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Realistic or Modern High School Mellodrama

Bri pulls her car into the parking lot and sits inside of it for a few minutes before getting out and heading towards the school. She avoids everyone and heads straight to her locker. @CocoForRealz
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Freya hurries to the main doors of the school, lattè in hand, furiously trying not to splash the warm coffee on anyone. She had just arrived from the cafè around the corner from school. She was now late, which was something she had always despised since she was a little girl. Freya paced through the hallway to get to her locker. After finally arriving on the third floor after climbing up the endless amount of steps, she reached her locker and carefully tried to insert her combination without spilling the coffee. Of course, just as she opened it, the cup slipped out of her reach and splatted on the floor underneath her locker. "Shit!" she mumbled as she attempted to clean up the hot liquid that stained the ground and her pants.
Bri sees what happens and quickly runs over, and says "I have an extra pair of jeans in my locker if you'd want them!"
"Really? Ugh, thank you so much." Freya replies to the girl, letting out a sigh of relief. She throws the now empty cup in the garbage can.
Bri grabs her bag and leads the new girl to the bathroom where she hands her the jeans, "Here ya go. I'm Bri by the way." She says with a smile
After following her to the bathroom at the end of the hallway, Freya happily takes the jeans from the girl. "Thank you so much for the pants." Freya politely says. "I'm Freya, and it's nice to meet you. I don't think I've ever seen you before."
"I tend to stick to myself." I say with a smile, "I hardly ever leave the art department"
Freya laughs. "I've only been here for a few months, so I'm still getting used to meeting everyone here."
"Yeah, from who I've met so far, everyone seems quite nice." she smiles. "I think the bell might ring soon, so I'd better change quickly. Which class do you have first?"
Kyle walked down the hall of the high school, with his posse behind. It was during these times that he felt he could do anything. He grinned and walked a new gait in his step.

"I rule this damn school!" He smirked. His posse laughed and followed behind, like pack members following the alpha. The bell was about to ring when he spotted a small guy with glasses.

He made his way towards him and frowned. "Who the hell are you, punk?!"

The scrawny guy, held his books in front of him and whimpered at Kyle's gaze. "I-I'm Brady. I'm new." He stammered.

Kyle looked him over and slammed him into a locker. "Stay out of my way, I'm uncultured!"

He jeered as his 'little' group laughed at his comment.
"I have Geometry." Bri groans softly and then a few minutes later we walk out into the hallway, where they witness Kyle's doing. "Ugh not agan." Bri groans and then walks towards Kyle, "Put him down Kyle!" She yells and glares at him
Kyle glared at Bri with distaste, "Chill on me," He turned towards his group and grinned, "I haven't done anything. right guys?"

His group chirped an affirmative and he smiled cockily. "See." He pushed past her, "Now, leave me alone. I'm late for class." His group laughed and they followed suit.
Bri shakes her head and looks at Freya, "and that was our local caveman!" She says laughing
Freya frowns at Kyle and his posse. She had always seen them around the hallways and felt slightly intimidated by them. She stood behind Brittany, watching as they walked away. She turned to her with a questioning look on her face. "Who even is he?" Freya asks.
"That is kyle, he thinks he's king because he's slightly good on the football field." I explain and I walk with her to her first class. "Wish me luck because I have my first class with him." I say laughing and then say goodbye to her, walking into my class late
Kyle grabbed his books and headed to his Biology101 class, most of his posse parted ways due to differing classes, but he didn't mind. Almost everyone feared him, except Bri. Oh, how he hated Bri. One of the only people in the school that did not fear, or respect him.

She was pretty, but weird, which was one of the only reasons she wasn't popular. He frowned as he quickly slipped in Mrs. Bertace's first period class, barely avoiding the warning bell.
Bri walks into her class five minutes late and the teacher goes to scold her but Bri pulls out a fake pass from her back pocket. "I was showing around a lost freshman." She lies through her teeth and then walks to the back of the room where he lab partner, Kyle, was taking up an unessacary amount of space. "Excuse me..." She says and slams her bag onto the table.
Kyle yawns, albeit dramatically, and stretches his arm. One his arms slides Bri's bag cleanly off of the desk. He bats his eyes innocently and smirks, "Sorry, my bad."

The class echoes with laughter, and the teacher quickly gets them quiet with a loud reprimand.
Freya laughed as she walked to her first period class, English. She hurried down the hall, her boots clicking as her feet took large steps to the classroom. After finally arriving to class, she sat down in her desk and rested her head on her arm. Today was going to be a long day. She thought about the people she had met this morning as her English teacher dragged on about the novel they would be reading next week. She liked Brittany, and although she seemed a bit odd, she thought she was extremely kind. Kyle, on the other hand, gave off an asshole vibe. Freya thought he was very cute, but he was intimidating. Freya let out a sigh as English class continued to bore her to death.
"Wow! You're ego sure takes a lot of room!" Bri chortles and replaces her bag on the table and pulls out her homework, and checks her phone and reads a text that obviously leaves her saddened, "well fuck.." She whispers softly and then looks at the ground. She couldn't afford to have Kyle see her upset. He'd make fun of her.
Kyle snickers at her comment, but says nothing. His gaze lands at his biology teacher as she rambles on and on about mitosis and meiosis. He yawns and looks back at Bri, who was on her phone. He leaned back to see what she was reading, but Bri quickly slips it back in her bag. He opens his mouth to say something mean to her, when he notices her saddened expression.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks, fifty percent curiosity, ten percent arrogance, and forty percent compassion.
"Nothing. Just nothing." I mumble and then begin to write down more notes. My boyfriend had just dumped me, over text. Who does that? I was going to see him during school, yet he still ends it with a text message? I sigh again and notice a tear drop hit my paper.
Kyle keeps quiet the rest of the period, strangely staring at the desk and frowning. When the second period bell rang, he stood up quickly gathered his belongings and headed to his locker, to grab his World History books.

He had heard that the new girl from earlier would be in his class. He had caught a glimpse of her today when he was messing with that nerd boy, and to be honest she was fine.

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