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Realistic or Modern Heroes of Today: God's Territory [Locations]


Ten Thousand Club
Heroes of Today: God's Territory

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Locations: Locations are all the places in Empire City that are important to the plot. You are allowed to create as many locations as you want, because Empire City is a shared place for everyone to be. Creation of other cities is restricted, however, and if you must create another city you will have to reason with me for why you should be allowed to do so. Shops, bunkers, hideouts, lairs, headquarters, and the like are all to be posted here.

General Area in Town:


Location: Heroes of Today HQ
General Area in Town: Northern Region
Purpose: To serve as a headquarters of all the heroes that are affiliated with the Heroes of Today. The building is secure, with three-tier security.


C - These are the new recruits, fresh meat, or not powerful heroes, or even sidekicks.

V - The main chunk of heroes are V-class, meaning they can handle robberies and large scale crime in teams

X - The top tier of heroes, capable of handling large scale crime on their own. The numbers are limited in this rank.

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Kendrickson Institution of Scientific Studies
General Area in Town: South District, near Sett Street
Purpose: This is the science and technology R&D that specializes in the experimental superpowers that are provided by certain genetic samples.
Details: The laboratory is mostly underground, leaving most of the above ground facilities for being public viewing and such.
Staff PositionSecurity LevelFilled By
Head Scientist5Marcus Reston - D duegxybus
Head of Security5TBD

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Location: Linda
General Area in Town: Where Hanah leaves.
Purpose: Solo's (home) moving base
Details: in maintenance.​

  • General Information
    Location: Grimore Streets

    General Area: Northern District

    Purpose: The location opposite of the southern district and the area where Kal's main base of operations is generally found. Grimore streets consists of gang activity that functions on a day-to-day basis. If its not illegal drug activity, cases of murder or abuse, it's theft or breaking or entry. Small gangs of mixed races generally inhabit the streets of Grimore and these were the streets where Kal first began his work after settling in Empire City.​

    Grimore Streets is divided into two sections. The good and the bad. Both sides have one thing in common though, gang activity. GG Streets have gangs that act more as the protectorate of their territory. BG Streets have gangs that act under more illegal terms, don't care much for territory or are always fighting for territory.
    • Polleywalker Tenets: Polleywalker Tenets is where Kal lives in the Northern District. In the Southern he has an apartment he rents, Polleywalker streets is a better more secure version of his apartment. Mainly because Kal used the money he earned as Dmitri to become the landlord for that site, along with two other apartments in the area that he's contracted with.
    • Subway Railroad: The train station that shortens travel between the two districts.

Location: Old Empire City Junkyard
General Area in Town:
Located outside of town, not too far away from the forest
Purpose: Twisted's residence
Details: The Old Empire City Junkyard, used to be a place where people came to dispose of their junk that they couldn't sell, however after Twisted asserted his dominance over the strays of Empire City. The Junkyard has become a place very dangerous to travel to, due to its occupation by Twisted's pack of wild & temperamental hounds​


Empire City Catholic Church
General Area in Town:
Northern District
To worship god, study his words, pray, love and help each other, to partake of baptism and the lords supper and to learn how to live as godly people.
Furthermore the purpose of the church is also to safeguard the true teachings of Christ, to discipline their believers so that they are aware of sin, to become more like Christ and to be unified by him.

A place for people of all backgrounds to come and learn the teachings of Christ. Many see the church as one the pillars of community inside Empire City. The church is not only a place for believers to congregate and carry out mass, but it also does substantial charity work within Empire City and attempts to help the less fortunate. The Empire City Catholic Church is known as a sanctuary for all.
Location: Slums
General Area in Town: Outside of northern part of city, next to junkyard and river where sewer flow
Purpose: poorest people lives.
Details: There is rivalry east and west side of river between slums, Suzume lives between both side at small island and keeps peace (only bridges over river goes to her island)​

Empire Academy

General Area in Town:
Northern District


To educate youths with superpowers, though they also offer education for normal youths.

The school is split into two branches; one for the youths with superpowers and the other for normal youths. This is where Norm, Soleil, and Lune attend to, though they are subjects to bully.

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