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Fantasy Hidden Powers - A Progressive Power RP [OOC]

I think the only one who did anything remotely awesome so far was Fay by standing up to an old rich guy with a hello kitty taser for an exotic dancer he just met.
I mean, when you look at the facts presented to us by reality it becomes obvious that Vita's the awesome one.
I mean, when you look at the facts presented to us by reality it becomes obvious that Vita's the awesome one.
Fire creation/manipulation doesn't make her the default awesome one. Also, looking at her personality, she'll just do something that could put her into serious trouble. It's hardly right to assume she's the awesome one at this moment.
Fire creation/manipulation doesn't make her the default awesome one. Also, looking at her personality, she'll just do something that could put her into serious trouble. It's hardly right to assume she's the awesome one at this moment.

This is correct. That's why I'm not assuming :D
Luna will be the awesome one by being tricked into doing all the fun stuff.
Also, damned notif bug. Busy Easter will post in the morning.
Also just realised that first sentence sounds way worse than it's meant to.
Posted, I do have an interaction planned with someone so don't feel like I'm reaching for another to interact with me, though if anyone is still looking and not near anything it's up to them.
Actually, I think I'll make a secondary instead of just a backup. 2 is better than 1!

Ah, Karcen Karcen , my post doesn't really look all that long right now... Could I just write all the way until they get to the site of the explosion? Then we can involve D duegxybus sooner too~

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