Heroes of Evet

This looks really interesting and well done already, so count me in! :D

In terms of names, google-translate Latin gave me a couple of decent ones:

Goddess of Light: Lychia

God of Sound: Voxton

Goddess of Life: Genu

Hope you like these! :D
I actually had an idea of light, but the God of Life isn't one of the "The Nine" and fortunately, he has a name. I folded "vox" into the God of Sound's name, though!

I have finished naming the 9 deities, have chosen their blessings, and now will be working on the rules and character sheets!
@SkyGinge @Killigrew - Character sheet is up! I still have construction to do, but if either of you are interested you can start plotting. 
@SkyGinge made me realize I left out an important nuance of the character sheet! You may opt your character's 'new' Evet body may have a history. We can either write that together, or I may chose one for you that will be revealed over the course of the RP. Regardless of your choice, you will not have knowledge of/from the previous owner of the body! 
Deities already selected by PCs:

Stlight (Light)

Jervox (Sound)
Just gonna go ahead and make a post here to get notifications on this thread. Can't wait for it to start :D
Hi would really love to join you guys, but I think I should give a heads up! On a normal week I'd probably be able to post at max 2-3 times! I'll get in once byhookorbycrook though! Would that be alright?
@Sincerely Me - That should be okay. Obviously more often is better, but the characters will have 'free reign' to explore Evet independently, as a large group, or in smaller clusters as they see fit. Quicker posters can wander off if they get frustrated =)
We are officially full! I am waiting on one CS, but I'll do a quick prelude post tonight of the gods talking and then a post after that (perhaps tonight or tomorrow) to allow everyone to wake up!
Cool! I imagine if things start 'tonight', that'll mean the ridiculous hours of the morning for me, but I'm probably alone in that and besides, The Professor can be fashionably late xD
Lol,yeah it's kinda 00:06 here,and i'm prob gonna stay till 3 am so yeah, you're not really alone xD
@DrHuggies I was kinda the last one to be accepted and that was a bit of a stretch on the boss's part, so i honestly dunno. But Sey should get back to you on that soon enough
Huggies- since I haven't started, you can be a hero of a lesser god if you don't mind more being a 'main' hero.

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Syrenrei said:
Huggies- since I haven't started, you can be a hero of a lesser god if you don't mind more being a 'main' hero.
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What do you mean by lesser god?

Sorry I'm kind of new to this rp thing
Look at my RP Updates in the tabs at the top of the RP =)

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Ok so do I make up a lesser god or will you, or someone else, create a lesser god that I will become?
I have a full pantheon of lesser deities like Akaki, Goddess of Lightning and Baroqiv'ow, God of Magic. If you can think of a domain you'd like to use and a fitting utility power (example: air and flight) I will consider the suggestion. =) 
Okay everyone! I'm about to do a PRELUDE post. Do not reply to it, it's just for flavor and fun! If you are uncertain about what your powers are or how they work, please ask me about them =) I'm trying to give you some control to work with them as you see fit!
so do you want us to suggest a domain and power group before designing the character, or we drop a CS and you chose one of the ones you have stored away?
Drop a CS, and then we can find a deity that fits you. I will take domain and power suggestions, I just can't promise I'll 100% agree that they'll work!
hey yall, im sorry my posts are such shit, im only getting around to posting later on in the night, when im tired and my brain aint working at 100% when i start posting during the day my posts will get soooo much better

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