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Highschool Life (Fandom for Kat Bjerke & goldcat)

Me: *wakes up and quickly starts getting ready for school day*

Harry: *alarms blares but ignores it*

Liam: *wakes up from alarm and goes to make coffee*

Niall: *wakes up and goes to eat breakfast*
(sorry i changed to my computer)

Me: *wakes up and starts to go on my phone*

Louis: *jumps out of bed and runs over to Kat's room* WOO! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! YIPEE!

Me: *looks at Louis and raises eyebrow* Seriously?

Louis: Yeah.. *laughs and jumps around*

Zayn: *turns on music and starts doing ballet warm-ups*
Me: *finishes getting ready and goes into Harry's room and groans* Dude... Get up.

Harry: *puts pillow over head* Noo... But why Mom?

Me: *rolls eyes* Okay. If you want to be late for school, be my guest.

Harry: *smirks* Aren't I your ride?

Me: *picks up a pillow and throws it at him* Get up!

Harry: *chuckles* Get out.

Me: *grumbles* You better get up. *leaves room*

Harry: *slowly gets up and starts getting ready*

Liam: *drinks coffee as he gets ready*

Ni: *finishes breakfast and starts getting ready&
Louis: *gasps* OOOH! I gotta get ready! I have to look PERFECT!

Me: *looks at him weird* Why?

Louis: FOR TARA! *runs out of room and starts to get ready in his room*

Me: *laughs* Weirdo. *gets out of bed and starts to get ready*

Zayn: *finishes warm-ups and changes outfit*
Me: *goes to kitchen and starts to eat breakfast, thoughts wander to friends, excited to see them*

Harry: *takes shower and thinks about Kat. 'I hope she's as excited to see me, as I am to see her...*

Liam: *finishes getting ready, and coffee, and goes over to parents* Well. I'm about to go. Senior year. Yay. *chuckles and hugs them* Bye.

Niall: *finishes getting ready then quickly packs a bag of chips onto backpack* There. All set.
Me: *finishes getting ready and smiles and grabs backpack and waits for Louis*

Louis: *runs out of room* DONE! How do I look? *smiles at Kat*

Me: You look like Louis. *giggles*

Louis: No, seriously.

Me: You look good Louis. *smiles*

Louis: Thanks *smiles excitedly*

Me: Well someones excited to see my bff. *giggles*

Louis: *looks at her squinting* The feelings mutual.

Me: *laughs*

Zayn: *puts on a tux and combs through hair still getting ready for school*

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(Hahaha xD Louis is insane!! <3 And omg Zayns wearing a tux xD )

Me: *finishes breakfast and goes to knock on the bathroom door* Hurry up Harry! Come onnnn!

Harry: *scowls* Tara, I'll go slower if you rush me!

Me: Ugh! Mom! Dad! Why can't you guys just give me a ride!?

Harry: *laughs and finishes in bathroom and leaves room* Seriously, chill. *rolls eyes* I'm ready. Are you?

Me: *nods*

Harry: Are you ready to see your best friend!? *refers to Kat. Stalling*

Me: No duh! Come on Harry...

Harry: Me too! *still referring to Kat* I mean, er... I'm ready to see my best friend too. Louis. Yeah.

Me: *raises eyebrows and nods slowly* Right... Let's go. *Thinks about Louis* Bye mom, bye dad! *starts to leave house.*

Harry: *follows Tara, and goes to car starting it up*

Me: *gets in*

Harry: *starts to drive to school*

Liam: *leaves house, gets in car and starts to drive to school*

Niall: Goodbye parents! I'm off to see the wonderful wizard of Oz! *leaves house and gets into car and starts to drive to school*
(hahah yeah and niall lol)

Louis: We all know your secret. *smirks*

Me: We all know yours so I wouldn't be talking. *opens door and goes outside and then gets into my car*

Louis: *chuckles and gets into Kat's car* Do you seriously think people know I like Tara?

Me: Well I mean not everyone. But most people. *smirks and starts to drive*

Zayn: *rushes out the door and hops onto the bus*
(hahaha did you have fun rolling die? ;) )

Harry: *turns on radio*

Me: *switches station*

Harry: *switches station back*

Me: *about to switch station*

Harry: DON'T touch my radio. *swats Tara's hand*

Me: Why!? You let everyone else switch it! Whenever Kat's with us in here, you actually ask her what station she wants!

Harry: *rolls eyes* Because Kat is awesome and has a good taste in music, and you are my sister and do not.

Me: Kat and I have the same taste in music Harry.

Harry: Whatever. *pulls into school parking lot*

Me: *rolls eyes and gets out*

Liam: *driving*

Niall: *driving and craves his chips*
(yep hahah)

Louis: Did you tell Tara I like her? *looks at Kat*

Me: Yeah, of course. She's my best friend.

Louis: OH GREAT!

Me: *laughs* You forgot that didn't you. *smirks*

Louis: Yeah..

Me: *giggles and pulls into parking lot*

Louis: *starts looking around for Tara and sees her and gets out of car excitedly*

Me: *giggles at Louis and gets out of car*

Zayn: *gets off of bus and goes into the school* 
Me: *sees Harry* <3
(Lol xD )

Me: *sees Louis and blushes softly and grins at him* Hey Lou!

Harry: *smiles at louis* Louis! *looks over at Kat and smiles brighty at her and waves* Kat, come over here! NOW! *smirks*

Me: *grins from Kat* KAT!

Liam: *pulls into parking lot, doesn't see others and goes into school. Sees Zayn* Zayn! *goes over to him* Hey!

Niall: *parks in parking lot and goes into school as well. Looks for others*
(hahaha ur part is hilarious its TOO CUTE!)

Louis: *runs over to them* HI!

Me: *laughs and walks over to them* Tara! *hugs her*

Louis: *jealous of Kat and smirks at her* Harry! *hugs him tightly*

Zayn: *leaps around the hallways*
(Hahaha :D Thank you!!! So is yours! Hahaha :D )

Me: *hugs Kat smiling at her* Aw! I missed you! Even though we basically saw each other last week, I missed you! It felt like forever! *grins at her and giggles softly from Lou*

Harry: *raises eyebrows surprised and hugs Louis. Mocks Tara, in a high pitched voice* I missed you! Even though we basically saw each other last week, I missed you! It felt like forever! *smirks at Louis*

Me: *rolls eyes and looks back at Kat*

Harry: *glances at Kat too, and quickly looks back at Louis*

Liam: *chuckles watching Zayn* What're you doing!?

Niall: *sees Zayn and Liam and bolts over to them* Hiii!

Liam: Niall! Hey! *grins*
(hahaha thanks)

Louis: Now get off of me you peasant! *pushes harry off him, pushes Kat away and hugs Tara* Gosh I missed you! I haven't seen you in like forever!

Me: *laughs at Louis* Geesh Louis it's not even like 5 minutes and you're already stealing my best friend away from me *laughs*

Zayn: Hi guys! *smiles excitedly*
Harry: psh! Peasant, yeah right Lou. *rolls eyes then grins at Kat. Goes over to her and rests an arm on her shoulder smugly* Aw, don't worry Kat! I'll be your best friend! Let them have each other! We're far better off without them! *winks*

Me: *giggles from Lou and hugs him back. Blushes softly* I missed you too! *pulls away and looks at him then looks at the ground, smiling*

Niall: *grins* How are you two oldies? You're both Senior Citizens! *smirks*

Liam: *rolls eyes* We're doing quite fine, Junior! *ruffles Ni's hair, treating him like a kid*
Me: *giggles and smirks at harry* Ok *hugs harry and looks at tara jokingly* Sorry Tara but I have a new best friend. *laughs*

Louis: Kat! That's my best friend! But you know your.. *smirks at her*

Me: *lets go and turns away blushing*

Zayn: *laughs* Knock that one off the bucket list.
Me: *laughs* Sure thing Kat!

Harry: *grins, oblivious to Kat's blushing* I don't know Louis, I might take her over you! *joking*

Niall: *sticks tongue out at both of them and straightens hair*

Liam: *chuckles* So. You guys want to go around and look for the others?
Louis: Never going to happen bro! *sticks tongue out* But I'll take tara no matter what happens. *thinks* That reminds me, Tara do you want to go and see a movie tonight? *smiles*

Me: *giggles*

Zayn: Yeah! But first.. Let me take a selfie. *laughs*
Harry: *raises eyebrow at Louis then grins at Kat*

Me: *blushes and smiles at Louis* Yeah, I'd love to, that'd be fun!

Harry: *makes horse noises* Ugh. Come on, let's go inside. *gently grabs Kat's wrist and starts walking inside the school*

Niall: *grins excited* Aw yeah! * takes out phone and starts to take pictures of all them* First day of school selfies! Yeees!

Liam: *chuckles and rolls eyes* Come on guys!
Louis: *smiles* Yay! *looks at her* Could we um.. call this a date? *blushes*

Me: *grabs his hand and smirks at him* Thats a lot better.

Zayn: *chuckles* you better send those to me niall!
Me: *blushes* Really? *looks down* Well uh, yeah I thinks so... *smiles and looks back up at him*

Harry: *chuckles* Hm! I like this better too! *squeezes her hand gently and laughs*

Niall: *laughs* Oh I will! *looks the selfies over.* Snap. Girls would kill for us. *smirks and sends them to Zayn*

Random Girl: You wish Niall.

Niall: *raises eyebrow at her* Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?

Liam: *laughs* Oh dear, I think Niall's ego finally burst!
Louis: Yay! *smiles and holds her hand* I can't wait.

Me: *giggles and sees some other hot guy* Ok can I just say that he's sexyyy! *laughs*

Zayn: No that cannot happen on the first day of school! *sees kat and harry* and why in the world are those two holding hands?!
Me: *blushes more* Me neither. *smiles and starts to walk into school, holding Lous hand*

Harry: *feels jealous and raises eyebrows* Who? *turns towards guy* Um ew. Come on Kat, you're way out of your league.

Niall: *sticks tongue out at Zayn and Liam then sees Kat and Harry* Uh... That's not normal...

Liam: Hm... Questioning time. *walks over to Kat and Harry and smirks at them* Hello you two. *looks at their hands meaningfully.*

(Hey bro! I'm going to head to bed for the night! We should continue this tomorrow!! :D Goodnight!)
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