Highschool of a Thousand Terrors: New Year -(Sign Up)


Aki of Hearts ♡





Welcome to Ishika High!

I bet you're wondering what is Ishika High? It's just like any other highschool. Except, well, it's a highschool for monsters! Ishika High, better known as the Highschool of a Thousand Terrors by humans, is where every kind of monster or fantasy being is taught to interact with each other and then how to associate with humans.

In 2003, these monsters revealed themselves to the humans in hopes of bringing peace. Humans surprisingly acknowledged the monsters existence, and were in fact relieved that the creatures they had feared were gentler than expected. All the country leaders banded together and created the Ishika Treaty with the monsters. This treaty enabled the monsters acceptance into humanity as long as they were taught how to associate with them and thus Ishika High was created. The children of the monsters were to attend this school when they came of age to that of a teenage human. They were not to leave this school until their teachers were satisfied that if they left, they could dwell with humans in peace.

New Year

(Information for any past users)

What is New Year? New Year is the restart of the original HoaTT! I will be working much more on this roleplay and I shall not abandon you all like last time. (I apologize for that)

Any original plot and romances are no longer available. Any original user who created characters will have to start over. (Very sorry!) You are MORE than welcome to re-create the same character you had last time!


= Your species is more of a peaceful kind. Your species can fight but aren't very good at it.

2 = The species over all power is sufficient. Not enough to dominate but good for defending territory.

3 = Species is perfectly balanced in power.

4 = Your species prefers the offensive style. They dominate and fight and are bit more aggressive.

5 = Unstoppable power. No one can challenge this species in brute force. They are the least numerous but thrive on pure blood lust and power.


  1. No godmodding
  2. No bunnying!
  3. No user fighting! If you have a problem with a user, PLEASE take it into a PM/Conversation.
  4. You are not restricted to how much you must write on each post, Quality is better than Quantity. (I hate it when you have to write a certain amount every post because sometimes you just can't think of anything!)
  5. Have fun! Always!
  6. You can create ANY kind of monster you want as long as you describe its species.
  7. Romance is allowed and encouraged! Keep it PG-13 though!
  8. You can swear but don't go overboard with it.
  9. Plot suggestions will be PM'ed to me. Do not make any crazy and huge movements from the plot without permission from me first!

Mods (A.K.A. The Council)





@Lucem Tenebris


Full Name:

Age (Real age - Human age):

Species Name:

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):

True Appearance:

Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.)

True Appearance Notes:

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):

Personality (At least a paragraph):

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs):

Theme Song (Optional):

Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories):

Officially Enrolled Students

Full Name:

Aki Kasai Namikito

Age (Real age - Human age):

400 years old - 17 Human years

Species Name:

Fire Spirit

Species Bio:

Fire Spirits are literally fire. They are the essence of flames. Unknown to Humans, they were the ones who *gave* fire to their world. Fire Spirits are chaotic and uncontrollable. They take the fiery form of any creature they believe that best fits them. That form is not exactly physical, as it is made of flames. They have an eternal hatred for water and any king of ocean or sea monsters. Fire Spirits usually keep to themselves. They don't have a colony or tribe, usually finding a mate and settling down with them instead of other Fire Spirits.

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

Aki stands at 6' exactly.

He has an eye patch that covers his right eye. Aki claims that a evil overlord cat scratched him there.

Aki's eyes are apparently mismatched but no one knows for sure.

True Appearance Notes:

It's true size can fill a football field.

The fire is constantly swirling around him and at times will separate, making him lose his form.

Species/Power Level:



Aki is quiet but not unfriendly. He is nice but doesn't express his feelings or emotions much. He tends to come off as very intimidating and someone who doesn't want to talk but that's only because he isn't sure how to react to someone. Like all Fire Spirits, he has a huge temper and rage that can unleash at any moment. Unlike most Fire Spirits, Aki can control that temper but sometimes it will come out.

More of a calm and peaceful person, he stands out from most Fire Spirits who are wild and out-going.

Personal Bio:

Aki is the son of Sheiran and Laelia Namikito. The Namikito family are highly esteemed Fire Spirits who are well known by many monsters and even humans.

When Humans were first popping up in the world, the Namikito ancestors had hunted them for pleasure. Later however, they became allies and gave warmth and heat as a gift for their wrongdoing. During the Great War between water and fire monsters, the Namikito ancestors were surprisingly neutral during it although they did not like the water monsters at all.

Aki was basically brought up solely by his mother since his father was always away on business. Aki learned to accept that his father wanted to be with him but just couldn't. Although not having a father has shown in his personality. Aki had no interaction with other children until going to Ishika High, as there were no other Fire Spirits that lived near him. He wasn't exactly craving for friends but he did wish to have at least another kid to talk to. Due to having no friendships, his personality changed to that of a mature and less out-going person. He never showed his feelings because he didn't have anyone to show them to other than his mother. His mother always nagged him to be more out-going but Aki never did.

When the Ishika Treaty was put into place, the Namikito's were originally not going to let their son enroll, Aki's mother planning on teaching him herself. It was Aki who requested that he wanted to go which surprised both parents. They agreed eagerly, seeing the chance to have their son gain some socialization. Now Aki is getting ready for the first day.

Theme Song:



Fire Spirits don't drink water. They drink a fire substance only they can handle.

Aki has a strong dislike to cats.

Although a Fire Spirit, he doesn't particularly hate water monsters. Not having met one, he isn't sure how to react to them.

Full Name: Akami Nikkido

Age: 17 (Just 17)

Species Name: Traech Shifter

Species Bio: The Traech is a long lost Bio Mechanical alien species that died off long ago. They were just like humans, instead their bodies had more complex properties, and they used a liquid energy instead of blood. They owned 5 planets, and had wars with several species as well. Without a doubt, they wanted to establish a city on Mars and observe the human population at a distance. But unfortunately, their enemies had killed them just for the fun of it, leaving shattered remains on Earth and Mars. Traechs consist of physical weaponry like plasma blades, and small rifles. They also stand at 8ft...

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes: Her hair is a light brown, and her eyes are a bright blue with a tint of white. Akami wears a leather jacket, short-shorts or skinny jeans. Y'know, those girly things.

Monster Appearance Notes: The legs are shaped like dragon legs, yet they're not scaly.

Species/Power Level: 4

Personality: Akami can be very shy when it comes to showing her ability to a trainer, other classmates or the staff when they need to see the action of her ability. Other than being a cry baby about it, she really opens up if you get to know this sweet little flower! Well, Akami is not very girly due to her ability. Plus, it's just how she is. Being an artificial make-up mess isn't who she is, and she thinks wearing make-up is very stupid and it just hides the real you... Don't you? Akami is also sort of a clown if you can make her laugh. She becomes a comedian, and gets really witty when she wants to.

Personal Bio: Born on November 22, 1986, Akami was a very playful girl in the ages of 3-10. At the age of four, her mother had found about her odd ability before Akami herself knew about it. Her father left her at the age of 5 leaving only her mother to care for her. But during that month when her father left, it was very troubling. Akami's mother couldn't take care of her and try to work at the same time because it was very busy. School wasn't option, and Akami was finally sent into foster care. 6 months later, Akami's mother commit suicide due to the fact that she had lost her job from being late and a bad attitude. For years, Akami was heart-broken and couldn't live with herself.

Years later after her mother's death, she discovered her ability when she was in a school fight. (Finally her foster parents sent her into the 5th grade) Akami was walking down the hall alone until a group of boys had stopped her in her tracks and began to pick on her. She had gotten angry, and started to swing her fists at the walls of the hallway, until she had found a large hole in the wall and kids screaming their heads off. While Akami was confused and shocked at her 8ft. tall appearance. Ever since, she's been popular, and non-popular in a way...

Other: Akami managed to make extra 'Blueprints' for the Traech and spawn a pair of bad-ass headphones on her head when she wants to use them, when she's not in full form or she can be in full form.

Theme Song:


Full Name:

Tira Aoede

Age :

1495 Years of age (phoenix) - 17 Years of age (Human)



Species Bio :

A phoenix is a mythical bird that is a fire spirit with a colourful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again.(In this case Tira returns to her state before.)It is said that the bird's cry is that of a beautiful song. The Phoenix's ability to be reborn from its own ashes implies that it is immortal, though in some stories the new Phoenix is merely the offspring of the older one. In very few stories they are able to change into people.

Most of this is used for Tira's species of phoenix. Every five hundred years they collapse into ash for a maximum of a week before they are able to retake their form. Families of flocks will tend to stay together and each one will often have rivalries with another. The phoenix's can force their bodies into their 'standby' state but it will result in a state of weakness if they have to force themselves back into a form to quickly.

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes :

She stands at 5''6.

Often is seen wearing the uniform or casual wear that consists of a light blue jumper and black skirt.

Very slim figure which allows her to be agile.

Her skin tone often makes her appear sickly or ill.

She occasionally is seen with glasses.

True Appearance Notes:

Her feathers in this form are red, gold and orange.

Piercing orange/yellow eyes.

Very large form, often reaching the height of a building.

True form can be made to a smaller size.

The feathers will often ignite, causing her form to be blended with fire.

Species/Power Level:


Personality :

Tira is quiet but not one that will shy away from interaction. She is quietly forceful and extremely sensitive to a point she is often far to concerned with other people, something which occasionally drives her into trying to help people despite knowing them or not. Tira will not give up on something she is set on doing and so is often busy with tasks she sets for herself or others have. Very open minded, calm and serious she prefers to get work done to the best of her ability. She is not the type to lead though as she prefers to be one who assists others. Tira will respect anyone who deserves it. When in a situation she thinks upon her feelings about something, not logic unless she see's that it should be involved. However, she is still quite the studious and quiet girl.

Personal Bio :

Her clan, the Aoede's are a family of traditions. One tradition, well one that is tried and most of the time works is that the clan heads will give birth to one female, one male. Incest is often used in the family between siblings, cousins etc. This is to keep the clan's blood line pure. Leonardo and Louise Aoede, the current clan leaders first had a son named Kai. Then a daughter Mai. These two were instantly fated to end up together to be the next clan leaders. However, years after them both being born the Louise gave birth to another. Sotiria Aoede.

Sotiria being the third child in a clan that usually is often only hoping for two, one of each gender she was disliked by some. Breaking that tradition despite the fact it wasn't even her fault she has quite a few people hating and cursing her existence. She took notice to this at the age of five. Her sister Mai played a big role in her life, being quite the role model to her as the older female was near perfect in her eyes. Following rules, traditions and orders to the best she could. Kai on the other hand ended up having a sister complex, one that even till this day often makes her worry for his sanity.

At the age of a hundred (appearing 10) she was at a point where she began to learn about her clans methods, teachings, rules and such. While they were a battle loving clan they had methods of healing too. Their tears and their ash was a method that they used only within the main clan to heal. Tira however wanted to study medicine so she could help out people. This was caused by watching a clansmen be dragged inside the large compound, near dead. It terrified her that she could see the pain twist in his eyes.

At this point she began to study medicine, also training physically so that she would be able to protect her siblings despite the fact one had a complex about protecting her and the other was generally scary and so it was doubtful that she would be threatened, she still wanted to feel like she could protect them. It was a few years later that she began to meet people in her family that were not part of the clan. Such as distant cousins or relatives. For example, Aki Kasai Nakimoto.

When Ishika high was opened her parents ran for the chance to get her to go out and interact, as she often was studying or working quietly in her room. It helped that they heard Aki had signed up for the school too. So, she was enrolled by her parents then put in a car to head towards the school, leaving behind two proud parents, a smiling sister and a dramatically sobbing brother who later was found on the floor, unconscious with a bruise on his cheek from his lovely fiancée/sister.

Other :

-Loves relaxing in baths/showers.

-Hates water when using fire or in her true form.

-Is cautious about any creature feline created.

-Her cousin is Aki Kasai Nakimoto.

-She reads a lot.

- Her favourite food is sushi, chocolate and strawberries.

-It is a common sight to see her head hitting desks.

-She can be slightly paranoid or negative.

Full Name: Akim jr. Draul

Age: 556 years old--Human age 16

Species Name: Balrog

Species Bio:

A Balrog was a tall (possibly some 14 feet high), menacing being in the shape of a Man, having control of both fire and shadow and with a fiery whip with several thongs. They induced great terror in friends and foes alike and could shroud themselves in darkness and fire. Many who have faced Balrogs referred to them as "creatures of fire and shadow" or simply "shadow and flame."

They are humanoid, and very intelligent creatures. These beings can make weapons of fire usaual most make Whips being more effective. Balrogs were around for one thing and one thing only, War, They fought humans every chance they got always being commanded by a King long lost now. Balrogs have lost that sense to destroy but it is there being and species so there will always balrogs that want to destroy. When encountering a balrog they are always surrounded in black smoke and only times they are not is when in a fight but even then the black smoke spreads through out the battle field.

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):

True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.): When Akims hood is down you can see he has long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and has side burns. His eyes are brown and stands about 6.5

True Appearance Notes: In this form Akim stands about 15 feet tall. and has razor sharp claws and teeth.

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph): Mellow, stubborn, short-tempered, strong-willed, he attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image. He generally keeps his face set in a near-permanent scowl. He refers Teachers as insturtors, He has difficulty remembering people's faces and names. Tends act a bit caring when someone is in a bad mood and he trys to cheer them up but doesn't like acting that way infront of others. is often disrespectful when talking to those older than himself.

Personal Bio:

Akim was born into a rough kind of family Born in the shadow of his father. His Father owning a Major weapons company set Akim into his high standards. The company is Called U.G.C- Universal Gun Corperation. This company is well known by all countries usually buying weapons from it. His mother was the same always brining him down. It seemed he had to carry the world for his family. His brother and sister are starting in the family business there own way. His father believes him to be unstable around humans and for akim to own the family business he is to know how to handle humans. His brother and sister is the only family he truly cares for. His brother was always there to cheer him up while his sister was always there to assure him everything will be alright. Now its Akims turn to Bring up the Drakoven name to hold it high. Personally Akim doesn't care really. His father mainly wishes for him to interact with humans better Like his brother and sister for some reason he isn't fond of them. The reason he is not over joyed for humans is because he believes them to be all the same, Greedy, Gluttonous and Lustful. He had a bit of a anger issue but has since controlled it, His Temperance is controls him he only looses it when showing his true form.

Other: Akim is not like most balrogs but at the same time is. Akim has that hunger for war like all other balrogs but when he is in his balrog form he looses his thoughts and can not think straight easily being able to out smart. and is not usually considering others well being while in this form

Hates to be embarrassed.

Loves Everything spicy his food to his drinks

Full Name: Devon 'Devi' Blackburn

Age: 300 as a Demon - 17 as a Human

Species Name: Ice Demon

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):

True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

- He is 5'7" and 140lbs

- He is always seen wearing winter attire, no matter the season.

-His skin is always cold to the touch.

True Appearance Notes:

-His hair is a lighter blue then what the picture shows

-His skin is frosted with ice.

-His fingers are clawed.

Species/Power Level: 4

Personality: Devi is loud and outspoken. He speaks his mind but feels bad about the consequences afterwards. He is a bit of a trickster and loves a good prank. He is highly sarcastic and loves to make people laugh or just jokingly insult them. Due to him being an Ice Demon he can have a bit of an icy side. Mostly when he is upset or insulted, he gets angry easily and always has a smirk or a glimmer of hidden madness in his eyes.

Personal Bio: Devi grew up in the ice caps of the Underworld with his mother, father and brother. His father was a Noble demon of high power. He expected a lot of his sons and most of the time was hard on them. Devi studied hard and practiced his ice powers daily. His father was always busy and this led to him and his brother always spending their time together. Not that he minded.

He admired his brother and looked up to him. When his brother was ordered off to the army, Devi was upset but masked it with a smile and crack jokes. He was chosen to live in the mortal realm with his mother to keep them safe. It was at this point that he was told he had to go to Ishka High with other monsters.

Theme Song (Optional):

Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories): He seems to take a liking to Hot Chocolate and Ice Cream.

Full Name: Curum/Curumus Necrus

Age: 300-17

Species Name: Twilight

Species Bio: The Twilight are those who carry the blood of both a Shadow and a Gleam. This species possesses the attributes of both the opposing forces of light and darkness. There are only eight of this species in existence and they have only recently appeared over the years.


The Shadows are those said to be abandoned by god, not worthy of a physical form and cast into darkness. A soul engulfed in the dark that merged with it and became what's known today as a Shadow. They are an immortal species and wander the earth without purpose. Today, Shadows are known as the darkness that stems from the light, which is partially true. A Shadow can attach themselves to a person or item and structure themselves to become a dark reflection.

In retrospect, not much is known about Shadows, even in the world of monsters. Some monsters don't even believe the species exist. As a result, many Shadows do not reveal themselves and remain in the accepting darkness.

One of the few known things about shadows, is their ability to change form. Since they are nothing but soul engulfed by the dark, they possess no physical form. Despite having the ability, many Shadows do not use it and remain as they are.


A Gleam is a soul that has been enveloped by the light and they are thought of as God's children according to legend. The thought of these actually being monsters is preposterous to many, but it is the truth. Much like how Shadows have been declared evil from judgements and their personalities, the same can be said for Gleams.

A Gleam is neither good nor evil. Much like all creatures, they choose their path and become who they are by choice, just like any other monster. Although the majority of Gleams are good, many are still less pleasant.

A Gleam is like a Shadow in every way, except for the darkness and light contradiction. They are two halves of one soul. According to ancient legend, a soul is split before a vessel is prepared. The ones that weren't favorable were sent to the darkness to become Shadows, while the other is allowed to bask in holy light.

They are a race of sociable creatures who have merged well with society. To put it simply, they are the very opposite of their Shadow counterpart. In theory, it is possible to merge the two halves, but this had never been performed. What happens when a Gleam and Shadow reform is unknown to everybody, even themselves.

Human Appearance:

True Appearance: Much like the species they derive from, Twilights possess no physical form. Replacing a body, black and white diamon-like stars are left in there place. Although Twilights do not necessarily possesses a physical form, they are known to mimic the true appearance of a Shadow as a from of respect for their dark ancestors.


Human Appearance Notes:

True Appearance Notes: Rather than being one solid color, Twilights are a mixture of both black and white. When they take the form of a Shadow, the robe is both colors, as well as the smoke-like aura, which is their bodies.

Species/Power Level: 5

Personality:Curum is a generally quiet person, regardless of the situation. He normally isn't the one to start conversations and will wait until spoken to. Although he is quiet, he is not soft-spoken, nor is he overly loud, just normal. He might be quiet normally, but he is also outspoken.

Curum has a tendency to be loud at times, but only if the increases volume is provoked. He is known to overreact to things, which is a trait he obtained from his father. This is mostly where the increased volume comes into play. As well as outwardly overreacting, he also does do mentally. While it isn't necessarily overreacting, Curum often overthinks things. When he does this, his thinking often ends in something completely unrelated to what his original thought was.

He can also get annoyed by others, but not often. Being annoyed is the main reason for him getting louder than he normally is, along with his overreactions. It is not easy to annoy him, but some people know just the right buttons to push. The main person who faces the wrath of his annoyance, would be his childhood friend, who seems to live solely for this purpose.

While he is not a timid person by any means, unlike when he was a child, Curum is known to get embarrassed. When he is embarrassed, he will often get quieter than normal and act more shy. He will sometimes get even more loud with certain people of he is embarrassed.

Curum doesn't have many fears, unlike his father, but he does have a slight fear of women. The reason for this slight fear, would be his mother. While his mother was a very kind and loving woman, she was also scary beyond belief at times. She wasn't loud, but she had mastered quiet anger, which was even scarier than furious rage. While he is not afraid to interact with the opposite gender, he is wary of them.

One thing that Curum despises, is his unnatural bad luck. Curum is extremely unlucky and bad unpleasant events always seem to happen around him. If things are going good for him, he just knows something even worse than normal is coming. He speculates that all men in his family are curse to carry this bad luck, as his sisters have had no trouble with this.

Curum is a kind and caring person, which is something that his parents passed on to him. He helps people if he sees an opportunity and doesn't expect things in return. However, he can be a tad overbearing with this, pushing past limits to help someone, even if his help isn't wanted.

Curum also has a hidden competitive side to him, which is never seen by others. While he doesn't necessarily try to be the best in everything, he tries to be above his childhood friend. The two have a rivalry like the world has never seen. That will try to outdo eachother in anything and everything, even if the activity is beyond rediculous.

Personal Bio: Curum was born to the legendary Shaodow, Umbra Necrus (whoever that may be...) and his wife, Amerus. He was the family's sixth child and the only male besides his father. Unlike his family, Curum didn't possess the same cheeriness that they all had and was similar in every way to how his father was in his earlier years.

As a child, Curum was extremely meek and timid. Whenever someone would even look at him, he would dash away and hide behind his father's leg. He was scared by everything imaginable. Even a butterfly would make him shriek in terror. He would hardly ever speak and would never speak his mind. He had no confidence in himself whatsoever and didn't think he would amount to much in the future. However, as time went by, he grew out of this personality.

Curum didn't have many friends, as most people weren't very accepting of him. The only friend he had, was the child of his father's best friend. The child was the exact opposite of him and had no sign of a quiet personality. When he met him, it was the beginning of the end for his timid self.

While he was a child who didn't speak his mind and would let people do and say what they wanted, this kid annoyed him to no end. It was a feeling he had never experienced before and he didn't know what exactly to do with it. One day, he couldn't hold it in and yelled at the boy in annoyance. He instantly covered his mouth and feared the child's wrath. Unexpectedly, the kid simply smirked and seemed to be having even more fun.

Since that day, the children developed a rivalry and tries to outdo eachother in every way possible. It was very different from the relationship that their fathers had, as they never even had an argument. While they did tray eachother as enemies, the two were the best of friends. He owed a lot to his rival for helping him change.

As years passed by, Curum's meek and timid personality had disappeared and he had became more outspoken. He gained more confidence and was no longer scared of the world he lived in. Although, he did dislike his constant bad luck that his father apologized (rather dramatically) for giving him. He had grown more assertive and didn't allow people to walk all over him any longer.

While his life was peaceful for the most part, there were many unfortunate and wild events (don't ask). These events made him experience a lot of things over the years, good and bad. However, he always manages to get back to his somewhat normal life. He had learned many things from these experiences, which ranged from learning to cook, to learning to defuse a bomb (seriously, don't ask...).

Eventually, he followed in his father's footsteps and decided to attend Ishikia High. He felt like he was still missing a lot from his life and he wanted to grow more as a person. He felt that school might not be that hard, considering he had very high intelligence. Oh, Curum, if only you knew...

Theme Song:

Other: He has five sisters

Enjoys reading very much and has a large library

Enjoys listening to music. Mostly classical

Impressive stamina from all the running away he's done

Not so keen on sweets

Ishika Teachers

(If you want to create one, please PM me)

Full Name:

Kai Aoede

Age :

1724 years of age (phoenix) - 22 years of age (human)

Species Name:


Species Bio :

Look at Tira's CS.

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

- Stands at 6''3

-Green eyes.

-Often wearing suits with a yellow shirt and black tie.

-Wears glasses.

True Appearance Notes:

-All golden feathers

-Yellow/orange eyes.

-Larger than a building, a lot larger than Tira.

-Feathers will be engulfed by gold flames

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph):

Kai has one huge fault in his personality. He has a sister complex for Tira. He is slightly afraid of Mai's temper and so he knows that she is well guarded and safe, being loved by the whole clan. Unlike Tira. This generally caused him to care way to much for Tira's safety. He is destined for a leadership role, being groomed to become a leader after all. His is very intelligent, running quite a few companies that his family owns. He does often act quite idiotic and over dramatic, although this is just a simple façade that he created.

Personal Bio:

Born first from Leonardo and Louise he was instantly put into the role of the clan's heir. He was taught all the rules the second they deemed him ready and he was instantly shoved into a life of politics and discussion with ally clans. He was told that the next child, one that was surely coming, if female would be his bride. Kai was instantly into the idea of being a big brother. So, when Mai was born he was joyful, happy and excited for his role. However, he was constantly reminded that she was born to be his bride. That was all. This fact caused him to create a idiotic façade, to at least let Mai, his new sister and fiancée have some fun, that and he found things more enjoyable that way.

His life was the same, except now he spent a lot of his time with the younger Mai in tow, following him and learning. Them two were perfect, the young blonde clutching to him whenever they were to watch a meeting. Eventually he told her that she would be a great co-leader with him, and then the girls confidence shot up. From that point, Mai later developed into a strong willed and confident woman.

Well, after a few years it was discovered that Louise was once again pregnant. Kai, unlike Mai knew about the clan rules and so was concerned. It was a rare occurrence but if one looked at Louise and Leonardo it wasn't that big of a shock. When Sotiria, or Tira as he nicknamed her was born he instantly decided that he'd protect her. So, the Complex developed.

He studied control of his flames, strength and emotions to protect his two sisters. Eventually, it came to a point where his parents decided that it would be a good idea to send Tira off to a school, one where Aki went so she would get more interaction with others. Shocked, he instantly began to complain to his parents that it was a bad idea. Ignored by the care-free mother and the happy go lucky father, the youngest was sent. In the night, a few days later he applied for a job at Ishika high, becoming a teacher at the school.

Other :
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UnholyRedemption said:
I have to abandon Tira?! -Gasps dramatically-
Oh...wait I guess I already did...
Any characters can be re-created! :3 Just original plots and romances are gone.
-Cheers- Yay! Tira! I missed being her...the other one just got...well uncomfortable to be in.

Give me a while so I can redo her bio, I want to make it better.

Full Name:

Aki Kasai Namikito

Age (Real age - Human age):

400 years old - 17 Human years

Species Name:

Fire Spirit

Species Bio:

Fire Spirits are literally fire. They are the essence of flames. Unknown to Humans, they were the ones who *gave* fire to their world. Fire Spirits are chaotic and uncontrollable. They take the fiery form of any creature they believe that best fits them. That form is not exactly physical, as it is made of flames. They have an eternal hatred for water and any king of ocean or sea monsters. Fire Spirits usually keep to themselves. They don't have a colony or tribe, usually finding a mate and settling down with them instead of other Fire Spirits.

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:

Human Appearance Notes:

Aki stands at 6' exactly.

He has an eye patch that covers his right eye. Aki claims that a evil overlord cat scratched him there.

Aki's eyes are apparently mismatched but no one knows for sure.

True Appearance Notes:

It's true size can fill a football field.

The fire is constantly swirling around him and at times will separate, making him lose his form.

Species/Power Level:



Aki is quiet but not unfriendly. He is nice but doesn't express his feelings or emotions much. He tends to come off as very intimidating and someone who doesn't want to talk but that's only because he isn't sure how to react to someone. Like all Fire Spirits, he has a huge temper and rage that can unleash at any moment. Unlike most Fire Spirits, Aki can control that temper but sometimes it will come out.

More of a calm and peaceful person, he stands out from most Fire Spirits who are wild and out-going.

Personal Bio:

Aki is the son of Sheiran and Laelia Namikito. The Namikito family are highly esteemed Fire Spirits who are well known by many monsters and even humans.

When Humans were first popping up in the world, the Namikito ancestors had hunted them for pleasure. Later however, they became allies and gave warmth and heat as a gift for their wrongdoing. During the Great War between water and fire monsters, the Namikito ancestors were surprisingly neutral during it although they did not like the water monsters at all.

Aki was basically brought up solely by his mother since his father was always away on business. Aki learned to accept that his father wanted to be with him but just couldn't. Although not having a father has shown in his personality. Aki had no interaction with other children until going to Ishika High, as there were no other Fire Spirits that lived near him. He wasn't exactly craving for friends but he did wish to have at least another kid to talk to. Due to having no friendships, his personality changed to that of a mature and less out-going person. He never showed his feelings because he didn't have anyone to show them to other than his mother. His mother always nagged him to be more out-going but Aki never did.

When the Ishika Treaty was put into place, the Namikito's were originally not going to let their son enroll, Aki's mother planning on teaching him herself. It was Aki who requested that he wanted to go which surprised both parents. They agreed eagerly, seeing the chance to have their son gain some socialization. Now Aki is getting ready for the first day.

Theme Song:



Fire Spirits don't drink water. They drink a fire substance only they can handle.

Aki has a strong dislike to cats.

Although a Fire Spirit, he doesn't particularly hate water monsters. Not having met one, he isn't sure how to react to them.

Tira Aoede is Aki's cousin.

Last edited by a moderator:
Full Name: Akami Nikkido

Age: 17 (Just 17)

Species Name: Traech Shifter

Species Bio: The Traech is a long lost Bio Mechanical alien species that died off long ago. They were just like humans, instead their bodies had more complex properties, and they used a liquid energy instead of blood. They owned 5 planets, and had wars with several species as well. Without a doubt, they wanted to establish a city on Mars and observe the human population at a distance. But unfortunately, their enemies had killed them just for the fun of it, leaving shattered remains on Earth and Mars. Traechs consist of physical weaponry like plasma blades, and small rifles. They also stand at 8ft...

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes: Her hair is a light brown, and her eyes are a bright blue with a tint of white. Akami wears a leather jacket, short-shorts or skinny jeans. Y'know, those girly things.

Monster Appearance Notes: The legs are shaped like dragon legs, yet they're not scaly.

Species/Power Level: 4

Personality: Akami can be very shy when it comes to showing her ability to a trainer, other classmates or the staff when they need to see the action of her ability. Other than being a cry baby about it, she really opens up if you get to know this sweet little flower! Well, Akami is not very girly due to her ability. Plus, it's just how she is. Being an artificial make-up mess isn't who she is, and she thinks wearing make-up is very stupid and it just hides the real you... Don't you? Akami is also sort of a clown if you can make her laugh. She becomes a comedian, and gets really witty when she wants to.

Personal Bio: Born on November 22, 1986, Akami was a very playful girl in the ages of 3-10. At the age of four, her mother had found about her odd ability before Akami herself knew about it. Her father left her at the age of 5 leaving only her mother to care for her. But during that month when her father left, it was very troubling. Akami's mother couldn't take care of her and try to work at the same time because it was very busy. School wasn't option, and Akami was finally sent into foster care. 6 months later, Akami's mother commit suicide due to the fact that she had lost her job from being late and a bad attitude. For years, Akami was heart-broken and couldn't live with herself.

Years later after her mother's death, she discovered her ability when she was in a school fight. (Finally her foster parents sent her into the 5th grade) Akami was walking down the hall alone until a group of boys had stopped her in her tracks and began to pick on her. She had gotten angry, and started to swing her fists at the walls of the hallway, until she had found a large hole in the wall and kids screaming their heads off. While Akami was confused and shocked at her 8ft. tall appearance. Ever since, she's been popular, and non-popular in a way...

Other: Akami managed to make extra 'Blueprints' for the Traech and spawn a pair of bad-ass headphones on her head when she wants to use them, when she's not in full form or she can be in full form.

Theme Song: [media]


TechnoDragon said:
Full Name: Akami Nikkido
Age: 17 (Just 17)

Species Name: Traech Shifter

Species Bio: The Traech is a long lost Bio Mechanical alien species that died off long ago. They were just like humans, instead their bodies had more complex properties, and they used a liquid energy instead of blood. They owned 5 planets, and had wars with several species as well. Without a doubt, they wanted to establish a city on Mars and observe the human population at a distance. But unfortunately, their enemies had killed them just for the fun of it, leaving shattered remains on Earth and Mars. Traechs consist of physical weaponry like plasma blades, and small rifles. They also stand at 8ft...

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes: Her hair is a light brown, and her eyes are a bright blue with a tint of white. Akami wears a leather jacket, short-shorts or skinny jeans. Y'know, those girly things.

Monster Appearance Notes: The legs are shaped like dragon legs, yet they're not scaly.

Species/Power Level: 4

Personality: Akami can be very shy when it comes to showing her ability to a trainer, other classmates or the staff when they need to see the action of her ability. Other than being a cry baby about it, she really opens up if you get to know this sweet little flower! Well, Akami is not very girly due to her ability. Plus, it's just how she is. Being an artificial make-up mess isn't who she is, and she thinks wearing make-up is very stupid and it just hides the real you... Don't you? Akami is also sort of a clown if you can make her laugh. She becomes a comedian, and gets really witty when she wants to.

Personal Bio: Born on November 22, 1986, Akami was a very playful girl in the ages of 3-10. At the age of four, her mother had found about her odd ability before Akami herself knew about it. Her father left her at the age of 5 leaving only her mother to care for her. But during that month when her father left, it was very troubling. Akami's mother couldn't take care of her and try to work at the same time because it was very busy. School wasn't option, and Akami was finally sent into foster care. 6 months later, Akami's mother commit suicide due to the fact that she had lost her job from being late and a bad attitude. For years, Akami was heart-broken and couldn't live with herself.

Years later after her mother's death, she discovered her ability when she was in a school fight. (Finally her foster parents sent her into the 5th grade) Akami was walking down the hall alone until a group of boys had stopped her in her tracks and began to pick on her. She had gotten angry, and started to swing her fists at the walls of the hallway, until she had found a large hole in the wall and kids screaming their heads off. While Akami was confused and shocked at her 8ft. tall appearance. Ever since, she's been popular, and non-popular in a way...

Other: Akami managed to make extra 'Blueprints' for the Traech and spawn a pair of bad-ass headphones on her head when she wants to use them, when she's not in full form or she can be in full form.

Theme Song: [media]


She is awesome! Accepted!

Thank you for putting up a theme song! That reminds me I wanted to do that in the forms as well!

Full Name:

Tira Aoede

Age :

1495 Years of age (phoenix) - 17 Years of age (Human)



Species Bio :

A phoenix is a mythical bird that is a fire spirit with a colourful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again.(In this case Tira returns to her state before.)It is said that the bird's cry is that of a beautiful song. The Phoenix's ability to be reborn from its own ashes implies that it is immortal, though in some stories the new Phoenix is merely the offspring of the older one. In very few stories they are able to change into people.

Most of this is used for Tira's species of phoenix. Every five hundred years they collapse into ash for a maximum of a week before they are able to retake their form. Families of flocks will tend to stay together and each one will often have rivalries with another. The phoenix's can force their bodies into their 'standby' state but it will result in a state of weakness if they have to force themselves back into a form to quickly.

Human Appearance:



True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes :

She stands at 5''6.

Often is seen wearing the uniform or casual wear that consists of a light blue jumper and black skirt.

Very slim figure which allows her to be agile.

Her skin tone often makes her appear sickly or ill.

She occasionally is seen with glasses.

True Appearance Notes:

Her feathers in this form are red, gold and orange.

Piercing orange/yellow eyes.

Very large form, often reaching the height of a building.

True form can be made to a smaller size.

The feathers will often ignite, causing her form to be blended with fire.

Species/Power Level:


Personality :

Tira is quiet but not one that will shy away from interaction. She is quietly forceful and extremely sensitive to a point she is often far to concerned with other people, something which occasionally drives her into trying to help people despite knowing them or not. Tira will not give up on something she is set on doing and so is often busy with tasks she sets for herself or others have. Very open minded, calm and serious she prefers to get work done to the best of her ability. She is not the type to lead though as she prefers to be one who assists others. Tira will respect anyone who deserves it. When in a situation she thinks upon her feelings about something, not logic unless she see's that it should be involved. However, she is still quite the studious and quiet girl.

Personal Bio :

Her clan, the Aoede's are a family of traditions. One tradition, well one that is tried and most of the time works is that the clan heads will give birth to one female, one male. Incest is often used in the family between siblings, cousins etc. This is to keep the clan's blood line pure. Leonardo and Louise Aoede, the current clan leaders first had a son named Kai. Then a daughter Mai. These two were instantly fated to end up together to be the next clan leaders. However, years after them both being born the Louise gave birth to another. Sotiria Aoede.

Sotiria being the third child in a clan that usually is often only hoping for two, one of each gender she was disliked by some. Breaking that tradition despite the fact it wasn't even her fault she has quite a few people hating and cursing her existence. She took notice to this at the age of five. Her sister Mai played a big role in her life, being quite the role model to her as the older female was near perfect in her eyes. Following rules, traditions and orders to the best she could. Kai on the other hand ended up having a sister complex, one that even till this day often makes her worry for his sanity.

At the age of a hundred (appearing 10) she was at a point where she began to learn about her clans methods, teachings, rules and such. While they were a battle loving clan they had methods of healing too. Their tears and their ash was a method that they used only within the main clan to heal. Tira however wanted to study medicine so she could help out people. This was caused by watching a clansmen be dragged inside the large compound, near dead. It terrified her that she could see the pain twist in his eyes.

At this point she began to study medicine, also training physically so that she would be able to protect her siblings despite the fact one had a complex about protecting her and the other was generally scary and so it was doubtful that she would be threatened, she still wanted to feel like she could protect them. It was a few years later that she began to meet people in her family that were not part of the clan. Such as distant cousins or relatives. For example, Aki Kasai Nakimoto.

When Ishika high was opened her parents ran for the chance to get her to go out and interact, as she often was studying or working quietly in her room. It helped that they heard Aki had signed up for the school too. So, she was enrolled by her parents then put in a car to head towards the school, leaving behind two proud parents, a smiling sister and a dramatically sobbing brother who later was found on the floor, unconscious with a bruise on his cheek from his lovely fiancée/sister.

Other :

-Loves relaxing in baths/showers.

-Hates water when using fire or in her true form.

-Is cautious about any creature feline created.

-Her cousin is Aki Kasai Nakimoto.

-She reads a lot.

- Her favourite food is sushi, chocolate and strawberries.

-It is a common sight to see her head hitting desks.

-She can be slightly paranoid or negative.

Nico said:
I would join but, last time I was in this. I was ignored relentlessly. :/
Were you? I am very sorry to hear that.

I did leave at some point so I was unable to watch what was happening.

I can promise you that you will definitely not be ignored this time around!
UnholyRedemption said:

Full Name:

Tira Aoede

Age :

1495 Years of age (phoenix) - 17 Years of age (Human)



Species Bio :

A phoenix is a mythical bird that is a fire spirit with a colourful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again.(In this case Tira returns to her state before.)It is said that the bird's cry is that of a beautiful song. The Phoenix's ability to be reborn from its own ashes implies that it is immortal, though in some stories the new Phoenix is merely the offspring of the older one. In very few stories they are able to change into people.

Most of this is used for Tira's species of phoenix. Every five hundred years they collapse into ash for a maximum of a week before they are able to retake their form. Families of flocks will tend to stay together and each one will often have rivalries with another. The phoenix's can force their bodies into their 'standby' state but it will result in a state of weakness if they have to force themselves back into a form to quickly.

Human Appearance:



True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes :

She stands at 5''6.

Often is seen wearing the uniform or casual wear that consists of a light blue jumper and black skirt.

Very slim figure which allows her to be agile.

Her skin tone often makes her appear sickly or ill.

She occasionally is seen with glasses.

True Appearance Notes:

Her feathers in this form are red, gold and orange.

Piercing orange/yellow eyes.

Very large form, often reaching the height of a building.

True form can be made to a smaller size.

The feathers will often ignite, causing her form to be blended with fire.

Species/Power Level:


Personality :

Tira is quiet but not one that will shy away from interaction. She is quietly forceful and extremely sensitive to a point she is often far to concerned with other people, something which occasionally drives her into trying to help people despite knowing them or not. Tira will not give up on something she is set on doing and so is often busy with tasks she sets for herself or others have. Very open minded, calm and serious she prefers to get work done to the best of her ability. She is not the type to lead though as she prefers to be one who assists others. Tira will respect anyone who deserves it. When in a situation she thinks upon her feelings about something, not logic unless she see's that it should be involved. However, she is still quite the studious and quiet girl.

Personal Bio :

Her clan, the Aoede's are a family of traditions. One tradition, well one that is tried and most of the time works is that the clan heads will give birth to one female, one male. Incest is often used in the family between siblings, cousins etc. This is to keep the clan's blood line pure. Leonardo and Louise Aoede, the current clan leaders first had a son named Kai. Then a daughter Mai. These two were instantly fated to end up together to be the next clan leaders. However, years after them both being born the Louise gave birth to another. Sotiria Aoede.

Sotiria being the third child in a clan that usually is often only hoping for two, one of each gender she was disliked by some. Breaking that tradition despite the fact it wasn't even her fault she has quite a few people hating and cursing her existence. She took notice to this at the age of five. Her sister Mai played a big role in her life, being quite the role model to her as the older female was near perfect in her eyes. Following rules, traditions and orders to the best she could. Kai on the other hand ended up having a sister complex, one that even till this day often makes her worry for his sanity.

At the age of a hundred (appearing 10) she was at a point where she began to learn about her clans methods, teachings, rules and such. While they were a battle loving clan they had methods of healing too. Their tears and their ash was a method that they used only within the main clan to heal. Tira however wanted to study medicine so she could help out people. This was caused by watching a clansmen be dragged inside the large compound, near dead. It terrified her that she could see the pain twist in his eyes.

At this point she began to study medicine, also training physically so that she would be able to protect her siblings despite the fact one had a complex about protecting her and the other was generally scary and so it was doubtful that she would be threatened, she still wanted to feel like she could protect them. It was a few years later that she began to meet people in her family that were not part of the clan. Such as distant cousins or relatives. For example, Aki Kasai Nakimoto.

When Ishika high was opened her parents ran for the chance to get her to go out and interact, as she often was studying or working quietly in her room. It helped that they heard Aki had signed up for the school too. So, she was enrolled by her parents then put in a car to head towards the school, leaving behind two proud parents, a smiling sister and a dramatically sobbing brother who later was found on the floor, unconscious with a bruise on his cheek from his lovely fiancée/sister.

Other :

-Loves relaxing in baths/showers.

-Hates water when using fire or in her true form.

-Is cautious about any creature feline created.

-Her cousin is Aki Kasai Nakimoto.

-She reads a lot.

- Her favourite food is sushi, chocolate and strawberries.

-It is a common sight to see her head hitting desks.

-She can be slightly paranoid or negative.

Accepted of course! Awesome character as always! :3
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I'll work on a character once I wake up a bit more.

Alright! Can't wait :3

Full Name: Akim jr. Draul

Age: 556 years old--Human age 16

Species Name: Balrog

Species Bio:

A Balrog was a tall (possibly some 14 feet high), menacing being in the shape of a Man, having control of both fire and shadow and with a fiery whip with several thongs. They induced great terror in friends and foes alike and could shroud themselves in darkness and fire. Many who have faced Balrogs referred to them as "creatures of fire and shadow" or simply "shadow and flame."

They are humanoid, and very intelligent creatures. These beings can make weapons of fire usaual most make Whips being more effective. Balrogs were around for one thing and one thing only, War, They fought humans every chance they got always being commanded by a King long lost now. Balrogs have lost that sense to destroy but it is there being and species so there will always balrogs that want to destroy. When encountering a balrog they are always surrounded in black smoke and only times they are not is when in a fight but even then the black smoke spreads through out the battle field.

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Akim.jpg.7769b809cec1b5c9ef7b1e0db87246c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Akim.jpg.7769b809cec1b5c9ef7b1e0db87246c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Balrog.jpg.d87e8df4886e0c8e6c4a1152b3576f60.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Balrog.jpg.d87e8df4886e0c8e6c4a1152b3576f60.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.): When Akims hood is down you can see he has long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and has side burns. His eyes are brown and stands about 6.5

True Appearance Notes: In this form Akim stands about 15 feet tall. and has razor sharp claws and teeth.

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph): Mellow, stubborn, short-tempered, strong-willed, he attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image. He generally keeps his face set in a near-permanent scowl. He refers Teachers as insturtors, He has difficulty remembering people's faces and names. Tends act a bit caring when someone is in a bad mood and he trys to cheer them up but doesn't like acting that way infront of others. is often disrespectful when talking to those older than himself.

Personal Bio:

Akim was born into a rough kind of family Born in the shadow of his father. His Father owning a Major weapons company set Akim into his high standards. The company is Called U.G.C- Universal Gun Corperation. This company is well known by all countries usually buying weapons from it. His mother was the same always brining him down. It seemed he had to carry the world for his family. His brother and sister are starting in the family business there own way. His father believes him to be unstable around humans and for akim to own the family business he is to know how to handle humans. His brother and sister is the only family he truly cares for. His brother was always there to cheer him up while his sister was always there to assure him everything will be alright. Now its Akims turn to Bring up the Drakoven name to hold it high. Personally Akim doesn't care really. His father mainly wishes for him to interact with humans better Like his brother and sister for some reason he isn't fond of them. The reason he is not over joyed for humans is because he believes them to be all the same, Greedy, Gluttonous and Lustful. He had a bit of a anger issue but has since controlled it, His Temperance is controls him he only looses it when showing his true form.

Other: Akim is not like most balrogs but at the same time is. Akim has that hunger for war like all other balrogs but when he is in his balrog form he looses his thoughts and can not think straight easily being able to out smart. and is not usually considering others well being while in this form

Hates to be embarrassed.

Loves Everything spicy his food to his drinks



  • Akim.jpg
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  • Balrog.jpg
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[QUOTE="the juggernaut]

Full Name: Akim jr. Draul

Age: 556 years old--Human age 16

Species Name: Balrog

Species Bio:

A Balrog was a tall (possibly some 14 feet high), menacing being in the shape of a Man, having control of both fire and shadow and with a fiery whip with several thongs. They induced great terror in friends and foes alike and could shroud themselves in darkness and fire. Many who have faced Balrogs referred to them as "creatures of fire and shadow" or simply "shadow and flame."

They are humanoid, and very intelligent creatures. These beings can make weapons of fire usaual most make Whips being more effective. Balrogs were around for one thing and one thing only, War, They fought humans every chance they got always being commanded by a King long lost now. Balrogs have lost that sense to destroy but it is there being and species so there will always balrogs that want to destroy. When encountering a balrog they are always surrounded in black smoke and only times they are not is when in a fight but even then the black smoke spreads through out the battle field.

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!): View attachment 24445

True Appearance:

View attachment 24446

Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.): When Akims hood is down you can see he has long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and has side burns. His eyes are brown and stands about 6.5

True Appearance Notes: In this form Akim stands about 15 feet tall. and has razor sharp claws and teeth.

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph): Mellow, stubborn, short-tempered, strong-willed, he attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image. He generally keeps his face set in a near-permanent scowl. He refers Teachers as insturtors, He has difficulty remembering people's faces and names. Tends act a bit caring when someone is in a bad mood and he trys to cheer them up but doesn't like acting that way infront of others. is often disrespectful when talking to those older than himself.

Personal Bio:

Akim was born into a rough kind of family Born in the shadow of his father. His Father owning a Major weapons company set Akim into his high standards. The company is Called U.G.C- Universal Gun Corperation. This company is well known by all countries usually buying weapons from it. His mother was the same always brining him down. It seemed he had to carry the world for his family. His brother and sister are starting in the family business there own way. His father believes him to be unstable around humans and for akim to own the family business he is to know how to handle humans. His brother and sister is the only family he truly cares for. His brother was always there to cheer him up while his sister was always there to assure him everything will be alright. Now its Akims turn to Bring up the Drakoven name to hold it high. Personally Akim doesn't care really. His father mainly wishes for him to interact with humans better Like his brother and sister for some reason he isn't fond of them. The reason he is not over joyed for humans is because he believes them to be all the same, Greedy, Gluttonous and Lustful. He had a bit of a anger issue but has since controlled it, His Temperance is controls him he only looses it when showing his true form.

Other: Akim is not like most balrogs but at the same time is. Akim has that hunger for war like all other balrogs but when he is in his balrog form he looses his thoughts and can not think straight easily being able to out smart. and is not usually considering others well being while in this form

Hates to be embarrassed.

Loves Everything spicy his food to his drinks

Accepted juggy-senpai!

Full Name:

Kai Aoede

Age :

1724 years of age (phoenix) - 22 years of age (human)

Species Name:


Species Bio :

Look at Tira's CS.

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

- Stands at 6''3

-Green eyes.

-Often wearing suits with a yellow shirt and black tie.

-Wears glasses.

True Appearance Notes:

-All golden feathers

-Yellow/orange eyes.

-Larger than a building, a lot larger than Tira.

-Feathers will be engulfed by gold flames

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph):

Kai has one huge fault in his personality. He has a sister complex for Tira. He is slightly afraid of Mai's temper and so he knows that she is well guarded and safe, being loved by the whole clan. Unlike Tira. This generally caused him to care way to much for Tira's safety. He is destined for a leadership role, being groomed to become a leader after all. His is very intelligent, running quite a few companies that his family owns. He does often act quite idiotic and over dramatic, although this is just a simple façade that he created.

Personal Bio:

Born first from Leonardo and Louise he was instantly put into the role of the clan's heir. He was taught all the rules the second they deemed him ready and he was instantly shoved into a life of politics and discussion with ally clans. He was told that the next child, one that was surely coming, if female would be his bride. Kai was instantly into the idea of being a big brother. So, when Mai was born he was joyful, happy and excited for his role. However, he was constantly reminded that she was born to be his bride. That was all. This fact caused him to create a idiotic façade, to at least let Mai, his new sister and fiancée have some fun, that and he found things more enjoyable that way.

His life was the same, except now he spent a lot of his time with the younger Mai in tow, following him and learning. Them two were perfect, the young blonde clutching to him whenever they were to watch a meeting. Eventually he told her that she would be a great co-leader with him, and then the girls confidence shot up. From that point, Mai later developed into a strong willed and confident woman.

Well, after a few years it was discovered that Louise was once again pregnant. Kai, unlike Mai knew about the clan rules and so was concerned. It was a rare occurrence but if one looked at Louise and Leonardo it wasn't that big of a shock. When Sotiria, or Tira as he nicknamed her was born he instantly decided that he'd protect her. So, the Complex developed.

He studied control of his flames, strength and emotions to protect his two sisters. Eventually, it came to a point where his parents decided that it would be a good idea to send Tira off to a school, one where Aki went so she would get more interaction with others. Shocked, he instantly began to complain to his parents that it was a bad idea. Ignored by the care-free mother and the happy go lucky father, the youngest was sent. In the night, a few days later he applied for a job at Ishika high, becoming a teacher at the school.

Other : The photo's he keeps on him. (Looks at when crying dramatically)


Kai and Mai, dressed up for their first photo together. At a age where Mai clung to Kai and Kai began to tease her.


The time he dressed a young Mai up. (AGAIN, SISTER COMPLEX!!!)


Tira (Mai nor Tira know about this other wise they both would of hit him.)


Mai at 11. (Green eyes not brown)


Tira at 8.

Mai - Green Eyes.

Tira- Blue eyes.



Full Name: Eona Adis

Age (Real age - Human age): 713 (looks 17), Eona was born in the 13th Century.

Species: A legendary Norwegian sea monster found in the waters of Greenland, the kraken is a singular creature that is not known to have any parents, siblings, or offspring, making Eona the only one of her kind in the whole wide ocean. No one really knows where Eona came from, but the legend says that she was sent as a way for ?gmundur Floki to kill people.

In past myths, the kraken has be described from a giant squid to a huge and terrifying crab, it's appearance varies from story to story. But, this kraken is a giant squid, a giant squid of humongous proportions. The kraken ranges from 40-50 feet in length, but Eona is the maximum 50, this is very large. Not much is known about this undersea legend, then again, not much is known about the vast ocean itself.


Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

- Rather small, unlike her true appearance, stands at only 5'2 feet.

- Weighs approximately 110 lbs, she's more curvy than skinny. To be honest, Eona's a little on the chubby side.

- Deep scars on her lower abdomen, Eona's very sensitive about it.

- Every morning, Eona wakes up covered in slime. Keeps herself moisturized and skin blemish-free.

- There's no squares around her high pigtails, it's usually just normal hairbands or ribbons.

True Appearance Notes:

- Is very large, 50 ft in length. Including the tentacles.

- Very slimy. She's covered in mucus.

- No bones, can squeeze into small holes.

- When transforming, Eona breaks into millions of water droplets then they stick together to form her new appearance.

- Very strong, not one to be messed with.

- Large scar across the bottom of body.

- Many sharp teeth, very pointy and dangerous.

Species/Power Level: Used to be Power Level 5, currently only a low Level 2. When in real rage, this kraken can and is able to break the scale. Although, that is highly unlikely considering this woman has been rather peaceful the last twelve hundred years.

Personality: Cheerful and optimistic, Eona is rather naive to the modern and fast paced world that surrounds her. She's like a ray of sunshine and happiness, living in her own dreamland of oblivion. She uses what you would call a mask. A mask that hides the world from her and herself from the world. Some would say this is a foolish idea, shutting out the rest of the world all because you are too afraid to face the unknown of the land. Others may think that it is a genius method of preserving your own happiness instead of having other people or things drag you down. Eona's the type of person who will give up when something gets too difficult, she has no will power whatsoever, she lost that spark in herself a long time ago. Many people would see Eona as weak for giving up so easily, and she is. This legendary kraken is not the most mentally or emotionally strongest person there is. In fact, she's at the bottom of the food chain, ironically since she was at the top physically. Eona is definitely not strong. She's the utter definition of weakness.

Once a powerful beast of the sea, Eona recalled a time when she was happy. It was more than seven hundred years ago, before she was betrayed by her own friend. Her only friend. Ever since the betrayal, Eona was never the same. It left her bitter, sour, but most of all afraid. She couldn't trust anyone after that, Eona was hurt. The physical wounds healed over and left scars, but the wounds of the heart remained open, and everyday that seemed to pass, it felt like there was someone pouring vinegar all over it. The emotional bandages came off, but the wounds continued to bleed. Eona did her best to hide them, to not show her many weaknesses. But, she's just not strong like everyone else. Eona can't do anything like that, she tells herself she can't every time she sees herself in the mirror or through the reflection of someone's eyes.

Not the most confident person there is, Eona suffers from "survivor's guilt", often mourning over the death of her good friend, Puff. Eona often tells herself that it should've been she who was killed, she didnt deserve to live. Eona was worthless. She wasn't as good as everyone else around her, she had no real talent nor was she a great person. Because of her self loathing, Eona has tried to inflict pain upon herself, but she just couldn't bring herself to do so. She was a pathetic weakling that couldn't even punish herself. Eona hated what she was, she hated how everyone was better than her, she hated how no one even cared.

A masochist by nature, Eona tends to take things out on herself, even if it wasn't her fault. If a tsunami happens in China and Eona is on the other side of the world, you're bound to find her mentally beating herself for some reason that she came up with. Example: The tsunami was caused by Eona's waves, causing the waters to rage over the land and kill hundreds of people, seperate millions of families, and destroy the lives of others. Eona sees herself lower than everyone else, she's scum compared to others. Those people didn't deserve to die, Eona didn't mean for it to happen. But, it still did. Every time, Eona bashed upon herself, and eac time, she got weaker.

Eona's definitely not the smartest tool in the shed, and she herself knows that. In fact, this kraen is a complete idiot who jumps to conclusions quickly. She doesn't think things out, but when she does, she over complicates it and ends up making everything worse. Eona knows nothing about modern technology, for she had just come on land a month or so ago. And everything about this place scared her. How could they stand such a dry area? So many questions ran through Eona's mind as she tried to figure out why there were people in a box. She even broke the box to try and save them, only to find out that it's part of the new technology. A television. Something that projects pictures and videos of people all across the world. Was this how the humans communicated with one another? Either way, it was cruel and inhumane to trap one into such a small and inclosed space. Eona should know.

The seven hundred years of isolation made Eona think, perhaps those people in the television were also trapped, like how she was when a British army fleet struck her down and forced her to sink to the bottom of a trench. She had laid there, for seven hundred years, suffering in pain as the salt of the ocean licked at her open wounds and washed the blood away. It pained Eona, and there it was again. The hurt she had suffered. Perhaps she was just being over dramatic, she was being selfish. There was most likely much more worse off people in the world, and here she was, mourning in her own depression. Eona knew that she was weak, she knew that she would never be worth something. She wasn't expensive like the television. She was, and is, completely worthless.

Some may say otherwise, but Eona knows that they are just lying. As a larvae, the other guppies around her would call Eona names like, "giant", "weirdo", but the worst of all was, "monster". Was Eona a monster? The stories she had eavesdropped on were terrifying things, monsters were creatures who hurt others! And Eona would never do that, she couldn't hurt someone like they hurt her. Eona didn't like monsters, they scared her and she didn't like how they hurt people. It was only on that specific day that Eona realized that all the names everyone called her was true. She was a monster.

Not wanting to hurt anyone, Eona started to take it all out on herself so that she wouldn't hurt the others around her. But this took a large toll on Eona, she began to really despise herself, hating who she was and what she had done and would do. Eona separated herself from the rest of the ocean, she couldn't hurt anyone else. She wouldn't allow herself to. Long before Eona was stuck in the trench, she had already trapped herself in endless guilt and self loathing.

Because of her masochistic ways, Eona can't get angry at someone. That would hurt them, and Eona swore that she would never hurt anyone else ever again. She tends to cry instead of scream, she lets out her frustrationss and griefs through tears, drowning herself with self pity. All by herself. Eona cannot let others see how weak she really is, so she always has a bright smile dawning on her lips. Something she practiced for years.

The mask. It protects the world from Eona and Eona from the world. A fake plaster of cheerfulness and joy is what hides the true and twisted pain of a weak and confused little girl who never felt the loving touch of another and never got to host a real and proper birthday party.

Personal Bio: Born during the thirteenth century, a squid does not stay to care for their young,they just lay them then leave. The eggs are exposed to much danger and the possibility of not even surviving 'til the hatch. When Eona emerged from her egg, she was alone. She could smell the scent of murder that surrounded her place of birth. All her siblings were eaten by a predator, but it was all in the cycle of life.

As Eona hatched and grew, everyone could spot that there was something wrong with her; she had grown much too fast and was developing quickly. Her mind struggled to keep up with the growth of her body, but she was still a child, a larvae. Just like every other kid in the world, Eona wanted to play. But, who would play with a huge and immature squid that has the possibility of eating you right up? No one.

Little Eona spent the first few years of her life alone and ignored, no fish dared to even get as near as a five foot radius! And when they did, they soon scurried off, doing their best not to make eye contact with the giant squid. In the first year of Eona's life, she was already at the maximum thirteen feet for a female giant squid. Everyone knew that something was obviously different about Eona, and the unknown scared them.

One day, Eona began to compromise. If no one wanted to play with her, she'd just play with them! Chasing the other guppies and larvae around, it would often look like Eona was hunting them down. The brave parents would try to step in and protect their child, but many of them chickened out at the last minute. The fish of the Abyssopelagic Zone and lower were being terrorized by a one year old squid.

Although Eona was having fun, the screams of terror and fear kind of wrecked the happy mood. It wasn't fun anymore, it was just mean. Eona finally stopped bothering everyone, not wanting to hurt them any longer. Her new playmates were funny shaped, kind of like the crescent moon, but they had weird sticks going up and fluttery white fins that blew in the wind. She overheard the other fish calling these creatures ships.

The ships were somewhat nice to Eona, they always seemed to be coming back when they first saw her. Attacking Hugging the ship, Eona was hit with weird ball shaped things that were shot out of a cannon. They hurt, but it was all in the act of playing, right? Eona would always swim into her cave wounded and bruised, but she never thought that it would actually mortally wound her one day...

This went on for years, about eight is the estimation, Eona would play with the ships, sink them, and then more would come. She was called hafgufa by the creatures that lived on the ships, they were very ugly looking guppies. The other fish called these ugly guppies humans, quite the weird name in Eona's perspective. There were many humans in the world, each one had their own different appearance, even if it was just a slight change if they were twins. Eona had much fun with these ships and humans.

Then, one day, a fleet of ships rode in with their military flags high up in the air, showing their pride of their country; Great Britan. The current monarch during that time, Edward of Caernarfon, ordered his navy army to defeat the evil sea monster that was lurking in the Norwegian oceans, and that was Eona. The kraken only though that they were there to play again, but as she neared the fleet of ships, she could feel an ominous mood drench the air. The sky turned dark as the waves began to roar, Eona emerged from the waters, a bright smile showing off the millions of sharp teeth that she used to sink ship after ship.

A young woman, Eona cannot remember her name, struck her sword into Eona's stomach, tearing out her egg sack and causing the kraken to become childless. It was going to be the first season Eona would be laying her own eggs, perhaps some of them would become little krakens like she was! Eona watched in horror as the woman ate the eggs, a devious smile on her tanned face.

Everything was a blur after that, the kraken was wounded deeply and sunk to the bottom of the ocean, below the Abyssopelagic Zone and into a trench. Because of her wounds, Eona was stuck in that trench for more than seven hundred years, completely alone as the rest of the world moved on without her. The plants of the sea grew over her tentacles, and when her body had healed after much struggle, she couldn't get out due to the millions of plants restricting her.

It wasn't until a magic dragon passed by that Eona was saved. His name was Puff, Puff the Magic Dragon. Puff was a wonderful fellow, always so cheerful and...purple. He could always bring a smile to Eona's face with his silly little songs. Although they had only known each other for a day or so, Eona considered Puff a great friend. But, if only she knew that all friends deserted her in the end.

Puff left Eona for a funny human boy named Jackie Draper, or Jackie Paper for some. And the kraken was still stuck in the trench, not even bothering to cry out for help. No one would come to save a monster after all. Soon Jackie Draper died, just like all humans did, and Puff was heartbroken. One day he was hunted, killed and his corpse floated down to the bottom of the ocean. She had to watch her friend's body rot right in front of her eyes. But, somehow, she was envious that Puff was able to die. No matter how she tried, Eona couldn't kill herself, there seemed to be something keeping her to suffer on this planet.

Another hundred years went by, leaving Eona stuck in the trench for seven hundred years. It was only then when a sea witch by the name of Ursula passed by her. The sea witch had set up her den in a nearby cave. Ursula became a very well known sea witch, granting the people's wishes for a price, many of them suffered the consequences of the deal. Eona would watch from the sidelines, her eyes filled with awe and curiosity.

It wasn't until a redhead mermaid named Ariel appeared at the front of Ursula's cave. Ariel wanted to become human. Why would she want to become one of those creatures? Riddled with disgust and confusion, Eona continued to watch what happened to Ariel, even if she didn't like it. The kraken watched as Ariel lost her voice and found love. She watched the little mermaid get her happily ever after.

Would Eona ever have something like that? Approaching the sea witch Ursurla, Eona plead the lipstick obsessed sea witch to turn her human too! If Ariel could get a happy ending, the maybe Eona could do it? Being a deceiving witch she was, Urusla happily agreed to it, but of course, there was a price. The octopus wanted the kraken's power. And Eona agreed.

Her power level fell down to below one as she turned into a human. Of course, humans couldn't breath underwater and Eona nearly drowned if it weren't for a submarine that was passing by her. Of course, the scientists inside were very shocked to find a naked woman floating around in the deep oceans. In the end, Eona was given CPR and began breathing in her first breath of air. And so, thus began her adventure into the land of two legs.

Theme Song:


Other: She's in The Little Mermaid! Eona cannot have children, this is the reason why there are no other krakens in the world. She also enjoys freezing cold water.

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UnholyRedemption said:

Full Name:

Kai Aoede

Age :

1724 years of age (phoenix) - 22 years of age (human)

Species Name:


Species Bio :

Look at Tira's CS.

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

- Stands at 6''3

-Green eyes.

-Often wearing suits with a yellow shirt and black tie.

-Wears glasses.

True Appearance Notes:

-All golden feathers

-Yellow/orange eyes.

-Larger than a building, a lot larger than Tira.

-Feathers will be engulfed by gold flames

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph):

Kai has one huge fault in his personality. He has a sister complex for Tira. He is slightly afraid of Mai's temper and so he knows that she is well guarded and safe, being loved by the whole clan. Unlike Tira. This generally caused him to care way to much for Tira's safety. He is destined for a leadership role, being groomed to become a leader after all. His is very intelligent, running quite a few companies that his family owns. He does often act quite idiotic and over dramatic, although this is just a simple façade that he created.

Personal Bio:

Born first from Leonardo and Louise he was instantly put into the role of the clan's heir. He was taught all the rules the second they deemed him ready and he was instantly shoved into a life of politics and discussion with ally clans. He was told that the next child, one that was surely coming, if female would be his bride. Kai was instantly into the idea of being a big brother. So, when Mai was born he was joyful, happy and excited for his role. However, he was constantly reminded that she was born to be his bride. That was all. This fact caused him to create a idiotic façade, to at least let Mai, his new sister and fiancée have some fun, that and he found things more enjoyable that way.

His life was the same, except now he spent a lot of his time with the younger Mai in tow, following him and learning. Them two were perfect, the young blonde clutching to him whenever they were to watch a meeting. Eventually he told her that she would be a great co-leader with him, and then the girls confidence shot up. From that point, Mai later developed into a strong willed and confident woman.

Well, after a few years it was discovered that Louise was once again pregnant. Kai, unlike Mai knew about the clan rules and so was concerned. It was a rare occurrence but if one looked at Louise and Leonardo it wasn't that big of a shock. When Sotiria, or Tira as he nicknamed her was born he instantly decided that he'd protect her. So, the Complex developed.

He studied control of his flames, strength and emotions to protect his two sisters. Eventually, it came to a point where his parents decided that it would be a good idea to send Tira off to a school, one where Aki went so she would get more interaction with others. Shocked, he instantly began to complain to his parents that it was a bad idea. Ignored by the care-free mother and the happy go lucky father, the youngest was sent. In the night, a few days later he applied for a job at Ishika high, becoming a teacher at the school.

Other : The photo's he keeps on him. (Looks at when crying dramatically)


Kai and Mai, dressed up for their first photo together. At a age where Mai clung to Kai and Kai began to tease her.


The time he dressed a young Mai up. (AGAIN, SISTER COMPLEX!!!)


Tira (Mai nor Tira know about this other wise they both would of hit him.)


Mai at 11. (Green eyes not brown)


Tira at 8.

Mai - Green Eyes.

Tira- Blue eyes.

Full Name: Curum/Curumus Necrus

Age: 300-17

Species Name: Twilight

Species Bio: The Twilight are those who carry the blood of both a Shadow and a Gleam. This species possesses the attributes of both the opposing forces of light and darkness. There are only eight of this species in existence and they have only recently appeared over the years.


The Shadows are those said to be abandoned by god, not worthy of a physical form and cast into darkness. A soul engulfed in the dark that merged with it and became what's known today as a Shadow. They are an immortal species and wander the earth without purpose. Today, Shadows are known as the darkness that stems from the light, which is partially true. A Shadow can attach themselves to a person or item and structure themselves to become a dark reflection.

In retrospect, not much is known about Shadows, even in the world of monsters. Some monsters don't even believe the species exist. As a result, many Shadows do not reveal themselves and remain in the accepting darkness.

One of the few known things about shadows, is their ability to change form. Since they are nothing but soul engulfed by the dark, they possess no physical form. Despite having the ability, many Shadows do not use it and remain as they are.


A Gleam is a soul that has been enveloped by the light and they are thought of as God's children according to legend. The thought of these actually being monsters is preposterous to many, but it is the truth. Much like how Shadows have been declared evil from judgements and their personalities, the same can be said for Gleams.

A Gleam is neither good nor evil. Much like all creatures, they choose their path and become who they are by choice, just like any other monster. Although the majority of Gleams are good, many are still less pleasant.

A Gleam is like a Shadow in every way, except for the darkness and light contradiction. They are two halves of one soul. According to ancient legend, a soul is split before a vessel is prepared. The ones that weren't favorable were sent to the darkness to become Shadows, while the other is allowed to bask in holy light.

They are a race of sociable creatures who have merged well with society. To put it simply, they are the very opposite of their Shadow counterpart. In theory, it is possible to merge the two halves, but this had never been performed. What happens when a Gleam and Shadow reform is unknown to everybody, even themselves.

Human Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.6454a0f437675b7adf5f0907b47075e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.6454a0f437675b7adf5f0907b47075e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance: Much like the species they derive from, Twilights possess no physical form. Replacing a body, black and white diamon-like stars are left in there place. Although Twilights do not necessarily possesses a physical form, they are known to mimic the true appearance of a Shadow as a from of respect for their dark ancestors.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.12c91e78a736be558896c8c833b6371c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6757" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.12c91e78a736be558896c8c833b6371c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Appearance Notes:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.dc6a59a9c0b59785b8d8933f9a2d5f4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6759" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.dc6a59a9c0b59785b8d8933f9a2d5f4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance Notes: Rather than being one solid color, Twilights are a mixture of both black and white. When they take the form of a Shadow, the robe is both colors, as well as the smoke-like aura, which is their bodies.

Species/Power Level: 5

Personality:Curum is a generally quiet person, regardless of the situation. He normally isn't the one to start conversations and will wait until spoken to. Although he is quiet, he is not soft-spoken, nor is he overly loud, just normal. He might be quiet normally, but he is also outspoken.

Curum has a tendency to be loud at times, but only if the increases volume is provoked. He is known to overreact to things, which is a trait he obtained from his father. This is mostly where the increased volume comes into play. As well as outwardly overreacting, he also does do mentally. While it isn't necessarily overreacting, Curum often overthinks things. When he does this, his thinking often ends in something completely unrelated to what his original thought was.

He can also get annoyed by others, but not often. Being annoyed is the main reason for him getting louder than he normally is, along with his overreactions. It is not easy to annoy him, but some people know just the right buttons to push. The main person who faces the wrath of his annoyance, would be his childhood friend, who seems to live solely for this purpose.

While he is not a timid person by any means, unlike when he was a child, Curum is known to get embarrassed. When he is embarrassed, he will often get quieter than normal and act more shy. He will sometimes get even more loud with certain people of he is embarrassed.

Curum doesn't have many fears, unlike his father, but he does have a slight fear of women. The reason for this slight fear, would be his mother. While his mother was a very kind and loving woman, she was also scary beyond belief at times. She wasn't loud, but she had mastered quiet anger, which was even scarier than furious rage. While he is not afraid to interact with the opposite gender, he is wary of them.

One thing that Curum despises, is his unnatural bad luck. Curum is extremely unlucky and bad unpleasant events always seem to happen around him. If things are going good for him, he just knows something even worse than normal is coming. He speculates that all men in his family are curse to carry this bad luck, as his sisters have had no trouble with this.

Curum is a kind and caring person, which is something that his parents passed on to him. He helps people if he sees an opportunity and doesn't expect things in return. However, he can be a tad overbearing with this, pushing past limits to help someone, even if his help isn't wanted.

Curum also has a hidden competitive side to him, which is never seen by others. While he doesn't necessarily try to be the best in everything, he tries to be above his childhood friend. The two have a rivalry like the world has never seen. That will try to outdo eachother in anything and everything, even if the activity is beyond rediculous.

Personal Bio: Curum was born to the legendary Shaodow, Umbra Necrus (whoever that may be...) and his wife, Amerus. He was the family's sixth child and the only male besides his father. Unlike his family, Curum didn't possess the same cheeriness that they all had and was similar in every way to how his father was in his earlier years.

As a child, Curum was extremely meek and timid. Whenever someone would even look at him, he would dash away and hide behind his father's leg. He was scared by everything imaginable. Even a butterfly would make him shriek in terror. He would hardly ever speak and would never speak his mind. He had no confidence in himself whatsoever and didn't think he would amount to much in the future. However, as time went by, he grew out of this personality.

Curum didn't have many friends, as most people weren't very accepting of him. The only friend he had, was the child of his father's best friend. The child was the exact opposite of him and had no sign of a quiet personality. When he met him, it was the beginning of the end for his timid self.

While he was a child who didn't speak his mind and would let people do and say what they wanted, this kid annoyed him to no end. It was a feeling he had never experienced before and he didn't know what exactly to do with it. One day, he couldn't hold it in and yelled at the boy in annoyance. He instantly covered his mouth and feared the child's wrath. Unexpectedly, the kid simply smirked and seemed to be having even more fun.

Since that day, the children developed a rivalry and tries to outdo eachother in every way possible. It was very different from the relationship that their fathers had, as they never even had an argument. While they did tray eachother as enemies, the two were the best of friends. He owed a lot to his rival for helping him change.

As years passed by, Curum's meek and timid personality had disappeared and he had became more outspoken. He gained more confidence and was no longer scared of the world he lived in. Although, he did dislike his constant bad luck that his father apologized (rather dramatically) for giving him. He had grown more assertive and didn't allow people to walk all over him any longer.

While his life was peaceful for the most part, there were many unfortunate and wild events (don't ask). These events made him experience a lot of things over the years, good and bad. However, he always manages to get back to his somewhat normal life. He had learned many things from these experiences, which ranged from learning to cook, to learning to defuse a bomb (seriously, don't ask...).

Eventually, he followed in his father's footsteps and decided to attend Ishikia High. He felt like he was still missing a lot from his life and he wanted to grow more as a person. He felt that school might not be that hard, considering he had very high intelligence. Oh, Curum, if only you knew...

Theme Song:

Other: He has five sisters

Enjoys reading very much and has a large library

Enjoys listening to music. Mostly classical

Impressive stamina from all the running away he's done

Not so keen on sweets



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[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Full Name: Curum/Curumus Necrus
Age: 300-17

Species Name: Twilight

Species Bio: The Twilight are those who carry the blood of both a Shadow and a Gleam. This species possesses the attributes of both the opposing forces of light and darkness. There are only eight of this species in existence and they have only recently appeared over the years.


The Shadows are those said to be abandoned by god, not worthy of a physical form and cast into darkness. A soul engulfed in the dark that merged with it and became what's known today as a Shadow. They are an immortal species and wander the earth without purpose. Today, Shadows are known as the darkness that stems from the light, which is partially true. A Shadow can attach themselves to a person or item and structure themselves to become a dark reflection.

In retrospect, not much is known about Shadows, even in the world of monsters. Some monsters don't even believe the species exist. As a result, many Shadows do not reveal themselves and remain in the accepting darkness.

One of the few known things about shadows, is their ability to change form. Since they are nothing but soul engulfed by the dark, they possess no physical form. Despite having the ability, many Shadows do not use it and remain as they are.


A Gleam is a soul that has been enveloped by the light and they are thought of as God's children according to legend. The thought of these actually being monsters is preposterous to many, but it is the truth. Much like how Shadows have been declared evil from judgements and their personalities, the same can be said for Gleams.

A Gleam is neither good nor evil. Much like all creatures, they choose their path and become who they are by choice, just like any other monster. Although the majority of Gleams are good, many are still less pleasant.

A Gleam is like a Shadow in every way, except for the darkness and light contradiction. They are two halves of one soul. According to ancient legend, a soul is split before a vessel is prepared. The ones that weren't favorable were sent to the darkness to become Shadows, while the other is allowed to bask in holy light.

They are a race of sociable creatures who have merged well with society. To put it simply, they are the very opposite of their Shadow counterpart. In theory, it is possible to merge the two halves, but this had never been performed. What happens when a Gleam and Shadow reform is unknown to everybody, even themselves.

Human Appearance:View attachment 24465

True Appearance: Much like the species they derive from, Twilights possess no physical form. Replacing a body, black and white diamon-like stars are left in there place. Although Twilights do not necessarily possesses a physical form, they are known to mimic the true appearance of a Shadow as a from of respect for their dark ancestors.

View attachment 24469

Human Appearance Notes:View attachment 24471

True Appearance Notes: Rather than being one solid color, Twilights are a mixture of both black and white. When they take the form of a Shadow, the robe is both colors, as well as the smoke-like aura, which is their bodies.

Species/Power Level: 5

Personality:Curum is a generally quiet person, regardless of the situation. He normally isn't the one to start conversations and will wait until spoken to. Although he is quiet, he is not soft-spoken, nor is he overly loud, just normal. He might be quiet normally, but he is also outspoken.

Curum has a tendency to be loud at times, but only if the increases volume is provoked. He is known to overreact to things, which is a trait he obtained from his father. This is mostly where the increased volume comes into play. As well as outwardly overreacting, he also does do mentally. While it isn't necessarily overreacting, Curum often overthinks things. When he does this, his thinking often ends in something completely unrelated to what his original thought was.

He can also get annoyed by others, but not often. Being annoyed is the main reason for him getting louder than he normally is, along with his overreactions. It is not easy to annoy him, but some people know just the right buttons to push. The main person who faces the wrath of his annoyance, would be his childhood friend, who seems to live solely for this purpose.

While he is not a timid person by any means, unlike when he was a child, Curum is known to get embarrassed. When he is embarrassed, he will often get quieter than normal and act more shy. He will sometimes get even more loud with certain people of he is embarrassed.

Curum doesn't have many fears, unlike his father, but he does have a slight fear of women. The reason for this slight fear, would be his mother. While his mother was a very kind and loving woman, she was also scary beyond belief at times. She wasn't loud, but she had mastered quiet anger, which was even scarier than furious rage. While he is not afraid to interact with the opposite gender, he is wary of them.

One thing that Curum despises, is his unnatural bad luck. Curum is extremely unlucky and bad unpleasant events always seem to happen around him. If things are going good for him, he just knows something even worse than normal is coming. He speculates that all men in his family are curse to carry this bad luck, as his sisters have had no trouble with this.

Curum is a kind and caring person, which is something that his parents passed on to him. He helps people if he sees an opportunity and doesn't expect things in return. However, he can be a tad overbearing with this, pushing past limits to help someone, even if his help isn't wanted.

Curum also has a hidden competitive side to him, which is never seen by others. While he doesn't necessarily try to be the best in everything, he tries to be above his childhood friend. The two have a rivalry like the world has never seen. That will try to outdo eachother in anything and everything, even if the activity is beyond rediculous.

Personal Bio: Curum was born to the legendary Shaodow, Umbra Necrus (whoever that may be...) and his wife, Amerus. He was the family's sixth child and the only male besides his father. Unlike his family, Curum didn't possess the same cheeriness that they all had and was similar in every way to how his father was in his earlier years.

As a child, Curum was extremely meek and timid. Whenever someone would even look at him, he would dash away and hide behind his father's leg. He was scared by everything imaginable. Even a butterfly would make him shriek in terror. He would hardly ever speak and would never speak his mind. He had no confidence in himself whatsoever and didn't think he would amount to much in the future. However, as time went by, he grew out of this personality.

Curum didn't have many friends, as most people weren't very accepting of him. The only friend he had, was the child of his father's best friend. The child was the exact opposite of him and had no sign of a quiet personality. When he met him, it was the beginning of the end for his timid self.

While he was a child who didn't speak his mind and would let people do and say what they wanted, this kid annoyed him to no end. It was a feeling he had never experienced before and he didn't know what exactly to do with it. One day, he couldn't hold it in and yelled at the boy in annoyance. He instantly covered his mouth and feared the child's wrath. Unexpectedly, the kid simply smirked and seemed to be having even more fun.

Since that day, the children developed a rivalry and tries to outdo eachother in every way possible. It was very different from the relationship that their fathers had, as they never even had an argument. While they did tray eachother as enemies, the two were the best of friends. He owed a lot to his rival for helping him change.

As years passed by, Curum's meek and timid personality had disappeared and he had became more outspoken. He gained more confidence and was no longer scared of the world he lived in. Although, he did dislike his constant bad luck that his father apologized (rather dramatically) for giving him. He had grown more assertive and didn't allow people to walk all over him any longer.

While his life was peaceful for the most part, there were many unfortunate and wild events (don't ask). These events made him experience a lot of things over the years, good and bad. However, he always manages to get back to his somewhat normal life. He had learned many things from these experiences, which ranged from learning to cook, to learning to defuse a bomb (seriously, don't ask...).

Eventually, he followed in his father's footsteps and decided to attend Ishikia High. He felt like he was still missing a lot from his life and he wanted to grow more as a person. He felt that school might not be that hard, considering he had very high intelligence. Oh, Curum, if only you knew...

Theme Song:

Other: He has five sisters

Enjoys reading very much and has a large library

Enjoys listening to music. Mostly classical

Impressive stamina from all the running away he's done

Not so keen on sweets

Dear celestia.


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