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Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

Brinie said:
IKR there are 11 other characters not just his and he's also doing stuff not even in his CS.
I'm assuming, despite the fact that somebody with a sword never said they could stab with it, you assumed they could. If it said he can summon skeletons and acid, you'd assume he can summon a lot of them. And he did it, as he said, to make people want to join his alliance after seeing how powerful he was. And, as they said, there are multiple of them. I'm not robbing you of fighting them.
Also, I really need to get some description of him fighting on a massive scale in really quick because I can't post for a while after these next few posts.
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There is 1 giant. This is not the first time you've completely misread and failed to understand something that was clearly stated.

By the end of this, only 12 characters should remain.

If you instantly kill everything like this, that is not going to happen.

Your character is not the main character, everyone in here should have an equal participation in the story, and it is annoying how you are trying to shoehorn everyone else out.

How are you building a ladder of skeletons whilst also maintain an army if that limit was supposed to be 10?

No where on your CS says that you can spawn and weaponize bones, skeletons yes, but not bones.
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Brinie said:
There is 1 giant. This is not the first time you've completely misread and failed to understand something that was clearly stated.
By the end of this, only 12 characters should remain.

If you instantly kill everything like this, that is not going to happen.

Your character is not the main character, everyone in here should have an equal participation in the story, and it is annoying how you are trying to shoehorn everyone else out.

How are you building a ladder of skeletons whilst also maintain an army if that limit was supposed to be 10?

No where on your CS says that you can spawn and weaponize bones, skeletons yes, but not bones.
It's not the first time I've failed to understand I? When did I ever not do so earlier? Trying to throw in random criticism that doesn't apply takes away validity from your other claims. There were multiple. It very clearly said so. And I explained the motives and the reasoning behind my actions.
Also, I'm fairly certain skeletons are made of bones. So when they're in the air and being smashed around, they clearly are being broken. And the army limit isn't 10. Thats how many he summons at a time.
Then what is the limit? Or the drawback? Everyone else either have minor powers that are only slightly effective with no drawbacks, or they have big drawbacks, such as Shiro's memory loss and blindness for, Fayde over energizing and overloading on herself, Klaus' smiting which is useless against anything not -willingly- Evil, Anne's charge shot overheating for a period of time.. All of these got drawbacks, some minor (To an equal minor ability) Some bigger..

I'm really not an advocate of arguing with people about their characters, that is the job for the GM, but.. If Jack can just summon 10 foot tall golem of stone (Wasn't it clay before?) And 10 skeletons with.. Little cooldown inbetween?

Also whole context of that Minion.

jabronie said:
Minions had been spewed out by mages
Aka, spewed out by Jack.

Amber is the one we are looking at for if there are more than 1 stone giant.
The stone golems are one at a time. And the skeletons are extremely weak. Also, the minions could have literally been spawned in by any mage. This is a fantasy arena that's trying to kill a lot of us. Ergo, the mages of the arena summoned a ton of minions to fight us.
We don't know that.. Again, we can't put things in ourselves without reason, what we know is that the Arena have a magical safety net to protect the spectators and that from the other end of the Arena, a stone/earth giant came forth, a single one that was 25 feet tall..

Amber could have said more, sure.. Like if there was anything else, what the Arena looked like. (Is it sand, dirt or cobblestone that we are walking on?) If the giant had a weapon or not.. -BUT- we can't force the unknown into the known, because we are only the actors in the play, and it is the Narrator who says what is what.

So unless, Amber (Or a co-gm she apoints.) Or we have had a conversation with Amber, we are de-faulted to -what- Amber says.
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LordOfThePitch said:
The stone golems are one at a time. And the skeletons are extremely weak. Also, the minions could have literally been spawned in by any mage. This is a fantasy arena that's trying to kill a lot of us. Ergo, the mages of the arena summoned a ton of minions to fight us.
It was stated earlier the tournament is the first part of a long journey, why exert yourself to an ungodly point in what is literally chapter one of one hundred? If I fealt like it, I could have Ziegel wait out the first two monsters then fight the last and still make it as a hero of Driesen, Acid also doesn't seem to be something you can cast out either so whereas I could see you potentially launched skeletons via tentacles, I do not see them BLOWING UP.
Hey. No pressure Billy Mays, just calm ur tits until Jack has a well placed catharsis. Then you can stretch ur character sheet out
Sigismund said:
We don't know that.. Again, we can't put things in ourselves without reason, what we know is that the Arena have a magical safety net to protect the spectators and that from the other end of the Arena, a stone/earth giant came forth, a single one that was 25 feet tall..
Amber could have said more, sure.. Like if there was anything else, what the Arena looked like. (Is it sand, dirt or cobblestone that we are walking on?) If the giant had a weapon or not.. -BUT- we can't force the unknown into the known, because we are only the actors in the play, and it is the Narrator who says what is what.

So unless, Amber (Or a co-gm she apoints.) Or we have had a conversation with Amber, we are de-faulted to -what- Amber says.
I think it is okay to assume minor things such as the material we're walking upon ( I assumed sand ) I mean it won't exactly re-write the whole plot so I guess that's okay. However something such as assuming their are twenty rabbits to hunt when it was specified that there were ten is the problem here.
Oh yeah, we can assume the background things, The only prominent time to point it out if it changes. (Like we're walking in a forest and then as we move it sounds like bone crunching, because hey! The ground beneath us turned into a graveyard of bones.) Still, it's never bad to explain in details an area, the more stuff there is in the zone the more we can work with.. Like using rocks as defense (Or in Shiro's case, a weapon.) Stuff like that.

But do agree, when it comes to everything that is more active than just the background stuff. (Are we marching into an orc town or a human town, big difference in how we should act, or fighting 5 or 10 monsters.) Is always best to just let the Narrator tell us.
Amber KB] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13409-persephone/ said:
@Persephone[/URL] please post something soon. I don't want anyone to get inactive for too long. :(
This is my, "I'm kind of chickening out because the rp's too big post."

Sorry about that.
Persephone said:
This is my, "I'm kind of chickening out because the rp's too big post."
Sorry about that.
Awwh, don't! Everyone writes differently, nobody is judging others on that! The only thing is if the gm states like minimum 1 paragraph or 2.. Or whatever.. The only things you shouldn't do is forcing other characters (Unless you asked first!) And acting over-powered, both which are real easy to not do! So no problem!
Sigismund said:
Awwh, don't! Everyone writes differently, nobody is judging others on that! The only thing is if the gm states like minimum 1 paragraph or 2.. Or whatever.. The only things you shouldn't do is forcing other characters (Unless you asked first!) And acting over-powered, both which are real easy to not do! So no problem!
Are you talking to both Persephone and Lord at the same time?
To.. Persephone, and I am just stating the general advice stuff.

But not gonna argue about it being on both...........
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Sigismund said:
To.. Persephone, and I am just stating the general advice stuff.
But not gonna argue about it being on both...........
I appreciate the advice. But I'm not good in large rp groups. So, I'm outty. Sorry about that.

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