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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow Signup

hentaiprincess01 said:

Name: Jade Grey

Anti-Hero Name:

Group: None

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5"2'

Age: 16

Personality: She may look cold, but is very nice and excitable.

Powers: Ability to control shadows.

Weakness: Weakness to all forms of light. Often wears shades and walks around with a parasol.

Abilities: See "Powers".

Origin: n/a

Other: Her weapons are her shadow-controlling abilites and her weapon of choice, "shadow daggers". They are daggers that can pull energy from the shadows to strengthen an attack.

Job: Student
Accepted, here's your cookie :3



Name: Leonardo Owen Kingston

Hero Name: Signal Shock

Group (Optional): None(Yet)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): In A Relationship w/ Katherine

Gender: Male

Height: 5, 06"

Age: 25

Personality: Leo Kingston in his younger days, always kept a smile on his face. Even as he went through rough and uncomfortable moments that smile would always make a comeback. Thankfully this has continued on into adulthood with him, along with a seemingly limitless pool of energy. Whenever he feels confident about a fight, he'll remain in his mostly carefree attitude, but as soon as trouble starts he'll become much more serious about winning and saving anybody he can. Leo's especially supportive of his friends, and to make up for not having any when he was younger he always is quick to befriend the people he meets.


Most of Leo's powers stem off of his original power he got when he was eight;

  • Electricity Manipulation - Even though Leo considers this his most basic power, the things he can do with it are far from basic.
  • Force-Field Generation - Leo can use his electricity to supercharge the molecules in the air, forming into energy force-fields.
  • Nerve/Neural Impulse Manipulation - Leo uses shocks in his system to completely control his nerves and various neural impulses.
  • Partial EM Spectrum Manipulation - Leo can control parts of the EM Spectrum to a certain extent. For example he can control, absorb, and expend radiation, however he can't generate enough radiation on par with a nuclear explosion.

Weakness: Leo has problems with rubber, vacuums, and air powers.

Origin: Leo fell into a power plant and obtained his first basic power. That's all I can say... for now.

Other: Can I get a catch-up to all that has happened? This seems like I'd have to put aside quite a lot of time to read all of this.

Job: Unemployed Bastard.

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Kingmalikai said:



Name: Leo Kingston

Hero Name: Signal Shock

Group (Optional): None(Yet)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single(and ready to mingle)

Gender: Male

Height: 5, 06"

Age: 25

Personality: Leo Kingston in his younger days, always kept a smile on his face. Even as he went through rough and uncomfortable moments that smile would always make a comeback. Thankfully this has continued on into adulthood with him, along with a seemingly limitless pool of energy. Whenever he feels confident about a fight, he'll remain in his mostly carefree attitude, but as soon as trouble starts he'll become much more serious about winning and saving anybody he can. Leo's especially supportive of his friends, and to make up for not having any when he was younger he always is quick to befriend the people he meets.


Most of Leo's powers stem off of his original power he got when he was eight;

  • Electricity Manipulation - Even though Leo considers this his most basic power, the things he can do with it are far from basic.
  • Force-Field Generation - Leo can use his electricity to supercharge the molecules in the air, forming into energy force-fields.
  • Nerve/Neural Impulse Manipulation - Leo uses shocks in his system to completely control his nerves and various neural impulses.
  • Partial EM Spectrum Manipulation - Leo can control parts of the EM Spectrum to a certain extent. For example he can control, absorb, and expend radiation, however he can't generate enough radiation on par with a nuclear explosion.

Weakness: Leo has problems with rubber, vacuums, and air powers.

Origin: Leo fell into a power plant and obtained his first basic power. That's all I can say... for now.

Other: Can I get a catch-up to all that has happened? This seems like I'd have to put aside quite a lot of time to read all of this.

Job: Unemployed Bastard.

Accepted here's your cookie :D


Name: Ben Farrenden

Anti-Hero Name: Perfection

Group: The Wind's Knife

Sexuality: Heterosexual, (He thinks he's Asexual, as he's never really known what sexual attraction is.)

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 5,07"

Age: 24

Personality: Ben has a cold personality, as is common with the rest of the members of The Wind's Knife. The reason he feels the need to be in The Wind's Knife, is to respect his father's last wish for him. It's also the only life he's ever known. Especially so considering he's the leader of the group. Ben himself, distances himself from emotion or ties to any person more than any of the other members. The only emotion he shows from time to time is Anger. This only happens when he loses control of a situation, which he prides himself on having hardly ever lost control.

Powers: Enhanced Assassin - Ben is a master at the art of killing. This leads him to plan a situation to kill anyone he could ever meet, and has met.

Weakness: Ben's anger is his worst enemy. As soon as something doesn't go to plan he may already begin losing it. His anger makes him blind, and will cause him to slip up further, making even worse and worse mistakes.

Ben was never taught above a grade school education. So he has difficulty with any subjects dealing above what e

Origin: Ben's life is mostly shrouded in mystery. There's no knowing who his mother was, or whatever happened to her. Ben's not sure if he even has siblings, or another family entirely. What's for certain is that he has been taught all his life how to kill. This is especially obvious as he is sometimes seen messing up what should be easy math understood by someone who finished High School. Ben's first kill was when he was 13. From there he would go on to have a nearly perfect record of assassinations thanks to his mentor: His father, Gregory Farrenden. Gregory died due to a failed mission while Ben was the age of 22. It was his father's final wish for him to take over the group of assassins his father created, known as The Wind's Knife. While at first they resented him for not being inferior, and much too younger than Gregory, Ben eventually gained the respect and loyalty of the other members in The Wind's Knife.


Gregory Farrenden never died. He simply wanted a life away from the killing he's always done. However he's planned into the future for his return as a hero. Gregory's just waiting for everyone to forget his face so he can make a new reputation for himself.

Job: Hired Assassin
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Kingmalikai said:

Name: Ben Farrenden

Anti-Hero Name: Perfection

Group: '

Sexuality: Asexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 5,07"

Age: 27

Personality: Ben has a cold personality, as is common with the rest of the members of The Wind's Knife. Especially so considering he's the leader of the group. Ben himself, distances himself from emotion or ties to any person more than any of the other members. The only emotion he shows from time to time is Anger. This only happens when he loses control of a situation, which he prides himself on having hardly ever lost control.

Powers: Enhanced Assassin - Ben is a master at the art of killing. This leads him to plan a situation to kill anyone he could ever meet, and has met.

Weakness: Ben's anger is his worst enemy. As soon as something doesn't go to plan he may already begin losing it. His anger makes him blind, and will cause him to slip up further, making even worse and worse mistakes.

Ben was never taught above a grade school education. So he has difficulty with any subjects dealing above what e

Origin: Ben's life is mostly shrouded in mystery. What's for certain is that he has been taught all his life how to kill. This is especially obvious as he is sometimes seen messing up what should be easy math understood by someone who finished High School. Ben's first kill was when he was 13. From there he would go on to have a nearly perfect record of assassinations thanks to his mentor: His father. When his father died due to a failed mission while he was the age of 25. He was told to take over the group of assassins his father created, known as The Wind's Knife. While at first they resented him for being inferior to his father, Ben eventually gained the respect and loyalty of the other members in The Wind's Knife.


Ben's father never died. He simply wanted a life away from the killing he's always done. However he's planned into the future for his return as a hero. He's just waiting for everyone to forget his face so he can make a new reputation for himself.

Job: Hired Assassin

Accepted, here's your cookie


Name: Akeldama, (Dama for short.)

Anti-Hero Name: Akeldama, (Killer Instinct: Rage)

Group: The Wind's Knife

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Half Vampire, Half Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Widower

Gender: Male

Height: 6,05"

Age: 316

Personality: Akeldama has a rare personality compared to the rest of the members of The Wind's Knife. He joined purely for his own sadistic benefit, rather than feeling any obligation, or need to be a part of the group. Dama enjoys killing, and especially enjoys what comes after a perfect kill. Probably the strangest of his personality is his need to be unnecessarily clean and orderly. This likely stems from his age, which is also the reason why he likes to enjoy watching the stage. Dama does care for the other member's of The Wind's Knife, due to having watched them all grow up and even partially having trained them himself. For that reason Dama, is likely to go into his Killing Instinct if he were to watch one of them die.

Powers: Vampire Physiology - For obvious reasons Dama is a vampire, so he has vampire physiology. This includes various powers within it:

  • Blood Consumption - Dama lives on the blood of others, and becomes slightly powered right after draining someone.
  • Wing Manifestation - Dama has wings, but constantly hides them. He only uses them on occasions where he truly needs to chase someone.
  • Conversion - Dama can transform somebody into a vampire, by biting them and draining them of some of their blood. However if he drains somebody of too much blood, they may turn into a mindless zombie, or end up dead.
  • Claw Retraction - Obvious claws.
  • Fang Retraction - Obvious Fangs. Used for blood sucking.
  • Scattering - Dama can scatter into the night through the use of a swarm of bats.
  • Bat Manipulation - Dama can turn into a bat. Nothing much to say about that.

Killing Instinct - When Dama starts to feel threatened, he'll go into a bloodlust, and become a true killing machine. Focused only on the idea of killing, until he gets out of it. This gives him a variety of increased powers, such as Fear Inducement and Predator Instinct. In response to this, the other members of The Wind's Knife have a plan to cage Dama while he goes into this mode.

Power Detection - Simple as it sounds, Dama knows when somebody has powers.

Weakness: Sunlight - Dama dislikes sunlight. While it won't on it's own kill him, an especially sunny day may weaken him enormously. In response to this, Dama always covers up completely and carries around a retractable umbrella.

Wooden Stakes - Dama dislikes all the wooden stakes driven into him over the years. While it doesn't necessarily kill him, it annoys him to no end that people continue to do so. Members of The Wind's Knife think that if enough were driven into him he would die... none of them have tried this theory yet.

Gentleman - Dama is still a gentleman(unless he's in his Killing Instinct mode.) He needs to be invited into a dwelling, as well as treat someone fairly while fighting them.

Garlic and Silver - Dama never touches Garlic or Silver. It's possible this might be a huge weakness, as he recoils at the sight of them. One time when he touched a silver ring of one of the other members of The Wind's Knife he ran away, supposedly with a sizzling sound in the air following him.

Decapitation - This is the most highly suspected way to kill Dama. This may be an important part in attempting to kill him, as he mentions having seen his mother decapitated before him. Dama has never confirmed whether or not this is the reason she died.

Origin: Dama was born to a lovely Countess of some forgotten country and, oddly enough, a vampire hunter in the year 1700. Apparently his mother described to him that she fell for his charms and he hers. When Dama turned 40 his father died, as he had chosen to remain human and lived an oddly long time for a human in that period. Dama recounts how about 79 years later, in the year 1819 vampire hunters rushed the castle and discovered the truth about his mother and him. Dama saw the hunter's decapitate his mother,

which was only the first step they took. They then proceeded to drag her out into the morning light, put her into a coffin of silver, hammer in stakes to pin her down into the coffin, all before they set her on fire. Dama watched the whole event,

and ran away after the atrocity was committed.

For years Dama was an aimless wanderer looking for his next meal. In the year 1980, Dama met a 29 year old Gregory Farrenden. Dama was expecting an easy kill and moved in as he would any other human, but was surprised as Gregory managed to evade all of his attacks, and even managed to quickly figure out some of Dama's weaknesses. Dama actually ended up on the ground, beaten due to Gregory. Dama felt worthless, as he had not used any of his abilities in over a century.

Gregory told him that he had the potential to do so much more, if only he were to train with him, and with that Dama and Gregory became partners in assassination. As they worked, they were assigned to some missions against other assassins. With some of them having kid's, Dama came up with the idea to look for the most talented of the children and raise them to become master assassins. In the end, they found two children worth their time, with somebody else finding out about their forming group and threatening them to join, they soon become the three other members of The Wind's Knife.

Job: Hired Assassin
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Kingmalikai said:

Name: Akeldama, (Dama for short.)

Anti-Hero Name: Akeldama


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Half Vampire, Half Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Widower

Gender: Male

Height: 6,05"

Age: 316

Personality: Akeldama has a rare personality compared to the rest of the members of The Wind's Knife. He joined purely for his own sadistic benefit, rather than feeling any obligation, or need to be a part of the group. Dama enjoys killing, and especially enjoys what comes after a perfect kill. Probably the strangest of his personality is his need to be unnecessarily clean and orderly. This likely stems from his age, which is also the reason why he likes to enjoy watching the stage. Dama does care for the other member's of The Wind's Knife, due to having watched them all grow up and even partially having trained them himself. For that reason Dama, is likely to go into his Killing Instinct if he were to watch one of them die.

Powers: Vampire Physiology - For obvious reasons Dama is a vampire, so he has vampire physiology.

Blood Consumption - Dama lives on the blood of others, and becomes slightly powered right after draining someone.

Wing Manifestation - Dama has wings, but constantly hides them. He only uses them on occasions where he truly needs to chase someone.

Conversion - Dama can transform somebody into a vampire, by biting them and draining them of some of their blood. However if he drains somebody of too much blood, they may turn into a mindless zombie, or end up dead.

Killing Instinct - When Dama starts to feel threatened, he'll go into a bloodlust, and become a true killing machine. Focused only on the idea of killing, until he gets out of it. This gives him a variety of increased powers, such as Fear Inducement and Predator Instinct. In response to this, the other members of The Wind's Knife have a plan to cage Dama while he goes into this mode.

Weakness: Sunlight - Dama dislikes sunlight. While it won't on it's own kill him, an especially sunny day may weaken him enormously. In response to this, Dama always covers up completely and carries around a retractable umbrella.

Wooden Stakes - Dama dislikes all the wooden stakes driven into him over the years. While it doesn't necessarily kill him, it annoys him to no end that people continue to do so. Members of The Wind's Knife think that if enough were driven into him he would die... none of them have tried this theory yet.

Gentleman - Dama is still a gentleman(unless he's in his Killing Instinct mode.) He needs to be invited into a dwelling, as well as treat someone fairly while fighting them.

Garlic and Silver - Dama never touches Garlic or Silver. It's possible this might be a huge weakness, as he recoils at the sight of them. One time when he touched a silver ring of one of the other members of The Wind's Knife he ran away, supposedly with a sizzling sound in the air following him.

Decapitation - This is the most highly suspected way to kill Dama. This may be an important part in attempting to kill him, as he mentions having seen his mother decapitated before him. Dama has never confirmed whether or not this is the reason she died.

Origin: Dama was born to a lovely Countess of some forgotten country and, oddly enough, a vampire hunter in the year 1700. Apparently his mother described to him that she fell for his charms and he hers. When Dama turned 40 his father died, as he had chosen to remain human and lived an oddly long time for a human in that period. Dama recounts how about 79 years later, in the year 1819 vampire hunters rushed the castle and discovered the truth about his mother and him. Dama saw the hunter's decapitate his mother,

which was only the first step they took. They then proceeded to drag her out into the morning light, put her into a coffin of silver, hammer in stakes to pin her down into the coffin, all before they set her on fire. Dama watched the whole event,

and ran away after the atrocity was committed.

For years Dama was an aimless wanderer looking for his next meal. In the year 1980, Dama met a 29 year old Gregory Farrenden. Dama was expecting an easy kill and moved in as he would any other human, but was surprised as Gregory managed to evade all of his attacks, and even managed to quickly figure out some of Dama's weaknesses. Dama actually ended up on the ground, beaten due to Gregory. Dama felt worthless, as he had not used any of his abilities in over a century.

Gregory told him that he had the potential to do so much more, if only he were to train with him, and with that Dama and Gregory became partners in assassination. As they worked, they were assigned to some missions against other assassins. With some of them having kid's, Dama came up with the idea to look for the most talented of the children and raise them to become master assassins. In the end, they found three children worth their time, and they would become the three other members of The Wind's Knife.

Job: Hired Assassin

Accepted, here's your cookie :3


Name: Dmitri Yugo

Anti-Hero Name: Surprise

Group: The Wind's Knife

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Engaged

Gender: Male

Height: 5,11"

Age: 34

Personality: Dmitri is the happiest member of The Wind's Knife. Looking at the bright spots in life much more than his fellow members. Dmitri even asks about the other group member's personal lives, even though he himself is one of the only two who actually has a personal life. However this happiness fades just as soon as he gets on a mission, instead turning into coldness and determination to get the mission done. Dmitri in particular shares his love for nature, as he has three gardens at his home, and is always looking to add to them.

Powers: Hidden Arsenal - Dmitri has always had an ability to keep weapons hidden on himself in some of the most interesting and creative ways. Somehow he has an ability to hide weapons on his person, that shouldn't normally be possible to keep.

Weapon Proficiency - Dmitri is able to use almost any kind of weapon imaginable. Except for nunchucks. For some unknown reason, Dmitri was never quite able to get nunchucks down.

Weakness: Lack of Strategy - Dmitri is not a strategist. He heavily relies on others to guide him on what he needs to do. Without his team, and a well-designed plan against him, Dmitri may be out of luck.

Alcoholism - Dmitri for years had a problem with his alcoholism. It was slowly destroying his life. When he met his fiance, she helped to solve his problem, but Dmitri always says that if he has another couple drinks he may never get off that slope again.

Abilities: Enhanced Conditioning - Years of exercise, have increased Dmitri's strength, agility, endurance, and sense to peak human condition.

Origin: Dmitri was born in Moscow in the year 1982. Just at the start of the Soviet Union. His parent's didn't notice the changes going on in their neighborhood, so they were caught in the middle of the changes. Dmitri was two when his parent's were killed by two hired assassins: Gregory Farrenden and Akeldama. He was quickly adopted by the two and they started to raise him into an assassin. It was years later when he found out that the reason he's so adept at being an assassin was that his parent's were retired ones themselves. Dmitri would years later become a part of the five members of The Wind's Knife.

In the year 2009, Dmitri was on a mission when he met a fellow assassin. Her name was Joanna Red, and she would continue to show up on missions to mess with Dmitri. It was on the twelfth time that he saw her that he realized he had feelings for her. After confessing the next time he saw her, she revealed similar feelings and they both started a relationship of seeing each other between jobs. Earlier this year, Dmitri finally mustered up the courage and proposed to her, she accepted after a week of teasing him relentlessly as she continued to dodge the question.

Job: Hired Assassin, Part-time Bartender(The irony is not lost on him.)
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Kingmalikai said:

Name: Dmitri Yugo

Anti-Hero Name: Surprise


Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Engaged

Gender: Male

Height: 5,11"

Age: 34

Personality: Dmitri is the happiest member of The Wind's Knife. Looking at the bright spots in life much more than his fellow members. Dmitri even asks about the other group member's personal lives, even though he himself is one of the only two who actually has a personal life. However this happiness fades just as soon as he gets on a mission, instead turning into coldness and determination to get the mission done. Dmitri in particular shares his love for nature, as he has three gardens at his home, and is always looking to add to them.

Powers: Hidden Arsenal - Dmitri has always had an ability to keep weapons hidden on himself in some of the most interesting and creative ways. Somehow he has an ability to hide weapons on his person, that shouldn't normally be possible to keep.

Weapon Proficiency - Dmitri is able to use almost any kind of weapon imaginable. Except for nunchucks. For some unknown reason, Dmitri was never quite able to get nunchucks down.

Weakness: Lack of Strategy - Dmitri is not a strategist. He heavily relies on others to guide him on what he needs to do. Without his team, and a well-designed plan against him, Dmitri may be out of luck.

Alcoholism - Dmitri for years had a problem with his alcoholism. It was slowly destroying his life. When he met his fiance, she helped to solve his problem, but Dmitri always says that if he has another couple drinks he may never get off that slope again.

Abilities: Enhanced Conditioning - Years of exercise, have increased Dmitri's strength, agility, endurance, and sense to peak human condition.

Origin: Dmitri was born in Moscow in the year 1982. Just at the start of the Soviet Union. His parent's didn't notice the changes going on in their neighborhood, so they were caught in the middle of the changes. Dmitri was two when his parent's were killed by two hired assassins: Gregory Farrenden and Akeldama. He was quickly adopted by the two and they started to raise him into an assassin. It was years later when he found out that the reason he's so adept at being an assassin was that his parent's were retired ones themselves. Dmitri would years later become a part of the five members of The Wind's Knife.

In the year 2009, Dmitri was on a mission when he met a fellow assassin. Her name was Joanna Red, and she would continue to show up on missions to mess with Dmitri. It was on the twelfth time that he saw her that he realized he had feelings for her. After confessing the next time he saw her, she revealed similar feelings and they both started a relationship of seeing each other between jobs. Earlier in the year, Dmitri finally mustered up the courage and proposed to her, she accepted after a week of teasing him relentlessly as she continued to dodge the question.

Job: Hired Assassin, Part-time Bartender(The irony is not lost on him.)
Accepted, here's your cookie :3


Name: Ume Nakae

Anti-Hero Name: Power of One Million

Group: The Wind's Knife

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 4,11"

Age: 22

Personality: Ume has a cold personality similar to Ben Farrenden, however not quite as intense. Ume feels as though The Wind's Knife is a necessary part of the world, due to her believing that some people deserve to die. Ume herself was close to joining a villain's group, but her allies convinced her to realize that random acts of killing are useless. Although she says that's the reason why she joined The Wind's Knife again, the real reason is that she believed that the people the villain's group kills, are undeserving of death. She's attracted to Ben, but he doesn't respond to her attractions at all.

Powers: One-Man Army - Ume can take down hundreds of combatants at the same time. Supposedly even when the odds are, "One Million to One!" as she constantly says herself.

Enhanced Combat - Ume is a master at fighting with no weapons, and can take down even some of the most skilled swordsman with only her fists.

Weakness: Other Superhumans - Ume finds it hard sometimes to deal with someone who's super powered. Such as, somebody with fire powers.

Overconfidence - Ume feels strongly that her abilities can beat anything that comes her way, which often leads to her underestimating her opponents, and putting herself in dangerous situations.

Abilities: Enhanced Conditioning - Years of exercise, have increased Ume's strength, agility, endurance, and sense to peak human condition.

Origin: Ume comes from a long line of assassin's born in Tokyo, Japan. Both sides of her family are assassins, which made them targets by many people seeking revenge. One of these people sent two assassins to kill her parents: Gregory Farrenden and Akeldama. Upon killing her parents, they took her in as their own, and raised her to become a master assassin just like them.

When she turned 19 she was offered a position in a villains guild for her impressive abilities. Even though she planned on not taking it, the rest of the group tried convincing her to not take the job. She decided against it, and stayed with the rest of the group. She still goes to college while being an assassin, and mostly seems to struggle by.

Job: Hired Assassin/College Student
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Kingmalikai said:

Name: Ume Nakae

Anti-Hero Name: Power of One Million


Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 4,11"

Age: 22

Personality: Ume has a cold personality similar to Ben Farrenden, however not quite as intense. Ume feels as though The Wind's Knife is a necessary part of the world, due to her believing that some people deserve to die. Ume herself was close to joining a villain's group, but her allies convinced her to realize that random acts of killing are useless. Although she says that's the reason why she joined The Wind's Knife again, the real reason is that she believed that the people the villain's group kills, are undeserving of death. She's attracted to Ben, but he doesn't respond to her attractions at all.

Powers: One-Man Army - Ume can take down hundreds of combatants at the same time. Supposedly even when the odds are, "One Million to One!" as she constantly says herself.

Enhanced Combat - Ume is a master at fighting with no weapons, and can take down even some of the most skilled swordsman with only her fists.

Weakness: Other Superhumans - Ume finds it hard sometimes to deal with someone who's super powered. Such as, somebody with fire powers.

Overconfidence - Ume feels strongly that her abilities can beat anything that comes her way, which often leads to her underestimating her opponents, and putting herself in dangerous situations.

Abilities: Enhanced Conditioning - Years of exercise, have increased Ume's strength, agility, endurance, and sense to peak human condition.

Origin: Ume comes from a long line of assassin's born in Tokyo, Japan. Both sides of her family are assassins, which made them targets by many people seeking revenge. One of these people sent two assassins to kill her parents: Gregory Farrenden and Akeldama. Upon killing her parents, they took her in as their own, and raised her to become a master assassin just like them.

When she turned 19 she was offered a position in a villains guild for her impressive abilities. Even though she planned on not taking it, the rest of the group tried convincing her to not take the job. She decided against it, and stayed with the rest of the group. She still goes to college while being an assassin, and mostly seems to struggle by.

Job: Hired Assassin/College Student
Accepted, here's your cookie :3


Name:Naomi Smith

Anti-Hero Name:

Group: The Wind's Knife

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5,08"

Age: 32

Personality: Naomi Smith likes to brag. A lot. She considers nearly everything she does an achievement. This also causes her to become very competitive. One of her favorite people to compare with is Dmitri, who she always has an ongoing competition with. This is also a huge reason why Naomi stays in the group. Naomi has a weird interest in helping others. Claiming that the reason is that she needs people in their best shape if she's to compare herself to them.

Powers: Ninjutsu - Ninjutsu is the various martial arts, tactics, strategy, and espionage of unconventional and guerrilla warfare.

Weakness: Naomi can get caught up in trying to outdo herself and others, which can lead to her slipping up. Just look for the one moment of weakness and exploit it.

Origin: Naomi was adopted from her actual family into a family living in Tokyo, Japan. She was taught for years how to become a master at Ninjutsu. When she moved out from her family when she was 19, she managed to discover the forming group of assassins after tracking some of their recent kills. After asking kindly... she was let in by Gregory Farrenden. From then on she has dedicated her life to being a master assassin, and a master of the art of Ninjutsu.

Job: Hired Assassin
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Kingmalikai said:

Name:Naomi Smith

Anti-Hero Name:


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5,08"

Age: 32

Personality: Naomi Smith likes to brag. A lot. She considers nearly everything she does an achievement. This also causes her to become very competitive. One of her favorite people to compare with is Dmitri, who she always has an ongoing competition with. This is also a huge reason why Naomi stays in the group. Naomi has a weird interest in helping others. Claiming that the reason is that she needs people in their best shape if she's to compare herself to them.

Powers: Ninjutsu - Ninjutsu is the various martial arts, tactics, strategy, and espionage of unconventional and guerrilla warfare.

Weakness: Naomi can get caught up in trying to outdo herself and others, which can lead to her slipping up. Just look for the one moment of weakness and exploit it.

Origin: Naomi was adopted from her actual family into a family living in Tokyo, Japan. She was taught for years how to become a master at Ninjutsu. When she moved out from her family when she was 19, she managed to discover the forming group of assassins after tracking some of their recent kills. After asking kindly... she was let in by Gregory Farrenden. From then on she has dedicated her life to being a master assassin, and a master of the art of Ninjutsu.

Job: Hired Assassin
Accepted, here's your cookie :3




Name: Kaera (Kai-ra)

Villian Name: ???

Group (Optional): Nope

Sexuality: F*cks anything that moves (Pansexual)

Race: ??? Looks like a human mutant.

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7

Age: 15

Personality: Kaera's personality changes every single minute of every single day. One day, she's incredibly happy and the next day she wants to kill a house full of teenagers. And she usually does. It's not a good thing, she's mentally...not alright.


-Flight: Kaera can fly pretty fast and for some period of time

-Enhanced Strength: Kaera is pretty strong, being able to rip cars apart and things of similar nature

-Enhanced Speed: Kaera is pretty fast on the ground as well as in the air; her perception can match her speed, making her see the world in slow motion, although she doesn't quite know this properly.

-Enhanced Coordination: Necessary for whatever the hell she does

-Purple torch: Can generate fire in her hands, however she can't shoot it at anyone. She can use it as a torch


-Perpetually naked, any clothes she puts on tends to be in a corner singed. This means she has to steal jackets from people one at a time, meaning she can very easily be arrested for public indecency

-Reckless. Oops, there goes your car.

-Disadvantages of mood swings and other things.

-Unskilled with weapons


-Excellent acrobat

-Destructive potential

Goals: Unknown, however for some reason she is destroying a lot of haunted private property...

Origin: (Optional)

Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional)

@Shammy the Shamrock (Hi <3)
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JPax42 said:


Name: Kaera (Kai-ra)

Villian Name: ???

Group (Optional): Nope

Sexuality: F*cks anything that moves (Pansexual)

Race: ??? Looks like a human mutant.

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7

Age: 15

Personality: Kaera's personality changes every single minute of every single day. One day, she's incredibly happy and the next day she wants to kill a house full of teenagers. And she usually does. It's not a good thing, she's mentally...not alright.


-Flight: Kaera can fly pretty fast and for some period of time

-Enhanced Strength: Kaera is pretty strong, being able to rip cars apart and things of similar nature

-Enhanced Speed: Kaera is pretty fast on the ground

-Enhanced Coordination: Necessary for whatever the hell she does

-Purple torch: Can generate fire in her hands, however she can't shoot it at anyone. She can use it as a torch


-Perpetually naked, any clothes she puts on tends to be in a corner singed. This means she has to steal jackets from people one at a time, meaning she can very easily be arrested for public indecency

-Reckless. Oops, there goes your car.

-Disadvantages of mood swings and other things.

-Unskilled with weapons


-Excellent acrobat

-Destructive potential

Goals: Unknown, however for some reason she is destroying a lot of haunted private property...

Origin: (Optional)

Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional)

@Shammy the Shamrock (Hi <3)

Accepted! Here's your cookie :3 Good to see ya! I must warn you that this rp can be a bit....slow.



Name: Ken Kobayashi

Hero Name: Due to having the ZECTS which came from their source material... he does call himself Kamen rider Kickhopper or just Kickhopper.

Group: N/A

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Asian

Status (Single, Married, etc.):

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Age: 21


Ken isn't the out of mind type rather he always seems to be looking for something. Whether it's a new city or what not he goes somewhere. He walks wherever the intersecting roads take him, but don't mistake him for one that never plans. There comes a need when he needs to think to get out of a situation. Because his life is different from others he does not sympathize with others. He believes that life is a wonderful blessing despite the negatives that pop out of it. Also he believes that humans cam become something greater if they try. If he sees trouble then he'll have to help out... unless he sees that it's under control. Anger is... almost non existent from Ken. He feels that it's just not worth it. Being calm and happy is what Ken is about.


Hopper ZECT: A grasshopper mechanical being that appears when Ken needs it. It seems to have come from the source material but no one knows why. Same goes for the Rider Belts needed to insert the Hopper ZECT on.


The ability to transform into Kamen RIDER Kickhopper for whatever reason. Kickhopper has great strength, speed, coordination and excellent kicking power more than anything.


Clock-Up: Kickhopper, here, has the power of Clock-up which is the ability to temporarily go at near light speeds. It doesn't last that long nor can he constantly use it.

Rider Jump/Rider Kick: By flipping up the ZECT legs upward on the belt, Ken performs the Rider Jump. It's basically a powerful fast jump. Then he can perform the Rider Kick. It is a very powerful tachyon-filled kick that does more damage based on how damaged a foe is. For reasons it can only seemed to be pulled off once per transformation. Had yet ti be fully confirmed. Can also bounce off of multiple enemies while maintaining the same level of power output.


- Limited uses of his finisher and clock up.

- He fights with his unarmed skill so he doesn't know how to use weapons.


- Excellent unarmed fighter

- Quick on his feet

- Lack of weapons means he has to be creative.

- Always learning from his mistakes.

Origin: Ken was always a calm, yet happy person. Though he had taken martial arts lessons from his father, who happened to be a world martial artist. As a result, Ken had used his unarmed skills to stop criminals who ruin others lives. His love of Kamen Rider, especially Kabuto, had inspired him to do so. Later on in his life he was wandering on the streets when the Hopper ZECT appeared out of nowhere with the ZECT henshin belt from said series. He was extremely confused as to how this was possible, but he accepted it. Because how familiar he was with the source material.... he was able to master the power of Kamen RIDER Kickhopper. He wanders around the world looking for new things as well as using his power when needed.

Other: Also possesses the second Hopper ZECT which allows one to become Kamen Rider Punch hopper. Does the same except rider punch replaces Rider Kick.

Others can use the ZECT to transform, however the ZECT chooses who can be worthy to use them.

Job: N/A A wanderer/adventurer of sorts. Gets income through all sorts of means.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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YoungX said:


Name: Ken Kobayashi

Hero Name: Due to having the ZECTS which came from their source material... he does call himself Kamen rider Kickhopper or just Kickhopper.

Group: N/A

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Asian

Status (Single, Married, etc.):

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Age: 21


Ken isn't the out of mind type rather he always seems to be looking for something. Whether it's a new city or what not he goes somewhere. He walks wherever the intersecting roads take him, but don't mistake him for one that never plans. There comes a need when he needs to think to get out of a situation. Because his life is different from others he does not sympathize with others. He believes that life is a wonderful blessing despite the negatives that pop out of it. Also he believes that humans cam become something greater if they try. If he sees trouble then he'll have to help out... unless he sees that it's under control. Anger is... almost non existent from Ken. He feels that it's just not worth it. Being calm and happy is what Ken is about.


Hopper ZECT: A grasshopper mechanical being that appears when Ken needs it. It seems to have come from the source material but no one knows why. Same goes for the Rider Belts needed to insert the Hopper ZECT on.


The ability to transform into Kamen RIDER Kickhopper for whatever reason. Kickhopper has great strength, speed, coordination and excellent kicking power more than anything.


Clock-Up: Kickhopper, here, has the power of Clock-up which is the ability to temporarily go at near light speeds. It doesn't last that long nor can he constantly use it.

Rider Jump/Rider Kick: By flipping up the ZECT legs upward on the belt, Ken performs the Rider Jump. It's basically a powerful fast jump. Then he can perform the Rider Kick. It is a very powerful tachyon-filled kick that does more damage based on how damaged a foe is. For reasons it can only seemed to be pulled off once per transformation. Had yet ti be fully confirmed. Can also bounce off of multiple enemies while maintaining the same level of power output.


- Limited uses of his finisher and clock up.

- He fights with his unarmed skill so he doesn't know how to use weapons.


- Excellent unarmed fighter

- Quick on his feet

- Lack of weapons means he has to be creative.

- Always learning from his mistakes.

Origin: Ken was always a calm, yet happy person. Though he had taken martial arts lessons from his father, who happened to be a world martial artist. As a result, Ken had used his unarmed skills to stop criminals who ruin others lives. His love of Kamen Rider, especially Kabuto, had inspired him to do so. Later on in his life he was wandering on the streets when the Hopper ZECT appeared out of nowhere with the ZECT henshin belt from said series. He was extremely confused as to how this was possible, but he accepted it. Because how familiar he was with the source material.... he was able to master the power of Kamen RIDER Kickhopper. He wanders around the world looking for new things as well as using his power when needed.

Other: Also possesses the second Hopper ZECT which allows one to become Kamen Rider Punch hopper. Does the same except rider punch replaces Rider Kick.

Others can use the ZECT to transform, however the ZECT chooses who can be worthy to use them.

Job: N/A A wanderer/adventurer of sorts. Gets income through all sorts of means.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Accepted, here's your cookie :3



Name: Lara

Anti-Hero Name: Shift

Group (Optional): None

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Mutant??

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8

Age: 15

Personality: Sort of competitive and resourceful. Her personality is shaped from living right outside any urban place.


-Concussive power: As Lara runs or flies, her personal momentum translates into kinetic power that builds up in front of her. When she stops, this momentum goes forward with concussive force depending on how fast she's running. It's even better when she drops down from a plane if she can survive that. The force she creates forms in front of her as a red-orange wispy fire-like dome

-Flight: Lara can fly pretty fast, although it's draining. Hovering is even harder since it's all kinetic

-Enhanced Speed: Lara is fast

-Momentum Strength: Lara is capable of generating strength from momentum so her muscles don't break under stress. She can punch through concrete if she has enough swing

-'Novus Bomb': Lara concentrates all momentum into herself, then expels it an outwards motion. This generates heat.


-Objects that are more or less aerodynamic are resistant to Lara's concussive attacks from the front.

-Large people who are stronger than her


-Children; she has to take care of children.

-Terrible with weapons that replace her power such as stun grenades, etc.


-Skilled with her abilities

-Knows how to make shelters

-Skills with knives if needed

-Pretty good swimmer?

Origin: No


Job: None
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JPax42 said:


Name: Lara

Anti-Hero Name: Shift

Group (Optional): None

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Mutant??

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8

Age: 15

Personality: Sort of competitive and resourceful. Her personality is shaped from living right outside any urban place.


-Concussive power: As Lara runs or flies, her personal momentum translates into kinetic power that builds up in front of her. When she stops, this momentum goes forward with concussive force depending on how fast she's running. It's even better when she drops down from a plane if she can survive that. The force she creates forms in front of her as a red-orange wispy fire-like dome

-Flight: Lara can fly pretty fast, although it's draining. Hovering is even harder since it's all kinetic

-Enhanced Speed: Lara is fast

-Momentum Strength: Lara is capable of generating strength from momentum so her muscles don't break under stress. She can punch through concrete if she has enough swing

-'Novus Bomb': Lara concentrates all momentum into herself, then expels it an outwards motion. This generates heat.


-Objects that are more or less aerodynamic are resistant to Lara's concussive attacks from the front.

-Large people who are stronger than her


-Children; she has to take care of children.

-Terrible with weapons that replace her power such as stun grenades, etc.


-Skilled with her abilities

-Knows how to make shelters

-Skills with knives if needed

-Pretty good swimmer?

Origin: No


Job: None

Accepted, here have cookies :3


Name: Robin "Rob" Hunter (Automaton IAM-1122-1963)

Hero Name: N/A

Group (Optional): Empire of Orion

Sexuality: Bi-curious (Or rather, programmed to act bi-curious)

Race: Human (Orion-built robot)

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female (Asexual, female programming)

Height: 1.95 m

Age: 32 (3)

Personality: She's aloof and a loner, but can be very kind and selfless. Always mysterious and never speak too much of herself, she rather let her guitar speak for her instead. To whoever manage to befriend her, she may appear distant and emotionless, with a smile that is either very artificial or rather sad.

Powers: Super human strenght, agility and reflexes (A guitar that can turn into a portable particle cannon)

Weakness: Intense magnetic fields, chaff granades, magnets (she start singing folk songs when one is attached to her head)

Abilities: Excellent guitarist and singer, good with computers, can seemingly operate alien technology.

Origin: Born and raised in Texas, altrough she's an orfan and have no memories of her childhood. One day while wandering the desert she found a dawned UFO that gave her the current super powers and a mission, find and stop an alien from Antares from destroying an ancient alien civilization.

Her true origin: A robot created by the ancient Orion civilization with the specific mission to stop an Antaran spy from discovering a powerful form of energy on Earth that could possibly spell doom for Orion. While she managed to infiltrate the human society she still have trouble to adapt to everyday life, mainly due to her poor understanding of concepts like "Emotions" and "Free Will" beyond the definition on the dictionary.

Job: Wandering musician.
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Damacyn said:

Name: Robin "Rob" Hunter (Automaton IAM-42-1963)

Hero Name: N/A

Group (Optional): Empire of Orion

Sexuality: Bi-curious (Or rather, programmed to act bi-curious)

Race: Human (Orion-built robot)

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female (Asexual, female programming)

Height: 1.95 m

Age: 32 (3)

Personality: She's aloof and a loner, but can be very kind and selfless. Always mysterious and never speak too much of herself, she rather let her guitar speak for her instead. To whoever manage to befriend her, she may appear distant and emotionless, with a smile that is either very artificial or rather sad.

Powers: Super human strenght, agility and reflexes (A guitar that can turn into a portable particle cannon)

Weakness: Intense magnetic fields, chaff granades, magnets (she start singing folk songs when one is attached to her head)

Abilities: Excellent guitarist and singer, good with computers, can seemingly operate alien technology.

Origin: Born and raised in Texas, altrough she's an orfan and have no memories of her childhood. One day while wandering the desert she found a dawned UFO that gave her the current super powers and a mission, find and stop an alien from Antares from destroying an ancient alien civilization.

Her true origin: A robot created by the ancient Orion civilization with the specific mission to stop an Antaran spy from discovering a powerful form of energy on Earth that could possibly spell doom for Orion. While she managed to infiltrate the human society she still have trouble to adapt to everyday life, mainly due to her poor understanding of concepts like "Emotions" and "Free Will" beyond the definition on the dictionary.

Job: Wandering musician.
Accepted, here's your cookie :3

Appearance: Thin with long brown hair, a face that is more pretty than rugged, and piercing green eyes. He would appear to carry himself with confidence to a stranger but someone closer to him might notice nervous ticks or some paranoid behavior

Name: Alek Kuztenov

Hero Name: the Therapist

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Age: 24

Personality: Alek tends to remove himself from any social situation that he can as he prefers to observe interactions between people. He has been told that he is callous and sarcastic by some and that he is warm and genuine by others but ultimately he is simply selective of who he spends his emotional energy on. In general he is jovial, quick-witted, occasionally distant, and often arrogant.

Powers: Psychic manipulation.

Weakness: physical strength

Abilities: Alek can tune into, and manipulate the thoughts of those around him. While the success of this depends on the impressionability and will of his target, he would never use this ability to take a life.

Origin: Born into an orphanage, Alek always valued his friends. One in particular, Ian, was like a brother to him. At 16 the two decided they would escape the orphanage and, after many failed attempts, they succeeded and ran down the poorly paved road to freedom.

Later that night, Ian was shot in a petty robbery. This destroyed Alek. He was left in a nearly catatonic state for a year and, during that time he did little more than explore his own thoughts. Without sleeping or eating for days at a time he didn't even notice when he was no longer exploring his own thoughts but rather the thoughts of those around him. Now he seeks an answer that could end violence so that no one will have to lose someone at the hands of another again.

Job: Musician
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[QUOTE="String Theory]Hero
Appearance: Thin with long brown hair, a face that is more pretty than rugged, and piercing green eyes. He would appear to carry himself with confidence to a stranger but someone closer to him might notice nervous ticks or some paranoid behavior

Name: Alek Kuztenov

Hero Name: the Therapist

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Age: 24

Personality: Alek tends to remove himself from any social situation that he can as he prefers to observe interactions between people. He has been told that he is callous and sarcastic by some and that he is warm and genuine by others but ultimately he is simply selective of who he spends his emotional energy on. In general he is jovial, quick-witted, occasionally distant, and often arrogant.

Powers: Psychic manipulation.

Weakness: physical strength

Abilities: Alek can tune into, and manipulate the thoughts of those around him. While the success of this depends on the impressionability and will of his target, he would never use this ability to take a life.

Origin: Born into an orphanage, Alek always valued his friends. One in particular, Ian, was like a brother to him. At 16 the two decided they would escape the orphanage and, after many failed attempts, they succeeded and ran down the poorly paved road to freedom.

Later that night, Ian was shot in a petty robbery. This destroyed Alek. He was left in a nearly catatonic state for a year and, during that time he did little more than explore his own thoughts. Without sleeping or eating for days at a time he didn't even notice when he was no longer exploring his own thoughts but rather the thoughts of those around him. Now he seeks an answer that could end violence so that no one will have to lose someone at the hands of another again.

Job: Musician

Accepted here's your cookie :3

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