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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow Signup

Wasteful Bucket]Appearance:[ATTACH=full]308601[/ATTACH] Name: Sam Ren Hero Name: Death Note (I know it sounds villainy but... no) Sexuality: Heterosexual Race: Human/Demon Status: Married Gender: Male Height: 5 foot 9 Age: 20 Personality: funny mean cruel cocky happy morbid and egotistical Powers: he can summon his pet Mud a dog made of bone (bigger then him) bone projectiles Weakness: insults and lose of concentration Ability: very concentrated Goals: train his powers enough to master them [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31528-shammy-the-shamrock/ said:
@Shammy the Shamrock[/URL]
Accepted, here's your cookie
AugustineVampire said:
Appearance: Dark short hair, bright blue eyes
Name: Elijah Addison

Hero Name: The dark wolf

Group (Optional): none?

Sexuality: Straight


Status (Single, Married, etc.): single

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1

Age: 300+ but looks like a 28 yr old

Personality: Gentleman, responsible, never breaks a promise on purpose, can be evil and manipulative, kind, warm.

Powers: Telekinesis, Teleport, can have the memories of the things\people he touches, can control any weapon.

Weakness: When people talk about his past , try to control him , get into his head , sometimes has dark purposes.

Abilities: Calm people, take care of people


Other: (Optional): Is a hybrid

Job: (Optional) Surgeon
I am going to accept it but just don't over use the powers. :)

-Long red hair

-Has a pretty damn good body due to her image

-Full hetrochromia. One purple eye and one red eye.

Name: Katherine (Katerina) Addison

Anti-Hero Name: The Dasis Assassin

Group (Optional): No group

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: American

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Age: Nobody really knows, most definitely under the age of 25

Personality: Flirty, adventurous, funny, badass, sneaky, can be selfish sometimes, brave, friendly, confident.

Powers: Amazing acrobatic skills, can handle any weapon really, Telekinesis, Controlling elements, healing, mind reading, causing nightmares to a person, even if her arm will cut off it will grow back. (Can't be killed).


-People insulting or disrespecting her

-Talking about her past

-Hitting her at the back of her head where she was once injured (can pass out)


-Acrobatic skills

-Controlling weapons

-seducing men (>
:D )

(Oh I forgot that I had a character here xD just erase Elijah Addison xD )
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AugustineVampire said:
-Long red hair

-Has a pretty damn good body due to her image xD

-Full hetrochromia. One purple eye and one red eye.

Name: Katherine (Katerina) Addison

Anti-Hero Name: The Dasis Assassin

Group (Optional): No group

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: American

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Age: Nobody really knows, most definitely under the age of 25

Personality: Flirty, adventurous, funny, badass, sneaky, can be selfish sometimes, brave, friendly, confident.

Powers: Amazing acrobatic skills, can handle any weapon really, Telekinesis, Controlling elements, healing, mind reading, causing nightmares to a person, even if her arm will cut off it will grow back. (Can't be killed).


-People insulting or disrespecting her

-Talking about her past

-Hitting her at the back of her head where she was once injured (can pass out)


-Acrobatic skills

-Controlling weapons

-seducing men ( :D )

(Oh I forgot that I had a character here xD just erase Elijah Addison xD )




Full Name: Lena Wojdzicky

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 1.68m

Age: 17

Personality: Kind, sometimes shy, eager to help.


--Enchanced lungs, allowing her to temporarily breathe underwater, and to stay underwater for longer periods of time--

--Ability to manipulate with water particles around her, able to switch their status. She can melt ice, as well as create some, she can disperse of water really quickly, as well as make some with steam surrounding her. This, combined with fact that she is really skilled with it, can make for some deadly projectiles of ice.

--Her body is naturally experienced with cold, as she can resist even lowest degrees of temperature for a pretty noticeable amount of time--


--Hot... She.Is not.Able.To contain. Hot. Whenever the air or water around her gets hot, her conciousness will begin to leave her, and she'll begin to drown, if underwater.--


Aforementioned, as well as the fact that her fingers are specially designed to better coincide with water. Small fins appear in between her fingers to allow her to swim through water more quickly

Origin: Lena had a normal childhood up untill 7 years old, when her body got subject to a radiation from a small barrel containing unknown substance. After that, at the age of 10, she discovered her abilities, as well as her weakness, which almost made her fall into coma one day.
JJKab said:


Full Name: Lena Wojdzicky

Sexuality: Straight

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 1.68m

Age: 17

Personality: Kind, sometimes shy, eager to help.


--Enchanced lungs, allowing her to temporarily breathe underwater, and to stay underwater for longer periods of time--

--Ability to manipulate with water particles around her, able to switch their status. She can melt ice, as well as create some, she can disperse of water really quickly, as well as make some with steam surrounding her. This, combined with fact that she is really skilled with it, can make for some deadly projectiles of ice.

--Her body is naturally experienced with cold, as she can resist even lowest degrees of temperature for a pretty noticeable amount of time--


--Hot... She.Is not.Able.To contain. Hot. Whenever the air or water around her gets hot, her conciousness will begin to leave her, and she'll begin to drown, if underwater.--


Aforementioned, as well as the fact that her fingers are specially designed to better coincide with water. Small fins appear in between her fingers to allow her to swim through water more quickly

Origin: Lena had a normal childhood up untill 7 years old, when her body got subject to a radiation from a small barrel containing unknown substance. After that, at the age of 10, she discovered her abilities, as well as her weakness, which almost made her fall into coma one day.
Accepted! Here is your cookie :3
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Accepted! Here is your cookie :3

(Nomomomnomnomonmonmonmonm. buuuuurp. Yayyyyy)



Amber Styx

Hero Name:

Ice Prince

Group (Optional):





Super Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.):









Sarcastic , Intelligent , Kind hearted , Hot Tempered , Trustworthy , Loyal , Un trusting , Can be childish and cute when with friends, Flirty , Seductive


Ice Manipulation

Energy Manipulation


Above Average speed


Physically Weak

Somewhat Frail

His temper clouds his judgement

Loyalty is too strong at times



Highly Flexible

Highly Intelligent

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djinnamon said:



Amber Styx

Hero Name:

Ice Prince

Group (Optional):





Super Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.):









Sarcastic , Intelligent , Kind hearted , Hot Tempered , Trustworthy , Loyal , Un trusting , Can be childish and cute when with friends, Flirty , Seductive


Ice Manipulation

Crystal Manipulation


Above Average speed


Physically Weak

Somewhat Frail

His temper clouds his judgement

Loyalty is too strong at times



Highly Flexible

Highly Intelligent

Accepted, here is your cookie :)

Appearance: Black hoodie, jeans, red Rosey cheeks

Name: Choas

Villian Name: Choas

Group (Optional):

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Demon

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Married

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7

Age: 18

Personality: a hard shelled person that is sarcastic alot of the time. She is cruel to anyone but Harmony and is very protective. -- - Insane Rest will be in RP

Powers: mind control(will ask for permission) telepathy(except for Harmony) telekenisis, teleportation,super dexterity and reflexes, very durable. Immortal, fire manipulation

Weakness: One who is more insane or a fellow mind controller can over power her easily and under times of great emotional stress her powers can be null

Abilities: novice gunner

Expert melee combatant

Extreamly clever use of powers

Goals: To keep Harmony safe and kill everyone so her and Harmony can live together

Origin: (Optional) The void/nether realm

Other: (Optional) meh

Job: (Optional) bank robber/insane murderer



Name: Harmony

Villian Name:

Group (Optional):

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Demon

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Married

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8

Age: 18

Personality: Kind, loving, accepting, forgiving, protective


Powers: Telekensis, teleportation, mind controller, and ice manipulation ,super dexterity and reflexes, very durable. Immortal

Weakness: fire, great stress, stronger immortald, stronger mind controllers


Professional gunwomen

Novice melee fighter

Extreamly clever

Goals: protect Choas, kill everyone who effects Choas so we can live together alone

Origin: (Optional) nether/void realm

Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional) bank robber
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Yappi said:


Villian Name:

Group (Optional):



Status (Single, Married, etc.):









Origin: (Optional)

Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional)




Villian Name:

Group (Optional):



Status (Single, Married, etc.):









Origin: (Optional)

Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional)
Accepted xD
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
Accepted xD

I'll edit it xD gonna get some Choas X Harmony action going on
Yappi said:
I'll edit it xD gonna get some Choas X Harmony action going on
(Whoa Harmony in this Universe. xD INB4 Sanfield Universe/Universe7 and Heroes of Tomorrow Universe/Universe something are related. xD )
YoungX said:
(Whoa Harmony in this Universe. xD INB4 Sanfield Universe/Universe7 and Heroes of Tomorrow Universe/Universe something are related. xD )
(I'd think different universe xD )
Yappi said:
Appearance: Black hoodie, jeans, red Rosey cheeks

Name: Choas

Villian Name: Choas

Group (Optional):

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Demon

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Married

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7

Age: 18

Personality: a hard shelled person that is sarcastic alot of the time. She is cruel to anyone but Harmony and is very protective. -- - Insane Rest will be in RP

Powers: mind control(will ask for permission) telepathy(except for Harmony) telekenisis, teleportation,super dexterity and reflexes, very durable. Immortal, fire manipulation

Weakness: One who is more insane or a fellow mind controller can over power her easily and under times of great emotional stress her powers can be null

Abilities: novice gunner

Expert melee combatant

Extreamly clever use of powers

Goals: To keep Harmony safe and kill everyone so her and Harmony can live together

Origin: (Optional) The void/nether realm

Other: (Optional) meh

Job: (Optional) bank robber/insane murderer



Name: Harmony

Villian Name:

Group (Optional):

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Demon

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Married

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8

Age: 18

Personality: Kind, loving, accepting, forgiving, protective


Powers: Telekensis, teleportation, mind controller, and ice manipulation ,super dexterity and reflexes, very durable. Immortal

Weakness: fire, great stress, stronger immortald, stronger mind controllers


Professional gunwomen

Novice melee fighter

Extreamly clever

Goals: protect Choas, kill everyone who effects Choas so we can live together alone

Origin: (Optional) nether/void realm

Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional) bank robber
@Shammy the Shamrock



Name: Echo Dreamsong

Hero Name: Um, just Echo

Group: N/A

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Dreamling/Shadow

Status: Single (Never gonna mingle)

Gender: None, but she goes by female.

Height: 38 inches tall, or 3'3 inches

Age: technically 250, but she is in the form of a five year old.

Personality: generally cheerful, but if something happens she's sharper than a dagger.

Powers: Wish Granting, light bending, chaos manipulation

Weakness: Salt water! And being tied down. If she cannot touch her hands together, she cannot teleport. Also, she is fully energy, if she runs out she dies.

Abilities: Flight (Terrible at it), healing with her feathers, and being an idiot

Origin: Three books worth of character torture. Basically she leads an empire of others like her. Cinder is one of the corrupted one's. She manipulates fear. Also, she and Echo tend to fight.

Other: The kid has silver colored wings as tall as she is. When scared she will hide in them. Also, since she's immortal, she has to endure any and all pain.

Job: Running around the city with people staring at her wings and squirrel. Because Luka is a hat.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Hero


Name: Echo Dreamsong

Hero Name: Um, just Echo

Group: N/A

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Dreamling/Shadow

Status: Single (Never gonna mingle)

Gender: None, but she goes by female.

Height: 38 inches tall, or 3'3 inches

Age: technically 250, but she is in the form of a five year old.

Personality: generally cheerful, but if something happens she's sharper than a dagger.

Powers: Wish Granting, light bending, chaos manipulation

Weakness: Salt water! And being tied down. If she cannot touch her hands together, she cannot teleport. Also, she is fully energy, if she runs out she dies.

Abilities: Flight (Terrible at it), healing with her feathers, and being an idiot

Origin: Three books worth of character torture. Basically she leads an empire of others like her. Cinder is one of the corrupted one's. She manipulates fear. Also, she and Echo tend to fight.

Other: The kid has silver colored wings as tall as she is. When scared she will hide in them. Also, since she's immortal, she has to endure any and all pain.

Job: Running around the city with people staring at her wings and squirrel. Because Luka is a hat.

accepted! Here is your cookie :)


Name: Guts

Anti-Hero Name: The Black swordsman

Group (Optional)

Sexuality: straight

Race: human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): In a relationship

Gender: Male

Height: 6'5


Personality: Guts is very cold man who will do anything to get what he wants. He grew up in a life that would have broken lesser men though Guts adapted and molded to become just as gritty as his growing up. If you stick around though he will come to respect you.

Powers: Endurance/ Durability - This guy can take one hell of a beating and keep on fighting and I mean one hell of a beating.

Increased strength and speed

Weakness: Himself - He will do anything to win a fight meaning that he will likely get injured if it means a win.

Abilities: Berserker rage - He can activate his armor nulling him to pain letting him fight to his fullest potential. The armor will pierce his skin and hold his bones together which injures him further.

Weapons - Dragonslayer - 6 feet 6 inch blade that is a foot wide and an inch thick. Iron prosthetic arm - Houses a cannon and is good for punching. Throwing knives

Origin: (Optional) Short version - He grew up in a gang of mercs who abused him and one even raped him when he was just a kid. The love of his life was killed by his adopted father right in front of him after they gouged out his right eye and left him to die. He had to cut off his left arm to escape.

Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional) Mercenary
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[QUOTE="Dairekor Unwalath]Anti-hero

Name: Guts

Anti-Hero Name: The Black swordsman

Group (Optional)

Sexuality: straight

Race: human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): single

Gender: Male

Height: 6'5


Personality: Guts is very cold man who will do anything to get what he wants. He grew up in a life that would have broken lesser men though Guts adapted and molded to become just as gritty as his growing up. If you stick around though he will come to respect you.

Powers: Endurance/ Durability - This guy can take one hell of a beating and keep on fighting and I mean one hell of a beating.

Increased strength and speed

Weakness: Himself - He will do anything to win a fight meaning that he will likely get injured if it means a win.

Abilities: Berserker rage - He can activate his armor nulling him to pain letting him fight to his fullest potential. The armor will pierce his skin and hold his bones together which injures him further.

Weapons - Dragonslayer - 6 feet 6 inch blade that is a foot wide and an inch thick. Iron prosthetic arm - Houses a cannon and is good for punching. Throwing knives

Origin: (Optional) Short version - He grew up in a gang of mercs who abused him and one even raped him when he was just a kid. The love of his life was killed by his adopted father right in front of him after they gouged out his right eye and left him to die. He had to cut off his left arm to escape.

Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional) Mercenary

Accepted, here is your cookie :)

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