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Realistic or Modern Heroes and villains, two sides of the same coin. cs

The main color scheme is silver and gold. He covers his eyes with a pair of goggles over a golden cowl to hide the upper half of his face. Silver dominates the top half of the suit covering his torso which holds a golden star on his chest. He does wear a cape which is of a golden coloration. The bottom half is plainly silver though the gold comes back in on his boots. Gloves on his hands mirror the color of the boots
Secret Identity: Sampson “Sam” Summers

-Superspeed Flight: All-Star has the ability to fly at incredible speeds.
-Crash Protection: All-Star has enhanced durability that allows him to survive these high-speed flights, he can even survive a crash at top speed but it’d be quite debilitating for him.
-Quick Thinker: To keep up with his speed All-Star’s brain processes information at an inhuman rate. This makes him able to actually avoid obstacles while flying at high speed and even helps to process information quickly while moving normally.
-Cosmic Drifter: All-Star has the ability to survive unprotected in space for a period of time. His body can metabolize sunlight into fuel and even convert it into oxygen to an extent but the human half of his biology does demand he eat and drink which definitely limits space travel. Strangely he also seems to possess a natural sense of navigation that functions on a similar wavelength to migratory animals. That meaning it is tied to Earth's natural magnetism.

-Magnetic Overstimulation: Powerful magnets can interfere with All-Star’s natural navigation, being in close proximity to multiple strong magnets overstimulates his brain to the point that his brain functions short circuit for a period.
-Strength of 1 man: All-Star can run from hits, he can take some, but he lacks the strength needed to stagger a powerful foe nor is his durability enough to take multiple direct hits from inhumanly powerful opponents. To overcome this, he can use himself as a battering ram but as much damage as that can do, he’d take the impact as well and its generally a no go as that sort of move has a high chance of killing your opponent if it works as intended, him being one of the good guys means murder isn’t really an option.
-Photosynthesis Reliant: All-Star’s metabolism is the same as a regular human so long as he allows himself time in the sun to soak up its energy. Without the extra power from a star he burns through energy more quickly. He can get through a normal night fine but extended periods without the sun will force him to take in more calories to function properly.

Honestly when it comes to the super part of his history Sam doesn’t really know all that much, he was brought up in the foster system. He never knew much else, bouncing between families with nothing ever quite clicking and becoming permanent. Pretty quickly his personality shaped to being focused on trying to stand out, get noticed and maybe make a good enough impression to find something. For some reason that didn’t work either. Things got weird when he turned thirteen, puberty for him seemed to greatly accelerate his thinking and at fifteen he flew for the first time, moving at superspeed to save another kid who was about to be hit by a distracted driver.

The awe and praise he got from that first rescue somewhat flipped a switch in his head and all those dreams about finding a family kind of found themselves being filled instead by a craving for adoration. He pretty much abandoned a normal life then, very shoddily making his own first costume and living life as a fulltime hero. Things really took off when a kaiju found itself attacking a California city, the sentinels engaged it in combat and the then named ‘All-Star’ invited himself right along on the evacuation. He saved enough people and circumvented enough collateral to get an invitation to train under a member of the team and with some effort and progress find his own place on it. Sam was all too happy to accept. Things have gone decently well, he's certainly finding the place in the spotlight he was after.

The actual question of what he is has never quite gone away, his DNA doesn’t exactly match with anything on earth (Though it has enough similarities with homo sapians that it is assumed he’s at least half human.) or really any samples that are kept from extra-terrestrials. Sam himself is more curious than he lets on but whenever he puts effort into looking into it, it comes up cold.

(Hope the powers and weaknesses balance out, happy to deliberate if they don't, or on any other part of the sheet that is unsatisfactory).
View attachment 1172377
The main color scheme is silver and gold. He covers his eyes with a pair of goggles over a golden cowl to hide the upper half of his face. Silver dominates the top half of the suit covering his torso which holds a golden star on his chest. He does wear a cape which is of a golden coloration. The bottom half is plainly silver though the gold comes back in on his boots. Gloves on his hands mirror the color of the boots
Secret Identity: Sampson “Sam” Summers
Name: All-Star
Age: 18
mentor: Supernova
-Superspeed Flight: All-Star has the ability to fly at incredible speeds.
-Crash Protection: All-Star has enhanced durability that allows him to survive these high-speed flights, he can even survive a crash at top speed but it’d be quite debilitating for him.
-Quick Thinker: To keep up with his speed All-Star’s brain processes information at an inhuman rate. This makes him able to actually avoid obstacles while flying at high speed and even helps to process information quickly while moving normally.
-Cosmic Drifter: All-Star has the ability to survive unprotected in space for a period of time. His body can metabolize sunlight into fuel and even convert it into oxygen to an extent but the human half of his biology does demand he eat and drink which definitely limits space travel. Strangely he also seems to possess a natural sense of navigation that functions on a similar wavelength to migratory animals. That meaning it is tied to Earth's natural magnetism.
-Magnetic Overstimulation: Powerful magnets can interfere with All-Star’s natural navigation, being in close proximity to multiple strong magnets overstimulates his brain to the point that his brain functions short circuit for a period.
-Strength of 1 man: All-Star can run from hits, he can take some, but he lacks the strength needed to stagger a powerful foe nor is his durability enough to take multiple direct hits from inhumanly powerful opponents. To overcome this, he can use himself as a battering ram but as much damage as that can do, he’d take the impact as well and its generally a no go as that sort of move has a high chance of killing your opponent if it works as intended, him being one of the good guys means murder isn’t really an option.
-Photosynthesis Reliant: All-Star’s metabolism is the same as a regular human so long as he allows himself time in the sun to soak up its energy. Without the extra power from a star he burns through energy more quickly. He can get through a normal night fine but extended periods without the sun will force him to take in more calories to function properly.

Backstory: Honestly when it comes to the super part of his history Sam doesn’t really know all that much, he was brought up in the foster system. He never knew much else, bouncing between families with nothing ever quite clicking and becoming permanent. Pretty quickly his personality shaped to being focused on trying to stand out, get noticed and maybe make a good enough impression to find something. For some reason that didn’t work either. Things got weird when he turned thirteen, puberty for him seemed to greatly accelerate his thinking and at fifteen he flew for the first time, moving at superspeed to save another kid who was about to be hit by a distracted driver.

The awe and praise he got from that first rescue somewhat flipped a switch in his head and all those dreams about finding a family kind of found themselves being filled instead by a craving for adoration. He pretty much abandoned a normal life then, very shoddily making his own first costume and living life as a fulltime hero. Things really took off when a kaiju found itself attacking a California city, the sentinels engaged it in combat and the then named ‘All-Star’ invited himself right along on the evacuation. He saved enough people and circumvented enough collateral to get an invitation to train under a member of the team and with some effort and progress find his own place on it. Sam was all too happy to accept. Things have gone decently well, he's certainly finding the place in the spotlight he was after.

The actual question of what he is has never quite gone away, his DNA doesn’t exactly match with anything on earth (Though it has enough similarities with homo sapians that it is assumed he’s at least half human.) or really any samples that are kept from extra-terrestrials. Sam himself is more curious than he lets on but whenever he puts effort into looking into it, it comes up cold.

(Hope the powers and weaknesses balance out, happy to deliberate if they don't, or on any other part of the sheet that is unsatisfactory).
i like it, welcome.

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