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Fantasy Hidden Powers - A Progressive Power RP [OOC]

For a young, busy and ambitious contributor to society like Doctor Bishop, Medio Ultimate recommends the once-a-week visit at a rate of two hundred dollars a month. Give her a day and a time, and she'll have your apartment cleaned up lickedy split!

She'll leave her card at the door regardless. Contact her when Reign gets to her hikki-NEET phase.
Mmmmm. Not a completely a terrible price. And I'm leaning to accept it.

Buuuutt, unfortunately, I'll have to pass on that. Cause I mean a dirty apartment is the least of everyone's worries.
Hm... not sure. Fay would either be in his room all day, or outside, causing chaos. He’d either be hacking, or causing trouble. He isn’t a really good master either, since he’d abandon her at any time.
Room sure must get messy, spending all his time in it like that. For a client like him the Membership Service is recommended. For a 200 dollar one-time fee, he can get a permanent 50% discount on last minute calls! Now his rare outings can double as an effort-free cleaning session.

Mmmmm. Not a completely a terrible price. And I'm leaning to accept it.

Buuuutt, unfortunately, I'll have to pass on that. Cause I mean a dirty apartment is the least of everyone's worries.
A clean home is a clean mind, good sir! Surely a professional like himself would want to keep his mind in order, no? Upgrade the service to 350 a month and Meido Ultimate can include some ultra-convenient frozen, homecooked meals. Great for the working man on the go.
Hmm.. Alright. Since the roleplay won't really be "starting" until tomorrow because of the time, there's one more power I'm probably going to replace regeneration with, mostly because I think it'll be more fun. Shouldn't take long to edit the character sheet, I've already got the idea in my head.
Oh, no you don't have to change it. I'm just saying he's not as immune to chemicals as you think ;P
Room sure must get messy, spending all his time in it like that. For a client like him the Membership Service is recommended. For a 200 dollar one-time fee, he can get a permanent 50% discount on last minute calls! Now his rare outings can double as an effort-free cleaning session.

A clean home is a clean mind, good sir! Surely a professional like himself would want to keep his mind in order, no? Upgrade the service to 350 a month and Meido Ultimate can include some ultra-convenient frozen, homecooked meals. Great for the working man on the go.
For some reason, I’m dying from laughter. This is amazing.

However, he’s poor as hell. So... yep... he’d rather spend the money for food and crap rather than paying for a maid. He also cleans his room so yeah

He may decline this offer, since he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s a hacker.. well.. beginner hacker lol
For some reason, I’m dying from laughter. This is amazing.

However, he’s poor as hell. So... yep... he’d rather spend the money for food and crap rather than paying for a maid. He also cleans his room so yeah

He may decline this offer, since he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s a hacker.. well.. beginner hacker lol
Awh, poor maid.
For some reason, I’m dying from laughter. This is amazing.

However, he’s poor as hell. So... yep... he’d rather spend the money for food and crap rather than paying for a maid. He also cleans his room so yeah

He may decline this offer, since he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s a hacker.. well.. beginner hacker lol
Aha, just kidding! Food, you say? For the price of 150 a month Meido Ultimate can provide the Meal Package on its own. Unlike the weekly cleaning combo, it'll only over three meals a week. But that's still a killer value of 12.50 for a premium quality homecooked meal!
Aha, just kidding! Food, you say? For the price of 150 a month Meido Ultimate can provide the Meal Package on its own. Unlike the weekly cleaning combo, it'll only over three meals a week. But that's still a killer value of 12.50 for a premium quality homecooked meal!
I never thought my OOC would become a maid hiring service.
Ayy, IC is up. Will be getting a post up sometime later today.

Quick question though: is there a specific location you would like the characters to meet at or can everyone just start at their own place and then gradually come together?
Ayy, IC is up. Will be getting a post up sometime later today.

Quick question though: is there a specific location you would like the characters to meet at or can everyone just start at their own place and then gradually come together?
Kumii Kumii

I like this concept so far. However, i highly prefer to be set during the Cold War with a mix of Communism and Falangism. So far, i like this idea. Keep up the good work!

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