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Fandom Help!! I Have Lost My Mind!![Multi-Fandom Survival RP]

[QUOTE="White Shamrock]Name: Alexander Hamilton
Age: mid 20's

Gender: Male

Fandom: Hamilton

Sexuality: Bisexual




Guy in green

Height: 5'7

Weight: 110

Personality: Hamilton is intelligent, he is however also arrogant, and wants his way. He wants to build a legacy, and in a way doesn't care how or who he has to stomp on to get it. He is stubborn and doesn't react well to change, he does enjoy the better things in life. He can be prone to stress or anti-social behavior.

Abilities: Alex is smart and does have qualities to be a leader, he is also good with a gun....1800's at least, and very persuasive and fast writer when it comes to doing something on time.

Powers: none

Gear: (Up to eight items)

Quill, Two dueling pistols, and a shot glass


wow, am actually sort of dumbfounded. well fuck me, never thought i would see a musical character in an RP
billthesomething said:
wow, am actually sort of dumbfounded. well fuck me, never thought i would see a musical character in an RP
I was nervous to put him in, then I said what the hell, been listening to it on repeat :)
[QUOTE="White Shamrock]
I was nervous to put him in, then I said what the hell, been listening to it on repeat :)

give yourself a pat on the back never have i been more dumbfounded and speechless at someone's character choice

ARC-77 "Fordo"






Star Wars


Um... none really




"6 4'


Hell if I know


By the book, programmed


Genetically enhanced strength, speed, stamina, etc



Gear: (Up to eight items)

two DC 17s blaster pistols

Broken DC 15 A blaster rifle (essentially now a metal stick)

Vibro Knife

small medkit
Magnadeus said:
Name: Vile
Age: (idunnohe'sarobot)

Gender: Male

Fandom: Mega Man X

Sexuality: None


View attachment 272176

Height: 6 feet (my guess)

Weight: 200 lb (again, a guess)

Personality: Anger-prone, reckless, (kind of a fucking maniac)

Abilities: He can fly using a built-in jetpack.

Powers: He has three weapons. His shoulder cannon shoots lasers, he can shot his fist out like a rocket, and he has a hidden cannon in his knee that shoots fire.

Gear: (Up to eight items)

Ride Armour

View attachment 272215

Has two arms with 4 spikes each for attacking. Largely susceptible to explosions and bladed attacks. Nearly invincible to bullets. Faster than it seems.
Am sorry but i don't think that vile could work in this RP
Shadowlugia711 said:
Name: Ninetails
Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown, so I'm probably just gonna play this as Female...

Fandom: Okami

Sexuality: *shrugs* normal I guess




Weight: *more shrugging*

Personality: Ninetails is a sly trickster, with a silver tongue and a over-confident attitude. She thinks she is powerful, and hates to show anyone weakness.

Abilities: Quick on her feet and strong as well, she is an adept fighter. She is also good at lying and intimidation.

Powers: Master illusionist, and a master of various types of other trickery magic. Also very good at getting struck by lightning. Don't worry, she'll be fine in a few hours.

Gear: Ninestrike, Tail hood((the one on the middle tail, makes the ninetailed illusion appear)), Mask.

try making another character
Name: The Batter

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Fandom: O F F

Sexuality: Bisexual


Height: 6,8 The batter 7,3 Bad Batter

Weight: 194 lbs batter 213lbs bad batter


He appears reticent and unfeeling, often speaking in as few words as possible. The Batter quickly gets to the point in his conversations and is determined to purify the zones. Observant, The Batter is very smart and can solve puzzles with ease. He appears to be meticulous in the way he goes about completing his mission and does not like to be held up by distractions. Why he is driven to purify the world remains vague to both himself and the people around him.


Save First Base Restores some HP.

Run with Courage Special Attack of the element Metal.

Furious Homerun Special attack of little impact.

Save Second Base Restores a lot of HP.

Run with Grace Special Attack of the element Plastic.

Special Homerun Special attack of mediocre impact.

Save Third Base Restores all HP.

Run with Dementia Special Attack of the element Smoke.

Magic Homerun Special attack of important impact.

Save Fourth Base Reanimates an ally.

Run with Belief Special Attack of the element Meat.

Save Secret Base Restores a lot of HP for the whole party.

Ultimate Homerun Special attack of cataclysmic impact.

Powers: If the Batter gets too strong of a negative emotion he will become the Bad Batter. In this form he has superhuman speed, strength, durability, stamina, and senses. He can also attack with his bat or the huge claws he has. As Bad Batter he cannot feel pain or if he can he ignores the feeling though when he goes back to normal the feeling might be a bit overwhelming. The best way to keep from getting killed by the inner beast is by A. letting it tire itself out B. lead it to somewhere it can't kill anybody so it wears itself out C. Reason with it by proving yourself pure or D. Run away as fast as your legs can carry you

Gear: Iron Baseball bat, Alpha, Omega, and Epsilon

Alpha: Father, Offensive competences focused on single-target damage, some of its moves can afflict the target with diverse status ailments

Saturated Chain Special attack of low impact.

Awaited Embrace Special attack inflicting Poison.

Converted Chain Special attack of mediocre impact.

Requisite Embrace Special attack inflicting Blindness.

Long Chain Special attack of important impact.

Open Embrace Special attack inflicting Mutenes.

Entire Chain Special attack of incredible impact.

Impossible Embrace Special attack inflicting Palsy.

Omega: Son, Competences specialize in status curing and specialized attacks.

Inverse Perspective Cures Blindness and Muteness

Optimised Blur Attack of random impact.

Overdone Perspective Cures Poison and Sleep.

Photographic Blur Attack ignoring the adversary's defense.

Frontal Perspective Cures Fury, Madness and Palsy

Decupled Perspective Revives a person.

Radial Blur Attack decreasing the adversary's defense.

Epsilon: Holy Spirit, Competencies specialize in boosting attributes of allies

Classic Drama Increases an ally's attack lightly.

Surrealistic Tragedy Special attack of multiple, low impacts.

Baroque Drama Increases an ally's defense lightly.

Abstract Tragedy Special attack of multiple, mediocre impacts.

Experienced Drama Increases an ally's intelligence lightly.

Cubist Tragedy Special attack of multiple, important impacts.

Unrevokable Drama Increases an ally's agility lightly.

Fauvestic Tragedy Special attack of multiple, incredible impacts.
Name: Skull Face


Gender: Male

Fandom: Metal Gear

Sexuality: Unknown


Personality: Nihilistic , sadistic,ruthless.

Abilities: Controls a large force consisting of elite soldiers, Skulls, and a large Metal gear.

Powers: Unable to feel pain

Gear: (Up to eight items) Shotgun

XOF soldiers: Elite soldiers equipped with high end weapons and armor.


Sahelanthropus: Large Metal Gear armed with 2 gatling guns, 6 guided missile launchers, 4 surveillance mine launchers, 2 metallic archaea nano-fiber blades, Flamethrower, Rail gun

Tretiji Rebenok/Psycho Mantis: Sahelanthropus's controller, psychic powers

Parasite Unit: Elite soldiers capable of traveling at fast speeds, durability, and armed with heavy machine guns.


Man on Fire:Possesses destructive pyrokinetic powers.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-1_17-59-4.jpeg.70501015ab11c5f2a4cef3d6258e34d4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122020" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-1_17-59-4.jpeg.70501015ab11c5f2a4cef3d6258e34d4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Barbas said:
Name: Skull Face

Gender: Male

Fandom: Metal Gear

Sexuality: Unknown


Personality: Nihilistic , sadistic,ruthless.

Abilities: Controls a large force consisting of elite soldiers, Skulls, and a large Metal gear.

Powers: Unable to feel pain

Gear: (Up to eight items) Shotgun

XOF soldiers: Elite soldiers equipped with high end weapons and armor.


Sahelanthropus: Large Metal Gear armed with 2 gatling guns, 6 guided missile launchers, 4 surveillance mine launchers, 2 metallic archaea nano-fiber blades, Flamethrower, Rail gun

Tretiji Rebenok/Psycho Mantis: Sahelanthropus's controller, psychic powers

Parasite Unit: Elite soldiers capable of traveling at fast speeds, durability, and armed with heavy machine guns.


Man on Fire:Possesses destructive pyrokinetic powers.

Am sorry but Ghost face won't work in this RP, pick someone else
Name: Problem Sleuth

Age: Unknown, athough likely in his early 20s

Gender: Male

Fandom: Problem Sleuth

Sexuality: Presumably bisexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/sleuthy.png.8638167029add8cb7aa8b1ea9c314798.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/sleuthy.png.8638167029add8cb7aa8b1ea9c314798.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: ...short (n/a)

Weight: n/a

Personality: Sees himself as a hard-boiled, rough detective. Is actually a goofy, delusional, adult man who may or may not actually be a detective.

Abilities: He has a variety of COMBAT OPERANDI:

Sleuth Diplomacy: PS guns the other side down with a tommy gun. It's more peaceful when the other side is dead.

Ceasefire: PS drops his weapons and deals a beating.

Flask Smash: Whacks an enemy with his flask.

Sepulchritude: Problem Sleuth's ultimate attack. When activated,

Powers: With a SCHEMA PUMPKIN, Problem Sleuth can transform into a CANDY CORN VAMPIRE until the pumpkin rots, granting him incredible vampire fastness, albeit lacking in vampire defense.

Gear: (Up to eight items)

PUMPKIN: Prone to disappearing. When located, can be used for a gambit schema.

RING OF KEYS: It's a ring of keys. (may or may not actually be a tommy gun)

TOMMY GUN: Problem Sleuth's weapon. (may or may not actually be a ring of keys)



  • sleuthy.png
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Jotaro Kujo






Jojo's Bizzare Adventure:Stardust Crusaders






195 cm.


82 kg.


a rough delinquent; but he has a gentle heart, and is loyal to those he likes. He is highly perceptive, intelligent and quick-witted while keeping a perpetually cool, slightly neutral or disinterested attitude.

Jotaro's most noticeable trait is his seemingly aloof nature. He is a quiet individual, often satisfied with expressing himself in short phrases. Araki has explained that he thinks anyone can tell his emotions just by looking at him, and probably thinks further effort in portraying how he feels to be a waste of time, making others tend to perceive Jotaro as callous.

Jotaro is an extremely cool individual, able to keep his composure in even the direst situations. The best example of his coolness would be against Daniel J. D'Arby, playing a dangerous game of poker during which he successfully bluffs the expert poker player into folding even if he didn't know what cards he had and wagered the souls of every companion and ally involved. Still he is still mildly anxious when something unanticipated happens, but almost never goes as far as to lose his cool.

Moreover, he seemed to be a Foulmouthed individual, having no problem to be insolent even in front of his own mother.


Star Platinum

  • Super Strength: Star Platinum possesses immense strength, being able to throw a Jeep carrying four men and a girl out of the path of an 18-wheeler with one hand, later pulling the same Jeep out of a canyon with only a car as a counter-weight[3], and destroy large artificial diamonds within seconds.[4]
  • Super Speed: Star Platinum can catch a bullet fired at point-blank range, and throw thousands of powerful punches within seconds.

  • Self-Preservation: Star Platinum possesses the awareness and reaction speed to protect Jotaro in many instances that he himself seems unaware; halting a bullet he experimentally shoots at his own head;[1] protecting him while frozen by DIO's Time Stop; and reviving him from near-death by directly pumping his heart.[2]

  • Precision: Star Platinum is incredibly precise; able by hand to surgically remove an object embedded in a person's skull without ill effect, catch a bullet between his thumb and forefinger in midair, and catch Lovers in midair as well.

  • Enhanced Eyesight: Star Platinum utilizes eagle-like eyesight throughout Stardust Crusaders. At some point, Jotaro, with Star Platinum's eyes, could see across a desert for four kilometers[5], as well as identify meaningful details, such as a specific type of fly in high-resolution images.[6] It can also follow a card shuffle performed by a professional gambler, subsequently recounting the entire new order of the deck.

  • Star Finger (???????????? Sut? Fing??, lit. "Meteor Finger Thorn"): Star Platinum can suddenly and forcefully extend his middle and index fingers to a length of one or two meters, allowing it to perform sneak attacks and stab opponents from afar.[7]This ability is similar to and could reference the limb-stretching applications of the Ripple.

Star Platinum: The World stops time

  • Time Stop: Discovered during Jotaro's climactic battle with DIO, like The World, Star Platinum is able to stop time, with an absolute limit of five seconds. Jotaro describes the execution of this ability as exhausting, and he requires a varying length of rest before he may freeze time again, unlike DIO, whose immortality allows him to stop time with much more ease.


STAR PLATINUM-A Stand which represents the Star. Star Platinum can deliver massive multiple punches. It is also so precise and fast that Star Platinum can catch a bullet as it was just shot. He can also stop time during the fight with DIO.


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Name: Jeffery woods

Age: 16

Gender: male

Fandom: creepypasta: jeff the killer

Sexuality: bisexual cuase idk


Due to bleaching, Jeff has extremely pale skin. His eyes are rimmed in ragged black skin, giving him an even more ghostly appearence. After the incident, in the hospital he had found he now has thick, black hair, which he usually wears at shoulder length. He later got his most distinctive trait, the smile that he had carved into his face.

The killer's build is commonly described as lean but fit at the same time and reaching a height of around six feet. His clothing normally consists of a pair of black skinny jeans with a white hooded sweatshirt.





unkown but it says he's lean but fit


sadistic,masochistic, insane, dark minded, childish, mischevious, likes to joke and tease,and he's rather eccentric.


Armed and unarmed combat, great speed, high tolerance for pain







his hoodie
Name: Mickey Mouse

Age: 87

Gender: Male

Fandom: Disney

Sexuality: Straight


Height: 5,2

Weight: 40

Personality: Happy Go-Lucky guy, overly friendly and hospitable, a great leader, can get serious when the going gets tough, has an affinity with children and toons.


Cartoon Logic: Able to bend the laws of physics, not on a universal or even global scale, it's usually just moving from place to place faster than any normal person, bending one's limbs in ways that would usually cause it to break.


Sorcerer Magic: He's able to summon brooms and other things to his side to aid him in battle but he mostly sticks to brooms and such. He is also able to conjure up waves of water and can blast bursts of starry light at opponents.


Keyblade: A great sword wielder and able to do basic magic spells with it. The weapon is very lightweight which allows him to jump around quickly. He's very fast his short stature make him a hard target to hit.

Paint Brush: Unlike the key blade it isn't effective in melee combat, but instead specializes in projectile streams of attacks. It has two settings Paint and Thinner. Paint heals others' wounds and can even make them happy and able to turn weak minded villains friendly ( usually just minions ) not only that but it can create objects. Thinner does the opposite it melts whatever it touches and takes away objects and kills stuff for good.
Name: Revolver Ocelot

Gender: Male

Fandom: Metal Gear

Sexuality: Straight



Personality: Cocky, intelligent, level headed, ruthless.

Abilities: Expert marksmen, master at ricochet shots, skilled at CQC, experienced interrogator.

Powers: Superhuman marksmen, superhuman durability, stamina, and strength.

Gear: (Up to eight items) Three Colt Single Action Army Revolver, "the greatest handgun ever made".

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