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Fandom Help!! I Have Lost My Mind!![Multi-Fandom Survival RP]

Samevi said:
Of course I am. I'mma take my knives, a road roller, and a stone mask xD
Actually could i make request? if you are going to play someone from Jojo could you please play someone not from part 3
billthesomething said:
Actually could i make request? if you are going to play someone from Jojo could you please play someone not from part 3
Sure. I'll play as Josuke Higashikata.
Name: Josuke Higashikata

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Part 4)

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Height: 185 cm

Weight: 82 kg


Josuke's primary trait is his overall kindness, reflected in his Stand Crazy Diamond which repairs and heals. When a random bystander helped saving him out of genuine kindness, Josuke subconsciously reflected that kindness in him. Agreeable by nature, Josuke isn't as prone to violence as other JoJos and can even calmly tolerate bullying by upperclassmen. Josuke is loyal to his friends and loved ones; even going as far as to risk his life for them.


Stand - Crazy Diamond: Can be "summoned" at will. Is the part of Josuke which powers are channeled through.



Josuke has no powers on his own other than his Stand. His stand, however, has the power to heal and repair people and items. It can also punch really fast, and reform anything or anyone it punches.

Gear: A hairbrush and a comb, to take care of his hair with.
Name: El Presidente

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Fandom: Tropico

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: Charismatic, mysterious, and cares deeply for his island nation.

Abilities: Leadership, skilled in CQC, greatest ruler in existence.

Powers: Guards, political imprisonment, Penultimo<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-8_18-43-2.jpeg.403d747b8c9d19503884c7c6353658f8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123757" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-8_18-43-2.jpeg.403d747b8c9d19503884c7c6353658f8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>, charisma, able to rig elections, can declare martial law, political assassination, propaganda, the El Presidente Backhand.

Gear: (Up to eight items) A pistol. Unlimited bullets



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Some_Bloke]Has anyone taken Skeletor yet and are you allowed multiple characters? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26979-billthesomething/ said:
To answer your question though not my duty 4 characters maximum currently and no one has taken Skeletor nyehehe
Name: Skeletor

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Fandom: He-Man/She-Ra

Sexuality: Homosexual (becuase isn't everyone in the He-Man series)


Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Personality: Skeletor's portrayal in the series is generally comical, as the show's writers were forced to use villains mainly for comic value to keep the show suitable for young children. While he had a genuinely sinister personality in the beginning, as the series progresses Skeletor is treated as more and more incompetent, often bordering on a pantomime villain. However, several episodes show the greater extent of Skeletor's evil, such as "The Problem with Power" in which he tricks He-Man into thinking he has killed a man with his own power, knowing that He-Man will exile himself in shame for his mistake.

Skeletor is a dastardly villain capable of evil deeds however he is weak to the power of Christmas and will turn good once infected with the Christmas spirit. He also likes violence admitting "Fights are fun! I like fights!"

Abilities: Skeletor is skilled in hand to hand combat, sword fighting, leadership and trickery. He was capable of dueling He-man on several occasions and even though he lost he was still able to put up a fight.

Powers: Skeletor wields powerful dark magic. One one occasion he was able to destroy Horde Prime's spaceship with a single blast from his staff. He is also able to use this ability for quick escapes as he can use it to teleport and once fled through a mirror.


Using these abilities he can also create illusions.



Eternian sword


His magical staff


His loyal panther and steed, Panthor

A communications device
Name: Larfleeze

Age: Over a millennium

Gender: Male

Fandom: DC Comics

Sexuality: MINE


Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Personality: Larfleeze is consumed by his greed, making him paranoid and fearful of well...Everyone due to his ring. He wants everything in the universe to be his, however he can never have the one thing he truly wants...His family back. For Larfleeze this is an emotional weakness that can be exploited. As another side-effect of the ring Larfleeze is always hungry and thus is always craving food but despite how much he eats the Orange Lantern always wants more.

Abilities: Skilled thief


Longevity: Larfleeze appears to have an incredibly long Lifespan, having lived on Okaara for a millennium.

Larfleeze, posses an Orange Energy Ring, allowing him to fly, create force fields, and anything that his ring and imagination will allow him to. In addition to the powers all power Rings traditionally grant, Larfleeze's Orange ring can absorb the energies of other energy rings except for that of a Star Sapphire or a Blue Lantern.

Larfleeze appears to posse strength common to someone of his physique, his Strength Class could be much stronger by using the constructs from his energy Ring, though he has never been shown to do so.

Larfleeze has mastered the Orange Ring, allowing him to summon dozens of Energy Avatars in the form of the beings he has killed, for extended periods of time, to act as his soldiers, carrying out his orders and killing his enemies.

Gear: His Orange Lantern ring

An Orange Lantern power battery which he can use to charge his ring.

Anything he can get his hands on via stealing.
Name: Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn

Age: Mid to late 20s

Gender: Female

Fandom: Injustice: Gods Among Us/DC

Sexuality: Bisexual


Height: 5ft 6 (estimate)

Weight: 12.4 lbs (estimate)

Personality: Having moved on from the Joker, Harleen became her own person however she remained her eccentric, almost childish self. While she may come across as an idiot at times, she is a lot smarter than she lets on and can be serious depending on the situation. In most serious situations, however she tries to inject humour.

Abilities: Talented gymnast, bomb making skills, psychiatry and some medical skills (was able to assist Alfred in keeping Detective Chimp alive for a time). She also appears to be good at driving motorcycles as she was able to steal Lobo's


Toxic Immunity: Harleen is immune to most types of toxins or poisons including Joker Venom and Poison Ivy's touch.



-Dual revolvers (see apperance)


- A fake mustache that doubles as a lockpick

She carries some "super-pills" that temporarily grant the user super strength, speed and invertibility. On one occasion after taking a pill she was able to tear Lobo's head off and survive falls from skyscrapers.
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Appearance: He is a short skeleton who always seems to be smiling, he wears a white T-shirt, a blue hoodie, black shorts, and pink slippers.

Height:short is all we really know


Personality:He is a pun loving skeleton with an easygoing attitude... Until you piss him off.


Powers:Gaster Blaster, Telikinesis, bone attacks, teleportation.

Gear: (Up to eight items) Three bottles of ketchup... That's it.
Name: Shaak Ti

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Fandom: Star Wars

Sexuality: Unknown




Height: 1.78 meters

Weight: 57


A powerful Togruta female, Master Shaak Ti's nature was notably different from her heritage at times. A communal species, Ti was highly independent and preferred to operate alone.

With a subtle sense of humor, Master Ti sometimes seemed cold and unfeeling; something that was not helped by her naturally pointed teeth which, when bared, appeared as a sinister snarl.

Despite being trained as a Jedi Consular, Ti's reputation with a lightsaber was well known throughout the Order. Regardless of her reputation, Ti remained humble and preferred to spar with words rather than her lightsaber. Reflective and contemplative, Ti was deeply troubled throughout the Clone Wars, as she was unable to properly reflect on the Order's place in the conflict. Indeed, while a member of the High Council, Ti was often quiet, reflecting on the words of her peers and occasionally interjecting a few soft words into the discussion. On the matter of Anakin Skywalker, Ti was in the minority when she voiced doubt in the young Human's nature and his readiness to be a Knight. She was thus overruled by the other Masters, though she held close to her opinion.


Regarded as a Master of legendary power and strength in the Force, Shaak Ti was a humble woman whose preference for negotiations did not detract from her prowess with a lightsaber. A natural fighter, Ti preferred to focus her energies into the studies of a Jedi Consular, focusing in the fields of diplomacy and healing.[5] One of Ti's greatest gifts was her ability to commune with nature more deeply then most Jedi of the era. Able to control fauna and direct them with her will, she coupled this with theConsitor Sato technique, which enabled her toalter the environment.[6] Shaak Ti was capable of using telekinesis and would use it in conjunction with the environment against her foes. [23] Shaak Ti was able to concentrate lightning into a powerful attackshe could throw at foes.[26]

Aside from her mastery of the Force, Shaak Ti was well versed in several forms of lightsaber combat. Considered one of the finest swordswomen of the era, her colleagues regarded her as one of the most cunning warriors of the day. A practitioner of both theMakashi and Ataru forms, Ti was described as being incredibly graceful, a trait that was amplified by her exotic pigmentation and coloring. While Ti preferred these two forms, she was well trained in all of the standard forms, utilizing Jar'Kai techniques during the Great Jedi Purge and wielding dual blades. Infusing her weapon with the Force, she would throw her enemy off their feet by plunging her sabers into the ground and sending Force tremors through the soil.[6]Easily fighting in crowds, Ti was aided in clearly perceiving her surroundings by the hollow spaces in her cranial horns, ormontrals. Gathering information ultrasonically, they allowed her to speed up her movements faster and with more accuracy than most other Jedi.[1]


Gear: her lightsaber
Name:Scout (Real Name Unknown)

Age: Early Twenties (Specific age unknown)


Fandom:Team Fortress Two



Height: Unknown (At a guess 5'3"

Weight:Light (Weight itself unknown

Personality: Egotistical, headstrong, works well with others, He is a bostonian.

Abilities: Thanks to experiments done on him by the medic he is inhumanely fast

Powers: A double jump

Gear: (Up to eight items)

Scattergun: The Scattergun is the Scout's primary weapon that fires multiple shots and is meant to be used at close rang.

Pistol: Scout uses the pistol to pick off enemies at a distance.

Bat: Scout's close range choice is a baseball bat.

Bonk Atomic Soda: This Self replenishing Drink makes Scout invulnerable for about 30 seconds but he can only use it once per day

Baby Face's blaster: When first equipped it slows him down but when it's boost is full he runs 25% faster than he does on his own

The Soda Popper: When the HYPE is full he gets 7 extra jumps.

Sandman and Baseball: Scout's favorite major league baseball is used to stun his opponents for up to 7 seconds.

Backpack: Scout has a backpack for storing useful items.

Age: unknown

Gender: Male

Fandom: Five nights at freddies

Sexuality: Unknown

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca434e7bb_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesLW3TPU7T.jpg.39466d4f6e045ca3dadf30ad4bac04a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129071" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca434e7bb_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesLW3TPU7T.jpg.39466d4f6e045ca3dadf30ad4bac04a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 6'?


Personality: Bit of an asshole to put it bluntly. He doesn't like people, and hates whiny people, he's a jerk and just unpleasant to be around, he doesn't work well with others.

Abilities: Can run really fast!

Powers: Can give others terrific hallucinations.

Gear: None



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Name: Roronoa Zoro

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Fandom: One Piece (Pre-Timeskip)

Sexuality: Asexual



Asuma Mode


Height: 178cm (5"10)

Weight: ???

Personality: He has a serious and threatening personality that causes most people to fear him. He is one of the members of the "Worst Generation" and is feared thusly. He is hesitant to fight women, but will do it if necessary. He has no patience for the weak and usually ignores them. But if you become his friend, he will be loyal to you. Heavy Sake drinker and wants to become the greatest swordsman. Gets lost very easily.

Abilities: Incredible Swordsmanship (Santoryu)

Powers: Massive Strength: He is a very strong man, able to physically block and redirect hits from a giant. He defeated a thousand trained Marine swordsmen with just the butt of his swords.

Heavy Endurance: He is incredibly resillient to pain, once having all the blood vessels in his body ruptured and still he kept standing. He also got cut by several thousand sword strikes and was still able to fight and defeat a skilled swordsman. He also got cut by the world's strongest sword, Yoru, and was up and fighting a week later.

Asura Mode: He can sprout three heads and six arms, giving him nine swords to work with. This mode was powerful enough to cut through a giant metal robot in one hit.

Gear: (Up to eight items): Legendary Sword Shusui, used by the legendary samurai Ryuma to kill a dragon, Legendary Sword Wado Ichimonji, used by Zoro from the beginning, Sharp Sword Sandai Kitetsu, which carries a curse and is also very sharp. He has his trusty bandanna, and a bottle of Sake.

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Name: Youmu Konpaku

Age: 50

Gender: Female

Fandom: Touhou Project

Sexuality: w-why is this needed Straight


Height: 4'7

Weight: 104 lbs

Personality: She's generally straightforward and diligent. She's loyal, but is gullible. She has a general fear of ghosts, despite being half-ghost herself.

Abilities: She has the ability to fly, but is slower than others in it. She relies more on her instantaneous speed than she does always going at max speed. The objects her swords can cut are close to none, and she is extremely skilled in using her dual swords, despite one being shorter than the other. Her longer sword, Roukan-ken, is able to slice phantoms and other physical objects. Hakurou-ken, the shorter sword, can slice the confusion of other living beings and deflect magical projectiles.


(( Someone tell me the difference between abilities and powers, cause I'm confused . I'll try to post anyway. ))

She has unique abilities at her disposal, not just involving just swishing and swooshing an edgy metal blade around. From slashing in the shape of a crescent, blocking an attack and immediately rushing in on an ambush, to releasing energy from her sword to engage on enemies. Not only do her swords cut with more than sharp edges; when they are swung, she can fire magical projectiles from these swords that deal knock back, but do not deal much damage to skin.

Gear: (Up to eight items) Her two swords, Hakurou-ken and Roukan-ken. (( I don't know if a scarf and a half-phantom that is part of her counts. ))
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Name:Kyle Storm

Age: `16-17


Fandom: Anime in General

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Kawaii,Cute,Hot,

Height: 6'5"

Weight:149 lbs

Personality: Kawaii,Shy,Cute,Nice,Awkward,Lonely,Hot,Likeable,Mystrious,Funny,Artistic

Abilities: Drawing anime

Powers: None

Gear: (Up to eight items) Strength<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/aniem.jpg.cee03a687f529a7d50f5fb88f94c95ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/aniem.jpg.cee03a687f529a7d50f5fb88f94c95ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Kyle Storm]um.. what? can you type that again... make it understandable

[/QUOTE]The characters playing don't care enough about how a character looks. Considering that we have a dog, a yellow gumball, a skeleton, a metal suit of armor, a mad scientist, and a mercenary, I'm pretty sure no one will give a crap about ho kawaii your character looks.

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