Other Hello, Hi! Looking for League of Legends players.


Lil' Artist
Hi everyone!

I thought since I'm on this site, and not use it for just roleplaying but to also find people with similar tastes. (:

And I myself play League, yeaaahhh.

I'd like to meet other players and all out there and get to even play some matches with you all!

So quick info:

  • I started playing the beginning of July.
  • I am new to this whole MMO gaming style.
  • I am a lame player still, lol.
  • I play most of the time, depending if I stay up late into the night.
  • I am on the North America server,
  • I have one main account and one pug/smurf account.

So if you like, find me under
Chinevinex or Scurlock!

Chine is my main account at level 17 at the moment.

Scurlock is my pug/smurf account being a level 10.

Quick note; if you decide to add me, let me know because I usually like to Skype with the people I play with, it is much better for me than having to type for stuff, so yeah, let me know, I'll give you my Skype username.

Thanks everyone for your time reading this!
My summoner is roadkyll on NA. Don't really play my smurf so it's not important.

Played since Oct 2011 so I guess you could say I've been around a while. Don't play a lot of ranked but placed gold 3 last season and currently silver 3 in promo (blasted placement AFKs blahhh)

I play everything but I hate going top lane. (aka the boxing lane, ding ding!)

I can't explain my 'regular' play times. My work schedule is spaztastic. I could be on mid afternoon or midnight. Who knows?

If you Skype with me, heads up- my swearing gets creative when I play League.

Add me at your own risk! :P
Haha, top lane has been usually my best lane, I can toggle between all three though if needed to be.

Mines usually occurs in the late evening, like around ten? Sometimes in the morning when I am home and have time to play on League.

Ahahaha, not a problem at all. When I play a couple of matches with my friends, they get 'colorful' over the Skype calls.
What timezone would that be? I'm in MDT now.
I play too, But I'm on Brazil server. Did the migration last year.

If the conditions were cool I would play on NA too.
My ign is TechEwok. I play on NA and I'm in pst. Usually play frequently and have had an interest in playing with others for fun and what not. I play pretty much all roles and have a Skype as well. So if you want to play I'd be happy to.
Ahhh, another one from the PST time zone. Cx

That'd be awesome.

My main account is Chinevinex and then my Skype is dangerxdog, just make sure to let me know in the message section who you are!
Hello there! My ign is Nightdawn and I usually play either jungle or support. I love playing with new people, so feel free to add me~ :)
I play league, my IGN is clockworksummonr (since I main Ori but everyone assumes I main zilean D=) I pretty much play any role that is needed... In fact I say 'Fill or Feed' on a regular basis to get a positive attitude going through the group.

I don't take league incredibly seriously nor do I play ranked, I play for fun and owning every champion didn't stop the game from growing stale, so I pretty much only play if I have friends on.

I'll add you tomorrow when I am on my laptop, I'm on a mobile phone, haha.

I myself enjoy it, I still pretty much suck. xD But I try to get the fun out of it.
beautifulsweetsong said:
I'll add you tomorrow when I am on my laptop, I'm on a mobile phone, haha.

I myself enjoy it, I still pretty much suck. xD But I try to get the fun out of it.
I always place fun above skill... I am also the prime example of "punch first, ask questions while punching" (refrence to vi) Where I don't really think about what I am doing until I start doing it...

Not sure why I said that, but basically, its a game and fun is king... thats why I play AP blitzcrank during ultra rapid fire >:3
Oh goodness AP Blitz. xD

They scare the hell out of me, it's like you're running away and then he goes, 'Oh! Where are you going?' Then he grabs you and you die, lol.
beautifulsweetsong said:
Oh goodness AP Blitz. xD
They scare the hell out of me, it's like you're running away and then he goes, 'Oh! Where are you going?' Then he grabs you and you die, lol.
The one URF gamemode I played as AP Blitz... I only missed a single pull and I ended up with a penta... Mwha...ha...ha...

(by the way, in case you don't know, ultra rapid fire is 80% cooldown reduction + no mana worries)
Unnnff, the most I can go up to is a double kill. >W<

And yeah I didn't lol, I am still learning a lot little by little. xD

But hey it helps out in a way. c:
beautifulsweetsong said:
Unnnff, the most I can go up to is a double kill. >W<
And yeah I didn't lol, I am still learning a lot little by little. xD

But hey it helps out in a way. c:
Pentakills are pretty much dependant on who you're playing (tanks and supports won't get them but ADCs and assassins get them easily when fed).. I still have yet to actually pentakill outside of game modes like ARAM and URF... My only summoners rift pentakill was against the braindead bots..
Ahhhh, I've done some PvP to get a double kill once, haha.

I am trying to work with Caitlyn at the moment since she is a free player, I bought her already just trying to constantly practice with her to time my shots right. Cx
Ive only gotten a penta with Syndra and Taric. Taric was interesting.

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