Heroes of Evet


Name: [Past life name if known - Lost in the reincarnation]/ [New Evet name/nickname, if any - Galin]

Age: [Age of death in their past life 18]/ [Apparent age in Evet 55]

Evet Race: Human

Appearance: [A picture or description] A man slightly past his prime. He is frail and thin, almost as if he wasted away. His eyes seem young to any that see him, as if they hide youth behind infirmity.

Personality: [Please write at least a paragraph] - Everyone is good. How can they not be? Having just completed the rite to adulthood, Galin was to become apprenticed to the scholars at the old temple, to learn the rites of the morning sun, but he does not remember where. What he does remember are warm summers spent in fields and on the road. He remembers learning his ways around the stalls of the markets, making change for the sale of dusty old books that made him sneeze when it was time to put them away. He remembers a library fit for a king, but the books were guarded, untouched by hands of commoners. Galin loved the sun in the morning, rain in the afternoon from thunderous skies, but hated when the wind blew so bitter cold. His life was simple, but full of kindness from people on the road.

Virtue: [Why did the deities select them? Name their best virtue/strength. Examples of virtues: Compassionate, honest, selfless, etc. - Intuition. From the most complex of thoughts to the simplest of clues, he can pull together strands of information to see a picture that can connect points A to Z]

Fatal Flaw: [No character is perfect. What is your character's biggest flaw? Please note- this should not overwhelm their virtue. The deities would not choose someone completely antisocial, schizophrenic, etc. Examples of flaws: overly confident, gullible, narcissistic, allergic to pollen - His intuition is skewed by a sense of naivete. Having died only seeing 19 winters before the rebirth, his opinions of the world are lacking. The world is a harsh place, but he has not learned that lesson yet. That doesn't mean he can't see the danger. His death was so simple in its violence, that he is more aware of his surroundings. There will never be another moment where his back is not against the wall. He watches the movements of others, but does not understand their motivations.]

Preferred Deity/Deities: I trust you to pick something that will give me a run for my money.

-----About the Past-----

Past Life's Home: [Name of the world or description- may omit if the character will never remember their past] He doesn't quite remember and probably never will, but sometimes in his dreams, he sees a wagon pulled by a grey horse and it fills him with a longing.

Past Life: [How they died, when they died, history, etc.- may omit if the character will never remember their past. Please write at least one robust paragraph] It was because of a book, a bag of seed, and three horseshoes. The books were always in their proper places. Always. This morning, one was on the ground outside the door. That was bad enough, but then the bag of seed was open and the old grey horse was eating out of it. It was supposed to be with the ... his name, I don't remember it.. but he was supposed to be buying grain at the market this morning. Then of course, if he was, the horse would be with him. Instead, the horse is here. That's right, the horse was to be re-shod this morning by the blacksmith. Galin ran into town and saw that the blacksmith was on the ground, bleeding from a knot on his skull and his hammer lying several feet away. Galin stepped inside and saw his elder on the ground, horseshoes in hand staring blankly, without seeing, at the door of the building, Galin hurried over to the elder. Not knowing what to do, he picked up the horseshoes. He turned to yell for help and saw the blacksmith's hammer, then saw nothing else.

Does he/she remember their past life? [Yes, No, or explanation of in-between] He can remember highlights, but his memory is so little, it might as well be nothing.


Do you want your character's new Evet body to have a past life? [Yes or no] No... Life continues and a pile of bodies taller than the Temple itself grows. Who could know one body out of that mound?

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