High-school For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

DemiDragon666 said:
Full Name: Magnolia Harlowe Highland
Nickname: Maggie, Harlie

Age: 16, actually 783

Race: Half-faerie dragon

Appearance: Magnolia has light creamy skin, long blonde hair that reaches her mid-thighs, and light blue or green eyes. Magnolia's faerie dragon heritage is shown quite obviously in her appearance. Her eyes often change color and have a prismatic shimmery quality to them. She also has large butterfly wings that extend from her back, sort of clear and translucent in parts, very shimmery and colorful and prismatic. If you look very close, the butterfly wings are covered in tiny miniscule scales, and if she likes you enough to let you touch them, they are soft and feathery to the touch. She will occasionally dye her hair a pretty and unnatural color with natural dyes she creates herself, and she can empty her hair of the color when she is done with the color and wants her regular hair back. Magnolia stands at about 5'7" and is very slender with some curves.

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Pictures of Magnolia(wings- mixed)

Magnolia has a very open, friendly, free-love personality. She is very kind and can always be seen with a smile on her face. Magnolia always loves meeting new people and has a very calm and welcoming demeanor. She also loves nature and is always outdoors. However, Magnolia also has a very outgoing and playful attitude, and looks at life with the mottos of "live life to the fullest" and "live and let live". Her faerie dragon genetics also show in her personality. She is very fun-loving and mischievous, and loves playing jokes and pranks on people. Although she plays pranks on people, they are never meant in ill-will in any way, they are always meant to be friendly and to make everyone laugh. Magnolia is very accepting of all peoples no matter what, and never judges someone before getting to know them. Her friends often appreciate her 'open ears and no comment' mindset. They often go to her for help and sage advice on whatever problems they have, and appreciate knowing that she won't judge them based on their situation.

Backstory: Magnolia's mother was a faerie dragon and the one who raised her. She taught Magnolia how to use her powers and different things they could do. She knew she couldn't teach her daughter everything, and knew that she probably had other powers that would emerge from her father's side, but she did her best to prepare her daughter. After Magnolia's mother was killed, she just drifted until she found this school and enrolled. She still harbors a special place in her heart for her mother, the only family she ever had, but has learned to move past the anger and tears and focus on all of the beautiful moments they shared. She isn't sure how long she will lives, but knows it will be ages longer than she's already lived and sees no point in living it in a perpetual state of grief.

Skill: Magnolia loves to sing and whistle, and enjoys learning new languages and and has a special talent for it, she also loves drawing and painting- especially nature scenes

Power: she can bring out claws and fangs to use as natural weapons, she can speak to animals and plants, she can fly(butterfly wings), she has empathy with nature and anyone important to her

Pet: 2 pseudodragons, Eros and Hartlie, and a baby ferret named Rainie. Eros is a full grown pseudodragon with metallic dark silver iron scales and black-dark gray glittering eyes. Hartlie "Hart" is a baby pseudodragon who has light pinkish red strawberry colored scales and yellow eyes. Eros has sort of adopted Hartlie as his own baby and watches over her to make sure she's safe. Rainie is very mischievous and has a personality that matches her Magnolia's, and got her name from when Magnolia found her orphaned in the rain and saved her. Rainie has typical brown and cream ferret coloring and adorable big dark eyes that have a rogueish sparkle to them.

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Eros, Hart, Rainie
Magnolia is accepted

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LOLMAN101 said:

Name: Caden Maddox

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 18

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral/Evil

What kind of being you are: Corrupted Human


Undetectable liar

Plays Piano

Decent Swordsman


Darkness Manipulation - http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Darkness_Manipulation

Demonization -

Reanimation -

Hell-Fire Manipulation -

Inner Beast -

Likes: Sushi, Electronic Music, Video Games, and working out

Dislikes: Angles, Country Music, Children, Die hard religious people

Personality: After Sheoxaro came into his life his personality was changed into a scale of good and evil. he could be a nice, joyful, and caring man or he could be a cunning, deceitful, and aggressive monster.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



(He has two wings though)



Bio: Sheoxaro once was one of the most powerful demons in hell so powerful in fact the Devil himself sent him to earth to kick start a war between angles and demons but something went terribly wrong. Instead of appearing in his original form he was sucked by an unknown force into the nearest humans body which happened to be Caden Maddox. Sheoxaro corrupted half of Caden's soul. Caden now had Sheoxaro's powers and knowledge and it chanced his personality tremendously. He now travels to this high school unsure if he wants to permanently trap Sheoxaro or to grow in power and darkness to unlock the demons other, more powerful abilities.

Dating/lover/crush: Single

Anything else: Caden always carries a weapon on him in case some angle wants to start a fight or he wants to get in some trouble.

((Copy pasted form a diff rp but i think it fills out what i need to have))​
Caden is accepted

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TheGoldenGear said:
Full Name: Patricia Morse
Nickname: Trish (by EV), Cia (by people who don't want a knife to their throat)

Age: 17

Race: Human-ish, like EV



Personality: If the leather jacket and motorcycle didn't give you an idea, Cia doesn't take any s***, and doesn't give too much either. She's cold and ruthless- on the outside, at least. Get to know her and Cia turns from cold and ruthless to warm and ruthless. She'd still be a bitch, just less of one. She's also very protective of EV and her friends.

Backstory: She was motherless, as her mother died during childbirth, but Cia didn't care too much. She went on to be the cold-blooded leader of a biker gang for a few years, but left the business after a huge war that many gangs were part of. She was the only one that made it out from her gang, and even she was left with a nasty scar on her midriff. She discovered her powers after her brother did, but kept them a secret. It was only by accident that her father found out about her powers and sent her to this school.

Skill: Good with a variety of weapons (knives, guns, bludgeons, even swords to a degree)

Power: Cia has the ability to transform into almost any physical object she sees (as long as it's solid). This only includes organic parts of her, so clothes, items she's holding, aesthetic replacements of body parts, or other things will not transform with her.

Pet: None

Patricia is accepted *-*

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Full Name: Xander Catastrophe

Nickname: The Vengeful Crusader

Age: 20

Race: Ex-Angel - Human

Appearance: Xander is a well defined, and overall handsome young-man. He possesses a medium length head of greyish blonde hair, and is rather tall standing at an astonishing 6'1. Xander also carries a ceremonial mace (half mace - half staff) to smite evil, and the original holy bible.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/628cbc93dc1fbd8e1324822910c1f04e.jpg.76ca8e999968451356a4d2aafbb15486.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/628cbc93dc1fbd8e1324822910c1f04e.jpg.76ca8e999968451356a4d2aafbb15486.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Xander Catastrophe is a stoic, quiet person, who is highly religious in the aspect of Christianity. He does not become attached to easy, often preferring to distance himself from the overall population however, upon attachment, his love for those he cares about is stronger than any other, he would go through the depths of hell for the ones he loves.

Backstory: Xander Catastrophe once upon-a-time was an Angel in Heaven. During the war between Heaven, and Hell he had slain hundreds, thousands of demons who tried to slander Heaven's domain.. Years later after Hell had taken over the divination in the sky, God, was imprisoned in the fiery pits of Hell, while the Angels were tortured, raped, and killed by Lucifer himself.

Xander was forced out of Heaven before its destruction, by his father Samael Catastrophe, who had given him one order: "Avenge Heaven.. Resurrect God."

Skill: High-Intelligence, Unrivaled-Skill with the Ceremonial Mace, Abnormal Reaction Speed/Agility

Power: The Holy Divinity; Xander can summon anything within the Holy Bible upon iteration of biblical segments.



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Keita Akihiro

"Leave me alone if you don't want to die"



"They say the young are never guilty they clearly never met me."



"Hey do I look like a chick to you"

Height / Weight:

6'2 / 160 LBS

"I'm totally not fat"



"Boobs or Butts I'm more of a boobs man myself.."


|Thermal Manipulation |

can create, shape and manipulate temperature, a form of kinetic energy between particles at the atomic or molecular level: the greater the movement of these particles, the greater the thermal energy and reversed. Heat itself is internal thermal energy that flows from one body of matter to another, it is not the same as the energy contained in a system—that is, the internal thermal energy of the system. Rather than being "energy-in-residence," heat is "energy-in-transit."

Left side is Ice and Right side is Fire.


Keita has a cold, aloof personality which stems from his harsh upbringing.He loves battle though he doesn't enjoy senseless blood shed .Though he loves conflict he doesn't actively participate However he's quick to show his superiority to an opponent quickly putting them in their place without actually beating them.He's very precise when it comes to killing rather than making them suffer he ends it quickly though Cool headed and calm at most times.A Great Cook as well.He doesn't agree with everything the government does but their the ones who decide if he gets paid or not.


Extremely Skilled with dual pistols, Skilled in hand to hand combat, Good at adapting to the situation at hand.


Can only use his powers for 90 minutes before having to recharge.


Loves to read books and likes kittens

Bitch! Obviously xD means I like it. Damn Kenji, I've always been on your side but you're jumping to conclusions...tsk tsk

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Full Name: Kio Lumin

Nickname: Steamy

Age: 19

Race: SteamBorg (Sorta like a cyborg but the steampunk version)


Personality: Lost, Caring, Sarcastic, wont admit to many of her emotions

Backstory: Kio lost the right side of her torso when she was 17 because of an accidental explosion in her workshop. She was shipped to the hospital only to be told she wouldnt live through the night. TheHospital resorted to their last option to save her, yet, it had never been done. they were to replace almost an entire human body with robotics. They were going to put a cybernetic arm on her but she requested a regular arm that would allow her to do normal tasks. they had given her a steam powered side and arm. Afterwards, while on the way of walking home three weeks later, a drunk driver hit her. She crossed her arms and braced herself. When she opened her eyes she was standing up straight with no damage to her. the car was totaled. she realized she had powers, powers that made her different so she has come to the school to learn how to control them.

Skill: Robotics and engineering

Power: Telekinesis (Didnt want super strength cause that would be obvious)

Pet: A steam powered dog she calls Steamer

other: Her weapon of choice is her power gun on her back<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/steam.jpg.0250fccafcaf941982237ecc40c15113.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59134" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/steam.jpg.0250fccafcaf941982237ecc40c15113.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Full Name: Kio Lumin
Nickname: Steamy

Age: 19

Race: SteamBorg (Sorta like a cyborg but the steampunk version)


Personality: Lost, Caring, Sarcastic, Doesnt really show emotions

Backstory: Kio lost the right side of her torso when she was 17 because of an accidental explosion in her workshop. She was shipped to the hospital only to be told she wouldnt live through the night. TheHospital resorted to their last option to save her, yet, it had never been done. they were to replace almost an entire human body with robotics. They were going to put a cybernetic arm on her but she requested a regular arm that would allow her to do normal tasks. they had given her a steam powered side and arm. Afterwards, while on the way of walking home three weeks later, a drunk driver hit her. She crossed her arms and braced herself. When she opened her eyes she was standing up straight with no damage to her. the car was totaled. she realized she had powers, powers that made her different so she has come to the school to learn how to control them.

Skill: Robotics and engineering

Power: Telekinesis (Didnt want super strength cause that would be obvious)

Pet: A steam powered dog she calls Steamer

other: Her weapon of choice is her power gun on her back

Kio is accepted :3

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