[Heralds of Autocthon] The Rat Race

Be careful what you wish for…

For a moment, Unexpected Flowering of Heroic Fortitude is caught up in a flash of one of her previous lives, remembering the sound of her mother saying those words.

Then she leaps into action, trying to brush aside the memory of a woman 200 years dead as she channels Essence to her Charms. Just my luck -- something finally happens, and I had them take that evasion-calculating platform out of my head yesterday!

Livewire snaps into action, knocking her chair backwards as she jumps through the booth's window. She tosses her former project aside, not paying attention to it as it crashed against the floor. As she rushes towards the battle with her companions, she mutters loudly "Typical." She continues in a sarcastic tone, quoting her thoughts earlier in the day "'I don't need any combat charms, no one would be stupid enough to attack an event with every Alchemical in Thutot attending'. Freaking braindead void tainted."

"Hey idiot! This ain't Jarish, we have more than one Alchemical here! Come get a piece of this!" Livewire screams in a taunt as she rushes her way through the crowd, nimbly dodging the fleeing people.

Join Battle: 2, 8, 2, 8, 10, 2

4 Succeses
Hammer of the Populat slips his hand down to the hilt of his beamklave and frees the weapon. With a smooth leap, he jumps down from the skybox that he was sitting in with the others of the circle and charges the weapon in his hand. He also knew that the men of his squad were among the audience, watching the speciacle of the fights. In a loud, commanding voice, he calls out, "MARINES! CROWD CONTROL!" Then, turning his attention to the apostate, he levels the beamklave at him. "You and I have business to attend to." With that, he activates his armshield and steps forward to do battle.

Spending 3m on Parabolic Leap Overcharger Device, 4m on Light Etched Intercepter Barrier, and 5m to activate his Beamklave, all from peripheral Essence which also activates his Anima effect to increase his Soak by 2 for the scene.

Join Battle is with 4 successes


The Apostate let a field of electricity covers him as crackles and arc of electricity can be seen coming out from his body. The people in the crowd are attempting to make a run for it, as the regulators are helping them get out to the nearest exits.

Tick 1: Aegis

Tick 3: Bride, Apostate

Tick 4: Livewire, Hammer

Tick 5: VG 1, 2, 3, Unexpected

Tick 6: VR, VG 4
"You think a little electicity scares me punk? I'll show you!" Livewire screams as the Apostate activates his charms. With a massive exertion she bounds forward, leaping ontop of the heads of the fleeing crowd as she closes with her enemies. Gracefully she continues her path, tapping each person's skull for for only a moment before moving on. She barrels forward, a look of utter concentration on her face.

If any of the enemies are advancing towards us, Livewire fluries a jump action and an aim action at the closest. She will abort the aim action the moment they come into range, letting her act on that tick.

The jump will carry her 16 yards forward and he travels 9 yrds/tick, so by tick 4 she'll be at 52 yards in, and at the end of her aim action she'll be at 80 yards in. So she should be in range of any of them that approach. If it matters, any stunt dice she gets for the jump will add 2 yards to her jump.

If they are all standing around outside range, not approaching, she fluries the jump with a dash action. She'll be 52 yards in on tick 4, and the dash carries her 18 yrds/tick, so she will be at 107 yards in when her action comes up again.
Aegis sinks onto his knee as he reaches the edge of the booth before bringing his Terminator up to the level of his eye, for a split second he considers the possible targets before choosing the rat. Hopefully even if he should fail to kill it, the violent motion a hit would cause might just make the Apostate discharge his electricity into an unprotected part and thus finish it.

His mind cleared Aegis aims down the length of his weapon, bringing one of the large mutated eyes of the rat into the centre of the sight.

Then a loud *thum* is heard as he fires the heated pulse of air moving to strike true.

reflexive movement and aiming for one tick, then attacking.

I should thus act again on tick 5.

ten successes on attack total, before any from a possible stunt

So how much dv/saok does the rat have? my weapon is piercing in case it is relevant.
The Archon clenches her fists and they light up with deadly red flickers of Essence. Still with the voice that drives out all other sounds she speaks again, "The Champions of Gulak has the situation well in hand," the red flicker around her right fist flies towards the apostate. "Follow the directions of the regulators and remain calm," she finishes as the second bolt of Essence shoots past Livewire, causing her hair to stand up straight.

A flurry of two bashing bolts from my integrated Power Mace at the Apostate backed up with 5m worth of 1st dexterity excellency each. They have a range of 100 yards, speed 4, deal 15B and are Piercing.
Flowering’s lithe form surges and crackles with Essence, as the moonsilver implants running along her limbs, torso and neck activate. Her body stretches and elongates, making a ladder of herself, all the way down to the fray.

Mr. Fantastic time! Flowering is spending 4m peripheral to activate Limb-Extension Armatures for a scene, allowing her to stretch herself up to 6 yards.

Just like a Slinky going down the stairs...


Vigil springs out into the arena from his place among the Populat. Seeing the other Champions making plenty of noise he contents himself with pulling the chevron-shaped belt buckle off his waist and in a flare of Peripheral essence causing it to flare to the size of a snowboard as he jumps aboard, securing his feet on the marked paths.

He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a moonsilver coin that rapid flares to a disk a yard in diameter, readying it for a throw.

Time to see how good a Champion I truly am for the State, he mutters.
I'm going to be MIA for the next few days, so assume that Guidance is staying out of the combat for the moment and is focusing on getting the civilians out of the arena as quickly as possible. I'll hop in for the fighting if there's any left when I get back.
The Void Rat doesn't even let a scream as it is destroyed by the power of the blast from Aegis, The Soulsteel apostate opens his palm and let a beamklave pops out from the center of his palm. Bride shot at the Apostate. He evades the first bolt by moving to the side but losing his footing on the dead rat enables him to get hit by the second bolt, but this barely does seem to hurt him at all. He dashes forward toward the Assembly.

Livewire comes close to a Void Golem(1) heading toward the crowd. As Flowering is moving down the stairs with an incredible agility, extending her arms and legs to help moving down and across the crowd.

1 stunt(2m) for livewire, 1 stunt die (2m) for Aegis, 2 stunt die(4m or 1 wp) for Bride, 1 stunt(2m) for Unexpected Flowering

Tick 4: Hammer

Tick 5: VG 1, 2, 3, Livewire, Aegis

Tick 6: VG 4, Vigil, Apostate

Tick 8: Bride, Unexpected
Hammer of the Populat thunders forward like a juggernaut, armored and unstoppable. Alternating between running and leaping to close in distance with the apostate, he finally finds himself close enough to strike with his beamklave. Focusing his Essence into the various actuators and pistons that run his body, Hammer overcharges his arms to deliver a punishing blow with the final concussive blast of the Piston Driven Megaton Hammer.

Spending 3m on First Dex Excellency, 3m on First Str Excellency, and 3m on the Megaton Hammer

I hate this die roller.:mad:


Livewire surges forward like a breeze, ruffling the hairs of those she uses as footsteps. A feral grin comes onto her face as she yells at the golem, not really caring that it was probably unintelligent. "Not fast enough void-shit!" Her word echo forward, just barely outpacing her flowing form.

The closer she draws to the golem, the more her body seems to glow. Iridescent blue steam starts to leak out of the gaps between her plates, and it roils behind her. Finally reaching the edge of the crowd, Livewire nimbly charges forward, hitting the ground without a sound and bringing up her arms to bear.

The smoke twirls around her, obscuring her manic face, leaving only the dim blue glow of her visor to shine through. Suddenly, six beams of buzzing neon erupt above her fists; blazing claws of incredible destruction power. With an explosive force, Livewire smashes into her foe, driving all six claws into its armored body.

Activating my anima banner for 1m, and my claws for 5m. Livewire is going to make a two attack flurry with her claws, spending a willpower on each attack to gain an extra success.

Just for reference, here are what beam weapons do beyond normal.

- Destroy Nonmagical Weapons on Parry

- Parry Successes against Beamklaves halved

- 2L levels of damage if natural weapons used to parry, extras arms are amputated

- Permanently subtracts raw damage from nonmagical armor (and small objects) soak

Base Combat Stats:

Fusion Arc Razors: Speed 5, Accuracy 16, Damage 10L/2, Defense 13, Rate 3, Tags: M, O

Dodge DV: 8 (-2 from attacks)

Parry DV: 7 (-2 from attacks)

Soak: 8L/7B

Essence: 9/16 (9 committed), 15/30 (10 committed)

Willpower: 8/10

Attack 1

4 Successes = 3 Rolled +1 Willpower

Attack 2

8 Succeses = 7 Rolled +1 Willpower

Forgot the aim dice on the first attack, not that it mattered.
seeing the rats head cave in causes Unyielding Aegis of Will a small twinge of satisfaction, which he due to the nature of the target choose to allow himself.

Seeing as Undauntable Bride of Industry seems to have locked the Apostate's attention for now, Aegis chose to trust her ability and instead focuses on the Golems which hunt the people. After swiftly choosing a target another loud *thum* is heard as he let's lose a blast intending to shoot the core straight out of the chest of his target.

Attack, on golem 4, no aiming this time, but instead spending 2 motes on first dexterity excellence, next tick I act on should be 8.

4 successes not very impressive, hopefully any stunt dice will help and their dv's won't be low enough for me to hit anyway.


personal 9/16 ( 5 com) peripheral 33/50 ( 17 com)

willpower 10/10
As Flowering reaches the ground, she resumes her normal proportions, although her body still dances with silver sparks. A hiltless knife seems to appear out of nowhere in her hand, as arcs of Essence leap around her limbs.

Her arm stretches back -- and back, and back, as if she were reaching for something left behind in the stands or the booth.

Then, almost faster than the eye can follow, the lengthened arm snaps up like a catapult or a spear-thrower, sending the silver knife flying at high velocity, heading unerringly towards the grotesquely large eye of the nearest golem like a large, wicked needle.

This is a called shot, Dexterity + Thrown, aiming for the eye, so I’m stunting and spending 4m on the Second Dexterity Excellency to add 2 successes.

Attack roll → 5,8,8,5,1,3,4,10,4

DDV: 3

PDV: 4

Personal Essence: 6 (12)

Peripheral Essence: 18 (34)

Anima at 8m level
Vigil swoops in on his Moonsilver Windblade, the edges flaring and curling to aid in his flight. He readies the coin he'd taken out, and it suddenly grows to a yard in diameter, edges saw-toothed and deadly. He dives at a golem, flipping the Windblade onto its side to give him the best possible shot, anima flaring to display meshed silver and white gears morphing into each other as he flings the chakram at the eye of the closest golem.

Using 1st Dex Aug to add four dice to the attack roll, which pushes his anima to 11+ motes, reducing attack speed from 5 to 4.
The Apostate has no difficulties to get out of the way of Hammer attack. Livewire claws penetrate and destroys her foe. Void Golem(4) is hit by Aegis but surprisingly still able to move, even if it is in a bad shape. Void Golem(2) comes to assist his master by attacking Hammer as he points one of his fist toward hammer and shoots a rocket punch toward him. Void Golem (4) badly hurt by Aegis moves close enough to shoot his rocket punch at aegis, at least within 50 yards but his malfunctioning system fails to harm Aegis. Void Golem (3) is simply shooting his fists at the fleeting crowd until he received the moonsilver knife straight in the eye from flowering, disabling the golem. Vigil attacks void golem 4 is almost falling apart, delivering the final blow.

The Apostate decide to slash Hammer with his beamklaive incorporated in the palm of his swing, swinging at the champion.

Looking at 13 sux for the Apostate, let me know if you are using a reflexive charm to avoid the damage.

Stunts 1 for Hammer, Aegis, Bride, Vigil

Stunts 2 Flowering, Livewire

Tick 7: Hammer

Tick 8: Aegis, Apostate, Bride

Tick 10: VG 2, Livewire, Vigil

Tick 13: Flowering
Hammer stumbles as he swings, and lets out a string of newly invented swear words as he watches the counterattack of his target come towards him.

Hammer has a Parry DV of 8, so that eats up all but 5 of the Apostate's attack, and is able to completely block the rocket punch of the Void Golem. Lethal Soak is 15, with 7 Hardness.


The Apostate blade cut into the chest of Hammer and he appears to be surprised to see him still standing.

so 8 dice of damage, 4 motes drained from the soulsteel property. The Piercing quality is the only reason, it did that much damage (-4L/-4B on soak)

Of course not enough to kill you but yeah serious damage.

So 4L damage.
"Great Maker, lift my body as you lift my spirit!" Bride says in earnest prayer, and a pair of shining golden wings spring from her back even as she jumps from the spectator's box. From her place on high, she looks down upon the battlefield and with a certainty coming equally from a cold, calculating logic and an unquenchable faith in Autochton, she fires bolts of crimson Essence in the places the vile monster is going to be.

Another flurry of two shots with 1st excellency. Also turning on my Essence wings. Mostly because they're awesome. Speed 4 and 15B; P, O4.

Edit: I rolled a die too many on the second attack, but it didn't change anything.

attack 1: 4 sux

attack 2: 8 sux
Aegis finger twitches slightly on the trigger as he swings his weapon over to his new target, intending to help his fellow champion before he is hurt any further.

Careful now, you won't help Hammer by shooting the floor.



The sight of the Terminator lines up with the foul apostates head, following it for a few seconds to better compensate for his pattern of movement.

Then guided by his determination and the precision enhancing charmtech Aegis squeezes the trigger

The terminator shouts its destinct *Thump* and the apostate is thrown by the sheer force of the impact.

Note this post assumes that the Apostate still is alive at tick 11.

Aiming for 3 ticks and then Attacking the apostate.

Channelling conviction on attack and spending the full 6 motes to enhance it.

21 successes. Assuming I hit, the apostate have to make a difficulty 3 (Dexterity or Stamina) + Athletics check or fall prone 2 yards away from me

Also I rolled one die to much because I forgot the range penalty, but that made no difference.


Personal 5/16 (5 com) peripheral 33/50 (17 com)

Willpower 9/10

took motes on my last stunt by the way
Even as he is fighting, The Apostate manage to evade one bolt but is quickly hit by the second one in the middle of chest.

4 dice of damage,1B damage taken
He lets out a grunt of pain as the blade strikes home past his shield and armor, searing his flesh and cooking him from the inside out. "Not bad form, but you left your left side open for a counterstrike!" Hammer whirls his large bulk about and strikes once, then again, his giant blade whirling through the air, seeking the weak points of the Apostate's defenses to bite deep.

For his action on Tick 7, Hammer is going to try a two hit flurry with his beamklave. Wound penalties put me down at the -2 level, so I'm spending 4m on each swing to boost my die pools.

7 successes on the first hit, 4 successes on the second with onslaught penalties, not counting any stunt bonuses.




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