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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow Signup


Appearance: He's basically Hilbert but with white hair and purple eyes. Also he wears a jacket with a fuzzy hood.

Name: Gary

Villian Name: Negaroid

Group (Optional):


Race: Hmm... he looks human... Heh that's a secret though.

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single.

Gender: Male

Height: Same as Hilberts

Age: 19

Personality: Gary is... well he surely calls himself a villain. He presents himself as a heroes worst fear, a true harbinger of doom. Well... that's just outside stuff. To be honest he actually is sort of a nerd on the inside. A sort of broody otaku if you will. It's kind of sad... sorta. He also tends to be realistic with himself.


- He "transforms." Basically he gets a cool looking helmet with a scarf. That's it.

- Power of Nega: He possesses great strength and endurance.

- Nega Bomb: It's one of his finishing moves. A powerful soccer ball sized bomb that package at least... more than 10 nukes compressed inside. For techonology reasons it doesn't actually cause collateral damage. Just makes the target explode. Because explosions are cool.

- Cyroid: His robotic bird. It's the size of two eagles or something. Looks like a purple mechanical bird. Can combine with Negaroid to give him bad ass wings. Oh and a cool bird armcannon that can fire mega particle charged blasts.

- More to be unveiled because I'm lazy right now.


- One of those people that can't seem to be taken seriously once his inner personality shows.

- Isn't exactly a "good" villain. Basically he isn't too great at being one...sorta.

- Is more focused on his "rival" Hilbert.

- Otaku


- Good fighting skills?

- Has tenacity... that's good r?

- Can actually be powerful but... yeah.


Origin: More to be revealed.

Other: (Optional)

Job: Villain.

@JPax42 (Inspired by something I made when I was in middle school. Hue.)
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Appearance: Skinny, black hair and brown eyes. Wears graphic tees and jeans.

Name: Max Reid

Hero Name: None

Group (Optional): None

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Mail

Height: 5'9"

Age: 16

Personality: Max is goofy and mischievious. He rarely takes anything seriously. Even during serious time, his goofy grin can't be wiped off.


-Mimicing Video Games: Max can basically do anything or summon anything from any video game ever.

-Can enter video games and computers.






-Great at video games

-Awesome hand-eye coordination


Origin: He just popped out of an arcade machine once.



Name: Martha

Hero Name: ???

Group (Optional): Hilbert's cat

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Cat

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Under ownership

Gender: Female

Height: (Length: 22 inches)

Age: 6

Personality: Martha is a posh cat who is extremely fancy and appreciates the highest quality things. However, she is smart enough to know when something happens.


-Feline Precognition: Martha detects things far before a normal human does

-Feline Agility: While she isn't the most athletic cat, she still has this skill to some extent.

-Feline Night Vision: Night Vision

-Scorpion Tail: Martha can fired barbed hairs from her bushy tail. These break the sound barrier and cause tremendous pain in the areas it hits


Water: She hates it!

Cat: Cat brain.

Slower perception: Cats have slower perception than humans


-Being a cat


-Kitten eyes!

Origin: Martha was found by Hilbert on a tree

Other: @YoungX

Job: Hilbert's pet
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Name: Serena Kingston

Hero Name: Mini-Mother Nature

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human, More with Nature now

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 4,11"

Age: 19

Personality: Serena's personality is similar to her brothers. She has a very accepting and optimistic outlook on life. Unlike Leo though, she doesn't joke around when things get serious. Serena often looks back on her childhood with sadness. Seeing no enjoyment from remembering the past. Serena has a similar style of justice as Leo, but not quite to his full extent.

Powers: Control of Nature - Serena has complete control of nature and it's various elements. This includes:

  • The ability to communicate with the Earth.
  • Naturally attracts animals and plants to her.
  • Nature will try and defend her, using various means.

Control of the Earth, and it's various plants:

  • Can create various materials obtained through the earth. Ex. Steel, Oil, Glass, Crystals, etc.
  • Can shape these materials, which allows for several functions. Ex. Polishing metal, Sharpen metal, etc.
  • Easily can shift the earth, allowing for tunneling.
  • Cause Earthquakes, Mudslides, Quicksand or other disasters of the Earth.
  • Can Liquefy the ground.
  • Can create, and manipulate plants in various ways. Though not to the extent of her Earth powers.

Control of Fire, and it's destructive properties.

  • Can create, and shape fire in various ways.
  • Can use fire for a variety of attacks.
  • Can solidify fire.
  • Can generate and shape magma.
  • Can absorb heat up to 250 Degrees Celsius.
  • Can generate heat up to 250 Degrees Celsius.

Control of Water, and it's various states.

  • Can create, and shape water in various ways. Ex. Manipulating tides, controlling ocean currents, etc.
  • Can create natural disasters associated with water, such as Floods, Whirlpools, Hurricanes, etc.
  • Can change water between it's various states: Gas, Liquid, and Solid.
  • Can walk on water.
  • Can purify water.
  • Can create and shape, Acid, Liquid Nitrogen, and Ink.

Control of Air, and it's peaceful qualities.

  • Can create and shape air and it's forms of wind. Ex. Tornadoes, Hurricanes, etc.
  • Can move objects using the air around them.
  • Can walk on air, with very little success.
  • Can create air for her to breathe in.
  • Change gas molecules to affect different things, purify air, create small vacuums, create explosions, etc.
  • Help her breathing with using air molecules.

Control of (Wild, Present Day) Animals, and the ability to morph into them.

  • Understand and communicate with animals.
  • Transform into animals.
  • Take the powers of animals, such as taking the endurance of a horse, without actually being one.

Weakness: Serena can't use different sets of her powers at the same time. While using her powers, she's as much a danger to herself, as she is others.

Also, Serena hardly gets into fights. In fact, she's never gotten into a fight. She doesn't have the right mindset to do so.

Serena gives away what power she's channeling with her eyes, Green means she's activating her animal and nature powers, Brown is Earth, Red is Fire, Blue is water, and white is air.

It Takes time for her to switch in between powers. (Around a few hours.)
However, she can instantly switch from green to another color.

Abilities: Danger Intuition - Serena knows subconsciously when she's in danger.

Origin: Serena has a similar backstory to Leo. Who's backstory began around Page 458.

Other: (
@JPax42 Could you check this for me?)

Job: Gardener
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Kingmalikai said:

Name: Serena Kingston

Hero Name: Mini-Mother Nature

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human, More with Nature now

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 4,11"

Age: 19

Personality: Serena's personality is similar to her brothers. She has a very accepting and optimistic outlook on life. Unlike Leo though, she doesn't joke around when things get serious. Serena often looks back on her childhood with sadness. Seeing no enjoyment from remembering the past. Serena has a similar style of justice as Leo, but not quite to his full extent.

Powers: Control of Nature - Serena has complete control of nature and it's various elements. This includes:

  • Control of the Earth, and it's various plants.
  • Control of Fire, and it's destructive properties.
  • Control of Water, and it's various states.
  • Control of Air, and it's peaceful qualities.
  • Control of Animals, and the ability to morph into them.

Weakness: Serena finds it hard to use her different powers at the same time. While doing so, she's as much a danger to herself, as she is others.

Abilities: Danger Intuition - Serena knows subconsciously when she's in danger.

Origin: Serena has a similar backstory to Leo. Who's backstory began around Page 458.

Other: (
@JPax42 Could you check this for me?)

Job: Gardener
(What kind of animals?)


Name:Mary Sue

Villian Name:Bloody Mary



Powers:Blood Manipulation(Like in Avatar the Last Airbender)

Weakness:Holy Water

Abilities:Horror Scare(A Hallucination) Shadow Cloak
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Otakubeats said:

Name:Mary Sue

Villian Name:Bloody Mary



Powers:Blood Manipulation(Like in Avatar the Last Airbender)

Weakness:Holy Water

Abilities:Horror Scare(A Hallucination) Shadow Cloak
She and Angel will be great friends :D
Otakubeats said:

Name:Mary Sue

Villian Name:Bloody Mary



Powers:Blood Manipulation(Like in Avatar the Last Airbender)

Weakness:Holy Water

Abilities:Horror Scare(A Hallucination) Shadow Cloak
...Does she have a personality?
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]...Does she have a personality?

With a face like that who needs a personality?!
JPax42 said:
(Psst. Did you make a CS for Angel? Because if you didn't it's technically okay if Jay splits her in half xD )
(It's Harmony, Chaos died, she got depressed and well went insane. They did some experimental brain treatment at the asylum and well... She lost her memory
But I'll make one since it's pretty much a new char



Name: ????

Villian Name: Angel

Group (Optional): no one

Sexuality: Both ways

Race: Demi human/ demi-demon

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single I guess

Gender: female

Height: 4'3

Age: 13

Personality: she is insane and dillusional, choosing to help herself. She manipulates and helps only people she care for. She cares for 2 people and 1 is dead. She is nice but gets a eye twitch for whenever she gets a murderous rage.

Powers: ice abilities


Life drain (close proximity... VERY CLOSE)



Mind control (against weaklings)

Weakness: Can be overwealmed mentally


Weak physically

To much life energy makes her pass out

Abilities: quick



Goals: have fun

Origin: (Optional) demon, from hell (rest will be explained)

Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional) Serial Killer
Villain, 352 of them

(In general, varies from person to person)

Name: Various names; now labeled as "Ex"

Villian Name: Ex

Group (Optional): Kaera's ex partners

Sexuality: Males heterosexual/bisexual/pansexual, Females lesbian/bisexual/pansexual

Race: Ex/Demon/Lost soul

Status (Single, Married, etc.): PERPETUALLY DUMPED

Gender: Males and Females

Height: Variable, most have grown to at least 7'. Some of them have grown to 15'

Age: Most are 15, some are older, up to 20. None are younger than 15

Personality: Ex lack a personality and are either lost or killing machines


Depression Immortality - So depressed they aren't capable of death

Depression Manipulation - Ex can manipulate depression within other people, making them sad and eventually after exposure, suicide.

High Durability - While they look they are made of fading dust, they're stronger than steel.

Relationship Manipulation - Some can manipulate the relationship between two people

Demon Physiology - Some have demon physiology

Lost Soul Physiology - Others have the physiology of a lost soul


Fire - The longing fire they once held for someone....crushed their heart. And now, it can crush them.

Seduction - These are longing for a mate, therefore susceptible to seduction. However, seduction empowers them so there is very little time to trap them



Goals: All we wanted...was a lovable partner who cherished every moment with us. Now since that was taken from us, we wish to take away yours, so you don't feel the same heartbreak.

Origin: Normal people with normal lives, until Kaera broke up with them.


Job: wanderers
JPax42 said:
Villain, 352 of them
(In general, varies from person to person)

Name: Various names; now labeled as "Ex"

Villian Name: Ex

Group (Optional): Kaera's ex partners

Sexuality: Males heterosexual/bisexual/pansexual, Females lesbian/bisexual/pansexual

Race: Ex/Demon/Lost soul

Status (Single, Married, etc.): PERPETUALLY DUMPED

Gender: Males and Females

Height: Variable, most have grown to at least 7'. Some of them have grown to 15'

Age: Most are 15, some are older, up to 20. None are younger than 15

Personality: Ex lack a personality and are either lost or killing machines


Depression Immortality - So depressed they aren't capable of death

Depression Manipulation - Ex can manipulate depression within other people, making them sad and eventually after exposure, suicide.

High Durability - While they look they are made of fading dust, they're stronger than steel.

Relationship Manipulation - Some can manipulate the relationship between two people

Demon Physiology - Some have demon physiology

Lost Soul Physiology - Others have the physiology of a lost soul


Fire - The longing fire they once held for someone....crushed their heart. And now, it can crush them.

Seduction - These are longing for a mate, therefore susceptible to seduction. However, seduction empowers them so there is very little time to trap them



Goals: All we wanted...was a lovable partner who cherished every moment with us. Now since that was taken from us, we wish to take away yours, so you don't feel the same heartbreak.

Origin: Normal people with normal lives, until Kaera broke up with them.


Job: wanderers
We are getting a lot of demon like creatures lately. I like these guys a, accepted :)


Name: Saraphina (Sara) Black

Hero Name: Nyx

Group (Optional): N/A

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1

Age: 14

Personality: Sara is cold and secretive, even with people that are close to her. There are certain occasions where she'll be a little more silly, but they're very rare.

Powers: She has control over black clouds of smoke thus she can use it to choke people, confuse them, etc.

Weakness: She can't use her powers near a strong magnetic field, it gives her a massive headache and the smoke effects her as well.

Abilities: Quick, logical and agile

Origin: When she was 3 years old, Sara got lost during a family camping trip and as she wandered the forest on her own, she walked straight into an area where companies illegally dumped toxic waste. The exposure to the chemicals didn't seem to have any physical side effects, but they seemed to have taken a huge toll on her young and innocent mind as well as gave her powers. She never found her family and grew up in an orphanage home.

Other: N/A

Job: Student
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PrincessSara14 said:

Name: Saraphina (Sara) Black

Hero Name: Nyx

Group (Optional): N/A

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1

Age: 14

Personality: Sara is cold and secretive, even with people that are close to her. There are certain occasions where she'll be a little more silly, but they're very rare.

Powers: She has control over black clouds of smoke thus she can use it to choke people, confuse them, etc.

Weakness: She can't use her powers near a strong magnetic field, it gives her a massive headache and the smoke effects her as well.

Abilities: Quick, logical and agile

Origin: When she was 3 years old, Sara got lost during a family camping trip and as she wandered the forest on her own, she walked straight into an area where companies illegally dumped toxic waste. The exposure to the chemicals didn't seem to have any physical side effects, but they seemed to have taken a huge toll on her young and innocent mind as well as gave her powers. She never found her family and grew up in an orphanage home.

Other: N/A

Job: Student
(Accepted although I think the face claim has been used before xD that's fine?)
Tiagirl001 said:
Joining the fun



June Wilson

Villain Name: Black Hole.

Group: Clash.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Race: Human.

Status: Widow.

Gender: Female.

Height: 67 inches/170.18 centimeters.

Age: 34.

Personality: June used to be a kind, forgiving and logical woman. But after the accident she began losing more and more of her sanity. June is now a strict, insane, harsh and unforgiving woman who only look at the pessimistic side of things. She no longer uses mercy or at least only very rarely. June easily gets frustrated and angry if things doesn't work out for her. June hides away her pain in laughter.

Powers: Dark Stellar Manipulation (Also a link for more info).

Weakness: Pure Stellar Manipulation (Again a link). June is still a human being so weapons will still hurt her though she normally dodges them as Black Hole. (Not every time.)

Abilities: June is strong, fit and fast as those were the requirements when she was an astronaut. With the powers that she gained June is not in need of oxygen to live.

Goals: To eradicated humans so that this poor planet can stay in peace.

Origin: June was sent out into space on a small mission. A shutter broke and she was sucked out into space. She was lucky to be able to get helped back into the spaceship before she died of suffocation. The mission was cancelled and the crew was sent back to Earth. June was sent to a hospital immediately to find out if she would be ok. June survived and she soon after quit her job. She stayed inside her house for some week to gather herself but instead she slowly lost her sanity. At night June would hear distant voice calling her to go outside. When June finally went outside she heard nothing. The same night the voices were back and she went outside once again. The voices began screaming yet the still sounded distant. June began feeling stronger and soon she felt almighty. She became as dark as the night and as infinite as space. When her husband saw her like this he got scared and tried to attack her. June did not know what to do and ended up killing him. This made her change back. She held his dead body as tears ran down her face yet she still smiled. She smiled and she laughed. She left his body and the house alone in that night in which she changed forever. (I got carried away... Sorry)

Other: When June is Black Hole she is just a completely dark silhouette with no face or anything like that.

Job: Former astronaut.

@Shammy the Shamrock
It's fine with me that you use the same image. I can already see the fun of a confused bunch of people because our characters look the same. x3
Hero: Zero

Appearance: (very poor) Gray Sweatshirt, Black sweatpants, and a pair of vans

Name: Kevin Mccownick

Hero Name: Zero

Group (Optional): Good

Sexuality: Straight

Race: White

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 6.2

Age: 23

Personality: Outgoing, friendly, empathetic/sympathetic

Powers: Ability to make forcefields and very weak telekinesis

Weakness: Not able to complete missions if he has to kill someone or something

Origin: Comes from a small town and is very shy, eventually blossoms in high school and makes a lot of friends and discovers he wants to help people. He then starts working in a hospital but contracts an unknown infection. The doctors performed vigorous experiments and that helped contract his powers.

Job: Nurse
Wait oops, so he jas brown hair, he's built but not very strong and also he's a runner so he has good endurance

also has brown eyes
Tiagirl001 said:
It's fine with me that you use the same image. I can already see the fun of a confused bunch of people because our characters look the same. x3
Oops sorry, I had no idea


Name: Lucas Duran

Villian Name: The Howling Blaze

Group (Optional): None Yet

Sexuality: A BURNING passion for the opposite gender

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 6,05"

Age: 42

Personality: Lucas is insane. Honestly, he's just a pyromaniac. There would be nothing Lucas would love more than to see the whole world burn because of him. The only thing he shows remorse about, is all the people that go a life without dying to his hand.

Powers: FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! (Self-explanatory)

  • Fire Breath, Lucas' favorite attack.
  • Burning and Incineration, he loves this as well.
  • Multiple other ways of using fire as an attack.

Weakness: Water. Given his nature, he kind of hates this.

Abilities: Like a Salamander: Can live through extremely hot temperatures and can swim through molten lava.

Expert at Combat: Lucas is surprisingly great at combat, and teaching combat. It's as if he could take on a whole army on his own.


Origin: When Lucas was-TOP SECRET-

Other: Incoming, two other characters.
@Shammy the Shamrock

Job: Nothing, Aimless Destroyer
Kingmalikai said:

Name: Lucas Duran

Villian Name: The Howling Blaze

Group (Optional): None Yet

Sexuality: A BURNING passion for the opposite gender

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 6,05"

Age: 42

Personality: Lucas is insane. Honestly, he's just a pyromaniac. There would be nothing Lucas would love more than to see the whole world burn because of him. The only thing he shows remorse about, is all the people that go a life without dying to his hand.

Powers: FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! (Self-explanatory)

  • Fire Breath, Lucas' favorite attack.
  • Burning and Incineration, he loves this as well.
  • Multiple other ways of using fire as an attack.

Weakness: Water. Given his nature, he kind of hates this.

Abilities: Like a Salamander: Can live through extremely hot temperatures and can swim through molten lava.

Expert at Combat: Lucas is surprisingly great at combat, and teaching combat. It's as if he could take on a whole army on his own.


Origin: When Lucas was-TOP SECRET-

Other: Incoming, two other characters.
@Shammy the Shamrock

Job: Nothing, Aimless Destroyer
Me likes c:


Name: Jack Howe

Villian Name: Success

Group (Optional): None Yet

Sexuality: Anyone he can control

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 5,07"

Age: 18

Personality: Jack loves control. Seriously, he gets off on it. It's kind of disgusting. Jack loves to relentlessly taunt and tease people about his power. Even though you wouldn't really suspect him to, he's actually quite lazy. Preferring to sit on a couch and watch T.V. over actually taking control of the world. Something else is his disgustingly large ego. He believes he can do whatever he wants with no repercussions whatsoever. Unfortunately, this is usually the case.

Powers: Jack has a counter for any hero. If they're thing is fire, he has water. If they have plants, he has fire. If they can bring death, he can bring life. The only thing is, he's only JUST as powerful as his opponent. The only way he can win is by tiring out his opponent.

Weakness: Laziness, as said before is the only thing holding Jack back. If you can act on his laziness, he would probably just abandon any fight he's in. This extends into him sleeping. If he's asleep, he's not aware of a fight. So he can be taken care of in that way. Unfortunately, you can't force him to sleep, because he will know that you're trying to. So you have to wait for him to fall asleep on his own.

Multiple fighters, He doesn't do well with multiple fighters because he has too much to focus on. He can only counter one person at a time.

Doesn't want to really cause any harm, he seriously doesn't. All he wants to do is just taunt people. Make it seem as if he's in control.

Abilities: Can develop an ability to get him out of any situation.

Goals: "I don't know. Just kind of going with the flow."

Origin: When Jack was-TOP SECRET-

Other: Incoming, one last character.
@Shammy the Shamrock

Job: Nothing, Aimless Lazy Person
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Name: Payton Soul

Villian Name: Something rhyming with Breath

Group (Optional): None Yet

Sexuality: "Haven't thought about that in a long while..."

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 5,11"

Age: 26

Personality: Payton has an unsure personality. It's certainly calm, but he usually can't make decisions on his own. Instead, he opts to follow rather than lead. Becoming an awfully Ironic way similar to Death, as he always follows. Payton is never disturbed by anything, because of the fact that he sees every single death that happens, as soon as it happens. Payton loves watching people's life. Just following, and always watching.

Powers: Deathvision - He sees every single death. Payton knows about a death five hours ahead of time, but always chooses to never tell.

Invisibility - Payton found it useful to develop this power after a while of being noticed and having authorities called on him.

Wings - With which he can fly.

Weakness: Can't see his own death. Doesn't know when it will come, but this doesn't faze him. He's mortal as well, so there's that.

Abilities: Is pretty resistant to death. Can survive some situations most people wouldn't.

Goals: "I'm going to watch as the world collapses."

Origin: When Payton was-TOP SECRET-

Other: The Final Member. @Shammy the Shamrock

Job: Nothing, Aimless Watcher.

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