Highschool... Never ends


New Member
Yeah so it's a highschool RP. You know Goths, jocks, nerds, loners, geeks, populars (Sorry if I offended you in some way I didn't mean to). Everything goes smoothly until a new group of sudents come along. (Only going to have about 3 new students). And it just blooms from there.


1. Limit of charaters is 3

2. Age limit is between 13 to 17

3. I swear I'm usualy not this pushy

4. Don't fight in the RP please uness it's in the ATUALL RP

5. Don't kill in this RP please.

6. Keep the swearing to the limit please

7. Have fun





favourite subject:

lest favourite subject:


New student or not:

Jock, emo, geek, Ext:


My fourms.

Name: Jayden Parker (Aka Jay)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Jay is quite a shy girl. She's a fun girl but she's quiet. She's over protective over her friends. She's quite sporty too. She's not that popular but everyone still knows who she is.

Favourite subject: Art and Gym

Lest favourite subject: English

Timetable: Sciance







New student or not: Not

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: In the middle of Jock and nerd


With blue eyes
Can I join? :3

Name: Dahlia Olette Avalon

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet until she really gets to know someone. She loves to be with friends often and hates staying cooped up in the house. When she is friends she can be really loud but is always fun to be around. She is in band at school and plays bass guitar (but also plays outside of school obviously)

Favorite subject: Art, Band, Photography

Least favorite subject: Math

Timetable: Band





Art or Photography (every other day, like art on odd days and photo on even days)


New student or not: Not

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: Dressed kind of preppy but looks more like emo (Imagine a pretty popular girl but with piercings)

http://files6.fliiby.com/images/_ori...v9u9axdnp9.jpg (Sorry it's a link, my comp freezes if I put an actual image)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Oh dang I forgot stuff, sorry!!

You can't see in the pic but she has snakebites, an industrial and a nose ring

Also this is kind of how she would typically dress:


And no, she's not a 'scene' chick lol
Jay ran out the house with the shouting of her step dad tumbling out the house with her. She started running to school. She hated living with those freaks but she had to put up with it. The school was a few blocks away now. She lived quite close to school.
Dahlia stepped onto the porch, saying goodbye to her parents. She adjusted her gig bag on her back. She carried her bass back and forth every day and was used to the extra weight by now. She put her school bag over her shoulder and started walking down the sidewalk. Luckily her neighborhood was about a 30 minute walk to school. She refused to take the bus since it was so close by. She passed other houses, all large but not nearly as grand as her own. She had grown up quite spoiled, her parents being very rich. But honestly she had nothing to flaunt. Her parents were often too busy for her. The walk to high school was quiet, since hardly anyone was up this early and all the kids in this neighborhood went to fancy private schools. That was another thing she didn't want to do. She wanted to go to public school where she could be with people who were.... Not so uptight. A half hour later she arrived at the school's front entrance, looking around to try and find some of her friends.
Can I join? (I know long, srry)

Name: Emma Parker

Age: 16 (almost 17)

Gender: Female

Personaliry: Very warm-hearted, would always help anybody and help and would put people's needs before hers. She hates change very much, and dealing with it. Has a sarcastic type of humor. She is a known akidio fighter, loves anything that involves excitement. (Her old school) She plays the gutiar and used to be the led singer in her band back home, and knows a little on drums.) Has a dark past to deal wth in her new home.

favourite subject: Art, Gym, Singing(not Choir)/Band

lest favourite subject: Math









New student or not: New

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: Between normal and popular, but she is known throughtout her old school for her 'actions', and total jock. (This is all at her old school)


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Jay slowed down as she got closer to school, She looked round to see if anyone was around but, like usual, no one was. She sighed and carried on walking. Jay was the sort who never really fitted in or was very popular. She'd always be by herself either drawing or reading a horror novel. She walked into the school grounds and shoved her way to the door. She was about to walk in when she bumped into dahlia. "Sorry..." She mumbled as she walked in.
Dahlia lookied at the person who bumped into her. "It's okay." she said when the girl apologized. Then she noticed that she was speaking to no one; the other girl had already walked into the building. She looked around for any of her friends again. When she saw no one she knew she walked into the building, stopping by her locker before heading to homeroom.

((Is the homeroom same as first period or should it be a different room?))
((Diffrent room))

Jay walked to her locker and opened it. She looked around and saw people in groups talking and laughing. "I wouldn't be able to fit in if I tried" She mumbled to herself and got her books out of her locker. She shut it and walked to homeroom. She sat down in the back and looked out the window.
Dahlia sat down in the middle close to the windows and started shuffling through her stuff. She took out a pen and paper and started doodling absentmindedly until the bell rang. A few minutes after she sat down, she saw the girl from earlier come into the room and sit down in the back row.
Jay ignored the fact that the bell rang and carried on looking out the window. She watched the clouds go by. She smiled. It was the first time she'd smiled in... A long time.
Emma ran through the crowd of people constantly looking at her phone's clock. "Shit I'm going to be late, AND on the first day of school!" Emma exhaled deeply as the school came into view, but didnt slow her pace. She busted through the double doors and glanced down each hallway, then down to her schedule. Finally realizing that she had no idea where to go. "Ok my frist class is.... homeroom." Emma decided to go to the first room she saw and ask the teacher. The first class she walked into was a math class, at least according to the few posters that hung on the bleak walls. The bell had already rung when she entered the room. 'Now I'am really going to look like a complete idiot, just great.' She mentaly shook her head as she approached the teacher. She quickly looked around the math class, only a couple girls stood out from the rest. One was sat in the middle of classroom doodling away. She was dressed, I guess a combination of preppy and emo. The other one was sitting all the way in the back by herself staring out the window. 'Maybe their in one of my classes.' Emma highly doubted it though.
Dahlia sat quietly for most of homeroom. Then when the bell rang to go to first period she stood and went to talk to the girl who bumped into her earlier. She put her bass case over her back and walked to where the other girl was sitting. "Hi," she said with a shy smile. "I'm Dahlia." She then also introduced herself to the girl who had come in late.
Can I join in?

Name: Sierra Sumemrs

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personaliry: Sierra is outgoing, fun loving, and easy to talk to. She thinks nothing of walking up to someone she doesn't know and starting a converstion. She does have a fiery temper, if crossed, but she's pretty good at keeping that under wraps

favourite subject: English

lest favourite subject: Math

timetable: Biology







New student or not: Yes

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: Sierra doesn't really fit any one group, she sort of floats from group to group. Sort of mixture of prep and geek

Looks: Red, wavy, shoulder length har, green eyes that are usually sparkling mischeviously, and a smallish, cuvy build.

Name: Conner O'Brian

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personaliry: Conner's a charmer. He can sweet talk anyone, into, or out of, anything. It takes some work to get past the quirky, semi-sarcastic front, but he really is a nice guy. He just has some trust issues.

favourite subject: Band

lest favourite subject: Science

timetable: Band







New student or not: Not

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: Jock, prep

Looks: Blonde hair, blue eyes, lean muscles give him an athletic look. just over six feet tall
Jay slightly smiled and said "Hey... I'm Jay". She didn't know what else to say really. Jay leaned against the wall and looked out the window again. She felt a little akward in a room full of people almost shouting. She sighed and walked out of the room to get some peace.. But sadly she could still hear them. "Great." She muttered to herself. "Just like home"
Dahlia felt awkward. Jay looked away and then got up and left. ~That went well...~ She thought. She sighed and walked to her first class of the day which was band. Class hadn't started yet so she got out her bass and started to check to make sure everything was in tune.
Jay couldn't take the noise anymore so she decided to walk to the sciance lab. She hated sciance most of the time. She had to sit with a stupid partner who usualy falls asleep 10 minuets into the lesson. She sighed. "Why don't I have any of the GOOD classes?" She thought as she sat down in the empty classroom.
Emma had finally figured out where her homeroom is, but by the time she reached the room, the bell rang signaling for first class. "Oh, no. I forgot to ask where my history class was. Ummm..." Emma stumbled uneasily up to an empty room. It was obvious it was a science classroom, by the beakers, posters, and ect. She was going to ask the teacher for directions, but fortune wasn't really in her favor today. The only one there was the quiet girl she had saw from the other class. She had an annoyed looked planted on her face, but Emma had no time to be pickey. She walked cautiously up to the girl and began to speak. "Umm, hi. I'm new here and I can't seem to find my history class." She said nervously. 'I really don't need someone pissed at me on my first day.' "Can you tell me where?" Emma smiled brightly as she waited for her to respond.

(Sorry for my late response. And P.S. I changed my character's look :D .)
Conner walked into band class with his guitar over his shoulder. He spotted Dahlia and gave her a friendly smile. "Hey, how goes it?" he asked, plopping down beside her, getting his guitar out of the case. He flicked his semi-longish hair out of his deep blue eyes and grinned. "Hear about the new band teacher?" his mother was the History teacher, so he heard a lot of the staff gossip.

Sierra wandered around for a while, searching for the biology lab. Finally, she spotted a room with beakers and sciency posters, so she assumed she'd found the right room. there were a couple girls already in there, so she put on a friendly smile and walked up. "Excuse me, ya'll, but could you gicve me a hand? I'm looking for Biology, is this the right science lab, or am I completely lost?" she asked, her smile never wavering.
(I know she looks cool :hello girls: xD )

Jay quickly snapped out of her daydream she was in and looked at the two girls. "Um. History is just down the corridor second door to your left and yes this is sciance." She smiled slightly at the two girls and went back to daydreaming.
Dahlia looked up from her bass and gave Conner a smile. "Hey." she said. "Oh there's a new teacher? Sorry, I haven't een here a while. Doctor drama." she explained. She tucked her hair behind her ear. "Nice guitar." she said. "Oh, I'm Dahlia by the way."
(Lol Thx, yours too 8D)

A wave of relief washes of her. "Oh, thank you so much." Emma thought for a second. 'She seems like a nice girl, but why is she her by herself?' She noticed that the girl went back to daydreaming and acknowledged the girl standing next to her. She looked nice and was as cute as the quiet girl, maybe she was popular at her old school. 'She's probably new too, or she wouldn't be asking.' Emma hold out her hand to the other new girl. "Hi, my name's Emma, Emma Parker." She said to both girls. Emma smiled widely, showing her pearl white teeth, and her blue eyes slightly glinting. (I know it looks brown or green in my pic, but just imagine it's blue) 'Maybe I'll make some new friends today.'
Sierra smiled. "Perfect. I'm Sierra" she held out her hand. "So any idea what this teacher's like? Most science teachers are so boring..." She looked around, playing with her deep red hair. It was pretty apparent the girl who'd anwered her had little interest in conversing. Luckily, an awkward situation ws avoided by the other girl speaking up. "Hey! I'm Sierra. Are you new too? This school is so HUGE!" She laughed

Conner made a face. "Doctor drama, ugh" he shuddered. "Lots of fun there, eh?" he smiled. "I'm Conner. And this," he held up his guitar. "Is my best friend. I call her Glenda" he laughed heartily. "The new band teacher, I'm told, is some sort of big wig who plays in a local band. Should be interesting" he grinned. "Last teacher we had was completely hopeless"
Emma almost roughly shaked the girl's hand. "Yes I'm new here I just..." she stammered to get the words out. This was going to be harder then she thought. "moved here. And yah you can say that again. By the time I found homeroom, it ended." She smiled to the girl then looked down to the other girl. Emma held out a hand to her as she speaked. "And thank you so much for helping." She said nervously, which was a surprise to her. Emma was never nervous. 'Hopefully she'll humor me and shake my hand so I don't look stupid.'
Sierra laughed. "Oh, I know what you mean! I didn't even make it to my homeroom. I'm surprised I made it here, even, they seriously need some of those 'You Are Here' signs or something." she'd picked up on the other girl's stammering, but decided to let it pass. No point in poking questions at one of the only people she'd talked to today. Instead, she went for, what she hoped, was a harmless subject. "So where'd you move from? You know, I've never moved before, this is the first time, and is it ever scary! But exciting, you know what I mean?" Sierra could be a bit of a chatterbox. But she always figured you don't make friends by sitting in the background.
"Really? This should be interesting." she said. The bell rang and she waited for the band teacher to get there. Of course teachers could be late, but if a student was late it was automatically a crime.

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