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Realistic or Modern High School? How about no... {Always Accepting}

"Hey, Mr...?"

"Winchester." The teacher responded, giving her a warm smile.

Raven nodded, looking at her schedule. "Yea, it says you're my homeroom, do you know where my second period, Mr.Parabiti is?" She asked confused, looking around at the other students. "Yes, its down the hall to your left. Do you have a doctors note for your absence?" He asked. Raven smiled warmly and booked it to second period as fast as she could.


Alicia waved as the girl left and she walked to her science lab.

She took a seat in the back of the classroom, a perfect place not to get noticed... But sometimes if the teacher is extra pissed off he'll intentionally try to make the "loner kids" answer questions. Alicia always hated that about teachers, but its just hell that every teenager gets put through.

Taking out her notebook she scrolls through the pages until Alicia finds an empty page to write on.
"Interesting morning for you then?" Jason smiled trying to make a joke. "Nice to meet you Luna. I'm headed to Musical Arts, you?" Jason checked his watch again and shrugged. He didn't mind being late. Most teachers knew him and liked him so they didn't mind if he was late once in a while, plus it was the first day.

Luna laughed, thinking about her morning. "Same here Jason, and I'm headed to musical arts too. What a coincidence." She giggled again and displayed her schedule for Jason to see. She wondered if they had anymore classes together. @PenguinFox
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"Well then, shall we be off?" Jason said bowing theatrically. He laughed a little and started walking. "So Luna, what do you do for fun?" he asked casually. He noticed he was running his hand through his hair again and mentally scolded himself.

Luna laughed and walked beside Jason "Well, I like to make sketches, write, play a violin and I love to travel, have adventures and parties. I don't know, I guess I'm stuck between a nerd and someone actually cool." Luna shrugged "What about you J?"

Jason laughed "We're all a bit nerdy somewhat right? Everyone's got something they nerd out over. Staying who you are is what makes someone cool to me. As for what I do? Music mostly. That's why I'm taking this class. I play, guitar mostly these days, but other things too. I also do some boarding. I'd probably be the stereotype for a band in the 90's and early 2000's. Playing guitar, skating and just trying to have fun. That's what my life consists of." Jason reflected for a moment on his lifestyle choice and decided it was good enough for him. "You said you're a partier. Like a serious partier?" He smiled knowing the kind of parties that went on in his neighborhood. They were standard middle class suburbia parties but he couldn't think of anything better.

Luna liked this guy, good interests.

"I really don't care, as long as I'm having fun, any party is great. I go to parties whenever I can so I guess you could say I'm serious about it. But name a kind of party and I could go to it. I'm not picky. But dancing at them is definitely fun." Luna twirled on her heels as they walked when she said Dancing. She laughed at herself and secretly hoped Jason didn't find her crazy.
Jason smiled. "Do you do any dancing outside of parties? Like ballet or something?" There was something about this girl that intrigued him but he wasn't quite sure what. He debated on whether or not he wanted to invite her to the party his sister was having. She had said to invite anyone and everyone he wanted to. He bit his lip in thought

"No, despite my love of things like dancing and singing, I'm dreadful at them. But life is about fun, not being perfect. Oh by the way, does this school have a Drama club? There isn't a drama class I could sign up for but I didn't know if there was a club." Luna stopped at the door of their class and looked at Jason right in his eyes curiously. She noticed him biting his lip, cute, she thought @PenguinFox
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Micah and Evan both zoned out quite a bit.

Evan walked to his next class, getting back into the boring rhythms of school.

People laughing, backpacks jingling, locker doors slamming...




But it was still high school.

He headed to his next class, science.

Micah was pretty excited, eyeing every single change with curiousity. He was itching to say hi to nearly everyone he saw.

Life was just so interesting!

The same old rhythms echo in the halls, laughter, life, progression.

He wanted to see Evan though.

It's like someone once said, if you think about someone more than three times a day, you could be in love with him.

His next class was drama.
Raven sat down and started chewing on her pencil, deep in thought and inadvertently staring straight at someone.

Everything in the universe is either a potato...or not a potato. Whaaaat? Thats so cool. I wonder if shrek gets annoyed if he's clean? Well what even is Shreks definition of clean, I mean he is an oger, he takes mud baths. So does he consider that clean or dirty? So does that mean that by him being clean he's dirty and by being dirty he's clean??? So does that mean im dirty??? So that means im clean minded??? So I eat dirty potatos??? Raven heard her teacher begin to speak and she rolled her eyes, looking down and deciding to doodle a Shrek potato, a shrektato.
Shinoa looked forward to drama class. Although it did not seem likely because she was so stoic half the time, she is not devoid of compassion or emotion. She also signed up for the class for the chance at an easy A+ and to have some relaxation from her other classes, some of which were advanced. Next Semester though, she had intended to take Running Start, where she goes to Community College to take classes in place of High School classes. As she entered Drama, she just sat down in one of the front row seats, quiet as usual.
Jean Blackwood

Jean had her eyes glued to her laptop screen sitting by her locker in the hallway. It was Study Hall and her teacher didn't really care where her students were as long as they showed up for rollcall and come back into the room before the bell rings to act like she actually did anything. Jean kept a cautious eye at the time as she typed away on her brainstorming document in Word. She glanced at students who walk past her from time to time as a break from the screen. Jean decided to take one of those breaks and rubbed her eyes a bit. She remembered the one boy with the headphones from her English class and thought about how he was writing something. "Maybe he's a writer too... Darn I should've talked to him!" She scolded herself louder than she meant to.
(When the person your chatting with disappears :/ )
Jae got off his car when he arrived at the school. He was mentally berating himself for coming to school late and missing a few class(what period is it). So he opened the school door and went in, maybe he should check in with the librarian first? Yeah, he should, he needed to read a book that he couldn't read last year. He walked through the hallways, heading toward the library, actually seeing no students in the hallway. He though he would had seen some but it looked like the guidance had enough time to send everyone a schedule except for him, that was so troublesome but it wasn't gonna bother him at all, once he left library he was gonna go to the guidance office to get at copy. @Anyone
Jae got off his car when he arrived at the school. He was mentally berating himself for coming to school late and missing a few class(what period is it). So he opened the school door and went in, maybe he should check in with the librarian first? Yeah, he should, he needed to read a book that he couldn't read last year. He walked through the hallways, heading toward the library, actually seeing no students in the hallway. He though he would had seen some but it looked like the guidance had enough time to send everyone a schedule except for him, that was so troublesome but it wasn't gonna bother him at all, once he left library he was gonna go to the guidance office to get at copy. @Anyone
((I think im the only one awake so you might have to settle for less))

Raven liked drama, her one wish if she didnt end up in a band was to be an actress. But today she just wasn't feeling it.

"I have to go to the bathroom." She announced, standing up and walking out. She was probably gonna hang down at the skate park with the other class skippers, and that was perfectly fine with her. She walked down the corridor and chuckled when Boulevard Of Broken Dreams came on. "How appropriate." She murmured, looking up and then -BAM- collision. She ran into another student with long brown hair and fell on her ass, papers falling everywhere.
TheRebelAngel said:
((I think im the only one awake so you might have to settle for less))
Raven liked drama, her one wish if she didnt end up in a band was to be an actress. But today she just wasn't feeling it.

"I have to go to the bathroom." She announced, standing up and walking out. She was probably gonna hang down at the skate park with the other class skippers, and that was perfectly fine with her. She walked down the corridor and chuckled when Boulevard Of Broken Dreams came on. "How appropriate." She murmured, looking up and then -BAM- collision. She ran into another student with long brown hair and fell on her ass, papers falling everywhere.
Jae caught himself before he could fall down, yikes, that would had been very bad, he didn't want to fall on top of her or on his ass. He bended down and started grabbing all of the papers before looking at her with a smile. "Are you alright." He asked once he stood up before holding out his hand toward her. "Here, let me help you stand." He said her.
Raven was still slightly dazed and she looked at him confused until it all came rushing back to her. "Oh, crap I- Uh yea, thanks." She stumbled out, grabbing his hand and pulling herself up, adjusting her headset and picking her journal back up. "Thanks, for helping me." She said, picking up the loose papers that had scattered everywhere.
Jason smiled "There is indeed a drama club. We are always looking for members too, are you interested?" Jason was a part of drama club since freshman year. It was something he really loved doing. While the club wasn't funded by the school like the musicals were they made do. Sometimes the plays were even student written.

TheRebelAngel said:
Raven was still slightly dazed and she looked at him confused until it all came rushing back to her. "Oh, crap I- Uh yea, thanks." She stumbled out, grabbing his hand and pulling herself up, adjusting her headset and picking her journal back up. "Thanks, for helping me." She said, picking up the loose papers that had scattered everywhere.
Jae chuckles a little bit before holding out the paper he had picked up for her. "Better be careful, don't want to hurt yourself next time, right?" He said to her while also adding the last thing as a question. He really didn't like when someone bumped into him but he used to it, so he didn't comment on it.
"Yea, my bad I wasn't paying attention." Raven said, sliding her phone in her back pocket. "Where were you off to?" She asked curiously.

You know the longer you stay in the building the more likely you'll get caught?

Yes I know that shut up.
TheRebelAngel said:
"Yea, my bad I wasn't paying attention." Raven said, sliding her phone in her back pocket. "Where were you off to?" She asked curiously.
You know the longer you stay in the building the more likely you'll get caught?

Yes I know that shut up.
Jae rubbed his head. That was an embarrassing thing to answer. "I was heading off to get a copy of my schedule before heading to the library, kinda just came from home." He told her. He had been late because of his dad, having to help him set up breakfast while waiting for him to wake up.

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