High school romance


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Name: Avery

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grade: Mostly As sometimes B +s

Friends: None yet...Open for requests :P

Significant other: None yet as well

Personality: At first sight Avery can come across very aloof and brooding (she can be sometimes, but only around people she doesn't know)This can make her seem very intimidating so she does not have many friends but it doesn't help that it takes a long time to receive her trust . Avery is a woman of actions not words,she prefers solitude to socialising with people she doesn't know but when you earn her trust she comes out of her shell and is a really good friend . Avery is normally nonaggressive- she will run rather than fight in almost every circumstance unless her family/loved ones are threatened.Overall she is very protective of her loved ones especially her close friends and was with her sister Matilda (She is not alive anymore)When Avery is in pain she tends to isolate herself from the world and avoids talking to people (like when her sister died) She is gently spoken,not blunt and is a very good listener.Avery can be sometimes naive and immature and often gets aggressive when things 'are not fair' as she has a stubborn sense of judgement.Many people admire her and think she is a good leader not to her knowledge though.

Appearance: Avery is quite tall and stands at about 5.9 feet she has a slender frame and not particlarly curvious(Her bust is rather small xD ).Her skin is fair and has a few frekles scattered around her nose and a scar near her torso on the left side of her adomen (it is about 2 cm in lenth).Avery would be considered quite attractive (However beauty is in the eye of the beholder :P )she has an oval shaped face with slightly prominent cheek bones She has piercing blue eyes and wavy golden hair


Hobbies: Avery love reading and is really intelligent (Her wit is something she is very proud of and will be deeply offended if someone does not agree :3)She doesn't have to many hobbies other than that but she does like singing
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Name: Jack

Age: 17

Grade: varies between B's and C's

Personality:Jack is mostly cocky, he can get a little carried away when he seems to be good at something, he enjoys playing sports and can be somewhat hot-headed sometimes but has his heart in the right place, he can be a jokester too, but knows when to be serious (for the most part) and people have to shut him up sometimes, that begin due to him constantly talking, seeming to not give anybody a break from his constant yapping; He's very popular, and makes up for his somewhat obvious lack of certain knowledge, he likes to make friends, even when he's completely new to a place, that mixed in with his charisma make for a really popular guy, though, unlike a typical jock, he seems to try to be nice to everyone around the school.

Appearance: Jack stands at about 6'2 and has a somewhat muscular build, this due to him constantly training basketball, he has fair skin and a soft fury face, with light brown hair and soft blue eyes. (sorry, i'm not very good with appearance xD )

Hobbies: Jack likes to practice sports and often like to take part in track racing (He is currently training to be the very best of his class, almost getting there) Other than that, Jack likes to cook, but he would never tell a soul.
Name: Luke

Age: 17

Grades: Usually B's and C's

Personality: Luke has always been a very bubbly, bright person. He's always the one to light up a room, even on the worst of days. But once you get to know him, he might not always be as happy as he seems(hint, hint). Luke always has good manners and will try to help anyone in need. Girls often swoon over him because he is such a sweet heart. Luke's never really had a true girlfriend though, despite the fact he can probably get any girl he wants in the whole school. He can also be a loud mouth at times, but he knows how to control himself. He is very easy to get embarrassed though, it's very easy to get him to blush.

Appearance: Luke is more on the taller side, about 6' 1". He has tousled red-orange hair and light green eyes. Luke isn't super built, but he isn't scrawny either. He dresses more on the casual side, usually a band shirt and black skinny jeans will do.

Hobbies: Luke really enjoys making people laugh, and he likes going to the occasional party. He also is a good artist, but doesn't really make a big deal about it. Luke also likes playing the guitar, usually practicing every day.

Is this ok? Again, this is the first time ever doing this so idek if this is actually good or not lol.
Name: Vivian James

Age: 17

Grade: B+'s

Personality: Flirty, sarcastic, and a free spirit, she is nothing like her twin, she is fun vivacious and usually the life of the party, she's also a bit wild and definitely crazy


Family: Her twin sister Dana

Friends: Dana

Significant other: None yet

Likes: Music, cats, Supernatural, and rain. Dislikes : Rude people, hot sauce, and Chick flicks

Hobbies: Reading, singing, blogging, and photography


Name: Dana James

Age: 17

Grade: All A's usually A+'s

Personality: Shy, introverted, and unfriendly, Dana doesn,t really like anyone but her sister, she is the kind of person who is probably making cult sacrifices on Friday nights instead of going out.


Family: Vivian

Friends: Vivian

Significant other: None

Dislikes: Everyone except Vivian.

Hobbies: Reading, helping her sister come up with new ideas for dying her hair, and helping her with her blog
Name: Toby

Age: 15

Grade: Mostly Cs

Personality: Toby is dorky but cute you could say he doesn't really have 'people skills'but he tries his best and though he is not particlarly liked he isn't disliked ether.Toby worries alot about what others think and that usually makes him feel nervous or worried around people mainly girls.He has a great personality and is funny and sweet and can be a bit of a goof ball sometimes.He could be described as eccentric

Appearance: Toby is medium height and has shaggy reddish brown hair that her normally tucks under a black and red fedora hat.He is sort of attractive but isn't your normal six pack into sports kinda guy.He has narrow green eyes and is quite skinny even though he eats alot

he is like this apart from his hair colour


Family: He has to younger twin brothers that are 7 years old they live with his mum and dad on a farm in the countryside. he is staying with his aunt at the moment so he is closer to school

Friends: Monique,Rori and River also his best friend Mike but he lives in his old town

Significant other: Not yet :P

Likes and dislikes: Toby loves video games anime and computers he loves drama (and is amazing at it)and considers himself a bit of a drama geek.He also like lacrosse and thinks its a great sport

He dislikes: School work and homework (All work he is a bit lazy) And arrogance

Hobbies: Drama,Lacrosse,Video games reading comics and he likes hanging out with friends
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(Hope its not to late to jump in?)


Logan McCoy




B's and C's


Logan is an outgoing person with a ton of energy an he usually never knows what to do with it, He's kind and open to just about anyone. If your a new student he would be one of the first people to stop an introduce himself. Logan is part of a well known crowd in school but that doesn't cloud his head, he merely wants to get on with his life an possibly figure himself out. Logan is a charming young man and knows how to use it to his advantage. However Logan's good nature should not fool you, He has a quick temper and is not afraid to use his fists.




(He's in the middle)


Mother: Tracy McCoy

Father: James McCoy


Open for requests.

Significant other:


Likes and dislikes:

Dirt Biking+






Obnoxious people-



Motocross racing

Working out​
((Hope I can still join))

Jared Sadler (Better known as 'Jay')

Age: 17

Grade: As with the very occasional B.

Personality: Jay is funny in his own way, but is pretty reserved and quiet most of the time, due to his extremely difficult back round. When he does speak, its usually either a witty or rhetorical response to something or a factual answer to a question aimed at him. He is really new to the school (he joined in this year) , which is one of the reasons he is so withdrawn. He is a great guy once you have become good friends with him and he trusts you, but it takes a good while to get to that point. He has a great talent for academics, especially computers, but has a sort of hidden talent for European Football, which is his favorite sport and one of the things he loves most, as well as MMA fighting, which he has been doing since he was a kid.



Mom - Monica Sadler (Deceased). Dad - Roger Sadler (Deceased). Brother - Matthew Sadler, 24 Year old accountant who is extremely close to Jared since their parents died when they Matt was 23 and Jay was 16.

Friends: None, he is new at the school.

Significant other: None

Likes and dislikes: Likes - European Football, MMA, computer technology and books. Dislikes - Jocks, jokes about any form of death and hunting for sport.

Hobbies: European football, MMA, computers, music and reading.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-12_18-20-11.jpeg.c7a89de3aa84f78eee14f9f20d11694c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52208" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-12_18-20-11.jpeg.c7a89de3aa84f78eee14f9f20d11694c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[hopefully i'm not too late to join... :'D]



Monique "Nique [pronouced as Neek]" Eleanor Matthews




A's and B's


She's quite nerdy and a little bit shy but can be the best friend you'll ever have! She's a very caring girl who likes to sing and read books. She might seem like your average nerdy-shy girl, but she can also be tough as a rock when it comes to sports. She is a very talented girl, she is mostly in musicals and plays along with being in a Martial Arts team outside of school. Her appearance make her look fragile when she can easily lock you down on an arm bar submission if you dare to try to even hurt her. She is not also athletic and a bit smart which makes her seem so perfect, but she stutters and gets nervous a lot. The thing about her, is that you might find her either training for any kind of sports or in the library either studying or reading to clear off boredom. She's the good girl in her group of friends (when she gets some), and she isn't the one to do rebellious things but can be a bit rebellious at times when needed.





She is an only child but tends to talk to her cousin Samara a lot with her problems etc...

And her parents aren't always home so she is very responsible being able to do things her self.


River, Toby, and Rori.






cheaters/bullies/liars/show-offs/spiders/appearance judging/getting labelled


singing/acting/martial-arts/soccer/running/reading/writing stories
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chasingshadows said:
[hopefully i'm not too late to join... :'D]


Monique "Nique [pronouced as Neek]" Eleanor Matthews




A's and B's


She's quite nerdy and shy but can be the best friend you'll ever have! She's a very caring girl who likes to sing and read books. She might seem like your average nerdy-shy girl, but she can also be tough as a rock when it comes to sports. She is a very talented girl, she is mostly in musicals and plays along with being in a Martial Arts team outside of school. Her appearance make her look fragile when she can easily lock you down on an arm bar submission if you dare to try to even hurt her. She is not also athletic and a bit smart which makes her seem so perfect, but she stutters and gets nervous a lot. The thing about her, is that you might find her either training for any kind of sports or in the library either studying or reading to clear off boredom. She's the good girl in her group of friends (when she gets some), and she isn't the one to do rebellious things but can be a bit rebellious at times when needed.





She is an only child but tends to talk to her cousin Samara a lot with her problems etc...


Open for friend requests :)






cheaters/bullies/liars/show-offs/spiders/appearance judging/getting labelled


singing/acting/martial-arts/soccer/running/reading/writing stories
Of course, accepted!

We're not too far in yet, so please, post whenever you want!
Name: river

Age: 17

Grade: junior

Personality: river is a quiet layed back guy who will always come off as cold and heartless when you first meet him but after a while he becomes a sweet caring boy that will look out for you no matter what. A lot of people call him emo for the way he dresses and acts

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.50f049af01f233d1e32b3dcc7fd530d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52322" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.50f049af01f233d1e32b3dcc7fd530d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Family: had a sister

Friends: none yet

Significant other:

Likes and dislikes:

Likes: sweets, music, bein around nice people, slow quiet rainy days, being close to his girlfreind when he has one

Dislikes: snotty people, bully's

Hobbies: drawing every once in a while used to be part of the kendo and martial arts club at his old school



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[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]
Name: river
Age: 17

Grade: junior

Personality: river is a quiet layed back guy who will always come off as cold and heartless when you first meet him but after a while he becomes a sweet caring boy that will look out for you no matter what. A lot of people call him emo for the way he dresses and acts

Appearance: View attachment 119880

Family: had a sister

Friends: none yet

Significant other:

Likes and dislikes:

Likes: sweets, music, bein around nice people, slow quiet rainy days, being close to his girlfreind when he has one

Dislikes: snotty people, bully's



You can post whenever you want!



Rori Adams.






Rori is very funny and sarcastic. She is usually nice but will be jokingly mean around very good friends.

Likes and dislikes:

Rori likes to have movie nights, she grabs a bowl of popcorn, puts on her pajamas and watches Netflix. Pretty simple. She dislikes people swarming her. At her old school people would always be around her, asking questions, grabbing her arm, playing with her hair etc. She hated this, it made her feel very uncomfortable because she barely knew any of the people.


Rori likes to sing and hang out with her closest friends.


Monique, Toby, River.


Any spelling errors will be fixed.



[QUOTE="Ember Miles]Name: Vivian James
Age: 17

Grade: B+'s

Personality: Flirty, sarcastic, and a free spirit, she is nothing like her twin, she is fun vivacious and usually the life of the party, she's also a bit wild and definitely crazy


Her twin sister Dana

Friends: Dana

Significant other: None yet

Likes: Music, cats, Supernatural, and rain. Dislikes : Rude people, hot sauce, and Chick flicks

Hobbies: Reading, singing, blogging, and photography


Name: Dana James

Age: 17

Grade: All A's usually A+'s

Personality: Shy, introverted, and unfriendly, Dana doesn,t really like anyone but her sister, she is the kind of person who is probably making cult sacrifices on Friday nights instead of going out.



Friends: Vivian

Significant other: None

Everyone except Vivian.

Hobbies: Reading, helping her sister come up with new ideas for dying her hair, and helping her with her blog

Dana is literally me. "Making cult sacrifices on Friday nights instead of going out."
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