Highschool,Chocolate and Secrets [Inactive]


HDemon submitted a new role play:

Highschool,Chocolate and Secrets - The life of 2 teens in a highschool

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Nichole woke with a yawn and stretched. She popped her back and looked at the clock. "WAH IM GONNA BE LATE!" She shouted and fell out of the bed. Nichole ran to the bathroom rushing. How could she be late for her first day of school?! Nichole brushed her hair and teeth. And her extra stuff was hidden. Nichole put on the uniform and grabbed a piece of toast. "Cya later!" She said as she ran out. Her black hair was in a bun to keep it out of her face. Nichole ran faster and bounced on her toes waiting for the light to change. She caught her breath and pressed faster to make it before the first bell. "Almost there!" She said as she turned the corner. And ran face first into the door.
Alex woke up happy as always. He would make new friends and he was happy for that reason. He got off the bed, washed his face and ate some pancakes. Her sister kissed him on the cheek and gave him the uniform. Alex brushed his hair and teeth and he grabbed his skateboard. He went to the school and he saw lots of people there. "Which class am i?"- He asked.
Nichole rubbed her nose with a groan. The teacher let her in and smiled. "Class this is Nichole kudo, she's new here and just transferred here from America yesterday. Make her feel welcome. " the class gasped. "She's a kudo! Like the famous kudos?!" Nichole smiled weakly and said"h-hai." Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. This was embarrassing. They knew her brother, her mother, and her father were famous.
Alex searched for someone to help him and he found an old guy. "Hey senpai, do you know where can i get to my class" he asked. The old guy asked his name. "Alexandre Briarheart. Senpai!" He answered: "Class B-10" Alex said thank you and ran to the classroom.

He rushed and he entered the classroom. Alex noticed that someone was already being presented.
"Kudo-chan sit anywhere you like." Their teacher said. Nichole blushed and nodded sitting in a seat in the middle. She saw some birds and gasped walking over to the window. "Pretty. " she said smiling. She went to open the window when the teacher said"miss kudo take your seat please. " Nichole blushed embarrassed and sat back down.
It was Alex time. He walked towards the teacher and said hello. "Hi, class my name is Alexandre Briarheart and it's nice to meet you all!"

Alex noticed that no one was looking at him. They were all focused on the new pretty girl. Alex felt sad and picked a seat. He was wondering if he really could make friends in that place.
Nichole waved to the fellow new student and smiled softly. The teacher handed them their books and nichole opened it. She blinked because she had read this book before. "Sensei I already read The tragedy of Julius Caesar. " she said quietly. The teacher, mrs.honey, said"then this will refresh you kudo-chan."
Alex noticed the the kindness of the new girl and smiled back. He scratched his hair and opened the book that the teacher gave him.

"Who want's to start reading?" All the students raised their arms up. Alex didn't in fear.
Nichole sank into her seat. There was no way she was gonna act out the play with the others. Nichole sighed in relief when two other students were called on instead.
As the time goes by, the school bell rang and it was time for lunch. In the cafeteria there were lot's of diffrent kind's of food. Inside there were lot's of tables and students talking. Alex went to grab his food.

Nichole hummed and grabbed some lunch before jogging to the roof. She sat down and sighed in relief after dodging more people. "Much better." Two furry cat ears popped out of her hair and a tail under her skirt. She ate some rice balls and giggled. "Yummy!"
Alex grabbed some chocolate cake and milk. He searched for a table but all of them were full. The weather was nice and he wanted to eat outside. He climbed some stairs and opened a door. He could see a huge roof with lot´s of space in there. "Haha! This is awesome. Lunch time!" Before he started, he noticed a girl far away. "Should i eat with her?!"
Nichole smiled enjoying her lunch and her ears twitched. "Yummy cake! " she said devouring her cake slice and sipped her coffee milk. "Yarn!" Nichole crouched and pounced on the ball of yarn playing happily. She didnt even notice him yet.
Alex decided his mind. "I need to make some friends!" He walked to the girl, nervous. He looked at the girl's hair and noticed something weird. Something was popped out of her hair! "What is that?".Alex asked. He approached the girl and said: "Hey there."
Nichole looked up and froze. She quickly tried to hide her ears her tail at her sidem "h-hello. " she blinked and sniffed. "MILK!!!" Jumping to her coffee milk. She sipped some and purred. Her ears twitched everytime she sipped. "Yummy strawpurrry is purrfect with chocolate cake." Nichole said giggling. Her tail swished.
Alex eyes opened up when he saw the tail. "Is is is is tha-that a-a-a A Tail?!" You-you have ca-cac-cat ears too?!" Alex grabbed his backpack and ran away. "Is sh-she a cat?" he looked back while running and she was still purring and sniffing. He looked foward and he slammed in the roof's door. His head banged hard and he felt unconscious.
Nichole blinked and saw the guy unconscious. She poked him a few times. "Hello? Anypurrdy home?" Picking him up. She hid her ears and tail again taking him to the nurse.

her with cat ears and tail

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/pink_and_punk_by_love_the_nekos-d5mhifa.png.01e4229ab5f907c851390c729e863c03.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/pink_and_punk_by_love_the_nekos-d5mhifa.png.01e4229ab5f907c851390c729e863c03.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alex woke up near a nurse and the new girl. Alex saw the new girl and got scared. He tried to run but the door was closed. "Calm down Alex, you hitted your head hard." Alex pointed to the new girls hair and screamed. "She had cat ears Cat ears! And a tail! A real cat tail!". The nurse started to laugh. "Ahaha poor alex, you banged your head really hard, didn't you?! Hihihi" "But-but believe! She had a Cat..." "Shhhss's boy! we must heal that wound... don't move!." Alex looked scared at the new girl. "but...but.."
Nichole bit her lip looking away. She walked to the window and smiled at the birds. "Hi ami!" She said to a bird after opening the window. Nichole petted the bird and kissed her head. Ami landed on her head and made a nest for now.
The nurse noticed the new girl's compassion. "Hihihi that pretty bird, you must be really good with birds"-she smiled. "Wait? what? dont believe her! she was a cat i swear! i saw it" "Yeah right"-she giggled. 
Nichole nodded and petted ami. "Be free!" As she cupped her in her hands and gently placed her out the window. Nichole said"I gotta go you've been out for a few hours. Time for gym." She blushed then grabbed her satchel running for gym.
Alex was still thinking about the all cat situation. What did he saw exactly? He wanted to talk with Nichole about that, but he was way too scared for that. He wanted to know what Nichole was. He ran after nichole and followed to the gym.
Without her noticing him, alex tried to hide in the starting line. He was looking at Nichole's hair and to her back.

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