e045604733731dfa45b5295635e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • my image scanned.jpg
    my image scanned.jpg
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So since everyone's drawing stuff I'm going to try and draw something :D I bet you're all souper excited for it.

Noah it's: Lucem, NashNash, Pai, some loser called prowlzerz(lolwhataloser:P) and unholyredemption. All those awesome people (and that weird loser) decide on your characters and accept or tell you where to fix it as a group :D
I know right Prowlzerz is such a loser! I mean, who names their kid Prowlzerz? Come on! xD (jk we love you Prowly)
Everyone who created characters and needs to be accepted are Accepted.

To save time instead of waiting for Nanashi or someone else, just PM me and I'll accept you.
Yeah I mean I bet that name got him nowhere (Yay lovez 'n' stuffz :D *spreads the love jam... mmm jam I like jam)
Akihito said:
Everyone who created characters and needs to be accepted are Accepted.
To save time instead of waiting for Nanashi or someone else, just PM me and I'll accept you.
Are you back or something? :D
I won't rejoin the role play but I'll keep an eye on this in case the threads gets more characters that need accepting.

A side note, if you are making another character for the same user, you don't have to wait for that character to be accepted.

Haha Pai, yeah I'm alive just not joining. Don't want to slow anyone down with my slow replies! xD
Oh Aki you don't have to concern yourself with accepting people, there's like a squad of us with accepting guns and fix it please tasers :D
It's not a problem. I'm pretty much on all the time and in case something like this happens, I'll be there as your backup.

Thanks for being concerned :)

Yep you're in Callie! Have fun!
That would definitely be a must. xD

Sorry I didn't read what she had previously posted! I thought she made a character! My bad! DX
Name: Kima

Age: 16

Species: Dodomeki

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): A traditional Japanese demon Kima's species is known for having bodies covered in eyes. From foot to toe there is very few parts of their body that shows actual skin. The only part of the body that is covered in only one eye is the face which instead of having features is made of one single large eye. They are able to use these multiple eyes to judge peoples movements and watch multiple people at once making them very hard to kill even in large mobs.

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance: As described above Kima has eyes covering most of his body is covered in eyes. He looks very similar to his human appearance other than the fact that his hair is red and he has eyes all over his body. His eyes are also a different color the pupils appearing as black spirals and instead of whites his eyes are red. His skin becomes slightly more pail and of course he loses all facial features instead sporting one giant eye.

Personality (At least a paragraph): Kima enjoys music when he is in his human form and actually has ears to put his headphones in. he mostly likes heavy rock and metal but also listens to some instrumental. He is pretty laid back and some people could call him even lazy. He enjoys watching people and making observations purely due to his species natural ability to do so. In his human form he enjoys spicy and crunchy foods. Due to the fact his species doesn't have a natural mouth and therefore he has no need for sustenance he eats a very poor diet of only spicy or crunchy foods and lots of them. He can normally be found in some corner watching people pass with a bag of spicy potato chips. He isn't very social simply because he doesn't know how to talk to people and his lazy sort of look usually makes him seem like he doesn't want to take the time to put in any effort. If you get to know him and manage to get past his constant observation which at times can be creepy he is a really nice guy. He likes to help people but has a hard time figuring out how.

Personal Bio: Kima was born of two Dodomeki who lived deep in Japan's forests. He was raised near an abandoned shrine and taught by his parents that humans were volatile creatures he only wished harm upon his kind. He was forced by his father to learn Kendo from another local demon in order to defend himself against "evil" humans. One day a group of hikers got lost in his part of the forest and he began to follow them. He was planning on killing them all but after observing them for a time he found no reason to. Appearing before them he frightened the hikers a great deal and as they ran two of them fell and got hurt. He felt a sort of compassion for them and after patching them up left them in the old shrine with a crudely drawn map of how to get to town. His father yelled at him for these actions and so he decided to come to the school in order to become a part of the human world.

Other: I apologize for the change from picture to text it is so hard to find a good picture of a Dodomeki.

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