High school romance

Name: Jethro Hudson

Age: 18

Grade: 12

Jethro is generally a quiet and reserved individual. However, when he does talk he is very blunt, seeing no reason to sugar coat things. This can make it rather hard for him to make friends as expected. He is very protective and loyal to those he cares about and will do what he can for them. He hides a very caring and compassionate side but he reserves that only for the girl of his dreams. He carries a high sense of morality and right and wrong. His training in self-defense has kept him very fit and he is well trained. However, despite this he does not like fighting. When tension arises. he does his best to talk people and their tempers down but he will fight if it comes to it. Although, he prefers it as a last resort.



Family: None

Friends: He generally is a lone wolf however that does not mean he isn't open to having friends.

Significant other: None at present


-Law Enforcement Classes

-Studying Self Defense




-Protecting People




-People who think they are above others

-Criminal Acts





Hobbies: He takes classes that will guide him towards a career in Law Enforcement because that is the career he wants for himself. He is also studying as many forms of self defense as he can. He is also skilled enough in some styles of Martial Arts that he teaches classes and doing that allows him to pay for renting an apartment. This helps since he has no living family to speak of.
ModernRanger said:
Name: Jethro Hudson
Age: 18

Grade: 12

Jethro is generally a quiet and reserved individual. However, when he does talk he is very blunt, seeing no reason to sugar coat things. This can make it rather hard for him to make friends as expected. He is very protective and loyal to those he cares about and will do what he can for them. He hides a very caring and compassionate side but he reserves that only for the girl of his dreams. He carries a high sense of morality and right and wrong. His training in self-defense has kept him very fit and he is well trained. However, despite this he does not like fighting. When tension arises. he does his best to talk people and their tempers down but he will fight if it comes to it. Although, he prefers it as a last resort.



Family: None

Friends: He generally is a lone wolf however that does not mean he isn't open to having friends.

Significant other: None at present


-Law Enforcement Classes

-Studying Self Defense




-Protecting People




-People who think they are above others

-Criminal Acts





Hobbies: He takes classes that will guide him towards a career in Law Enforcement because that is the career he wants for himself. He is also studying as many forms of self defense as he can. He is also skilled enough in some styles of Martial Arts that he teaches classes and doing that allows him to pay for renting an apartment. This helps since he has no living family to speak of.
Accepted! Post when you like.

Friedrich Stark

Age: 16

Varies between A, B and in worst C

Personality: On first sight Friedrich is a somewhat cool and self contained person but after you know him, Friedrich was a very funny and easy going which sometime can be cocky and sarcastic. He was very skilled in Technology, as he was able to create his first A.I program in the high school. He also skilled in using weaponry, his uncle is a soldier which sometime bring him to shooting range. However beside his weaponry skills, he doesn't have any martial arts skills that give him a lack in physical defense. He was a kind of law breaking person which was caught for tressprassing some goverment area in the age of 13 and also caught for speeding in the age of 15.

Family: Friedrich doesn't hang much with his family, his mother and father both are too busy by their jobs. He has siblings however, 2 sisters and one baby brother but he doesn't get along with them either

Friends: Naya, Steve, Victor, Bella

Significant other: None at the moment

Likes :

- Any kind of Technology

- Chess

- Guns and other military things

- Girls


- Running

- Rules

- Bare Hands Fighting

- Biology

Hobbies: Programming, Shooting, Archery, Driving
Ultron said:

Friedrich Stark

Age: 16

Varies between A, B and in worst C

Personality: On first sight Friedrich is a somewhat cool and self contained person but after you know him, Friedrich was a very funny and easy going which sometime can be cocky and sarcastic. He was very skilled in Technology, as he was able to create his first A.I program in the high school. He also skilled in using weaponry, his uncle is a soldier which sometime bring him to shooting range. However beside his weaponry skills, he doesn't have any martial arts skills that give him a lack in physical defense. He was a kind of law breaking person which was caught for tressprassing some goverment area in the age of 13 and also caught for speeding in the age of 15.

Family: Friedrich doesn't hang much with his family, his mother and father both are too busy by their jobs. He has siblings however, 2 sisters and one baby brother but he doesn't get along with them either

Friends: Naya, Steve, Victor, Bella

Significant other: None at the moment

Likes :

- Any kind of Technology

- Chess

- Guns and other military things

- Girls


- Running

- Rules

- Bare Hands Fighting

- Biology

Hobbies: Programming, Shooting, Archery, Driving
Great job! Friederich is accepted, start posting whenever you want!
Name: Ailee Kwon



Ailee is one of those girls who are cute, bubbly, and carefree. She is always energetic and happy, even when bad things have happened.


She isn't very close with her parents because they are always in South Korea managing kpop stars. Has an older brother that moved to London.

Will reveal while rping

Significant other:
none at the moment

Likes and dislikes:


-playing the guitar

-being with her bandmates

-the actor Sung Joon



-classical music

-being put down

-playing sports


-watching Korean Drama

-Listening to Korean Pop

-Practicing and Perform with bandmates

-Practice acting lines

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