Heroes of Evet


Connoisseur of Romance
Character Sheet & Guide

Please use the form below when submitting your character profile. If you have any questions, or would like to make any suggestions for changes, I'll be happy to discuss it with you!

  • Before you start, I suggest deciding if your character remembers their past life, will never remember their past life, or will gradually remember their past life. If they remember their past life OR if they will at some time remember it, you must include that in the profile! You may use a spoiler tag if they do not currently remember their past life.
  • All characters must have died as adults in their past life and be reincarnated into an adult body. The deities would not chose a child for this task. You may, however, have a character that died of old age if you like!
  • Please steer away from characters that are overly hostile, antisocial, or psychologically damaged. Your character is a hero! No matter how unwilling they are to be thrust into this situation, they can not be villainous nor can they be the sort to just sit around in their room all day sad about their fate.
  • The nine heroes/guardians do not know each other. Sorry!
  • All characters must be original creations. You have free reign in terms of what world they come from, but I would prefer to stay away from fandoms. No Sherlock Holmes, Sailor Moon, or Dean Winchester, as much as I love those characters!

Name: [Past life name if known]/ [New Evet name/nickname, if any]

Age: [Age of death in their past life]/ [Apparent age in Evet]

Evet Race: [You may chose from human, elf (no drow), or dwarf]

Appearance: [A picture or description]

Personality: [Please write at least a paragraph]

Virtue: [Why did the deities select them? Name their best virtue/strength. Examples of virtues: Compassionate, honest, selfless, etc.]

Fatal Flaw: [No character is perfect. What is your character's biggest flaw? Please note- this should not overwhelm their virtue. The deities would not choose someone completely antisocial, schizophrenic, etc. Examples of flaws: overly confident, gullible, narcissistic, allergic to pollen]

Preferred Deity/Deities:

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home: [Name of the world or description- may omit if the character will never remember their past]

Past Life: [How they died, when they died, history, etc.- may omit if the character will never remember their past. Please write at least one robust paragraph]

Does he/she remember their past life? [Yes, No, or explanation of in-between]


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? [Yes or no]

If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself? [Explain how you would like to explore the previous life! If I chose it myself, your character's new body may be Evet famous, so to speak]

Example: I might make a character named Jane Smith from a world that I arbitrarily name Tarsis. She used to live in a tribal culture of the desert on her world and died at the ripe old age of 87. I decide that the Evet deities reincarnated/rebirthed her into the body of a 26-year-old elf. I opt to chose that the 26-year-old elf's body she now inhabits is a casualty of the raging war that the deities healed before 'throwing' Jane Smith into the body.
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Name: Professor Hans Lundgren/ The Professor, or simply the nickname 'Peacekeeper'.

Age: 55/32

Evet Race: Human

Appearance: The Professor's new body is vastly different to his old. Now he inhabits a tanned, strong, young body, a body made muscular from years of physical training. His eyes, narrow and slanted, are a shining sea-blue, and he is handsome in a roguish way; he has a long, almost animal nose and a thin, dark beard. His hair is similarly dark, short and tidy. He woke up in simple black chain armour with a long white robe over the top. Other defining fashion features are his fingerless steel gloves, sandals, a long white cape and a large slanted cap.

Personality: The Professor didn't gain his nickname of 'The Peacekeeper' for no reason; he is an extreme pacifist who despises violence of any kind. Highly intelligent, understanding and thoughtful, The Professor is selfless to the core and a strategic thinker. His high intellect would allow him to manipulate anybody of his choice, but he respects and admires others enough to play to their positive face instead. He is essentially a model good person, although perhaps too good; he has a very high sense of morals and injustice.

Virtue: He was chosen by the deities for his wisdom and being very just, as well as his vast people experience.

Fatal Flaw: The Professor's fatal flaw spans from his hatred of violence; he will not willing fight anything or anyone, friend or foe, mentally or physically. This means that he will often end up using his brilliant mind to plan events that perhaps spare too much bloodshed. Additionally, he tends to take too much responsibility and blame for things, often causing him to offer himself up for sacrifice a little too easily.

Preferred Deity/Deities: Stlight

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home
: The Professor, originally from futuristic Earth, never had a long term home.

Past Life: The Professor was perhaps the Earth's most unsung hero. As a foolhardy youngster, he experienced a life of crime in a corrupted future until one day he had an epiphany; this wasn't the way to live. A talented scientist, he secretly created the world's first time machine and travelled back in time to stop several threats that the people of Earth never knew about as a result of his interaction. Eventually, he died a martyr sacrificing himself to destroy an alien warhead that would have carved up the Earth.

Does he/she remember their past life? Not to begin with, bar their high moral beliefs, but they slowly come to remember their adventures as they get used to their new body.


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? Yes

If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself
? I would like to create it with you. I have in mind that my characters body is the body of an infamous human warlord whose heartless actions caused much bloodshed in the wars; he earned the mocking nickname 'Peacemaker' that The Professor will have to live out (just thought that contrast was a very interesting idea).
Name: Professor Gordon Schaake /

Age: 67/42

Evet Race: Dwarf

Appearance: As is typical with Dwarves, Gordon’s new body is short, but stocky and muscular. He bears a long black braided beard draping from his chin, and on his lip he sports a large puffy moustache. The beard reaches up the side of his face and connects to his head which, much to Gordon’s dismay, is mostly bald, with pattern baldness reaching around the crown of his head.

Personality: Quite adventurous, and keen to use this new young body of his. Gordon has an inherent desire to be the hero, saving the innocent, smiting the villainous and all that. He also considers himself a bit of a comic, though others may disagree. He is also rather intelligent and quick-thinking, which allows him to get out of tough spots quite often.

Virtue: Just, heroic. He would do anything to protect innocent people.

Fatal Flaw: Overly eager and confident, his thirst for adventure is bound to get him into trouble.

Preferred Deity/Deities: Jervox

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home: Earth

Past Life: Gordon grew up playing games and reading stories about heroes and adventures. Unfortunately, the world was far more boring than he wished, and he grew old and alone as a professor of astronomy at a university. One night after he had stayed late grading tests, he witnessed a woman being attacked by a man in the parking lot. He rushed the man and knocked himself and the attacker over. He heard the woman get into her car and drive away as he struggled to get his old body up. Before he could, the assailant kicked him in his side, snapping a few ribs in the process. He was lifted up, helpless, by the assailant, and slammed into a nearby pole. He felt his eyesight fade as he heard a crack from the back of his head. As his eyesight faded, he was simply glad he had managed to save one person with his otherwise useless life. After awakening in the world of Evet, he was eager to not squander his new life as he had his last, meaning to save all that he could with his new body.

Does he/she remember their past life? Yes


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? Yes

If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself? I would like you to choose it! :)

(And now I'm off to work, so I won't be able to respond to anything until tonight, just wanted to post this before I left. )
Name: Kailler Arying/ Jax Gyp

Age: 102 / 19

Evet Race: Human


Personality: Jax is a very laid-back person.She does not stress over much,and when she awakens in her new body she won't worry about it much. Jax will stress over it for an hour or so,but will say the gods have given her another chance.Jax maybe naive,but she can be very brash at times,meaning once you have made her list,then don't think you can get off of it.She hates when people steal without reason,which completely contradicts her body's old soul's way of life.

Virtue: Compassionate and Self-less,Jax is known to be caring in her old realm.Before she would give to the shirt off her back if someone needed it more

Fatal Flaw: Naivety rules her world.Once known as the most generous woman in the world,but now known as the idiot of the heros.

Preferred Deity/Deities: Mardone, Mikael, & Nyira

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home: Alteria

Past Life: Not gonna remember

Does he/she remember their past life? Never gonna remember,the only thing she remembers is her long standing love


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? Yes

If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself? The new body Jax inhabits is the body of an infamous thief and treasure hunter,so her new face will definitely be recognized.The thief was no Robin Hood,so there isn't stealing from the rich and give to the poor,it steal everybody and give me some more.Jax's new body does have a map to her body's cave of treasures.
The Valkyrie (NPC)


Name: The Valkyrie

Apparent Age: Late twenties

Status: Current Avatar of Killigrew

History: Not much is known about The Valkyrie and what little has been discovered is honestly baffling. Killigrew has always identified as a god rather than a goddess, and so it is curious that 'he' has chosen a 'female' form in the last several hundred years. Furthermore, this avatar does not sport the typical long dark purple hair that many previous avatars possessed. The Valkyrie is said to constantly walk the earth and does not depart to the heavens or transform into an ethereal form as many deities do. This is strange as avatars are generally more vulnerable when donning a physical form and because Killigrew is involved in a very bloody war. Typically The Valkyrie dons green metallic armor, bearing either wings on her back or on a helmet. She is often spotted brandishing two of the following: Sword of the Righteous, Shield of the Faithful, Staff of the Merciful, Spear of the Vengeful.

Virtue: Unknown

Flaw: Unknown

Personality: As the face and voice of Killigrew, The Valkyrie is strangely withdrawn. She speaks most often with the priests and priestesses that worship Killigrew but interacts with few others. When others join her cause against Anmentia, Goddess of Love, she is quick to protect them on the battlefield and does not shy from combat. Distant and aloof most of the time, she is occasionally seen in fits of rage during melee and at other times staring into the distant with a profound sadness. The entire pantheon believes that these bouts of emotional vulnerability are a sign that she could be reasoned with and is not completely closed off to the rest of the world.
-----Character Sheet-----





|Evet Race|





She is cheeky and rebellious, with a strong sense of right and wrong. She prizes her body and keeps it in peak condition. However, she is calculating and logical, if not on the outside, weighing the rights of the few with the goods of the many.

She believes in self sacrifice in order to save others, and doesn't like those who put self preservation first. She does not take unnecessary risks, and draws a thick line between risky and reckless.

She will always fight for what she believes is right, and is fiercely loyal.


Her virtue is her value of self sacrifice and bravery in order to save the weak, helpless, or the many.

|Fatal Flaw|

She is doubtful and mistrustful, not liking mysterious situations, or feeling like it is "her destiny" to do something. She wants to be free to make her own decisions and choices. She will rebel against those who don't respect these ideals, and doesn't like people in power, being rude and disrespectful towards them.

|Preferred Deity/Deities|


-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home:


Past Life:


Does he/she remember their past life?

No, she will never remember.


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life?


If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself?

You can choose c:

"If you cannot fight for yourself, no one will fight for you.."

-Sensora de'Nova-

Name: Sensora de'Nova/Farae`nal the Riversong [Fah-ray`null]

Age: 19/28

Evet Race: was human now elf

Appearance: Long silvery-blue hair that falls to the small of her back. Sapphire blue eyes the colour of the deep oceans and milk-white skin. Has the slim but toned body of one not attributed to physical prowess but neither is she as weak as one who spends her entire life living under shelter. Strong and quick enough to be able to travel in the wilds.

Personality: Analytical and a quick thinker, Sensora is by no means an overly serious person. On the outset, she is pretty friendly and would use her charm to resolve situations diplomatically. As such, in her past life, people always looked to her for advice even if she did not take up a leading role.

Virtue: Has a burning passion to help those with a strong will; especially the oppressed underdog who will fight a losing battle.

Fatal Flaw: The opposite of her virtue. Sensora despises meekness and the weak willed. Unlike the martyr-like people who would stand up for anyone and everyone, Sens would refuse to help the 'weak'.

Preferred Deity/Deities: Laera

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home: A semi futuristic earth-like planet called Kazura

Past Life: Sens was both the Student Council President and President of the swimming club in a prestigious school under the jurisdiction of a neo-utopian government called the Aiun Covenant in her homeworld. She was the daughter of the Minister of Defense for the Covenant. On the day of her death, rebel 'terrorists' launched a surprise attack on her city. They invaded her school where they found a group of cowering students hiding. Sens was already making her escape (as unlike those cowardly fools, she knew they could not hide forever) when the rebel soldiers barged through the doors. However, as she looked at the scene from the backdoor where she was making her escape, Sens did something she would never have done her whole life. She turned back to help those who could not help themselves.

Calling out to the rebel soldiers, Sensora walked towards them without fear as she told them who she was. Offering a trade, she told them not to harm the junior students and they could take her hostage instead; surely the daughter of a high ranking Covenant official would fetch a high price. But as she walked towards the rebels, they raised their weapons and fired.

The last thing Sensora de'Nova remembered was flashes of light and excruciating pain exploding all over her body. Her vision began to dim and she felt herself toppling into the azure waters of the swimming pool. A
splash.. then all was dark.

Does he/she remember their past life? Gradually. She only remembers 'the last thing' she remembered to start with.


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? Yes

If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself? Create it with you ^^. I would like to request that her past character be someone who is a born martyr, exactly like the person Sensora would not be. A healer priestess perhaps. I suppose character contradictions like these are becoming common-place but I suppose this makes for better story ammunition than an all goodygoody hero =P
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Name:Masked Death


Evet Race: Human


minus mace but instead a short sword

not as shiny and is worn down abit
Personality:Ruthless but precise. Can get through any problem that in his way and do it precisely with little to no thought of how he does it. Loves a challenge of a job or fight that is above his challenge. tends to stay away from other people unless he needs them to help complete a job and when they become useless he tends to dump them and go on by himself.

Virtue: Works hard to finish the job and will do anything to finish it

Fatal Flaw: rarely works together with people and can't get along with other members of a group and is always alone plus he can't deal with heights from his past life

Preferred Deity:Rorstiel

-----About the Past------

Past Life Home: Earth

Past Life: All he remembers that he was an assassin for hire and preferred to use short bladed swords and wore a mask to keep his identity secret. He remembered he was on a mission to take out a local corrupt cop that had been taking money from families from a neighborhood and had to be killed. But when he went to kill the cop he had been betrayed by his contractor and had been killed after being captured and tortured for 2 days and was killed by stabbing with his own sword

Does he remember their past life? He remembers everything after he left the contractors house to go kill the cop


Do you want your characters Evet body to have a past life? No
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Very interesting. I like how well thought out it is. Would it be possible for me to reserve a spot, particularly with the deity of darkness? I have homework at the moment, but I can post a character soon.
Name: Arterus Altorian

Age: 39/23

Evet Race: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Untitled-1.jpg.0e34597a4b752d1f7cc800fe52b068f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Untitled-1.jpg.0e34597a4b752d1f7cc800fe52b068f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Paranoid is the most obvious trade of Arterus. And who could blame him. coming from the place he's from. He is constantly waried, slow to trust stranger and skeptical to the point of frustration. Trust nothing you don't see personally, and waste nothing you have, that's his principle. Born in a world of darkness helped horning his survival skill to its sharpest point. Practical and simple in his actions and solution, showing off is not in his dictionary, if he ever has one.

When not worrying for his life and can spare up to 10% of his mind not scanning for danger, Arterus is quite a pleasant company to have. Though unreasonalble and false optimism dies at the sight of him, there's no one better at comforting and encouraging others than him. His dark humor works just as effectively at insulting enemies as lifting his friend's spirit. A little grumpy when he gets hungry.

Virtue: Realistic and practical. Experienced in survival skills and understanding of the result of wars between the gods. Insight of the human mind.

Fatal Flaw: Put his own survival above all else. If he can, he would help anyone in need, but if he thinks a person can not be saved, he wouldn't even try.

Preferred Deity/Deities: Zyfirah, Goddess of Spirit

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home: Grachion - a world where humanity cower behind walls for generations, surrounded by utter darkness. Read more here.

Past Life: Arterus is of the second generation of Altorus - a group of chosens who wield Items of Power. special Items that grant them otherworldly abilities. Sent out into the Void. the darkness surrounding human's last defence, to explore and try to find a way of ridding the world of the eternal night. They fought bravely against waves after waves of monsters, making their way forward, every day another struggle. Many of his friends died to the beasts, many more killed themselves to escape the unending shadow and fear. Arterus was the last one to fall, but he fell to a sword of his closest friend rather then the claw of gods, believing himself to release them both from the mortal torment.

Does he/she remember their past life? Yes. He doens't feel an immediate transfer from his past body to the new one, but a sensation of floating and dreamlike images in between.


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? No



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Name: Vrechomv Tririnzi/Bitter

Age: 15/19

Evet Race: Elf


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/time.png.6ad75bc39fd29db11a26aa4fdb4700a0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/time.png.6ad75bc39fd29db11a26aa4fdb4700a0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She's nothing, knows nothing but curiosity. The world is fresh and new, and she would be a newborn babe were it not for the lines, the scars that pull at her stomach and line her upper thighs. A blankness, a clear stillness dominates her within. She had nothing and knows nothing. While words bring understanding and her body knows to fight, even yearns to kill, a strong need to be lawful beyond fear warms her heart. While she has tendencies, there is little that she cannot be convinced of. This empty shell will follow whatever is put in her, and become what experience shapes her to be.

Virtue: Honesty; she does not speak falsely, not even partially.

Fatal Flaw: Lust, not the sexual kind, but the inability to turn from her own desires. They consume her, overcome her, and she cannot deny them.

Preferred Deity: Dithos, God of Earth

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home: Rouldan, a lush jungle planet where reptilian humanoids arose as an intellectual and pacifist civilization.

Past Life:

"Vrechomv Tririnzi, at your service. But you can call me Vrech. Don't mind the teeth, I'm friendly."

"I grew up in a usual way, beneath the tree, burrowed underground, meeting family and friends under the full moon. We ate the corpses of scuttlers and crawlers, bugs both rotten and new, twitchy and crunchy. My family raised me well, instilling the best of behavior through strict discipline; dunking in the water occurred for the mischievous children, and I was no different."

"Well, I can't say I was entirely not-different. There was always something wrong with me. Something... that set me apart from everyone else and their quiet, peaceful nature. Something that no dunking in water or father-made reasoning could stifle or squash. I could not deny the feral instinct that would at times possess me. It was a strange sort of feeling. Like quiet aching for something sweet, an itch creeping up your spine, and it grows, it accumulates, and the more you try to stop thinking about it, the worse it gets until you just give in, you scratch the itch, you eat the sweet, you beat the wretched child that won't stop crying."

"Oh, that... weakness of mine. It lead to many horrid, uncannily wretched acts that I regret, oh I regret it all. I was consumed in my youth by a love of violence and a gluttony for food. I could not abandon my desires nor turn from these wants. They conditioned me because of it, the drowning kept growing in severity every time my crime was uncovered until, at once, I had become nothing. The life had been strangled out of me by water's choking grip."

Does he/she remember their past life? Nope, but it will be triggered.


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? Yes

If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself? Let us together on this goal and sunsets.



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  • Lord Aylwynne Dirkonur Sarovir/Ayle Domrun
Name: Mikalia Beringar / Elizabeth Scoffman

Age: 27/23

Evet Race: Human

Appearance: Mikalia was a brunette with silver eyes. As Elizabeth, she has straight black hair that hangs to the middle of her back and deep green eyes. She has an average-looking heart shaped face with a wide mouth and an angry scar on her back that runs from her left shoulder to the right side of her waist.

Personality: Cold and distrustful, she is afraid of getting hurt again which is why it takes her a long time to open up to people. She is a slight perfectionist, wanting to be the best in everything she does. Excellent at close combat fighting. Has a nonchalant air about her most of the time. Many have mistaken her bluntness and indifference as arrogance. Her sense of justice is strong though her morals might differ from most. In other words, she is not hesitant to do whatever she deem is appropriate to help those who (she thinks) needs help. Comes across as an uncaring, confident, ruthless loner.

Virtue: Extremely loyal and selfless towards her loved ones. To her, they are everything. She doesn't let many close to her but when she does she will protect them with her life.

Fatal Flaw: Her loyalty towards her friends. She is willing to sacrifice herself for her friends without a second thought and repeatedly endangers herself for them. Hence, this might lead to her downfall. Confident of her fighting skills, she believes that not many is even close to her in this aspect. While this is somewhat true, it is never good to be too complacent. Very ruthless.

Preferred Deity/Deities: Rostiel, Laera, Mikael

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home: A place vaguely resembling Medieval Earth called Golhelm

Past Life: Mikalia, termed a Witch and “the Devil’s Offspring” by her village, was betrayed by those thought to be her friends. Once a mighty warrior, she was forced to flee from the village she loved in sorrow and guilt, leaving behind bloodied bodies and her old self. She traveled for months as an empty shell, hurt and confused over everything that happened. Until one day she arrived at another village and met a guy who slowly taught her how to love again.

But jealousy and secrets from her past shadowed her into her new life. Like before, everyone she loved turned against her, including the boy who stole her heart, and tried to kill her. But this time, she was not as lucky as before - a fatal wound to her heart ended her life.

At her final minutes, as she laid in a sea of blood and among decaying bodies, her soul screamed for the injustice she received in return all the sacrifices she had made.

Does he/she remember their past life? Yes, she remembers everything clearly and those events shaped her to be her current self.


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? Yes.

If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself? I’m okay with both. However, if possible I hope that the past life was an assassin/mercenary. Or she could be an abandoned child, so that it is easier for Elizabeth to become an assassin/mercenary. She could belong to a guild, but usually travels alone and does her own things.

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Name: Kailee Williams

Age: 27/ 21

Evet Race: Elf



Kailee's compassion has been tempered quite a bit due to the sudden shift of worlds and bodies, along with a sudden revival. Kailee maintains much of her old personality but none of her memories. Kailee is some what shy and prefers to study a person or group before making contact with them. She is careful in all her choices but quick to act when she has made her decision. Kailee prefers to stay back from combat and pick off people with her bow, when she is pushed to fighting that is, however when she does fight she is ridiculously deadly. Kailee is still loyal beyond reason

Virtue: Compassion to the point of stressing over things out of her control, as well as loyalty second only to a dog to their owner

Fatal Flaw: Quick to frighten, but a hellion in a fight, she just needs a little bit of a push sometimes, not much of a push,

Preferred Deity/Deities: Lightning or magic

-----About the Past-----

Does he/she remember their past life? Kailee will not remember anything about her previous life


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? yes

If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself?

Kailee's body was once a high ranking officer on the side of love but was felled by a stray arrow to the right eye killing her body instantly. Her new body was once an expert archer, having trained from the age of 5 and Kailee makes full use of this new found, unexplained knowledge
Once we get @Velcian 's CS, I'll start this RP off! Give me a day to think up a lesser deity utility power, Shnarf, and you'll be good to go as well.
@VainRochester - The nine "element" gods/goddesses are already taken, but I am accepting character sheets for people who really want to join for 'lesser' deities. The hierarchy in Evet is:

  • The Greater Power
  • ???? + ???? (you'll discover these two)
  • Nine Elemental Deities
  • All the rest (lightning, magic, lore, etc. etc.)

That doesn't necessarily mean other deities aren't powerful (Killigrew and Anmentia are) but the nine elements can do some special things that others can not and more often than not work together towards greater goals. Other gods are just as invested in ending this war and might contribute if they discover the plan.
You know an RP is gotta be good when people regret they didn.t join sooner, and the RP hasn.t even started!
Name: Joe T. Hardwick / The Wanderer

Age: 49 / 26 [Age of death in their past life]/ [Apparent age in Evet]

Evet Race: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/BDPB_Adventurer_close-up.png.ed0cc6e3dccfe0fe02613448fb4c6b40.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/BDPB_Adventurer_close-up.png.ed0cc6e3dccfe0fe02613448fb4c6b40.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A wanderer and an adventurer, there is little that Joe T. Hardwick has not seen and little more that he would be surprised about. The world is a fascinating place and new discoveries are always waiting to be made. Joe is always ready to receive knowledge and always ready to dispense knowledge out to fellow adventurers like he, who have broken free of their mold of regular life and went off to see the rest of the world that their own lives restrict them from doing so.

Joe is a soft-hearted man who is seriously amicable in ways, and tries to get along with everyone. Animals tend to feel better around him. There is a rumor going around that he can apparently communicate with animals. After all, that fox of his that follows him around seems to always follow his orders when he wants it to do something. He is content with what he has, and doesn't seek more than just that. Easily pleased and humored, Joe is as simple as his name. He is the type that is fine with a cup that is filled halfway.

Virtue: Generally because he has a kind heart. He really isn't impressive in any way other than helping others when they need help the most, and only in what he can do. He is slightly well-learned in various homemade panaceas and cures to help any ailment, as well as a savvy eye for infections and such. That's really pretty much it for him.

Fatal Flaw: Well, he certainly isn't perfect in anything else. His greatest skill is wandering, and wandering moss gathers no stone, or something. He just...exists to see and explore the world and learn its every crevice.

Preferred Deity/Deities: Well this is a difficult one. I suppose the God of Beasts as Syrenrei suggested :3

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home: Artoria

Past Life: TL;DR, Joe was an everyman in his everyday life, working at the apothecary with his family. One day, Joe got bored of his life, brought the fox that he befriended when he was gathering herbs in the forest, and went on a journey to find...everything, actually. To wander the plains, feel the breeze, brave the sandstorms, wade across swamps. He lived his life just like that, hunting animals in the wild, stripping trees and plants bare of their fruit and leaves to mix together cures, and sold his goods at every town, village and bulwark he came across. It was a simple life.

Sad days will come, however. Down the years, he and his fox grew older, the latter much faster than he. And on one day, fate cut the strings of life to the fox. The bright orange coat of the fox never seemed so lifeless before. Joe buried his fox, and continued his life. Slowly, the loss of his companion caught up with him, and he lost what remained of his health in his hometown. His life ebbed slowly away. As Joe breathed his last, he knew that he didn't waste his life.

Does he/she remember their past life?Yes.


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? Nope.

If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself? Nah. 
@Jason Rorstiel Fixed it. I copy pasted the image onto the sheet instead of uploading the image directly, hence the problem



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Name: [Alexander Eloarch el Morgan the 27th/Goes By "Elo"]

Age: [27]/ [24]

Evet Race: Human



Alexander has a complex personality. It's not that he puts up a cold front towards strangers. Rather, the formal, detached tone that is characteristic of his interactions is simply the way he was taught to act. Living with his mother and siblings changed him for the better, but their deaths may have affected him even more; he has become guarded with his secrets, suspicious of everyone. But, in reality, he is still a child who is lost, searching for someone to share his burdens. All of this lies right below the surface, and anyone who takes the time to crack this shell will find not only his sordid past, but also his virtue.

Fatal Flaw: Alexander's flaw is a direct result of his upbringing. Given the slightest reason to do so, he will being to questiong a person's actions, intentions, values, etc. He is prone to seeing the worst in people and situations. And from this stems criticism in a harsh, sarcastic manner. Alexander even diminishes himself, seeing himself as a hypocrite.

Virtue: Despite his flaw, Alexander was chosen for a reason. He posses great tactical ability, calmness and decisiveness under pressure, and diplomatic ability to placate opposing parties, all of which were ingrained in him since birth. However, this is not his virtue. For, in spite of the nature of his flaw, he is capable of the exact opposite. Given a reason to do so, Alexander will provide aid, guidance, and leadership unquestioningly to those he considers deserving.

Preferred Deity/Deities: Mardone, the Deity of Darkness, has conferred upon him the ability of shadow travel.

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home: Alexander's people were a great space faring race, having mastered the laws of their universe and ruling over it with an iron fist. He lived on the royal planet, Alzarion, but visited many planets in his short life.

Past Life: Alexander was born to rule an empire larger than most could comprehend. You'd think his life would have been easy. He had everything, yet he had nothing. Everything that was superficial and nothing that meant anything to him. His life lacked significance. Oh, it was true; his father and the entire empire groomed him to become the next great ruler. What they did not do was foster a young child to become a nutured, compassionate being. No, instead they groomed him to be wise beyond his years, and perceptive... perhaps a bit too perceptive for his own good.

He could see the thinly veiled political subterfuge, the subtle power playes, even the diabolical machinations against his family. Moreover, he understood why, and this embittered him to no end. What use is great power and authority when you destroy anything and everything, everyone in your quest to attain it? Alas, Alexander had had his fair shair of experience with greedy, power-hungry fools. His half brothers were killed upon "advice" from royal counsel to maintian his position as sole heir to the throne. His sister was used as a bargaining chip with rebels, then tossed aside, thrown away like a rag when she had served her purpose. And his mother, his dear mother, the women who had cared the most for Alexander, the growing child, not Alexander, the crown prince of the universe,... she disappeared mysteriously and was never seen again.

No, Alexander's life was not easy at all. And when it came his time, soon after his father "died" in his sleep and Alexander's had become king, he knew; he'd heard the whispers of his impending demise by his usurpers. So, when the cold steel of a dagger pierced his chest, he did not stumble in surprise or cry out in pain; he simply looked his killer in the eye with a tired, weary look of burden that was far too old for his young face, as if to say, "Go on. Take it. This is your burden now. Continue this line of sickening betrayal. I am tired of it all, and now, my task is finished." He succumbed to the darkness with no hesitation.

Does he/she remember their past life? Yes, although it only brings bitter feelings of resentment for and disillusionment for other people.


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? Yes.

If yes, do you want to create it with me or should I create it myself? I will leave the character creation to you to do as you will for the sake of your plot. However, if I may, I'd prefer some sort of nobility or royalty as it fits quite nicely with my character's past life and virtue/fatal flaw.
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(Evet) Name: Nightshrouder

Age: 32/ 29

Evet Race: Human



Personality: He is very quick, up to the Point, during Conversation. He is very Silent, only talking when he needs to, Always Calm, even in the verge of Death. He is actually Kind Hearted & has a very Good sense of Humor, although people rarely see him talk.

Virtue: He is very helpful to ones in need & will stay Calm even if he is Facing Death in the Face.

Fatal Flaw: He will Kill People who will do something bad. He won't waste time trying to talk to a Robber who desperately needs Money for his Sick Mother. He will Dash his Blade into somebody's throats if they were to commit a Crime. He is still has Trauma on what happened to him when he was in Lunaria.

Preferred Deity: Stlight

- Past Life-

Past Life Home: Lunaria

Past Life: One thing he remembered was when he was 32 yrs. old, a Robber took their Riches, even if they were poor. The Thief took his Dead Father's Sword & cut the throat of his Mother. He was looking at the Traumatic Sight, that is when he vowed to Kill whoever commits a Crime. The Thief looked at him in the Eye & kicked his Face, he crashed to the Floor board & the Thief cut his Stomach & left the House. He died of Blood Loss.

Does he remember his Past Life?: He only remembered the one thing when he was 32. Then he never went searching for his Past Life Memories.


Do you want your character's Evet Body to have a Past Life?: No.
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