[Heralds of Autocthon] The Rat Race

The Apostate had underestimated his foes, and before he knew it Hammer hit him hard with his beamklave, still the Apostate manage to get away from the second hit but it was only a slight respite, as he get shot straight in the chest by Aegis. He ended up falling down on the arena floor and his eyes were lifeless. The people in the arena stopped panicking and many cheered as they saw the apostate bite the dust. One Void Golem was still operational but it wasn't going to be difficult to get rid of it.

The champions had come through and saved their people, but it only appeared to be a prelude of things to come.

Like I mentioned in the OOC, 8 xp for this part and now basically up to you where you want to go from there.
Vigil makes sure the last Void Golem is dead, then swoops back to their box in the stands. He steps off his Windblade, it compacts back to a belt buckle, and he reattaches it as such. His chakram dwindles back down to a coin of moonsilver which is placed back in his pocket.

"We should look into where this Apostate came from and how he felt brave enough to launch an attack right here in the heart of our city."
“Shouldn’t we find out if the people are all right, first?†inquires Flowering with a worried frown. The silver knife jerks itself out of the golem’s eye and flies backwards to her hand as if pulled by a string.
Hammer of the Populat looks about the arena before he lets his beamkalve go dormant once more. He then fingers the damaged area of his armor, glad that he had the presence of mind to add the dermal plating to supplement it. His wound hurt, but not bad enough to incapacitate him. He walks over to stand over the body of the fallen apostate and nudges it with his foot. "Lets get this garbage cleaned up." Hammer looks around at the auditorium. What was the purpose of this attack? Its not like there was ever any chance that this piece of filth could have accomplished anything. Was this just a diversion? If so, for what? For this, I want my crossbow and a fresh suit of armor, and a quick trip to the Vats for repairs couldn't hurt. With a pained grunt he makes his way up the stands to the private box that he was sitting in before, and looks to the other Champions. With his deep rumble, "This attack makes no sense. For what purpose was it done? Perhpas this was a distraction for some other villany. We should be prepared."
Vigil looks at Unexpected Flowering and Hammer, then back out at the arena, watching the wounded being tended.

"The wounded are being cared for, and I have not the skills for that. And as Hammer points out, this attack makes no sense on the surface of events. We should be vigilant for other villainy here in the city, and if we find nothing untoward happening, we should trace this criminal garbage back to his source."
“Don’t you have skills to ask the Surgeons how many casualties there were?†Flowering asks acidly. “We are the people’s champions -- we can at least act like we care.â€
Hammer waves his hand as if it were a knife to cut the air between them. "We are the people's champions, and, as such, we cannot allow ourselves to be reduced by such bickering. I can see that the worst of the injuries were caused by people being trampled. Thankfully, the members of the security forces in the audience kept the stampede to a minimum." I must remember to complement my team for their good work in that, too. "Unity is our strength. Remember that."
"Forgive me if my words seemed callous. My meaning was that as no one we can see is truly in danger of dying, and as the security force for the arena have matters well in hand medically, we as the peoples' champions should be alert to the possibility of another vector of danger. To do so, we should alert our superiors that we fear this action was only a distraction, then pursue the track of this Apostate back to wherever he came from, rooting out those behind this root and branch." Vigil bows apologetically to Flowering, and then to Hammer.
Hammer nods in acceptance. "No need to worry, my friend. I may have been a bit harsh myself. I tend to get a bit short-tempered when I'm hurt, and that damn apostate nailed me good." His hand goes to his injury once more. "I'll be fine soon enough; I just need to work on my armor. Let us now focus on what our next moves should be."
We should send a team down the tunnel the apostate entered from. Aegis says, If he entered with violence some of the personnel down there might be in urgent need of medical help.

It would also be good to know exactly how exactly he entered without the alarm being raised so that it can be prevented in the future, those golems was not exactly subtle.
The glowing archon lands among her fellows and folds her wings behind her back. "I agree with your assessment, Hammer. This attack was too weak to threaten us, ergo it was either a probe or a distraction. Investigating the manner of the monster's entrance would be prudent, but it would leave us far from the city if this was a distraction rather than a probe." She frowns with premonition as she continues, "despite my better judgement, I think it may be best if we split up."
"Agreed. I will gather my team and follow the backtrail that the apostate and his golems took to come into the city. It will take a short amout of time for us to arm up and be ready, but it won't be long. In the meantime, I suggest that those that need to make a trip to the Vats do so. We should expect more threats, and need to be properly equipped." Hammer expects that after this attack, the men of his command would be heading to the barracks to await orders. He sends orders ahead to prepare to move out, and then makes his own way to pick up his crossbow. No time to wait for his injuries to be healed or repaired. They will have to wait for now. Too much to do.
"I think not, Hammer. You're wounded and in no condition to lead an expedition down a path we know to have been traversed by an apostate. For all we know, it has trapped the way it came in. It would in fact be one of the more clever uses of an assault like this one."
He lets out a low rumble of frustration, but finally nods in aquiessence. "Fine. I'll make a trip to the Vats myself for a patch job. It would heal on its own, but under the circumstances we may not have the time to wait the few days for me to heal on my own. I'll still tell my team to stand ready to deploy in case something else happens. No sense in waiting; I'll be in touch after my repars are done." While I'm there, perhaps I'll get an additional layer of dermal plating. Or not. The chances of running into another apostate with a beamklave is slim.
Then I shall scout down the apostates trail and either find a possible ambush or any survivors. In either case expect me back shortly.

Aegis waste no time before moving down through the tunnels, through he makes sure to activate his armors stealth system and to move silently as he goes.
Guidance reemerges from the crowd, having spent the bulk of the fighting shepherding the Populate out of the stadium to safety. "Very well done, everyone. Dispatching a beast such as that is impressive indeed."

"I have no need to visit the Vats before we continue on."
Wordlessly Vigil follows Aegis. As he walks he flicks a switch on one of the two amulets he wears around his neck and sighs as a trickle of Essence starts recharging his stores. He checks that the other amulet is in place and easy to hand, then follows Aegis out into the arena and onto the trail of the Apostate.
“Well, I do,†says Flowering pragmatically. “I’m not optimized for combat. If we’re really going on a bug hunt, we should load up properly.â€
Hammer waves his hand over at Flowering. "Walk with me, then. I need to be healed, and I want to retrieve my crossbow and get a fresh suit of armor. The sooner the better. I want to get on the hunt for what this apostate was really after in this attack."

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