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Realistic or Modern Heroes and villains, two sides of the same coin. cs



One Thousand Club
Character sheets must have:
secret identity (legal)(can be put under spoilers if needed):
name (hero or villain identity):
mentor (you can either use the ones I gave or create one, if you create one you must discuss with me):
character description and/or picture:
backstory (including how you got your power):

If you try to god mode, I will print out your character's pic and eat it.

List of heroes and villain mentors: (will add yours if I accept them)
Secret Identity: Shiro Moore
Name: Void
Age: 19
Mentor: Laijutsu

Character Description:
Shiro is about 5’4” and half-Japanese. Her name comes from the white color of her hair and was given to her only after her powers were gained as she was removed from her family. She usually keeps her hair up in a ponytail, at least in the field. Since being in Laijutsu’s care, Shiro has honed her body along with her mind. She is fit, not very curvy, and otherwise average looking aside from having three mouths. Her original mouth looks normal, but both of those on her cheeks have pointed teeth and long snaking tongues of an odd color. These mouths seem to open into a pit of pure blackness. Usually, she wears a mask that covers her nose and mouths. She also wears modern armor to protect herself during combat.


Calamity: Twisting the will of a malevolent being she’s been bonded with, Void can cause localized natural disasters or cause material, organic or inorganic, to rapidly spoil or decay

Tiny Portal: The two mouths on her cheeks are portals to…well they haven’t figured that out yet.


Mostly Normal: Aside from the power this nasty being grants her, Shiro is completely normal. She does not have more strength, speed, agility, or constitution than any other normal human who works to improve their physical condition.

Close Combat: Her power takes time and focus to use and take effect, her only defenses if someone gets close are her fists and a short sword she’s only been training with for maybe a year.


Shiro was born a completely normal human being. While she was just a child, a villain attacked and she was held hostage; this villain held a pair of blades that could open small portals. In mere moments, her entire life changed as when a hero made a move to rescue her, those blades cut into her face.

Thinking she was going to die, the young girl called out in her mind for help, and something answered. Her hair drained of color and the cuts stopped bleeding, but they did not seal. Instead, when she moved her hands to uncover herself, there was a second mouth, and a third, on her cheeks. These mouths seemed to move of their own free will and spoke with many voices layered over each other, difficult to understand out loud but she could easily understand them in her mind - and she didn’t like what they were saying.

As the hero faced the villain still nearby and citizens were unsure what to do with the child that had just grown two more mouths, the villain began to decay…

After the incident, the girl was sedated and taken to a facility for study where she would stay under constant monitor as she learned over the years through meditation and an iron will to keep the entity that had attached itself to her under her control. She was able to do this with Laijutu’s help.
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Secret Identity: Shiro Moore
Name: Void
Age: 19
Mentor: Laijutsu

Character Description: (If I end up drawing her maybe I can put it up later) Shiro is about 5’4” and half-Japanese. Her name comes from the white color of her hair and was given to her only after her powers were gained as she was removed from her family. She usually keeps her hair up in a ponytail, at least in the field. Since being in Laijutsu’s care, Shiro has honed her body along with her mind. She is fit, not very curvy, and otherwise average looking aside from having three mouths. Her original mouth looks normal, but both of those on her cheeks have pointed teeth and long snaking tongues of an odd color. These mouths seem to open into a pit of pure blackness. Usually, she wears a mask that covers her nose and mouths. She also wears modern armor to protect herself during combat.

Power: Bending a dark force to her will allows her to cause catastrophic events ( like floods or decay ), also anything she can fit into one of her spare mouths goes...who knows where.

Weakness: She doesn’t have any physical abilities or buffs, so she’s easy to cut through

Backstory: Shiro was born a completely normal human being. While she was just a child, a villain attacked and she was held hostage; this villain held a pair of blades that could open small portals. In mere moments, her entire life changed as when a hero made a move to rescue her, those blades cut into her face. Thinking she was going to die, the young girl called out in her mind for help, and something answered. Her hair drained of color and the cuts stopped bleeding, but they did not seal. Instead, when she moved her hands to uncover herself, there was a second mouth, and a third, on her cheeks. These mouths seemed to move of their own free will and spoke with many voices layered over each other, difficult to understand out loud but she could easily understand them in her mind - and she didn’t like what they were saying. As the hero faced the villain still nearby and citizens were unsure what to do with the child that had just grown two more mouths, the villain began to decay…

After the incident, the girl was sedated and taken to a facility for study where she would stay under constant monitor as she learned over the years through meditation and an iron will to keep the entity that had attached itself to her under her control. She was able to do this with Laijutu’s help.
ok ok i like it, but i dont fully understand her power. can you try to explain it a little. how does she cause these things?
She's basically formed a connection with an entity (I left it vague to fit into this world, so like an alien or horror) that can cause bad things to happen by speaking spells, but only things that are natural. So like natural disasters, or rapidly aging or rotting - but these would be small scale so she's not OP. The power comes from this thing, which is naturally malevolent, and she has to bend its ability to do what she wants by communicating with it. So, for her power to work she's essentially talking this evil thing into doing what she wants as a benevolent person. I don't know if that makes any more sense to you lol, I feel like it's hard to explain properly in detail.
oh, like the guy from jjk's power, alright there should be an easy way to balance this, either it will negatively affect your character when used (either physical damage or mental damage by losing control of the being inside of her mouth) or to limit the power by not having basically god mode (you cant just say die and kill someone)
She's basically formed a connection with an entity (I left it vague to fit into this world, so like an alien or horror) that can cause bad things to happen by speaking spells, but only things that are natural. So like natural disasters, or rapidly aging or rotting - but these would be small scale so she's not OP. The power comes from this thing, which is naturally malevolent, and she has to bend its ability to do what she wants by communicating with it. So, for her power to work she's essentially talking this evil thing into doing what she wants as a benevolent person. I don't know if that makes any more sense to you lol, I feel like it's hard to explain properly in detail.
Ah maybe! I haven't made it too far into JJK yet. But yes, that's what I was going for, a mental tax that makes it so she can't go overboard without entirely losing control - and since she's always been monitored, maybe someone has a panic button that would knock her out if things go that way. I'm fine with basically any idea to limit her because I don't want any sort of god-mode. I wanted to use Laijutsu as her mentor because I think that learning from his mental fortitude was something that would be essential for her to stay sane with this thing in her head constantly. She's a hero with a power that would make it much easier to be a very powerful villain.
Ah maybe! I haven't made it too far into JJK yet. But yes, that's what I was going for, a mental tax that makes it so she can't go overboard without entirely losing control - and since she's always been monitored, maybe someone has a panic button that would knock her out if things go that way. I'm fine with basically any idea to limit her because I don't want any sort of god-mode. I wanted to use Laijutsu as her mentor because I think that learning from his mental fortitude was something that would be essential for her to stay sane with this thing in her head constantly. She's a hero with a power that would make it much easier to be a very powerful villain.
The idea is great, this character can definitely be fun to put in cool situations. If you try anything overpowered, ill just say it didn't work, that's alright. character accepted.
Secret identity (legal): Ayame Amano(天野 綾女)

Name (hero or villain identity): Onikiri (鬼切, 'Demon Cutter')

Age: 42 (physically appears 26 due to vampirism)

Mentor: Weredog

Character description and/or picture:
Iaido - Ayame wields the legendary katana, the Cursed Muramasa. She can channel some sort of vital force and project the sword's "ki" or "kenki", a focused energy wave that extends the blade's reach to slice through objects up to around 10 meters away, strong enough to cut even a modern main battle tank in half.

Bullet time - Her reflexes are honed to the point where she can cut down bullets mid-flight.

Vampiric Abilities - Enhanced strength, speed, and senses. She can heal from injuries that would be fatal to normal humans, although this process requires the consumption of blood.

Katana Dependency - Ayame's combat prowess is heavily reliant on her katana, Muramasa. Without it, her offensive capabilities are significantly reduced.

No Ranged Combat - She has no counter to long-range attacks, making her vulnerable to enemies who can keep their distance. Compounded by the fact Ayame is also a terrible shot with firearms

Vampiric Weaknesses - She is vulnerable to sunlight, which can severely weaken her and even cause death under prolonged exposure without protective clothing. She also has an aversion to religious symbols and can be harmed by holy water and silver.


Ayame Amano (née Funakoshi) was born and raised in New York City, a third-generation Japanese immigrant. Her father, Takeo Funakoshi, was the shategashira-hosa (the second-lieutenant’s assistant) of the Yakuza in NYC and was killed in a gang war when Ayame was just 14 years old. This left her in the care of her grandfather, Tomozo Funakoshi.

Tomozo was an Imperial Army lieutenant who served in the 18th Infantry Regiment under Captain Sakae Oba during WW2, he was part of the Japanese holdout on Saipan that surrendered in Dec 1945, 3 months after the war was over. Tomozo moved to the US with his family in the 1960s. He was a believer of honor and discipline, instilling these values in Ayame as ways of the samurai, including the art of iaido, hoping to keep her on a path of righteousness.

Deep down Ayame sought the path of vengence, to find out who killed her father and avenge him. Before Tomozo died, he passed the sword of Muramasa to Ayame, a family heirloom that the Funakoshi managed to hide from the Tokugawa Shogunate throughout 1600s-1800s and served as Tomozo's gunto (ceremonial sword) during his days as an officer of the Imperial Japanese Army.

When she was 20, Ayame joined the Yakuza by marrying Ryuhei Amano, one of Takeo's junior that was 3 years older than her, in hopes of finding clues to what happened that day. As a yakuza wife she was allowed to have irezumi.

6 years later, Ayame finally hunted down the perpetrator, it was a vampire who serves the “one-eyed mob boss”. They killed the vampire, but Ryuhei was killed and Ayame was also fatally wounded in the process, she was infected with vampirism and passed out not long after. Ayame awoke as a vampire, cursed with eternal life and a thirst for blood.

Horrified by what she had become, in her early vampiric days, Ayame wandered the streets of New York, battling inner demons and external threats. It was during this time that she encountered Weredog, who saw potential in her and brought her into the Monster Alliance.
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Name: Mistral L'Étranger
Secret identity: Fragile
Nicknames: Collateral Damage Muscle Barbie, MB, Human Tardis
Age: 19
Mentor: Supernova
A formidable giant of hulking muscle, they stand towering with a thick-set frame far above their peers at over seven and a half feet. Despite this, they hold a relatively innocent and youthful face that contrasts heavily with their physique, yet still holding heavy curves. A river of blonde hair flowing downwards to their lower back with a tendency to curl off in random directions despite efforts taken to neaten such. Bright azure eyes stare out from a bespeckled face with an ever-present soft smile
  • Non-Euclidean Physiology:
    • Mistrals would often simplify her power when explaining it as "I'm an Onion that's bigger on the Inside" as the full explanation is often difficult for many to wrap their head around. Her body extends out into a 4th dimension of space with a special warping effect, essentially manifesting as her body becoming structured as countless layers, doubling in density and durability with each successive layer with a central core that essentially projects its mass into physical space. This also means her actual mass does not correlate with the actual mass in real space on the surface. Each layer can be approximated as 50 μm real space but doubling in actuality with each successive layer, with her body continuing to grow inwards over time. In application, this gives Mistral an obscene amount of physical strength and durability, as well as interfering with attacks, equipment and powers which rely on distance and total mass that target or pass through her. This naturally has made actual medical scans and the like of her body distorted to the point of uselessness. They can use this strength to perform a variety of unnatural feats from raw power, but often overlooked is her bodies strange composition also extends to her brain.
  • Body Supremacy: Mistal has learned to use her body with extreme precision and accuracy, achieving full control of her own physiognomy. This allows her to control her muscles, body and movements with high efficiency to achieve otherwise unnatural techniques in martial applications as well as provide resistance to external manipulations of her body. This also allows her to speed up her body's natural healing preventing scarring and small cuts in hours rather than days..
  • Extreme Calorie Requirement: Mitigated somewhat by her control of her body, Mistral still requires calories in the tens of thousands to function properly.
  • Ranged Limit: Other than brute throws or shockwaves, Mistral lacks any precise ranged capabilities.
  • Collateral Damage: By the very nature of her strength, Mistral needs to exercise extreme caution when bringing it to bare, lest she causes far more destruction than those she is trying to stop or she harms innocents and team mates in the area. Should she lose focus this can naturally also cause an issue with her day to day life.
  • Big Girl Problems: Naturally, given her appearance, a secret identity is merely a formality and no amount of disguising can hide her distinct profile. This also results of course in a need for custom sizing and difficulties navigating normal life. Her weight in real space is over 3 times that of the average woman resulting a issue with weakened surfaces or gravity effects more easily creating unstable footing. Finally, there is also the issue that her costume and clothing are nowhere near as durable as she is despite advanced materials being used.
  • Skin Deep: While durable, their surface layers are as durable as the average person. This will often lead to a myriad of cuts and grazes in conflicts that can be very uncomfortable and painful when they build up.
  • Nullification Disaster: Should her power somehow be nullified or weakened the unobservable mass becomes present in real space, rapidly increasing her size and weight. This poses both a risk for the surrounding area and restricts her mobility, as she can quickly become nearly immobile out of necessity for the area around her. This can be a very clear demonstration that her power is not actually Super Strength and Durability as is often assumed.
  • Wilderness Survival: Growing up in a rural environment, Mistral was commonly exposed to the great outdoors and somewhat inhospitable conditions and developed an array of skills from this. Hunting, Gathering, and other parts of bushcraft became second nature to her.
  • Martial Training: More than pure brawn, Mistral has shown to be a talented hand-to-hand combatant with high creativity and Improvisation in her tactics. Her ability to use every part of her body in a fight can often throw off those expecting a brute brawler.
  • Homesteading: Living at a residence that was somewhat off the grid, Sophie and her family would all be involved in the various aspects of homesteading from a young age. Basic repairs, tailoring, cooking, farming, the raising of animals and more was commonplace.
  • Equestrianism: A Personal hobby of Mistral and somewhat of a necessity on her homestead, she can comfortably ride not only horses but other larger animals that were native to the area.
  • Bilingual: Speaks both English and French Fluently
Mistral L'Étranger was raised around the rural areas just outside Quebec Canada as part of a large family commune. Adopted by her parents, she was found wandering among the wilderness following a fishing trip by her father and taken in being raised as one of their own. It would quickly become apparent however that Mistral was not a normal child, there appetite aside she would quickly tower above siblings several years her senior and displayed an inhuman strength. This was first realized following an accident that had her adoptive mother's leg pinned beneath a fallen tree, throwing it clear of the field to free her. Not wanting her to be taken advantage of and knowing the dangers in the world for those among the superhuman community, her father would take it upon herself to ensure she was properly prepared for what could happen in the future, though there was perhaps also the concern at learning to control her strength safely to prevent mishaps.

This would continue for several more years until Mistral found herself involved and on the wrong side of the Rizzuto crime family who had begun trying to pressure her family into selling their land, taking offence to finding their offers were ones that had been refused. What followed was a gang war triggered by a perceived weakness of the crime group combined with Mistrals own actions creating a power vacuum within the city. Suffice it to say taking no for an answer would have properly led to the criminal's continued existence, and that leaving the head of one of the communes horses on the doorstep was a poor decision.

The conflict that resulted from all this would soon attract the attention of the Sentinels as it began to spill out into the street leading to Mistral's meeting with Supernova and eventual induction into the Sentinels through their junior program.

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Secret identity (legal): Ayame Amano(天野 綾女)

Name (hero or villain identity): Onikiri (鬼切, 'Demon Cutter')

Age: 42 (physically appears 26 due to vampirism)

Mentor: Weredog

Character description and/or picture:
View attachment 1170184
Iaido - Ayame wields the legendary katana, the Cursed Muramasa. She can channel some sort of vital force and project the sword's "ki" or "kenki", a focused energy wave that extends the blade's reach to slice through objects up to around 10 meters away, strong enough to cut even a modern main battle tank in half.

Bullet time - Her reflexes are honed to the point where she can cut down bullets mid-flight.

Vampiric Abilities - Enhanced strength, speed, and senses. She can heal from injuries that would be fatal to normal humans, although this process requires the consumption of blood.

Katana Dependency - Ayame's combat prowess is heavily reliant on her katana, Muramasa. Without it, her offensive capabilities are significantly reduced.

No Ranged Combat - She has no counter to long-range attacks, making her vulnerable to enemies who can keep their distance. Compounded by the fact Ayame is also a terrible shot with firearms

Vampiric Weaknesses - She is vulnerable to sunlight, which can severely weaken her and even cause death under prolonged exposure without protective clothing. She also has an aversion to religious symbols and can be harmed by holy water and silver.


Ayame Amano (née Funakoshi) was born and raised in New York City, a third-generation Japanese immigrant. Her father, Takeo Funakoshi, was the shategashira-hosa (the second-lieutenant’s assistant) of the Yakuza in NYC and was killed in a gang war when Ayame was just 14 years old. This left her in the care of her grandfather, Funakoshi Tomozo.

Tomozo was an Imperial Army lieutenant who served in the 18th Infantry Regiment under Captain Oba Sakae during WW2, he was part of the Japanese holdout on Saipan that surrendered in Dec 1945, 3 months after the war was over. Tomozo moved to the US with his family in the 1960s. He was a believer of honor and discipline, instilling these values in Ayame as ways of the samurai, including the art of iaido, hoping to keep her on a path of righteousness.

Deep down Ayame sought the path of vengence, to find out who killed her father and avenge him. Before Tomozo died, he passed the sword of Muramasa to Ayame, a family heirloom that the Funakoshi managed to hide from the Tokugawa Shogunate throughout 1600s-1800s and served as Tomozo's gunto (ceremonial sword) during his days as an officer of the Imperial Japanese Army.

When she was 20, Ayame joined the Yakuza by marrying Ryuhei Amano, one of Takeo's junior that was 3 years older than her, in hopes of finding clues to what happened that day. As a yakuza wife she was allowed to have irezumi.

6 years later, Ayame finally hunted down the perpetrator, it was a vampire who serves the “one-eyed mob boss”. They killed the vampire, but Ryuhei was killed and Ayame was also fatally wounded in the process, she was infected with vampirism and passed out not long after. Ayame awoke as a vampire, cursed with eternal life and a thirst for blood.

Horrified by what she had become, in her early vampiric days, Ayame wandered the streets of New York, battling inner demons and external threats. It was during this time that she encountered Weredog, who saw potential in her and brought her into the Monster Alliance.
alright i like it, you're in. thank god you added a lot of weaknesses cause that power list almost scared me
There any more setting lore around for the world other than the groups mentioned? Or a bit more about Supernova?
What's Supernova generally like as a character?

Is there any process to join the sentinels? Or a young/teen sentinels program?

Are aliens a known thing?
What's Supernova generally like as a character?

Is there any process to join the sentinels? Or a young/teen sentinels program?

Are aliens a known thing?
Supernova is your superman type, with a lot more kindness than even the big blue himself. She upholds a strong moral code, no killing, no lifelong damage and no unnecessary violence. She is keen on not judging people by their powers or looks and believes anyone can be useful as a hero, even someone without powers, as she has trained many. Outside the job, she's known to treat her trainees like her own children, as she can't carry children due to the surgeries done on her as a child. If you are one of her students, you will be known in the hero society as a little spoiled. (You can say she takes a little bit of character from allmight from my hero too)

the process is different for each person, some are scouted and approached by one of the heroes to join, some are relatives of the heroes that seem to inherit their powers. As for a teen sentinel program, it exists, but it's more of an accommodation space than a school program. Of course, some kids chose to live with their parents or alone where they were living before. its for the heroes to get to know each other and for easy access to young heroes to train or to ask to join missions with their mentors.

meh, if one of you wants to play as an unknown alien species they can and if they wanna play as a known one they can do that too.

Secret identity: Tomas Brandt

Codename: Myriad

Age: 20

Mentor: Quill. The main hero of Seattle and a member of the Monster Alliance, Quill has been active as a superhero for just over five years. Dressed in a full body black and white suit that covers up his entire body, Quill is known for his signature spikes, bones protruding from any part of his body. He can create these bone bits at anytime, anywhere. He also possesses some kind of healing factor as his body closes up after the bones recede, and he has been seen shrugging off some major damage. He first appeared in Seattle where he forced out the Russian mob, before being offered a place with the Monster Alliance.

Character Description: Standing tall at 6’1’’, Tomas has a very fine and slim figure. Never really having done anything too physically demanding until he became a hero, Tomas has only recently begun to build up muscle. His features could be considered almost doll like with his pale skin, sea blue eyes, and corn yellow hair that goes down to his shoulders. Besides a few scrapes and cuts from fighting crime, Tomas’s skin is blemish free, with nothing like tattoos or piercings. As the heir to Brandt Omniversal, Tomas tends to dress in a lot of suits or other business attire. While he does own more casual clothes, Tomas finds that he rarely has time to wear them.

While operating as Myriad, Tomas draws inspiration from Quill. Also wearing a black and white suit, Tomas’s is divided down the middle with one side black and the other white. This includes boots, gloves, and a cowl that covers his face except for his mouth. There is also a black diamond decal on his chest, and a black utility belt that is mostly full of first aid equipment or lock picking gear.

Power: As a result of some unknown genetic factor activated by trauma, Tomas has the ability to create perfect duplicates of himself. Initially only being able to create one duplicate at a time, Tomas can now create up to five copies of himself. All copies have the same physical properties as Tomas, including his level of strength, agility, and durability. Each of the copies has a psychic connection with the original Tomas, being able to send each other telepathic messages with a range of about three miles. At any moment a copy can choose to disassemble itself, collapsing into a gray paste that is then evaporated in the span of a few seconds.

Weakness: Every time Tomas creates a copy of himself, it is created through use of his blood sugar, lowering it with every new creation. This could make him go into a diabetic coma if he doesn’t consume enough sugar. As such he keeps a lot of sugary snacks or sugar tablets on him to spike up his blood sugar levels. Each copy of Tomas also has its own mind separate of the original, though they tend to go along with whatever the original wants. It is currently unclear what would happen if a copy went rogue. There is also a time limit on how long the copies can exist for, as they will naturally turn to paste and then evaporate after just under a day.

Back Story: Karl Brandt was the son of a German immigrant to the United States, who would start up Brandt Omniversal, a company that would quickly take over much of the technology market. After getting married, Karl would have many children, though it would be his wife’s third pregnancy that had issues. She was pregnant with twins and was having complications. However when it came time to deliver, only one child came out, a son they named Tomas. Apparently he had absorbed his twin into him, the two of them becoming one being.

From a young age, Tomas would always feel that he wasn’t getting the attention he deserved, what with having six other siblings. It didn’t help that his older brother was being groomed to take over Brandt Omniversal when he came of age. So instead Tomas focused on his studies, as he was attending a private school that a lot of the kids from silicon valley attended. It was in these first few years of schooling that Tomas would come to prefer English class and those of the arts.

By the time he was a teenager, Tomas had begun making his own stories, posting them online. Eventually he would work up the courage to tell his parents that he wanted to be a writer as a career. Tomas’s father would claim that it was an unreliable occupation and that Tomas should look into something else. While he didn’t say it out loud, Tomas found this incredibly hypocritical as his father had started his career as an entrepreneur.

After that, Tomas would appear to do what his father wanted, while secretly writing on the side. Eventually he would graduate high school, Tomas’s father seemingly ignoring the fact that Tomas had been given the English award. Not really wanting to go to college, Tomas would manage to convince his father to give him a place at his company. Granted it was a basic job, just acting as his father’s secretary.

Now working out of the Brandt Omniversal Tower headquarters in Seattle, Tomas would find his life incredibly dull. Even though he was still writing, he was afraid to send out anything for possible publication, his father’s words still in his head. Instead Tomas would spend a year and a half doing a job he hated.

That was until a few months back when a group of thieves using advanced weaponry broke into the Brandt Omniversal Tower. Apparently Karl Brandt had been working with the military on a new smart missile prototype, which the thieves were after. However, just as they broke in they were followed by Quill, the bone protruding hero of Seattle. He would proceed to fight off the intruders.

However the battle would go bad when a misfire of an energy weapon would cause the missiles to explode. The tower would be wrecked with many people dying, including Tomas’s older brother. Tomas himself would survive, being pulled out of the wreckage by first responders. He would then remain in hospital for over a week.

However, something about the shock of the explosion triggered something in Tomas. Perhaps some sort of recessive gene, whether it be a mutation or alien tampering, something about Tomas’s genes were different than a regular human. This trauma caused his powers to awaken, Tomas splitting into two people. Freaked out by this, both Tomas and his copy would flee the hospital.

He would soon be found by Quill, who also survived the explosion. Having been in a similar situation as Tomas was in when his own powers manifested, Quill offered to train Tomas. Taking the name Myriad, Tomas would soon start patrolling the streets of Seattle. He would also learn more about his powers, finding that he could make multiple copies of himself.

While superhero life was going good for Tomas, his personal life was not. With the death of his brother, Tomas’s father now expected him to step up and take a leadership role in the country. Tomas has been pushing him off, saying he needs more time to deal with his grief. But the truth is Tomas would never want to be a businessman, as he just gets so much excitement out of being a writer and superhero.

Secret identity: Tomas Brandt

Codename: Myriad

Age: 20

Mentor: Quill. The main hero of Seattle and a member of the Monster Alliance, Quill has been active as a superhero for just over five years. Dressed in a full body black and white suit that covers up his entire body, Quill is known for his signature spikes, bones protruding from any part of his body. He can create these bone bits at anytime, anywhere. He also possesses some kind of healing factor as his body closes up after the bones recede, and he has been seen shrugging off some major damage. He first appeared in Seattle where he forced out the Russian mob, before being offered a place with the Monster Alliance.

Character Description: Standing tall at 6’1’’, Tomas has a very fine and slim figure. Never really having done anything too physically demanding until he became a hero, Tomas has only recently begun to build up muscle. His features could be considered almost doll like with his pale skin, sea blue eyes, and corn yellow hair that goes down to his shoulders. Besides a few scrapes and cuts from fighting crime, Tomas’s skin is blemish free, with nothing like tattoos or piercings. As the heir to Brandt Omniversal, Tomas tends to dress in a lot of suits or other business attire. While he does own more casual clothes, Tomas finds that he rarely has time to wear them.

While operating as Myriad, Tomas draws inspiration from Quill. Also wearing a black and white suit, Tomas’s is divided down the middle with one side black and the other white. This includes boots, gloves, and a cowl that covers his face except for his mouth. There is also a black diamond decal on his chest, and a black utility belt that is mostly full of first aid equipment or lock picking gear.

Power: As a result of some unknown genetic factor activated by trauma, Tomas has the ability to create perfect duplicates of himself. Initially only being able to create one duplicate at a time, Tomas can now create up to five copies of himself. All copies have the same physical properties as Tomas, including his level of strength, agility, and durability. Each of the copies has a psychic connection with the original Tomas, being able to send each other telepathic messages with a range of about three miles. At any moment a copy can choose to disassemble itself, collapsing into a gray paste that is then evaporated in the span of a few seconds.

Weakness: Every time Tomas creates a copy of himself, it is created through use of his blood sugar, lowering it with every new creation. This could make him go into a diabetic coma if he doesn’t consume enough sugar. As such he keeps a lot of sugary snacks or sugar tablets on him to spike up his blood sugar levels. Each copy of Tomas also has its own mind separate of the original, though they tend to go along with whatever the original wants. It is currently unclear what would happen if a copy went rogue. There is also a time limit on how long the copies can exist for, as they will naturally turn to paste and then evaporate after just under a day.

Back Story: Karl Brandt was the son of a German immigrant to the United States, who would start up Brandt Omniversal, a company that would quickly take over much of the technology market. After getting married, Karl would have many children, though it would be his wife’s third pregnancy that had issues. She was pregnant with twins and was having complications. However when it came time to deliver, only one child came out, a son they named Tomas. Apparently he had absorbed his twin into him, the two of them becoming one being.

From a young age, Tomas would always feel that he wasn’t getting the attention he deserved, what with having six other siblings. It didn’t help that his older brother was being groomed to take over Brandt Omniversal when he came of age. So instead Tomas focused on his studies, as he was attending a private school that a lot of the kids from silicon valley attended. It was in these first few years of schooling that Tomas would come to prefer English class and those of the arts.

By the time he was a teenager, Tomas had begun making his own stories, posting them online. Eventually he would work up the courage to tell his parents that he wanted to be a writer as a career. Tomas’s father would claim that it was an unreliable occupation and that Tomas should look into something else. While he didn’t say it out loud, Tomas found this incredibly hypocritical as his father had started his career as an entrepreneur.

After that, Tomas would appear to do what his father wanted, while secretly writing on the side. Eventually he would graduate high school, Tomas’s father seemingly ignoring the fact that Tomas had been given the English award. Not really wanting to go to college, Tomas would manage to convince his father to give him a place at his company. Granted it was a basic job, just acting as his father’s secretary.

Now working out of the Brandt Omniversal Tower headquarters in Seattle, Tomas would find his life incredibly dull. Even though he was still writing, he was afraid to send out anything for possible publication, his father’s words still in his head. Instead Tomas would spend a year and a half doing a job he hated.

That was until a few months back when a group of thieves using advanced weaponry broke into the Brandt Omniversal Tower. Apparently Karl Brandt had been working with the military on a new smart missile prototype, which the thieves were after. However, just as they broke in they were followed by Quill, the bone protruding hero of Seattle. He would proceed to fight off the intruders.

However the battle would go bad when a misfire of an energy weapon would cause the missiles to explode. The tower would be wrecked with many people dying, including Tomas’s older brother. Tomas himself would survive, being pulled out of the wreckage by first responders. He would then remain in hospital for over a week.

However, something about the shock of the explosion triggered something in Tomas. Perhaps some sort of recessive gene, whether it be a mutation or alien tampering, something about Tomas’s genes were different than a regular human. This trauma caused his powers to awaken, Tomas splitting into two people. Freaked out by this, both Tomas and his copy would flee the hospital.

He would soon be found by Quill, who also survived the explosion. Having been in a similar situation as Tomas was in when his own powers manifested, Quill offered to train Tomas. Taking the name Myriad, Tomas would soon start patrolling the streets of Seattle. He would also learn more about his powers, finding that he could make multiple copies of himself.

While superhero life was going good for Tomas, his personal life was not. With the death of his brother, Tomas’s father now expected him to step up and take a leadership role in the country. Tomas has been pushing him off, saying he needs more time to deal with his grief. But the truth is Tomas would never want to be a businessman, as he just gets so much excitement out of being a writer and superhero.
i like it, balanced, no changes needed. accepted
Past identity: Professor Alkaline.
Villain title: Dr Why?
Age: 27. Biologically.
Mentor: The lies of which we are fed.
Power: To manipulate people's perception of reality by tweaking their senses.
Weakness: Good conversation, any vaguely intelligent individual who's able to keep up with his antics. He's not upset by this of course.
Backstory: Professor Alkaline used to be your normal college professor physics and philosophy. He was a kind man, youthful. And of course, as intelligent as his profession required him to be. He was happy. Until the incident.

It was, supposed to be a good day. He was invited by his fellow colleague to witness, with a few other people, an experiment to accelerate time within a controlled environment. This came in the form of a 6 by 6 white chamber. Anything placed within the chamber a will start experiencing time faster than everything else outside of it. This was a very impressive feat mind you and could have been quite possibly one of the first few steps to time travel, "could have been" meaning that. . . Things went wrong.

Criminals broke their way through with weapons. They were hired by some villain to steal the machine in hopes of using it for their evil schemes. The other professors ran while professor Alkaline was quite unfortunately ran into the machine for safety. The door closed behind him as he took cover. After what seemed like eternity. He got back up again. "Looks like they've left." He thought to himself as he reached for the handle.

There was no handle.

He started banging the door shouting for someone to please let him out.


"This is fine!" He thought to himself, "Surely I won't have to wait that long! Heck! I bet after an hour I'll go outside and it would have only been a second! I'll laugh about this soon!" And so he sat down in the middle of the room and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

A̵n̷d̶ ̸w̸a̸i̶t̶e̷d̴

A̴͔͠n̶̜͑d̵͚̀ ̵͕́w̴̘͑a̵͚̿i̴͓͗t̷̬̂e̴̖̽d̷̨͝.̵̜̕

Ă̸̺n̶̰̆͜ḋ̴̥̍ ̸̗̏͒w̴̱̼͂â̶̟ĩ̷̗̙t̵̺̹̎͊e̷̫̍̃d̷͇̞̉͝.̸̺̈́

À̶̖̺̤̎̊͆͒͐̀̒̅͋͒̇̈̍̇͋́̀͊͠͠͝ņ̶̡̛̻̘̘̭̻̙̪̯̲̗̹̬̠̼̖̟̞͕̹̗̻̤̠͔͍͕̮͍̲̖̱̳̳͔̼̮͉͇̰͈̻̫̓̈͊̃̿̔́̒͐̂̑̒̀͆̿̔͆̀̐̊̓͆͐͗̀̑̒́̓̍́͗̍̀̊͘̕̕͜͝͝͠͠͠ͅͅd̵̼̱̥͓͗͐̍͊̈́̂͐̉̓̊̇̆͑̿̍̀̈́͐̀̍͆̄͌̔̽̿̾̓̈́̈́̐͒̀͠͝͠ ̶̢̡̡̨͚̬̹̱̥̠̭̥̦͎͍̥̪̬͎͖͙̜̘͎̙̲̥̭̣̗̠͖̹͎̳̖̬̳͚̲͕̬̠͚͉̦̬̮̀̃̎̉̋̿͌̆͐̿̐̅̍̔̿͌̈́́͗̈́̑̉̎́̓̄̇̍̆̄̍͒̾̃̇̕̚̕̚̕͘͝͝͝͝ͅͅw̶̨̧̪̳̦̦̙̣̬͙̯͓̗͕͍͔͕͎̻̬̻̝̖̰̙̯͓͔͉̙͇̝̻̙͈͍̭̰͔͚̱̹͙̣̻͐͊̌̉̓̆͌̀͐̽͗͆̄͂̋́͗̃͑̃̃́͛̿̍̚͜͜͝ͅͅa̴̡̤̲͙͙̺̲͙͎̩̝͕͔̥̣͗͊͌̽̆̔͒̿͊̓̏̄̀̔̍̔̆͛͑̓͊̾̋͝î̴̼̋͆̉͌͑̃͜ẗ̷̢̡̛̠̩͍̘̄̈́̑͊̓̿̋̋͆̉̄̃̅̊̈́̍̕̚̕ę̸̢̟̪̣̲̗͓͈̠̹̹̗̤̖̪̙̭͉̞̉̉͑̓̆̇̉̃̈́͐̅͂̋̓͋͑͜͝d̶̼̿̒̋͐̿͒̉̎̽͑̓̕͘͘.̶̢̛͔̃̾̔͋̈́͊̉̌̀̄̆́̅̀̿̋͘̚ͅ

He had stopped counting after a year. How many other years followed after that. He was too afraid to guess.
During that purgatory. He asked many questions.
Why was he still alive? Why was he not dead? Why did this have to happen? Why did those criminals attack?
Why was he ever born in the first place?
Why? Why? Why?
All of these questions boiled down to why.

Why, did he go through all of this suffering?
He did not know.
And that tormented him.

". . .Why?"

His mind was now shattered beyond repair. Well, at least it should have been.
Instead, something within him took those shattered fragments and started rearranging them into something. . .


You could call it insanity.
He called it freedom.

Finally. After eternity. The door opened.
It was a criminal, breathing heavily after having secured the area to steal the machine. They were surprised to find a man inside who looked at him in curiosity. "What are you doing in here?! Get out or I'll shoot you!" The criminal shouted pointing his weapon at professor Alkaline. The former professor tilted his head. "How long has it been?" He glanced at the clock. Only a minute had passed. He stared back at the criminal. ". . .Why do you breath?"

One after another. Each criminal fell. The machine it had seemed had provided some unintended side effects.
Or maybe he just figured something out.
Either way.
All the professor did was ask them each and individual question.

"Why do you do this?"
"Why do you live?"
"Why don't you point that at him?"

Soon, there was no one left.
Why, except him of course.
At that point. He didn't know what to do next. After being in purgatory for literally an unfathomable amount of time. Nothing really seemed to matter anymore.
Well, except destroying the universe.
That was what he figured was now the only meaningful decision he had left.

Now that he had a destructive new purpose. He just needed something to get started. Maybe perhaps he could take over the lab of some other villain. . .

He grabbed the scruff of one of the last criminals still alive. "Who hired you?"

Art coming soon.
Past identity: Professor Alkaline.
Villain title: Dr Why?
Age: 27. Biologically.
Mentor: The lies of which we are fed.
Power: To manipulate people's perception of reality by tweaking their senses.
Weakness: Good conversation, any vaguely intelligent individual who's able to keep up with his antics. He's not upset by this of course.
Backstory: Professor Alkaline used to be your normal college professor physics and philosophy. He was a kind man, youthful. And of course, as intelligent as his profession required him to be. He was happy. Until the incident.

It was, supposed to be a good day. He was invited by his fellow colleague to witness, with a few other people, an experiment to accelerate time within a controlled environment. This came in the form of a 6 by 6 white chamber. Anything placed within the chamber a will start experiencing time faster than everything else outside of it. This was a very impressive feat mind you and could have been quite possibly one of the first few steps to time travel, "could have been" meaning that. . . Things went wrong.

Criminals broke their way through with weapons. They were hired by some villain to steal the machine in hopes of using it for their evil schemes. The other professors ran while professor Alkaline was quite unfortunately ran into the machine for safety. The door closed behind him as he took cover. After what seemed like eternity. He got back up again. "Looks like they've left." He thought to himself as he reached for the handle.

There was no handle.

He started banging the door shouting for someone to please let him out.


"This is fine!" He thought to himself, "Surely I won't have to wait that long! Heck! I bet after an hour I'll go outside and it would have only been a second! I'll laugh about this soon!" And so he sat down in the middle of the room and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

A̵n̷d̶ ̸w̸a̸i̶t̶e̷d̴

A̴͔͠n̶̜͑d̵͚̀ ̵͕́w̴̘͑a̵͚̿i̴͓͗t̷̬̂e̴̖̽d̷̨͝.̵̜̕

Ă̸̺n̶̰̆͜ḋ̴̥̍ ̸̗̏͒w̴̱̼͂â̶̟ĩ̷̗̙t̵̺̹̎͊e̷̫̍̃d̷͇̞̉͝.̸̺̈́

À̶̖̺̤̎̊͆͒͐̀̒̅͋͒̇̈̍̇͋́̀͊͠͠͝ņ̶̡̛̻̘̘̭̻̙̪̯̲̗̹̬̠̼̖̟̞͕̹̗̻̤̠͔͍͕̮͍̲̖̱̳̳͔̼̮͉͇̰͈̻̫̓̈͊̃̿̔́̒͐̂̑̒̀͆̿̔͆̀̐̊̓͆͐͗̀̑̒́̓̍́͗̍̀̊͘̕̕͜͝͝͠͠͠ͅͅd̵̼̱̥͓͗͐̍͊̈́̂͐̉̓̊̇̆͑̿̍̀̈́͐̀̍͆̄͌̔̽̿̾̓̈́̈́̐͒̀͠͝͠ ̶̢̡̡̨͚̬̹̱̥̠̭̥̦͎͍̥̪̬͎͖͙̜̘͎̙̲̥̭̣̗̠͖̹͎̳̖̬̳͚̲͕̬̠͚͉̦̬̮̀̃̎̉̋̿͌̆͐̿̐̅̍̔̿͌̈́́͗̈́̑̉̎́̓̄̇̍̆̄̍͒̾̃̇̕̚̕̚̕͘͝͝͝͝ͅͅw̶̨̧̪̳̦̦̙̣̬͙̯͓̗͕͍͔͕͎̻̬̻̝̖̰̙̯͓͔͉̙͇̝̻̙͈͍̭̰͔͚̱̹͙̣̻͐͊̌̉̓̆͌̀͐̽͗͆̄͂̋́͗̃͑̃̃́͛̿̍̚͜͜͝ͅͅa̴̡̤̲͙͙̺̲͙͎̩̝͕͔̥̣͗͊͌̽̆̔͒̿͊̓̏̄̀̔̍̔̆͛͑̓͊̾̋͝î̴̼̋͆̉͌͑̃͜ẗ̷̢̡̛̠̩͍̘̄̈́̑͊̓̿̋̋͆̉̄̃̅̊̈́̍̕̚̕ę̸̢̟̪̣̲̗͓͈̠̹̹̗̤̖̪̙̭͉̞̉̉͑̓̆̇̉̃̈́͐̅͂̋̓͋͑͜͝d̶̼̿̒̋͐̿͒̉̎̽͑̓̕͘͘.̶̢̛͔̃̾̔͋̈́͊̉̌̀̄̆́̅̀̿̋͘̚ͅ

He had stopped counting after a year. How many other years followed after that. He was too afraid to guess.
During that purgatory. He asked many questions.
Why was he still alive? Why was he not dead? Why did this have to happen? Why did those criminals attack?
Why was he ever born in the first place?
Why? Why? Why?
All of these questions boiled down to why.

Why, did he go through all of this suffering?
He did not know.
And that tormented him.

". . .Why?"

His mind was now shattered beyond repair. Well, at least it should have been.
Instead, something within him took those shattered fragments and started rearranging them into something. . .


You could call it insanity.
He called it freedom.

Finally. After eternity. The door opened.
It was a criminal, breathing heavily after having secured the area to steal the machine. They were surprised to find a man inside who looked at him in curiosity. "What are you doing in here?! Get out or I'll shoot you!" The criminal shouted pointing his weapon at professor Alkaline. The former professor tilted his head. "How long has it been?" He glanced at the clock. Only a minute had passed. He stared back at the criminal. ". . .Why do you breath?"

One after another. Each criminal fell. The machine it had seemed had provided some unintended side effects.
Or maybe he just figured something out.
Either way.
All the professor did was ask them each and individual question.

"Why do you do this?"
"Why do you live?"
"Why don't you point that at him?"

Soon, there was no one left.
Why, except him of course.
At that point. He didn't know what to do next. After being in purgatory for literally an unfathomable amount of time. Nothing really seemed to matter anymore.
Well, except destroying the universe.
That was what he figured was now the only meaningful decision he had left.

Now that he had a destructive new purpose. He just needed something to get started. Maybe perhaps he could take over the lab of some other villain. . .

He grabbed the scruff of one of the last criminals still alive. "Who hired you?"

Art coming soon.
ok doctor manhatten, i will allow this character simply cause it feels noir enough to fit into this universe. i hope the power means he can just alter people's sense of vision and not actual reality. accepted
ok doctor manhatten, i will allow this character simply cause it feels noir enough to fit into this universe. i hope the power means he can just alter people's sense of vision and not actual reality. accepted
Dr Manhattan lol, yeah he can only manipulate senses and make illusions stuff like that, I have a lot of inspirations for this character actually like Owlman, Scarlet Witch, and that one mutant from x-men 2.
and i got so many ideas from him. this is going to be good lol.
Also spoiler alert. He didn't kill The Jackal.

"The Jackal delayed many of my plans, but I would never kill him! He actually knew how to carry a conversation. He was fun! I wouldn't kill fun. . ."
Also spoiler alert. He didn't kill The Jackal.

"The Jackal delayed many of my plans, but I would never kill him! He actually knew how to carry a conversation. He was fun! I wouldn't kill fun. . ."
oh no i know, i actually have the person who killed him. and i was going for joker and batman between these two, the fun conversation type.

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