

New Member

Yeah, hi. Hello you. You're looking lovely today. I especially like the way you've got your hair. It's nice.

So, my name is Miracle. (It's not really, but y'know, we're all here to make-believe, so run with it.) So-called because it takes divine intervention to save me from my own clumsiness on a day-to-day basis. I'm 24, and I would describe myself as a standard nerd, which is to say I play computer games, read books a lot, play card games and board games, and of course, role play. Or at least, I used to, and I've rather fond memories of it. Enough so I started poking around on google for role playing sites. Now I'm here, and think we can all agree that's broadly a good thing.

Hello Kestrel, by the way. I've looked at some of the other introduction threads, and that seems like a fairly safe bet. I've also, consequently, read through the post the delightful admin/mod Ehmygirl will presumably be posting, (hello to you too.) I don't suppose anyone has any questions for me? I don't really think I have any myself, at the moment, except for myself. ("What kind of role play am I actually interested in? How much time do I have to commit to it?.." Etc, etc.)
Ehmy is neither admin nor mod - just a regular user. But she certainly is very present in the welcome committee! Speaking of, welcome to :RPN:, Miracle. Ever heard the Kimbra song by the same name?
She isn't?.. But her name was yellow. Yellow! I assumed that meant something. To be honest, I can't say I'm familiar with the song, or the artist.

I totally get that - Kimbra is.... She's kind of all over the place. Most of the time her music isn't quite like that. But yeah, that's what I'm gonna think of every time I see you around the forums! ...Sorry. xD
That's ok, I'm happy to have a site where my name is as simple as 'Miracle'. I've been using the handle online for 15 years, but these days it's not easy to get onto a site and not have that and a dozen variations on it taken. That's my consolation.
You have no idea how hard I'm laughing. That totally made my day, so thank you. And I like the way you wear your hair as well. Anyway, welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I don't think I need to introduce myself, so I? If you have questions in the future, you can always ask me.
Ah, right, the confetti... I was prepared for this... Let me just, uh... *Trips over a(n in)conveniently placed banana skin.*

Ok, well. Uh, yeah. Never mind. Thank you, and hello.
Miracle said:
I've also, consequently, read through the post the delightful admin/mod Ehmygirl will presumably be posting, (hello to you too.)
And a hale hearty hello to you as well. And, since you have read it and are expecting it, I shall not burden you with a repeat of my performance for, unlike the great Bard, once it has been read, it need not be read again as it doth amuse, but not so wholly that it can amuse always. :) I am not an admin today but I have, when the pipes have called, answered and so I have had been a moderator as well as administration a few times on this site and, when the trenches need not yet another solider, I quietly retreat to my corner and wait until I am needed once more. :) You can call me Ehmygirl, Ehm, or even Xylin. I answer to them all.

Anomaly said:
Ehmy is neither admin nor mod - just a regular user
Oh, come now. Just a regular user? Honey, there ain't nothing regular about me (dramatically flipping my 1920s style scarf over my left shoulder). I am one of a kind, unique, unparallelled on this site and I dare anyone to deny it. :D Also, I hate being called ehmy. Only my sister gets to call me that and she only does it on special occasions.

I am feeling dramatic today. Oh boy, I really shouldn't watch certain shows. I have been influenced.
Ehm is fine. Now, if only I could get my family to spell it that way. But, alas and alack only my SIL gets it.
Huzzah! But, what happened to being Mrs. Hesperus? I thought that was adorable~.

Oh, and I forgot to include it in my post before, @Miracle. I can totally understand Kimbra not being your jam, but what is your jam?
What is my jam... Hm. I guess I'm a cherry person, although strawberry and blueberry are also very fine.

But uh, in seriousness, I have a fairly wide-ranging taste, but it mostly centres on rock and metal, particularly punk rock, folk metal, and symphonic rock/metal. Stuff like


I'll do my best. I'm a recent mother. (It occurs to me that I didn't include this in my introductory post.) So I've been looking for slightly slower paced/meditative/can-leave-the-computer-to-stop-one-of-the-twins-biting-the-other-one's-nose hobby. So I expect, or rather, hope, to be active here.
Miracle said:
I'll do my best. I'm a recent mother. (It occurs to me that I didn't include this in my introductory post.) So I've been looking for slightly slower paced/meditative/can-leave-the-computer-to-stop-one-of-the-twins-biting-the-other-one's-nose hobby. So I expect, or rather, hope, to be active here.
Fair enough and congratulations. That is quite an achievement, and not your only, I'm sure. Just letting you know that you will be thought of fondly, even if due to unusual circumstances, if I do say so myself.
Well, hello there... welcome to this site of place things, too new to say anything interesting about the place but its got some variety atleast.
Aha I see you are aware of the superior type of game (insert plug to nations game here), which of the 4 big ones would you say is your favorite?

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