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Realistic or Modern High School? How about no... {Always Accepting}

Looking confused "yea sure okay, you know what I'll uh see you around. Gotta go find my locker anyway." Luna walks off.
Luna went down the halls until stopping at locker 1856. Twisting in her combination and then shoving her backpack inside. She grabbed the only supply she brought, a single pencil and put it in her jacket pocket. Then whipped out her phone and began texting her foster brother.
Kirai Du

Kirai wondered the halls a bit, flirting with a few girls along the way but they weren't that cute, till he actually arrived at his locker. He pulled out his periwinkle backpack and stuck all the supplies he needed for now. "Shit i forgot my schedule." He growled under his breath and headed back to the main office to see a guy play air guitar by the entrance. Kirai shrugged and walked into the office. Once there he went to the D's section and flipped through the papers. He grabbed the schedule that said Du on the top and headed out the office. He saw a cute girl with white hair walk past him and smirked. "This year may not be so bad..."
Mai yawned as she got out of bed. She immediately woke up when she noticed that it was the first day if school! She got dressed in her best outfit.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2708fbcb20cff747176eeeff02e408721441738840_full.jpg.83e71d81dbc81faebf8dfb2ee5e49e1d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112323" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2708fbcb20cff747176eeeff02e408721441738840_full.jpg.83e71d81dbc81faebf8dfb2ee5e49e1d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/efa23d12ad693dad0b9eb417a2d78827.jpg.8bf983a8d95eaf291292077a0cc72b09.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112324" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/efa23d12ad693dad0b9eb417a2d78827.jpg.8bf983a8d95eaf291292077a0cc72b09.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

once she was ready she headed down stairs and ate breakfast. She was so excited, she was practically vibrating! She wasn't just excited for school, school = friends. It also = volleyball!! She ignored the worried looks her parents were giving her and finished her breakfast. "...uh, Mai, are you OK?" Her father asked. "Yes! Of course!" She noticed how she accidentally yelled that out, so she calmed down. "Yes. I am excited." She looked at both her parents, all the excitement was washed off her face and she looked as calm as ever. "Ok, well I guess I will drive you to scho-" he didn't even get to finish that sentence before Mai had grabbed her backpack and rushed out the door, yelling a goodbye to her mother. Mrs. Tachibana chuckled and kissed her husband on the cheek. "Well you better get going before she rolls down the hill." Mr. Tachibana sighed while he grabbed the car keys and headed after his daughter.

Mr. Tachibana rode up to school in a nice red Thunderbird. Mai jumped out and kissed him on the cheek before walking calmly into school. This place wasn't too bad. There weren't as many kids around yet. Mai made her way to the office. She saw a boy...playing an imaginary guitar. The moment she saw him her heart went doki doki! (I couldn't help myself sue me) he was cute and he played the guitar!...imaginary or not. Mai noticed that she had been standing there like an idiot just gawking at the boy so she had to think of something cool to say! "...u-uh um what song are you playing?" She asked. 'Nailed it!'




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Jason ran a hand through his hair and looked around. He noticed some people watching him but just flashed a smile and looked away. Just then a girl approached him. While he was listening to the song fairly loudly he was just able to make out what she said. He pulled a bud out. "Good Charlotte's The Anthem. Ever hear of them? They're punk I suppose and were more popular like ten years ago but I like them." He smiled and held out his hand. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Jason."

@Magical Squid Senpai
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"YES! Great band!" He said, a bit too loud.

He put his headphones in and casually walked away after that. Awkward, much?

He ran into Micah, coming in from the warm August day.

It had been a bit cold lately, what a great change.

Micah made eye contact, smiling, though he continued walking.
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Eve noticed a boy looking at her as he walked past, she smiled and looked away before remembering he had just seen without his schedule. Before the boy got to far away she stopped him. "Hey," She said, touching the boys arm from behind. "Could you help me?" She asked. Realizing how weird this must be she quickly pulled back her arm and added "Of course you don't have to..." Her voiced trailed of a little bit. She noticed the boy was only about an inch or so taller than her, and he looked kind of, different, compared to everyone else. She looked at the ground and brushed the hair out of her face, trying to act cool.

Danni sat in class as he noticed a red headed girl walking in shortly after him. He brushed off the thought that she would sit by him, both relieved and disappointed by it. He shook his head so his hair would get out of his eyes and turned his music up all the way. After a minute he got out his notebook and started writing a story that he had been working on for a while.

Luna angrily slammed her phone shut and growled under her breath. Shutting her locker, she started marching around school looking for her first class. She noticed a lot of people around the halls and her fury quieted down as she got shy. Wrapping her arms around herself, she kept walking.
Mai had absolutely no clue who that band was. But that was because she listened to a bunch of anime openings and really old music! "I've never heard of them but they sound interesting!" She shook his hand, "It's nice to meet you. My name is Mai!" She let go of his hand and smiled at him. "So you play guitar? I do too!"

'Do I? I can't remember right now!'

"Being able to make music is the best!"

After a while, the two found they were placed in the same class.

A room, though pretty bare, could entirely function as a math class.

As Micah looked at the seating chart, his heart raced to see that Evan was placed beside him.

Was this fate? Maybe.

Finally, he had a chance to bug his boyfriend.

Evan walked into the classroom.

"Oh... Hi?" He said to a happy-looking Micah.

"Hi! You sit next to me, love." Micah said.

He got a muffled reply to this.

"Sorry." Was all Micah could say.

They sat in the middle of the desk configuration.

Currently, the two were the only ones in there.

((I'm off, sorry guys I'm kinda sick. I'll be on later.))
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Luna eventually gave up on trying to find her class on her own and decided it was time for help. She saw a guy walking past her and called out to him " Hey! Can you help me? I can't find my Chemistry class." @Aero
Jason was about to say something when someone walking by yelled out 'YES! Great band!' he stared for a second then turned his attention back to the girl standing in front of him. "I agree. Music is....what's the word I'm looking for?....a doorway to the life and emotions of the writer and the soul of the singer. That is if the song is any good." he smiled. "So Mai, what grade are you in? I'm a junior." He said putting his headphones away. He wondered why he had never met this girl before now, but was unsure whether or not it would be rude to ask.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Luna gave up trying to get his attention and walked away. Just her freaking luck, new school, not a single genuine nice face. Well, back to roaming the halls.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nsgwcamf0a1rab5nto1_250.gif.62a4174024dbef5b7fde4de606476a7a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nsgwcamf0a1rab5nto1_250.gif.62a4174024dbef5b7fde4de606476a7a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aaron (Changing his appearance to this^)

Aaron arrived at school a little later than everyone else, getting out of his lifted Chevy Duramax and walking into the school. He definitely did not want to be here. He sighed, walking to his locker as he began to put stuff in it.




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The bell was about to ring and Luna was still lost. Seeing someone else nearby, she walked over. Hopefully he knew where her class was. "Excuse me, but I'm really lost do you know where the Chemistry Lab is?" @youngin
Mai fidgeted with strap of her backpack. That line he said about music, it was cheesy, totally true, and wow. "Wow that smi-I grade too! I'm a Junior too." 'Nice save!' Tried to hide the embarrassing blush. "I haven't noticed you before. Last year I was so caught up in Volleyball practice that I barely talked to anyone off the court!"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nri1d8jcOR1uzmxeeo1_250.gif.5df4f015e9d47442a263074fc3ee9dec.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nri1d8jcOR1uzmxeeo1_250.gif.5df4f015e9d47442a263074fc3ee9dec.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Aaron turned to look at the girl. "Yeah, room C 11." He said and shut his locker, taking off his sunglasses as he began to walk to his class, World History.



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Luna watched him walk off, "thanks then" she said quietly and ran to class. She slipped into a seat in the back right as the bell rang
When the bell rang, Shinoa just up and went to her class, whatever it was. If there was anything she was looking forward to, it was lunch time. Quietly, she entered her class room and sat down at the seat closest to the front of the room. Her Phone was set to Do Not Disturb, as the young woman was very dedicated to her Academics. Setting her bag down, she grabbed a fresh notebook and a pen, ready to be attentive for class, even though it was just the first day.
(Is anyone still here or did everyone clock out for the night?)
The Chem teacher started going on and on about notes 'It's the first damn day!' Luna mumbled to herself angrily. The teacher said they would need paper, crap, she forgot hers. She noticed a girl at the front. "pssssstttt!" @Shimakage Thunder "hey! Psssstt!"
Agitated, Shinoa turned around to see another girl. Exhaling through her nose, she proceeded to ask the girl what she wanted. "What do you want?" she asked, not amused by how the girl tried to get her attention. @Jasil
Luna flashed her best smile " Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could have a sheet of paper, see I was a bit um, occupied This morning and forgot to bring some." Resting her head on her hands, Luna tried to act lovable enough, but obviously this chick wasn't taking it.

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