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Fantasy Highland Academy OOC

I didn't get PMs tho
Plus Prophet said my guy was cool so it's cool yeah
What are you talking about? Your Slime girl character was accepted, that's it. He did not approve of your delinquent character, and as I stated if you want to have your own arc, or event with a bully or delinquent you'll need to talk to both GMs.

I will try to send you another PM, as not to clutter this section with all this.
Nah I'd rather talk here tbh the PM system on this site seems unreliable
Anyway if you're talking about the mohawks they're just window dressing this is like a basic thing you do in any game of pretend ever I'm not seeing what's such a big deal here
Nah I'd rather talk here tbh the PM system on this site seems unreliable
Anyway if you're talking about the mohawks they're just window dressing this is like a basic thing you do in any game of pretend ever I'm not seeing what's such a big deal here
Whatever. You have your final warning. I don't know if you're new to RpN, never bothered to read the rules, are too stubborn to actually care about keeping the OOC clean or ever read anything we post.

Figure out your issues. You won't get another warning, you're out if you keep acting like this.
Okay then we'll just use the OOC how we were using it before
So how about those stat benchmarks those coming along well
Ennuis Ennuis are 1 sentence responses ok in a detailed Rp? You know exactly why private conversation should be in PM's, don't be cheeky you silly sly dog. Who's a silly ding?:captaincat: Lol no dog emoji.

Mitch Conner Mitch Conner Patience is a virtue. A lot of detail and hard work is being put into this stat summary. If you behave you might actually get to use it, right grumpy cat? ^;3^You know cats are so weird the poorly trained ones bite hands. There so dumb sometimes. But are so snobby and popular on the internet. I bet they think everyone loves them. My cat is a total diva.
I thought that was prophet in charge of stat benchmarks tho since he was always the one talking about it whenever it came up, tho?
Aight cool was just wondering if you were struggling since all I'm doing right now is waiting for my rp buddy to post anyway
Don't worry elysium my character will defend alaric's honor even if he's a super trash friend who bails out when things get tough
That seems a bit uncalled for. I mean they've known each other for what....ten minutes? I don't think they're more than acquaintances at best. The discipline committee just got through saying you could be expelled for fighting. Then you set up the scene, after deciding what Alaric would do and act like (without asking Elysium), to look like a proper fight even after the goons got launched through the sky. Of course he bailed. Who could have predicted that is what you were gonna do?
That seems a bit uncalled for. I mean they've known each other for what....ten minutes? I don't think they're more than acquaintances at best. The discipline committee just got through saying you could be expelled for fighting. Then you set up the scene, after deciding what Alaric would do and act like (without asking Elysium), to look like a proper fight even after the goons got launched through the sky. Of course he bailed. Who could have predicted that is what you were gonna do?

Asking questions is always an option.
I can't see how the tone is offensive? That seems a bit like, you are wanting to get insulted you know? Just a little thought on it and hey if that's your prerogative that's cool. It's not what I'd do, but you do you.

But really what I want to get to as the main point feel here is, yeah the OOC is a place to ask questions and discuss things. It's a good place to do so.
I stated the tone could be sarcastic/rude, not offensive.

But yes Aloha you're right the OOC is for questions. Not jabs. Mitch should have asked Elysium if it was ok to move his character, Elysium could have asked what his intentions are. But this whole "sarcastically rude bit" needs to stop.
Isn't that the same as offensive though?
Not really. Defining them to be offensive is to intentionally cause someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry. To be sarcastic is
the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. To be rude is to be
offensively impolite or ill-mannered.

But whatever, I'm done being influenced by Mitch's "behavior." I'm going to go cool my head.
I'm a great believer in death of the author so I'm fine with my text being interpreted however you want to take it go crazy have fun

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