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Fandom Hidden enemy hxh

"Good question find me if you figure it out, all I know is the queen got away." Aiolos would then wave a hand over the cards making them disappear in a typical magicians trick and then turn to walk away bored with these people already.
Rai, without speaking a single word, stands up from the table, drops a blank card, and walks away silently.
Rai, without speaking a single word, stands up from the table, drops a blank card, and walks away silently.
I’m going with him to see what happens
Sounds good enough for me
Aiolos would spend the rest of the day watching people and patrolling the crowds until night came when he would go outside the tower into a fairly secluded area and wait knowing that Zushi would be able to sense his general area. Aiolos would stay hidden in the shadows his training as an assassin kicking in.
Aiolos would spend the rest of the day watching people and patrolling the crowds until night came when he would go outside the tower into a fairly secluded area and wait knowing that Zushi would be able to sense his general area. Aiolos would stay hidden in the shadows his training as an assassin kicking in.
Attilius would go find a place to eat
Aiolos would spend the rest of the day watching people and patrolling the crowds until night came when he would go outside the tower into a fairly secluded area and wait knowing that Zushi would be able to sense his general area. Aiolos would stay hidden in the shadows his training as an assassin kicking in.
Akuma fallowed Aiolos only losing sight of him at the very end but still knowing a general location. As Akuma waited dusk settled on the city’s square and most people had gone home for the night. Aiolos and Akuma would notice Zushi walking into the square looking very confused while scanning around for someone.
Akuma fallowed Aiolos only losing sight of him at the very end but still knowing a general location. As Akuma waited dusk settled on the city’s square and most people had gone home for the night. Aiolos and Akuma would notice Zushi walking into the square looking very confused while scanning around for someone.
Aiolos would appear before them and smile saying "welcome, Zushi and wing was it?" Aiolos asked with a smile.
(Only zushi is there)
(So you say but whatever) Aiolos would cast a gaze around with Nen enhanced eyesight to see about any sort of presence hidden anywhere before continuing "Zushi when you see me make this hand motion and pick a Target by pointing at them you are to fight them until I tell you to stop." Aiolos would give Zushi his next order with confidence and some forethought.
(So you say but whatever) Aiolos would cast a gaze around with Nen enhanced eyesight to see about any sort of presence hidden anywhere before continuing "Zushi when you see me make this hand motion and pick a Target by pointing at them you are to fight them until I tell you to stop." Aiolos would give Zushi his next order with confidence and some forethought.
As Aiolos started to search for a presence he noticed one right behind him with overwhelming bloodlust.
As Aiolos started to search for a presence he noticed one right behind him with overwhelming bloodlust.
His reflexes would kick in and a Nen card would appear in his hand as he turned to throw it at the presence.
His reflexes would kick in and a Nen card would appear in his hand as he turned to throw it at the presence.
From around the corner turns Rai, with a purple light gleaming from his only eye not covered by his mask. He draws his swords and slowly walks towards Aiolos.
From around the corner turns Rai, with a purple light gleaming from his only eye not covered by his mask. He draws his swords and slowly walks towards Aiolos.
Akuma noticed the light glow from Rai from his position on the roof and could feel the bloodlust but couldn’t find the source. Akuma would frantically search the area with his rifle
As Aiolos tried to turn an overwhelming urge to flee kicked in forcing him to jump away
Aiolos would throw three of his Nen cards along with three of his regular cards all of them mixed in while he moved away. He would have his hands open ready to either produce his hunting knife or his cards.
Aiolos would throw three of his Nen cards along with three of his regular cards all of them mixed in while he moved away. He would have his hands open ready to either produce his hunting knife or his cards.
The urge was to strong for you to fight every bit of you screamed to run or die
Aiolos would throw three of his Nen cards along with three of his regular cards all of them mixed in while he moved away. He would have his hands open ready to either produce his hunting knife or his cards.
Aiolos would instinctively jump away pulling out his king of hearts while his whole body quivered ever so slightly. "Why hello brother... What brings you here?"
Aiolos would instinctively jump away pulling out his king of hearts while his whole body quivered ever so slightly. "Why hello brother... What brings you here?"
You hear a voice in your head do not fight if the fight isn’t certain. Aiolos would only notice wing standing 19ft away from him with a look of fury on his face
You hear a voice in your head do not fight if the fight isn’t certain. Aiolos would only notice wing standing 19ft away from him with a look of fury on his face
Aiolos would frown and then smile devilishly "right make it my own." Aiolos would pull out his cards and smile.
Aiolos would frown and then smile devilishly "right make it my own." Aiolos would pull out his cards and smile.
Akuma would aim at wings right leg waiting for a shot. Wing would start walking towards Aiolos his bloodlust even stronger with every step closer “why do you wish to meet my student here alone with an obviously dark intent”
Akuma would aim at wings right leg waiting for a shot. Wing would start walking towards Aiolos his bloodlust even stronger with every step closer “why do you wish to meet my student here alone with an obviously dark intent”
Aiolos would smile "for training like I told him although I neglected to mention that it was the time so the other students aren't here yet." Aiolos would then turn and jump away running into houses and slapping cards on anyone he saw who was able bodied. Once he had them he would order them to attack wing and describe him to them and tell them where to go. He would then take a second to stick his hand into his head and pull out the itch that had been holding him back.
Aiolos would smile "for training like I told him although I neglected to mention that it was the time so the other students aren't here yet." Aiolos would then turn and jump away running into houses and slapping cards on anyone he saw who was able bodied. Once he had them he would order them to attack wing and describe him to them and tell them where to go. He would then take a second to stick his hand into his head and pull out the itch that had been holding him back.
As Aiolos took this time wing took zushi and left disappearing
As Aiolos took this time wing took zushi and left disappearing
Aiolos would use a card to fix his head and direct his troops to follow him as he smirked and followed Zushi's signal only glancing at akuma.
Aiolos would use a card to fix his head and direct his troops to follow him as he smirked and followed Zushi's signal only glancing at akuma.
Akuma would nod and begin to follow wing from the roof tops as Aiolos 6 puppets chased after sloppily
Akuma would nod and begin to follow wing from the roof tops as Aiolos 6 puppets chased after sloppily
As he followed him aiolos would push up his current level 1 puppets up to 20 in preparation for facing wing.

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