Highschool is Hell

She hid in Roarke. "I- I"

He looked at them and pulled her away from him. He looked at Roarke. "Don't move." He pulled her away and walked into the bedroom closing the door.
He yelled. "You lied to me! You went behind my back and disobeyed me!!"

She cried. "You were too drunk to realize!"

There was a loud slap and they both came out.

She was holding her face and tears were running down her cheeks. She grabbed his hand. "C-Come on." She pulled him out.
he lets go of her hand and steps toward the dad. "Now that wasn't very nice was it? Maybe you should appologize."
"Roarke stop it!" She yelled and wrapped her arms tight around him hugging him.

He glared at Roarke. "Don't presume to tell me what I should do." He walked out and slammed the door.

She started crying even more. "I- I'm so sorry.. If I hadn't told you to stay or that he wasn't home.. None of this ever would've happened."

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