Hidden Talents!

(The sign ups will be open to join after we've started the rp.)

We'll start at a regular school day, so all the characters will know where they're going to classes and stuff.

We can skip classes, but I ask that everyone be observant of what other people are doing before you skip to,after class (like if two people are talking before class starts).

okay! Here we go!

Reese closed the car door and waved to her step-dad, "See you after school!" and hurried into the school building with her hello kitty backpack bouncing around. Wearing a jean overall dress, with knee high pink socks and brown oxfords. She walked through the hallway to her locker, keeping her head down and nor making eye contact with anybody. Once at her locker she began the struggle of opening her locker, because her lock was bent it was really hard to get open. "Come on!" she breathed angrily at the metal lock.

Thomas climbed onto the bus in his varsity soccer hoodie, tattered jeans, sneakers (in pristine condition) and took a seat in the back, he was the first stop and had a while before he'd get to school. He put in his headphones, pulled down his hood and layed down in the seat proceeding to nap.
Brady was already at School and he was walking down the hallways just watching all the new and old kids coming back to this wonderful place. While he was walking he noticed a girl having trouble with her locker. He walked over to her and said" Are you having trouble with your locker?"
Akuma rolled off his bed, that was designed to look like a flame. "Mother. Can you fetch me a glass of cold water?" he asked paitently. He stood up and shouted. "Mother? Father?" Akuma grunted. They must had went to work already. Akuma put on his black shirt and some light blue jeans, slid on his glasses, and brushed his hair. "I guess I have to walk today." he told himself. Akuma grabbed his backpack that was red and had a cute devil tail coming out from the bottom. Akuma opened the front door to the house and walked out. He turned around to lock the door and began running to school.

(This is how he looks in devil form. I guess you can say his mother was an angel, but became a fallen angel, then married a demon... I guess this is how it turns out! http://nd03.jxs.cz/904/689/f740f5e88c_57933425_o2.jpg)

Andrew woke up, and ran to the bathroom. "Can't be late to school again!" Andrew was determined to have atleast one day that he attended school on time. He got ready and put on his skull jacket. He put on his skull shaped backpack and whistled, "Blood, here girl!" his dog ran to him and Andrew smiled. He put his hand up and said, "Control, Control." the dog fell to the ground and quickly got back up. He gestured his hand to make the dog walk. Blood ran in circles. "Good girl! Good exercise today!" he laughed. Andrew put his hand down and the dog fell down and barked with happiness. Andrew walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus, as soon as it came he walked into it and sat next to Thomas.
Reese was busy fidgeting with her lock that she barley noticed a boy stanging beside her asking if she was having trouble with her locker. People she didn't know made her nervous. She dropped her arms to her waist and hugged them together, "Y-yeah.. The lock, it's, uh. It's bent." she managed to sqweeze the sentence out of herself.

As Andrew sat down by Thomas he sat up, "Oh, hey." he yawned, sitting up from his little nap. "Are we almost there?" he blinked looking out the window, it was already bright. uuuugh. Why can't I just move a couple clouds to block the sun? Just a little wind? A small breeze? He argued with himself. But he promised his moms that he would try to stay in the dark with it. "Wish it WAS dark." he muttered to himself, snuggling down into the hoodie more.
Akuma was drenched with sweat when he reached school, his eyes were red, from using his demon powers."Damn-it! I knew I shouldn't have used them, but it was the only way I could eun fast!" he mumbled. When Akuma was walking to school, he realized he was going to be late. He used his demon powers to run quicker, but he didn't notice a clinque if girls in front of him when he began running. Akuma had ran into the girls and they obviously, screamed in terror. His eyes began to become blue once again. Akuma walked into the building and sighed.

Andrew smirked at the boy's comment. He lifted his arm and mumbled, "Control, illiusions." As he began making it look darker for Thomas, his hand froze. He felt like his arm was ice stiff. What the hell? thought Andrew. He tried moving his hand but it was stuck. "Hey you," said Andrew poking Thomas's shoulder. "My hand is frozen Try to move it."
He gently smiled at her "Its okay its your first day and just because of that im going to give you something" He pulled a small piece of paper out of his pocket that said "Good for One Wish" as she was still looking at him he wrapped his hand in one of the hand holds and ripped the locker door of and showed it to you. He snapped his fingers as another door replaced it already open. "Okay you have a good day" then continued walking down the hallway.
"Frozen? What the hell are you talking about?" Thomas tried to move Andrew's hand... It didn't budge. "What'd you do?" Thomas hadn't really seen anything like this before, he knew Andrew was 'different' like himself, but had no idea what was going on with his hand. Stuff like that never happened to Thomas.

(Okay, well the second half of my post didn't bother to show up. So basically Reese read the note, mumbled thanks to Brady and walked to science to figure out the note)
Andrew said, "Keep it a secret or I can kill you. I am a blood controler and illusion creator. I was trying to make a dark cloud around you, because you said you wanted it to be dark right?" Andrew tried to move his arm once again, it didn't budge. "I was doing the illusion, then half-way my hand just froze... it's like the mist around my arm just entirely... froze."

Akuma walked into the building and a few girls gretted him.He nodded and kept walking. He pushed up his glasses and entered homeroom.
After walking around the school he made his way to Science class. As he walked threw the door he saw the same girl from earlier and looked over her shoulder and said "Did you get yourself situated in your locker?" he smiled and took a seat behind her.
Thomas wasn't really shocked by Andrew's talent, because he thought element control was cooler. "Think you're the only special one around here?" He replied with a smirk looking at Andrew's arm and chuckling. Then the bus stopped at school, Thomas stood up and scooted out of the seat. "See you in 'study hall' " using air quotes around study hall. He then made a few small flames around his frozen arm, melting the mist and walked off the bus.

While trying to figure out the paper from before, Reese heard a voice behind her and jumped a little. "Oh, yeah. I got my book.... Thanks."
"Thats good just remember if you ever need anything i can help you no madder what at least once" He smiled and laughed just realizeing he had scared her.
Andrew grunted and mumbled, "I am going to control that idiot." He got off the bus and walked to homeroom. Oddly enough, he sat right next to Thomas. "Jesus." he said under his breath.

Akuma was the first one in homeroom. As usual, he sat next to boys. He looked at them. They're different. Element blender, and blood-illusionist. Akuma smiled and looked back at the teacher.

(OOC: I'd like to change Akuma's power to super speed, and he is a karate master!)
Very confused Reese turned around to look at him. "I don't understand, what are you some kind of genie?" She may be shy, but curiosity or confusion could quickly for anyone.

When Andrew sat next to Thomas, he smirked yet again, "I see you got your arm fixed." He whispered. Thomas may not normally have been such a jerk, but he knew that there was no advantage here, they were equals, so he proceeded to tease. Not really sure why he was having so much fun seeing this guybecome further and further frustrated with him.
"I dont know is your wish to know" he smiled at her and leaned over on is arm "Because i would advise against wasting it for that" he kept his eyes on her slip of paper.
Akuma patted him and whispered into Thomas's ear. "Don't mess with him, he can do things much far worse when he's angry! Trust me." grinned Akuma. He deviously sat back in his chair.

Andrew grew angry he whisperd, "control-" and the teacher telled, "BOYS IN THE THIRD ROW, QUIT WHISPERING!"

Andrew nodded and shut up. Soon as study hall started,the battle would be on!
Thomas listened as another guy told him not to mess with him. Maybe he was right, blood and mind control weren't the best combination to be used against him right now. Remember what you promised your moms he told himself, right after the teacher called them out on whispering he gave his attention to his notebook.

Talking in riddles, great. Reese didn't quite know what he meant, but she felt like she believed him. There was something about him that seemed almost Cheshire cat like in the way he worded his sentences... like madness with purpose.
He leans over his table and whispers "Do you hear that? Its Chaos anger frustration, or is that misunderstanding? I cant really tell can you?" he smiles behind her back
Reese had had enough of this guy, she didn't understand what he meant or what his motive was but she couldn't do it. She crumpled up the slip of paper and tossed it over her head and heard it land on his table behind her. Then she started copying her science notes from the book, trying her best to ignore him.
He started to laugh "Interesting wish" and snapped his fingers as it uncrumpled itself and teleported back into her pocket. He then raised his hand to cover his eyes and kept laughing. "Wish it now or wish it then or forever again will it come where ever you go it shall come." laughs
Akuma continued to study and smirked, "Mrs.... Can you explain the quadratic equation again?" The teacher looked at him and nodded. She began blabbing about it faced away from the students. Akuma rolled his eyes and mumbled, "I know this stuff already...."

Andrew saw it as an advantage. "Control, blood, Control, blood." he whispered. He was able to make Thomas slap himself twice, but Andrew was sweating like crazy, Using powers on another odd one... is harder! Andrew stopped, it was too much for him to handle.

Akuma saw the blood control in progress. "Very intresting..." he told himself. He took a note pad and began writing down notes about it. (Did I forget to mention he was smart? :P )
Mia shifted out of sleep mode at exactly 0630. She looked around the dark room where she was currently residing, having been shipped to the school ahead of time so that she could make adjustments and thoroughly analyze her surroundings. She stood up and walked to a mirror, examining her nude body in the mirror. Being an android, she never quite understood the humans' fascination with clothing, but she quickly scanned through her files until she found an outfit that was suitable for school. Her outermost layer shifted and morphed, and soon she was dressed in an all white Lolita-style dress with matching knee high socks and shoes. If she had to blend in with the other human students, the least she could do to stand out was dress in a unique fashion.

Looking in the mirror, her reddish-brown eyes reflected... absolutely nothing. Sure, she was capable of human emotion if she wanted to (or if she at least put enough effort into pretending she had them), but for the most part she remained expressionless. She brushed through her long brown hair, which was one of the only features that she was incapable of changing at whim, along with her eyes, skin color, and things of that sort.

Once she was ready, Mia grabbed her bag, which materialized around her shoulder as she walked, already packed with the books she would need for the day, and walked out of her private dorm room and over to the main building where classes were held. She looked around until she found where she was supposed to be - homeroom, for now - and took a seat in the back, watching and constantly analyzing her surroundings and the humans (and non-humans) that inhabited the small space. Soon the room was full and the bell rang, meaning all students should be in homeroom by now. Some of them shot her attire questioning looks, but her face showed nothing. Not embarrassment, not anger at the way the others stared, just completely blank.

When Brady was done with the red headed girl he walked to his actual class home room as soon as he walked in he saw a girl in somewhat strange attire but who was he to talk he had gold rings on his arms. He took a seat infront of the girls and smiled. He snapped his fingers as a small piece of paper fell on her table it said "One free wish"Towards the bottom it said from the only guy with rings on his arms". He stopped smiling and pointed his attention to the front of the class.
Mia gave the boy a strange look, which was odd to see on a 'girl' who normally remained expressionless. This Male had rings around his arms, which was not typical attire for the humans. Perhaps he was a different species, as was she? Her thought processes were confirmed when a slip of paper fell onto her desk, seemingly from nowhere. This boy had somehow conjured up matter from nothingness, and it peaked her curiosity. The android girl read the piece of paper, then looked back at the boy, who had already turned away. He hadn't said a word to her. Had he known through instinct that she was also non-human? If so, his species must be a somewhat intellectual sort. Rather than bringing it up in front of the human students, she thought it would be better to wait until 'Study Hall', when she would be able to examine the talents of her fellow non-humans. Luckily 'Study Hall' was not too far into the day, so it would only be a couple hours before she could confirm her suspicions about the boy.
As he sat in his chair he noticed the girl behind him looking at his piece of paper. He started laughing to himself trying not to be a disturbance. He started thinking to himself "I wonder what she will wish for." He started looking around the room casually as his eyes were changing colors from a blue to a purple in a sutle change.

(Where are we now and should we skip to next class)

He turned around in his chair to look at the girl behind him he smiled and said "So are you new here?" He asked curiously. As he waited for a reply his purple slightly started to change red. "Have you ever wondered what you would wish for if you had a wish to wish" he took her hand and kissed it "because I know what I would wish for."

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