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Fandom Hidden enemy hxh

“I feel... power more than I had before” Akashi pulled is cards up to see if they are stronger
Aiolos blinks and says "I feel it too..." He then snaps and his cards form in the air before him and start to float from one hand to another. "I have an order for you you must figure out your Nen type." Aiolos said as he turned to look at his human puppet.
“Be calm young ones this will help you in your fights ahead” Akashi slowly reached out and touched the mist. As he did the mist wrapped around him being absorbed into him. “You wanted to show us how to utilize our nen?”
Silk watched as the most was absorbed into Akashi's body and shortly she followed him stepping into the mist
Silk watched as the most was absorbed into Akashi's body and shortly she followed him stepping into the mist
Silk saw the mist swirl and enter her body. She felt a strong energy building inside. As this happened the guard looked surprised and then said ok to the order and left the ruins
Silk saw the mist swirl and enter her body. She felt a strong energy building inside. As this happened the guard looked surprised and then said ok to the order and left the ruins
Aiolos would smile and nod his head as his goon puppet took off "I should name that guy."
As silk starts to pull in energy she starts to cripple over in pain and screaming until her heart stops. The ancient looks at her and says “I guess she wasn’t ready for the power
Aiolos frowned as one of his brood died "that girl lost me one of my puppets." Aiolos would shrug noncommittally
The ancient looked at Akashi and Aiolos and said “you will find an ally at the battle towers now go” as he said this a flash of light appeared and blinded everyone and when you could see again you were back at the car
The ancient looked at Akashi and Aiolos and said “you will find an ally at the battle towers now go” as he said this a flash of light appeared and blinded everyone and when you could see again you were back at the car
Aiolos would sigh and look at his bugs before pulling out one of his card blades and flicking it so that it would cut through the three of them. "let's go." He would then step into the car and take his seat before playing with a deck of cards.
Aiolos would sigh and look at his bugs before pulling out one of his card blades and flicking it so that it would cut through the three of them. "let's go." He would then step into the car and take his seat before playing with a deck of cards.
Akashi asked Aiolos curiously “why did you do that”
Akashi asked Aiolos curiously “why did you do that”
"They bore me and do nothing but take space in my deck. However I don't see why that has much to do with you since they are my puppets." Aiolos said as he stared at Akashi while manipulating the cards.
"They bore me and do nothing but take space in my deck. However I don't see why that has much to do with you since they are my puppets." Aiolos said as he stared at Akashi while manipulating the cards.
“Those insects could have been useful especially for getting info
Aiolos would stare out the window absentmindedly as he shuffled his deck casually.
After a full day of travel the car pulled up to a massive tower in the middle of the city “well young masters this here is your destination the battle tower” said the driver
After a full day of travel the car pulled up to a massive tower in the middle of the city “well young masters this here is your destination the battle tower” said the driver
Aiolos would step out of the car while putting his deck away all in one fluid motion. He would head towards the building as if he had been there before because he had. He had been there for a brief time mainly out of boredom and to test his skills plus he had heard that another Zoldyck had been in the tower however unfortunately Aiolos was late and missed his family member.
Aiolos would step out of the car while putting his deck away all in one fluid motion. He would head towards the building as if he had been there before because he had. He had been there for a brief time mainly out of boredom and to test his skills plus he had heard that another Zoldyck had been in the tower however unfortunately Aiolos was late and missed his family member.
Akashi would fallow Aiolos to the tower. “Hello welcome to the battle tower if you are here to register please sign in and take your number” Akashi signed in and took his number of 105
Name: Attilius
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short brown hair, light brown eyes, typically wears brown boots, olive colored motorcycle jeans and grey short sleeve t-shirt
Clan: battle tower
Personality: charismatic, headstrong, determined

Equipment: gladius, staff, custom sword hilt with belt, right shoulder to forearm guard with katar hilt built into the top of the wrist, ankle to knee guards

Traits: stamina, agility, strength, health, martial skill

Nen ability: Enhancer

Backstory: Born into a family of weapon smith's and fighters, Attilius grew up being trained in the use of many weapon types and several fighting styles including his family's own unique fighting style to create his own Recoiless style. All of this led to him becoming a perfect participant in the battle tower

Nen ability name: One For All
What it does: Creates a nen beast that take 10 points of my own nen every second and stores it. When in combat stored nen is used to further enhance own abilities or those of allies. Nen beast has a visible counter for the amount of nen stored. The nen beast is passive and takes on the form of a small maroon ghost orb covered in a red glowing mist
Any conditions:
  • Can not be used if personal nen drops to 10%.
  • Beast stops taking nen when in combat and in turn gives nen back to the user
  • Must point and declare someone as friend or foe before it can be used or seen.
Add-on: when ever the nen beast has more stored nen than the user can store himself the ability to use the excess nen as protective armor is available granting a 90% damage reduction so long as the armor is active. While the armor is active nen will begin to deplete at 15 points a second. Taking damage will also drain nen depending on the amount of damage taken.

Nen ability name: All For One
What it does: The nen beast is sent and attached to an ally granting them all of the abilities but also draining them of there own nen.
Any conditions:
  • Can not be used if the wielders nen drops below 10%
  • Must point and declare someone as friend or foe before it can be used or seen (excluding myself)

Nen ability name: Percentile Gain
What it does: Ally's that can see the nen beast gain the ability to link themselves to the beast attributing 10 points of there own nen to the beast.
Any conditions:
  • Ally's linked can only give nen every minute
  • Ally's can not contribute nen if there own nen drops below 10%
  • If three or more Ally's are linked every time they give nen an additional ten nen is contributed.

Nen ability name: Percentile Shot
What it does: fires a nen projectile from the users finger tips and palm of the hands.
Any conditions:
  • Amount of nen used will determine the strength of the shot
  • Base shot costs 15 points of nen
  • One finger used per hand is a single shot
  • 2-3 fingers per hand is a shot gun blast
  • 4-5 fingers per hand is a rapid fire volley
  • Palms fire large explosive blasts. Putting them together can fire a combined larger projectile.

Nen ability name: Recoiless Weapons
What it does: The staff and sword hilt can be quickly adapt to fit the users need by changing it's weapon type and attributes.
The staff can be quickly adapted to be either a double sided spear or a partisan.
The sword hilt can be quickly adapted to be a katana
Katar hilt can be quickly deployed mid swing
Any conditions:
  • Damage done to staff or hilts can hinder or disable use of the weapon.

Nen ability name: Hyperactive Healing
What it does: will rapidly heal any injuries the user may have.
Any conditions:
  • Nen beast can be used to allow for rapidly increased healing at an additional cost to nen.
  • Amount of nen imputed dictates the rate at which a wound is healed
  • Only one major wounds can be healed at a time. Ex: fatal wounds, lost limbs, broken bones (depending on how it was broken and which one) etc.
  • Minor wounds can all be healed simultaneously. Ex: lost fingers, eyes, non lethal stabs or cuts, broken bones (depending on how it was broken and which ones) etc.
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